On July 31 2011 08:27 MoonBear wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 08:25 WhiteNights wrote: So what changed between now and eight months ago that says you shouldn't put Ashe or Caitlyn mid anymore? EU style double AP mid+top with AD+Support which is pretty solid although it has its counters. Cait can still play solo lanes fine but Ashe is pretty weak in a solo lane. Ashe is even weaker in a duo lane. If you want Ashe to have an impact on the game aside from occasional initiations on enemies out of position then you better let her go mid.
On July 31 2011 13:53 lynx.oblige wrote: Annoying != good
Lane Nunu is annoying. Does that make you want to play him in an important match? Build him AD, free movespeed, attackspeed and a snare, no one can run everyone will die.
On July 31 2011 18:16 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 08:27 MoonBear wrote:On July 31 2011 08:25 WhiteNights wrote: So what changed between now and eight months ago that says you shouldn't put Ashe or Caitlyn mid anymore? EU style double AP mid+top with AD+Support which is pretty solid although it has its counters. Cait can still play solo lanes fine but Ashe is pretty weak in a solo lane. Ashe is even weaker in a duo lane. If you want Ashe to have an impact on the game aside from occasional initiations on enemies out of position then you better let her go mid.
Don't really get this. She's extremely level independent all you want ashe to do it sit at the back and shoot things and the you can farm pretty well in a duo lane, even if you don't win the lane outright you support ganks really well.
Ashe is like not level dependent at all unless you want that extra hawkshot range for some reason. Sure you gain a bit of health but I don't understand why you'd want to gimp your team with an ashe with very little map presence aside from arrow compared to some overpowered roaming AP champion who also wins the lane.
When I see AD solos (like corki top) I usually just see them farming all game anyway which is what carries do so why not put them in a duo lane which is harder to punish farming because of the double ranged and support to ward from ganks. AD are pretty bad until they get like infinity edge+zeal anyway levels don't help much. Sure levels are great on anyone. Solo mid AP janna has done well in my games a few times and the solo makes her not nearly as squishy as a support janna but that doesn't mean I want to put janna in solo mid.
Heh, chaox on his stream. "Well, their main problem is they have caitlyn solo mid, the problem with ad solo mid is that their midgame damage is balls. Even though she has levels, she does no damage".
On July 31 2011 19:08 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 13:53 lynx.oblige wrote: Annoying != good
Lane Nunu is annoying. Does that make you want to play him in an important match? Build him AD, free movespeed, attackspeed and a snare, no one can run everyone will die. That was only viable before his nerf. Right now you are forced to put some levels in his Q and his E is just terrible.
I always went hog bv atmas but that's not viable right now as a jungler, I haven't tried him in lane because of how boring he is, but regardless I think he doesn't have enough tankiness or damage to be a good enough bruiser.
LoL forums are close to rioting right now because people started to realize that even with a new champion every 2 weeks riot only keeps 16 champions top tier at a time. Again, I would be so happy if they made a patch reverting the nerfs to Sion, J4, Ryze, Galio, Xin, Irelia, NuNu and Sivir. With TF ult range upped so that he can port from mid front tower to either side front tower. And maybe small buffs to ashe ez and corki.
Ashe is level dependant. Even more so ever since the R nerf. You typically start to pressure objectives around the time your solo mid is lvl 6-11. Ashe won't even be lvl 9 for rank 5 Volley for most of that time. Volley is 90% of Ashe's midgame, having twice the cooldown on that is ridiculous. Q being at a low level isn't helpful either. Ashe is slow and squishy without an escape. If she falls behind in levels compared to the enemy nukers, she dies. The extra HP and other stats from levels (worth a ton of gold actually) help a lot.
But the most problematic part is that Ashe actually is really weak bottom. There is no support that synergizes particularly well with Ashe against ranged AD + support lanes. Sure against melees, Ashe + Janna is ridiculous. Against most Corki/Caitlynn/Vayne/Trist/Taric/Soraka/Sona combos, Ashe + any support is really weak. No freefarming for you if your opponents know what they are doing.
