and earlier today i tought about running shaco in roaming style. would this be viable or is shaco's lack of reliable hard cc a prob?
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Germany620 Posts
and earlier today i tought about running shaco in roaming style. would this be viable or is shaco's lack of reliable hard cc a prob? | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On July 01 2011 11:47 Brees wrote: if you can remember the last time some one was standing still while you wailed on them as olaf, then by all means keep attack speed runes but you may not be level 30 yet But you do know that ASpd speeds up your attack animation? Hit > chase > hit becomes easier the more ASpd you have because you don't have to wait so much until your attack animation finishes (or can be canceled, whatever). It's mostly for that same reason that ranged ADs build ASpd: They don't have to stand still for a second to get an attack off. As soon as you have an enemy chasing you, you typically won't get to attack at your maximum attack speed. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On July 01 2011 16:44 byFd wrote: so yesterday i played a bit of shaco (on lane lol, my jungling needs work :D) and it was fun. and earlier today i tought about running shaco in roaming style. would this be viable or is shaco's lack of reliable hard cc a prob? Just jungle him. Buffs op bro. | ||
Germany620 Posts
prolly gonna do that. but i tought about like noc jungle + shaco roam = pure nightmare for enemys. imagine noc ulti and shaco deceive pop up near u at the same time. creepy :D maybe something for funny normal games ![]() | ||
United States931 Posts
On July 01 2011 16:41 zulu_nation8 wrote: anyone agree there needs to be more and better initiating skils in LOL so that games dont become passive borefests, or have more terrain advantage They are adding more and better initiating skills (THE BALLLLLL IS ANGRY), but the problem is that a champ with stuff like that is really OP compared to everything else so it throws off balance. Look at Ashe, who would be considered mediocre-bad except for Enchanted Crystal Arrow wins game singlehandedly. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On July 01 2011 16:45 spinesheath wrote: But you do know that ASpd speeds up your attack animation? Hit > chase > hit becomes easier the more ASpd you have because you don't have to wait so much until your attack animation finishes (or can be canceled, whatever). It's mostly for that same reason that ranged ADs build ASpd: They don't have to stand still for a second to get an attack off. As soon as you have an enemy chasing you, you typically won't get to attack at your maximum attack speed. yea you just summed up why attack speed works on ranged and doesnt work on melee. dont really want to have this argument as ill probably just end up banned but i will just say as a last word that attack speed runes blow. | ||
United States9006 Posts
My problem? I want to eventually play ranked. Right now I can play 5 ranged AD carrys, 2-3 AP carrys, 2 supports, and I can do jungle Warwick. I hate playing tanks, I think it's the most frustrating and least rewarding role in the game. I don't mind playing Warwick, Irelia, or Mordekaiser as they aren't full tanks and they're really fun to play. I just hate initiating fights only to have my teammates sit back and watch as I die because I don't do any damage since I played a full tank and built fully tank. So, three main questions, should I do a lot more solo que before I try ranked out? I usually play with friends over vent, making communication easier and stuff but I've solo que'd plenty and we still get matched up with random people. Do I really need to be able to play a full tank or can I get away with Irelia, Morde, Warwick, and other tanky DPS champs? Finally, how many junglers should I learn? I can do Warwick fine, I don't really like Nunu, and I think Udyr is the dumbest champ ever created. So excluding those three how many should I really be able to play and which ones are pretty fun? | ||
Netherlands3704 Posts
About as much as you can influence ranked. | ||
215 Posts
kobik: solo Zhelgius: what? Zhelgius: nidalee should solo truti: forget kobik: and why that? Zhelgius: because nidalee is best at soloing :| kobik: not rly truti: u gotta be fucking kidding me. Zhelgius: ... Ashe is better at soloing than Nidalee. You heard it here first! | ||
United States2687 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
