On July 31 2011 01:52 Kaniol wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 01:47 Juicyfruit wrote: What are all the good champions that hextech gunblade is good on? I want to try a team where all 5 go gunblade and then focus all the actives on 1 guy huehuehue. Semitryhard I'd say: Morde, Akali solos, jungle Jax, bot Kayle and a support (there's a problem with finding a support with gunblade  )
Solution: Kayle -is- the support! Run her with like Tryndamere or something idk.
On July 31 2011 01:49 gtrsrs wrote: don't actives in this game have a global cooldown on the same item? i.e. you can't stack 5 randuin's slows because if your teammate uses it, you can't use it until his CD is over? idr Nope, that would be really dumb. You can't stack randuin's active because it's shown as a debuff, you don't shoot 5 DFGs because it does less damage if your opponent isn't full hp, shooting 5 gunblades on the same target at the same time will do full damage and apply the slow as of the last one that got shot.
It's actually kinda interesting: If you use DFG, is the damage calculated based on the HP the target has 1) when you cast 2) when it hits If it's the latter, then multiple DFGs should be fun. In any case, if you do that 5 Gunblade thing, make sure you get at least one DFG after that. And of course you should have a couple of Ignites.
On July 31 2011 01:02 r33k wrote: Irelia lost so much damage that she went from carry to bruiser.
I don't understand. Irelia always was a bruiser she just does less damage now. Her sustained and burst are still pretty high. Nobody ever built all damage items on irelia so she's not really a carry.
Can i consider Irelia anti carry? Shes one of the biggest pains to go against with my main characters (Malzahar/Ezreal)
Yeah she is an anti carry. I learned that when while playing Kog'Maw against an Irelia.. god that match hurt.
On July 31 2011 02:28 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 01:02 r33k wrote: Irelia lost so much damage that she went from carry to bruiser. I don't understand. Irelia always was a bruiser she just does less damage now. Her sustained and burst are still pretty high. Nobody ever built all damage items on irelia so she's not really a carry. Nobody ever built BF items because it makes no sense on a melee, but once she got farm she would 1v5 teams. You've been playing too much LoL if you think a carry is someone who builds all damage items.
On July 31 2011 03:42 r33k wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 02:28 Slayer91 wrote:On July 31 2011 01:02 r33k wrote: Irelia lost so much damage that she went from carry to bruiser. I don't understand. Irelia always was a bruiser she just does less damage now. Her sustained and burst are still pretty high. Nobody ever built all damage items on irelia so she's not really a carry. Nobody ever built BF items because it makes no sense on a melee, but once she got farm she would 1v5 teams. You've been playing too much LoL if you think a carry is someone who builds all damage items. However this is LoL forums and you are talking about LoL, in this game the carries and tanks are not what they are in DOTA. Also in this game bruisers in general have the highest potential of 1v5ing teams, unlike ad or ap carries
I finally managed to make it back to gold elo, and I even got it SPOT ON: 1875. Now I hope Riot manages to close the season before my elo starts to decay again...
It was a long elollercoaster. I struggled up to 1850 countless times, just to get nuked down below 1700 immediately after. At some point I decided to write a short summary after each game. I think it was shortly after I got loseshuttled by a Korean duofeederqueue 3 times, even though I took breaks between games to avoid them...
+ Show Spoiler +0-3 Udyr, carries crushed by Jarvan + Kayle ult, team clumps up for Orianna ult.
Solid team, easy victory.
Bot lane last pick Irelia blames me (mid) for her losing the lane.
0-5 Trundle gets counterjungled hard even though he knew it's coming.
Bad Trundle but nobody fed too much so we won.
I don't know what went wrong in this game. But I sure wasn't carried either.
Horrible Poppy and Brand, flaming Caitlynn.
5v4, I got a Tiamat (win).
Solid team, easy victory.
Akali + Nocturne feeding.
Soraka Teemo > Taric Corki (win).
Twisted Bad and Gangbad.
Bad+kiddy Gangplank, won anyways (bad enemy Trynd).
Horrible Brand. Obviously I am the one to blame.
Ashe, Leona and TF make it their job to feed Annie.
Brand gets fed (win).
Annie goes 13-0 (win on all fronts).
Lee Sin goes 10-0. Was Nicosharp supposed to be any good? Loss.
Teemo Amumu Galio Sona Malzahar is pretty strong.
Anivia goes 13-0 (win on all fronts).
Solid team, easy victory.
2 free Barons thanks to people getting killed for dumb play.
Horrible top and bot lanes.
Horrible Amumu, bad MF. Poor Kog gets so much hate (win anyways).
Solid team (aside from trying to do the enemy red instead of retreating duh), victory.
Solid team (aside from Brand going 10-8 zzz), victory.
Solid team, easy victory.
Udyr feeds Twitch 1v1 top.
Solid team, easy victory.
4v5 AND a bad Wukong AND a 1-12 TF.
Mediocre team (feeding away advantages), win through 1 good engage.
Mediocre team, win because enemies stayed too long after they took an inhib.
Udyr + WW carrying our enemies real hard.
Bad enemies.
Retarded (ima go afk and forget to take smite) Amumu and bad Mordekaiser.
First pick Annie threatening to go afk if someone plays badly, following it up by being horrible.
Guess that was a solid team... but gosh that took a while.
RiotLykaeus trying to defend bottom outer tower 30 minutes into the game, alone. Soraka and Amumu
suiciding lategame.
Teemo > Singed, win on all fronts.
Scy and Lykaeus feed.
Solid team, easy victory.
Managed to draw it out to 60 minutes despite huge earlygame lead (win).
Last pick threatens to go afk if he wouldn't get mid, loses the lane. Horrible Sona.
Gingerbrown talking big and feeding the enemy team to victory.
Solid team, victory.