Bottom lane Ashe doesn't contribute much until very very late into the game. If you don't want Ashe mid and you can find another way to initiate fights then I would advise you to just not pick Ashe.
On July 31 2011 19:34 r33k wrote: LoL forums are close to rioting right now because people started to realize that even with a new champion every 2 weeks riot only keeps 16 champions top tier at a time. Again, I would be so happy if they made a patch reverting the nerfs to Sion, J4, Ryze, Galio, Xin, Irelia, NuNu and Sivir. With TF ult range upped so that he can port from mid front tower to either side front tower. And maybe small buffs to ashe ez and corki. Are you saying that Galio, Xin and Corki are bad right now? Because they most certainly aren't. Jarvan is good, Irelia is ok, Ashe is good (with a proper team). I haven't seen enough of the others to really judge them, but I recently had a Sivir doing really well (we let her have mid), and a Ryze going 9-0 on the enemy team.
There definitely are more "top tier" champs than people think. Half the champs people consider bad are actually really good under the right conditions. I wouldn't want a game where you can just take ANY champ, put him into ANY team against ANY opponents and he will perform well.
Haven't played corki so I just added him because he got touched last patch.
As far as ashe is concerned, She is ok in a solo lane, but personally I would have liked MF and trist more to be balanced towards being solo lane champion. The normalization on their healing reduction hurt them more than most people realize because they would have been great at shutting down bruisers with sustainability coming from heals and would have been a great addition to competitive counterpicking.
I personally don't like what Galio and Xin have become since they originally came out. (well, not release xin, think first nerf xin) Xin's mindset used to be "jump in, big nuke, if they just sit here I knock them up and they can't run". Right now he is "jump in, ult because otherwise I just die, hit a knockup because AP carries need to stand still and won't run, run around and be a bruiser". Galio used to be really fun because he did a ton of damage. His E was his main nuke with a targeting system that no other character has. His ult did a fuckton of damage, but you could also die from it, which added a lot of decision making and depth to the character. Right how his main nuke is the most vanilla shit in the game, and he does no damage at all.
Just want to inform everyone that I'm back n1 solo Q ELO on EU! D:
So you're basically saying that ashe is bad in a duo lane despite being a first pick in many games in dreamhack indeed winning many games in dreamhack because of ashe lategame+arrow? Really. I'm not going to give up a solo lane AP to have ashe have level 5 volley. Ashe having less levels isn't a good thing but someone has to give them up and it turns out the one least likely to get hit is ashe/the support anyway.
On July 31 2011 19:58 EffectS wrote: Just want to inform everyone that I'm back n1 solo Q ELO on EU! D:
We don't have space in this forum for useless trash posts from useless trash players thanks! :D <3
On July 31 2011 20:07 Slayer91 wrote: So you're basically saying that ashe is bad in a duo lane despite being a first pick in many games in dreamhack indeed winning many games in dreamhack because of ashe lategame+arrow?
Yes. At least if your goal is to have an Ashe that is more than an R-bot.
On July 31 2011 20:07 Slayer91 wrote:So you're basically saying that ashe is bad in a duo lane despite being a first pick in many games in dreamhack indeed winning many games in dreamhack because of ashe lategame+arrow? Really. I'm not going to give up a solo lane AP to have ashe have level 5 volley. Ashe having less levels isn't a good thing but someone has to give them up and it turns out the one least likely to get hit is ashe/the support anyway. Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 19:58 EffectS wrote: Just want to inform everyone that I'm back n1 solo Q ELO on EU! D: We don't have space in this forum for useless trash posts from useless trash players thanks! :D <3 IDD I don't like her taking a solo lane either but she needs to rush that lv11. Her biggest nerf came after dh.
I think the main counterargument against ashe solo is that mages and tanks profit more from those extra levels. What would you rather have: a level 9 akali and lvl 11 ashe or a level 9 ashe and a level 11 akali?
making similar examples in my head I think I rather send her bottom.
good arguments for solo asher are A) she is somewhat of a semicarry/ganker in my eyes since she has no steroid and high utility and B) it allways depends on your lineup where you send her.
just go ashe botlane with leona, ashe ult- leona ult- leona root- leona stun GG leona imba incase u were wondering
Okay, so does anyone know why Wukongs Q doesn't apply on-hit effects? Is that bugged as well?
Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any good?
On July 31 2011 23:17 JackDino wrote: Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any decent? Graphics are really nice, has some delay for me as it seems like the server's based in NA, The jungle is really well built and the hero design is interesting, I'd say that it's a pretty good game, I greatly prefer it over HoN at least
On July 31 2011 23:26 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 23:17 JackDino wrote: Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any decent? Graphics are really nice, has some delay for me as it seems like the server's based in NA, The jungle is really well built and the hero design is interesting, I'd say that it's a pretty good game, I greatly prefer it over HoN at least Why can't you drag the mousewheel to navigate map ;_;
rjs is way too super solid in his skills.
On July 31 2011 23:26 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 23:17 JackDino wrote: Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any decent? Graphics are really nice, has some delay for me as it seems like the server's based in NA, The jungle is really well built and the hero design is interesting, I'd say that it's a pretty good game, I greatly prefer it over HoN at least played it like once and the lack of real particles (that, ya know, like emanate from the caster so you can understand who is doing what) on skills makes everything super confusing for me.
I think that alone makes it unfriendly, especially for me as a new player
On August 01 2011 01:06 sRapers_ValkS wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 23:26 Shikyo wrote:On July 31 2011 23:17 JackDino wrote: Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any decent? Graphics are really nice, has some delay for me as it seems like the server's based in NA, The jungle is really well built and the hero design is interesting, I'd say that it's a pretty good game, I greatly prefer it over HoN at least played it like once and the lack of real particles (that, ya know, like emanate from the caster so you can understand who is doing what) on skills makes everything super confusing for me. I think that alone makes it unfriendly, especially for me as a new player It's really really boring audiowise. Also, best yorick guide:http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=3179
On July 31 2011 23:17 JackDino wrote: Has anyone played RotT yet and knows if it's any good?
I have played a 20-30 games of it the last week. I like the graphics and layout. while there are some bugs still (well it is in the closed beta, what should I expect?) and there are some seriously OP champions (again beta stage) it was much better than HoN in the introductory phase as far as learning curve goes. Not to mention the way it looks is easier to look at and understand rather than the HoN world. the jungle layout is closer to lol with pretty much setup ways through (again similar to LoL) but you can break the terrain with some skills like tidehunters W (like how trees can be broken in HoN).
there are a similar to summoner system with skills called titan skills, but they are more like a 5th skill than a summoner and you can change them in game and lvl them up.
Jungling works, but it works kinda differently than in LoL. Minions spawn at 1 min, then all jungle creeps spawn at 2 min and they dont give any buffs. They are harder to kill (more like HoN) at lvl 1 but it can be done.
there are no drake or Baron or Nashor, instead there are 4 bosses (2 for each team) that can be reached by using 2 teleports (1 at top lane and 1 at bot) or walking to the enemy control point (kinda like an inhibitor) and walking from there. The bosses are all like Nashor pretty much, they take a lot of dps to get down and do tons of dmg while getting better as the game progresses. And when killed the boss will spawn in mid lane after 60 sec.
Havent had much time for LoL these last days due to this game being pretty cool,
EDIT: saw someone above me posted something while I wrote this: I dont know what you mean by lacking particles, as far as I have seen all the heroes have particles for their spells and attack animations. Some are not timed right when it comes to when someone takes dmg from an auto attack and when the particles hit (deccat and misfirel comes to mind) but I mean it's still in the Closed beta so ://
same goes for the audio part, Closed beta so I am actually surprised about how much audio there is compared to other CB I have tried.