On July 01 2011 18:30 overt wrote: Want some advice. Currently when I play LoL I almost always play with some friends of mine, usually 3-5 of us queue up. It's nice to be able to talk on vent and not get matched up with quite as many trolls and we only play Normals so it's like "whatever" if we lose. The best thing about it is that they're all fucking awful save one or two of my friends so it's taught me to be able to carry really hard and not rely on my teammates at all (in true LoL fashion). Pretty much if I have a good early game we usually win and if I have a bad early game we lose, it's helpful for learning AD and AP carrys. My problem? I want to eventually play ranked. Right now I can play 5 ranged AD carrys, 2-3 AP carrys, 2 supports, and I can do jungle Warwick. I hate playing tanks, I think it's the most frustrating and least rewarding role in the game. I don't mind playing Warwick, Irelia, or Mordekaiser as they aren't full tanks and they're really fun to play. I just hate initiating fights only to have my teammates sit back and watch as I die because I don't do any damage since I played a full tank and built fully tank. So, three main questions, should I do a lot more solo que before I try ranked out? I usually play with friends over vent, making communication easier and stuff but I've solo que'd plenty and we still get matched up with random people. Do I really need to be able to play a full tank or can I get away with Irelia, Morde, Warwick, and other tanky DPS champs? Finally, how many junglers should I learn? I can do Warwick fine, I don't really like Nunu, and I think Udyr is the dumbest champ ever created. So excluding those three how many should I really be able to play and which ones are pretty fun? Play a tank, have retard teammates initiate, feel good when you save their ass and get some kills. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On July 01 2011 18:30 overt wrote: Want some advice. Currently when I play LoL I almost always play with some friends of mine, usually 3-5 of us queue up. It's nice to be able to talk on vent and not get matched up with quite as many trolls and we only play Normals so it's like "whatever" if we lose. The best thing about it is that they're all fucking awful save one or two of my friends so it's taught me to be able to carry really hard and not rely on my teammates at all (in true LoL fashion). Pretty much if I have a good early game we usually win and if I have a bad early game we lose, it's helpful for learning AD and AP carrys. My problem? I want to eventually play ranked. Right now I can play 5 ranged AD carrys, 2-3 AP carrys, 2 supports, and I can do jungle Warwick. I hate playing tanks, I think it's the most frustrating and least rewarding role in the game. I don't mind playing Warwick, Irelia, or Mordekaiser as they aren't full tanks and they're really fun to play. I just hate initiating fights only to have my teammates sit back and watch as I die because I don't do any damage since I played a full tank and built fully tank. So, three main questions, should I do a lot more solo que before I try ranked out? I usually play with friends over vent, making communication easier and stuff but I've solo que'd plenty and we still get matched up with random people. Do I really need to be able to play a full tank or can I get away with Irelia, Morde, Warwick, and other tanky DPS champs? Finally, how many junglers should I learn? I can do Warwick fine, I don't really like Nunu, and I think Udyr is the dumbest champ ever created. So excluding those three how many should I really be able to play and which ones are pretty fun? You're doing something wrong. Tanks are defined by having good initiation skills, CC and last, but not least, having great base damages with so-so scaling on their skills. Amumu/Malphite/anything else but Shen and hell, even Shen deal amazing damage without any AP items. If you're not doing damage at all, you're doing something wrong with the champ. Besides, I wouldn't really flame your teammates for not following your initiations, more often than not, I don't follow bad initiations and follow good ones. Most bad tanks in soloQ just use their initiation skill on the enemy team as soon as they see an opening, completely disregarding the position of their own team and overall worthiness of the fight. Remember, when your team doesn't follow you, it's your fault. Communicate, ping and always look if the initiation is available for the rest of your team, not just you. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On July 01 2011 20:02 BluzMan wrote: You're doing something wrong. Tanks are defined by having good initiation skills, CC and last, but not least, having great base damages with so-so scaling on their skills. Amumu/Malphite/anything else but Shen and hell, even Shen deal amazing damage without any AP items. If you're not doing damage at all, you're doing something wrong with the champ. Besides, I wouldn't really flame your teammates for not following your initiations, more often than not, I don't follow bad initiations and follow good ones. Most bad tanks in soloQ just use their initiation skill on the enemy team as soon as they see an opening, completely disregarding the position of their own team and overall worthiness of the fight. Remember, when your team doesn't follow you, it's your fault. Communicate, ping and always look if the initiation is available for the rest of your team, not just you. Nothing beats tanks who are like OMFG FUCKING FOLLOW ME when you're the AD carry and watch that irelia/akali/fiddle WHATEVER setting up the perfect flank to buttrape your ass. Tank storms into them, diver storms into you, you die. OMFG NEWB ASHE. ![]() | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On July 01 2011 16:45 spinesheath wrote: But you do know that ASpd speeds up your attack animation? Hit > chase > hit becomes easier the more ASpd you have because you don't have to wait so much until your attack animation finishes (or can be canceled, whatever). It's mostly for that same reason that ranged ADs build ASpd: They don't have to stand still for a second to get an attack off. As soon as you have an enemy chasing you, you typically won't get to attack at your maximum attack speed. This is true for some and to a certain extent, but some champions do have good startup times for their attacks even without aspd, and for most others you only need about 1.0 aspd for the animation to be such that you can easily animation cancel with it properly. On July 01 2011 18:30 overt wrote: Want some advice. Currently when I play LoL I almost always play with some friends of mine, usually 3-5 of us queue up. It's nice to be able to talk on vent and not get matched up with quite as many trolls and we only play Normals so it's like "whatever" if we lose. The best thing about it is that they're all fucking awful save one or two of my friends so it's taught me to be able to carry really hard and not rely on my teammates at all (in true LoL fashion). Pretty much if I have a good early game we usually win and if I have a bad early game we lose, it's helpful for learning AD and AP carrys. My problem? I want to eventually play ranked. Right now I can play 5 ranged AD carrys, 2-3 AP carrys, 2 supports, and I can do jungle Warwick. I hate playing tanks, I think it's the most frustrating and least rewarding role in the game. I don't mind playing Warwick, Irelia, or Mordekaiser as they aren't full tanks and they're really fun to play. I just hate initiating fights only to have my teammates sit back and watch as I die because I don't do any damage since I played a full tank and built fully tank. So, three main questions, should I do a lot more solo que before I try ranked out? I usually play with friends over vent, making communication easier and stuff but I've solo que'd plenty and we still get matched up with random people. Do I really need to be able to play a full tank or can I get away with Irelia, Morde, Warwick, and other tanky DPS champs? Finally, how many junglers should I learn? I can do Warwick fine, I don't really like Nunu, and I think Udyr is the dumbest champ ever created. So excluding those three how many should I really be able to play and which ones are pretty fun? Tanks imo are useless in ranked, I don't get the "OMG NEED TANK" thing since below 2000 elo or so, no one has a clue on how to play a tank in the slightest and they end up just being a waste. Irelia and stuff are more than good enough, but if you at the start of the game say "I can botlane with ad carry or solo mid with AP" you normally will get that role. | ||
Switzerland10605 Posts
On July 01 2011 18:43 zalz wrote: just duo-que for ranked, play a carry and get a friend to play support. About as much as you can influence ranked. Dual queuing is fun (no experienced with ranked). 1 plays some Carry/Assassin. 2 plays Kayle or another Supporter. Farm a bit.. Then run around an slaughter everyone :D. Also the only way i seem to do decent with a Supporter when being Solo... Pick Kayle, wait until it's clear witch of your matse is worth your attention... Follow him and rape face :D. | ||
Germany121 Posts
On July 01 2011 20:24 Velr wrote: Dual queuing is fun (no experienced with ranked). 1 plays some Carry/Assassin. 2 plays Kayle or another Supporter. Farm a bit.. Then run around an slaughter everyone :D. Also the only way i seem to do decent with a Supporter when being Solo... Pick Kayle, wait until it's clear witch of your matse is worth your attention... Follow him and rape face :D. Kyle is no Support... | ||
Switzerland10605 Posts
Sorry for the mistake ![]() | ||
Sweden2226 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
On July 01 2011 21:31 Hynda wrote: Aaah, Leonas spine is broken, somebody help! Also what is holding up that massive shield cause it sure as hell isn't her arm... Heels ruined her posture, the shield is just paper. She's an obvious cosplayer. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On July 01 2011 21:26 Velr wrote: He heals, thats was enough for me to call him like that :p. Sorry for the mistake ![]() Kayle is female. Samus too. | ||
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