One of the Korean duoqueuers that cost me 3 games before on the enemy team, possibly with a new duo partner. Victory.
We crushed them (except for Wukong who underestimated Lanemumu).
Solid team, victory.
Solid team, victory.
Solid team into 4v5, FINALLY 1875!!!!
When the fuck is Riot going to fix it so that an actual disconnected player stops a Ranked game from starting entirely? Just got my second 4v5 loss this week to a random-pick who never connected.
On a related note, Loco your Taric build also works for Soraka - after I bought my 6th Doran's Ring and got elixired up, I walked up to baron and stole it with an autoattack <3
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Eune down. Games don't start and you sit in the queue forever.
On July 31 2011 07:08 BluzMan wrote: Eune down. Games don't start and you sit in the queue forever. Must be east only. West fine atm.
On July 31 2011 02:26 spinesheath wrote: It's actually kinda interesting: If you use DFG, is the damage calculated based on the HP the target has 1) when you cast 2) when it hits If it's the latter, then multiple DFGs should be fun. In any case, if you do that 5 Gunblade thing, make sure you get at least one DFG after that. And of course you should have a couple of Ignites. Everything with a travel time is calculated by when it hits, according to a red post.
On July 31 2011 06:41 spinesheath wrote:I finally managed to make it back to gold elo, and I even got it SPOT ON: 1875. Now I hope Riot manages to close the season before my elo starts to decay again... It was a long elollercoaster. I struggled up to 1850 countless times, just to get nuked down below 1700 immediately after. At some point I decided to write a short summary after each game. I think it was shortly after I got loseshuttled by a Korean duofeederqueue 3 times, even though I took breaks between games to avoid them... + Show Spoiler +0-3 Udyr, carries crushed by Jarvan + Kayle ult, team clumps up for Orianna ult.
Solid team, easy victory.
Bot lane last pick Irelia blames me (mid) for her losing the lane.
0-5 Trundle gets counterjungled hard even though he knew it's coming.
Bad Trundle but nobody fed too much so we won.
I don't know what went wrong in this game. But I sure wasn't carried either.
Horrible Poppy and Brand, flaming Caitlynn.
5v4, I got a Tiamat (win).
Solid team, easy victory.
Akali + Nocturne feeding.
Soraka Teemo > Taric Corki (win).
Twisted Bad and Gangbad.
Bad+kiddy Gangplank, won anyways (bad enemy Trynd).
Horrible Brand. Obviously I am the one to blame.
Ashe, Leona and TF make it their job to feed Annie.
Brand gets fed (win).
Annie goes 13-0 (win on all fronts).
Lee Sin goes 10-0. Was Nicosharp supposed to be any good? Loss.
Teemo Amumu Galio Sona Malzahar is pretty strong.
Anivia goes 13-0 (win on all fronts).
Solid team, easy victory.
2 free Barons thanks to people getting killed for dumb play.
Horrible top and bot lanes.
Horrible Amumu, bad MF. Poor Kog gets so much hate (win anyways).
Solid team (aside from trying to do the enemy red instead of retreating duh), victory.
Solid team (aside from Brand going 10-8 zzz), victory.
Solid team, easy victory.
Udyr feeds Twitch 1v1 top.
Solid team, easy victory.
4v5 AND a bad Wukong AND a 1-12 TF.
Mediocre team (feeding away advantages), win through 1 good engage.
Mediocre team, win because enemies stayed too long after they took an inhib.
Udyr + WW carrying our enemies real hard.
Bad enemies.
Retarded (ima go afk and forget to take smite) Amumu and bad Mordekaiser.
First pick Annie threatening to go afk if someone plays badly, following it up by being horrible.
Guess that was a solid team... but gosh that took a while.
RiotLykaeus trying to defend bottom outer tower 30 minutes into the game, alone. Soraka and Amumu
suiciding lategame.
Teemo > Singed, win on all fronts.
Scy and Lykaeus feed.
Solid team, easy victory.
Managed to draw it out to 60 minutes despite huge earlygame lead (win).
Last pick threatens to go afk if he wouldn't get mid, loses the lane. Horrible Sona.
Gingerbrown talking big and feeding the enemy team to victory.
Solid team, victory.
One of the Korean duoqueuers that cost me 3 games before on the enemy team, possibly with a new duo partner. Victory.
We crushed them (except for Wukong who underestimated Lanemumu).
Solid team, victory.
Solid team, victory.
Solid team into 4v5, FINALLY 1875!!!! For me it would be like: + Show Spoiler +I'm first pick, go 10-0, duo queue 1700's troll me because I'm 2k.
I'm last pick, get carried by Chauster.
I'm first pick, go 10-0, duo queue 1700's troll me because I'm 2k.
I'm last pick, get carried by Voyboy.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oHgAZ.png) we queued into maknoon's TRYHARD TEAM in normasl i don't know why cause daniel is level 23 and things did not go well fisr time i play this game in a while cuz im busy with dragons nest and tttttt
Tribunal seriously doesn't fucking work at all. Just dropped freaking 100 points because of afk trolls and leavers. All in games were we had massive leads and were going to win.
So what changed between now and eight months ago that says you shouldn't put Ashe or Caitlyn mid anymore?
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On July 31 2011 08:25 WhiteNights wrote: So what changed between now and eight months ago that says you shouldn't put Ashe or Caitlyn mid anymore? EU style double AP mid+top with AD+Support which is pretty solid although it has its counters. Cait can still play solo lanes fine but Ashe is pretty weak in a solo lane.
On July 31 2011 08:10 unichan wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/oHgAZ.png) we queued into maknoon's TRYHARD TEAM in normasl i don't know why cause daniel is level 23 and things did not go well fisr time i play this game in a while cuz im busy with dragons nest and tttttt Nice winloss.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts