On July 01 2011 00:42 billy5000 wrote: Can anybody explain how to counter early roaming teams without having to follow them everywhere they go? For example, it seems that in normal games (opposed to the games I watch on stream) lane phase does not exist - at least not until levels 6-9. I can say that this occurs 90% of the normal premade games I play. As a result, it's rare to see someone reach 300 cs unless the game gets past the 45min mark.
RANT: I also want to point out that games usually take this long because too many people get greedy and give away unnecessary advantages, while we could've probably won if we continued to play safe and let the game win for us (most of the time).
Back on topic..so because there are 4-5 lvl 6's roaming the map together, it's hard to farm especially when there's 4man gank at top or mid. How would you deal with this? I'm guessing that we could maybe get a tower or two, but sometimes it's just not possible as the waves are on our side and they're able to come back to their respective towers in time. So my best bet is to trade top tower for dragon. But what about 4-5 men gank at mid? Does either the top or bottom lane have to go help mid? The problem is that in normal games, the opponents want to stay mid for almost the entire game (idk why).
Ahh my mind's jumbled with these scenarios, so I'll try my best to ask a couple of straightforward questions:
Assuming they're levels 6-8.. 1) 4-5 men gank top; what should top do, and what should everybody else do? 2) 4-5 men gank mid ; what should mid do, and what should everybody else do? When they're levels 6-8 and they're 4-5, if oyu ahve 3-4 @ tower they won't really be able to dive you(unless your team bad) so while they won't get any farm you'll have 1-2 players still farming.
On July 01 2011 00:44 0123456789 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 00:42 billy5000 wrote: Can anybody explain how to counter early roaming teams without having to follow them everywhere they go? For example, it seems that in normal games (opposed to the games I watch on stream) lane phase does not exist - at least not until levels 6-9. I can say that this occurs 90% of the normal premade games I play. As a result, it's rare to see someone reach 300 cs unless the game gets past the 45min mark.
RANT: I also want to point out that games usually take this long because too many people get greedy and give away unnecessary advantages, while we could've probably won if we continued to play safe and let the game win for us (most of the time).
Back on topic..so because there are 4-5 lvl 6's roaming the map together, it's hard to farm especially when there's 4man gank at top or mid. How would you deal with this? I'm guessing that we could maybe get a tower or two, but sometimes it's just not possible as the waves are on our side and they're able to come back to their respective towers in time. So my best bet is to trade top tower for dragon. But what about 4-5 men gank at mid? Does either the top or bottom lane have to go help mid? The problem is that in normal games, the opponents want to stay mid for almost the entire game (idk why).
Ahh my mind's jumbled with these scenarios, so I'll try my best to ask a couple of straightforward questions:
Assuming they're levels 6-8.. 1) 4-5 men gank top; what should top do, and what should everybody else do? 2) 4-5 men gank mid ; what should mid do, and what should everybody else do? Wards. Then have your team follow, and have the lane farthest away push.
this, wards ruin roamers hardcore. Remember that you can easily defend a tower if you're outnumbered by 1, so if all 5 show up, 3-4 defend the tower and the rest push other lanes. If 4 show up, then 3 to def tower and the other 2 to push lanes. Also having a player have teleport can help out quite a bit, tho not necessary.
On July 01 2011 00:42 billy5000 wrote: text
are you level 30? This happens a lot more, and earlier, when people are worse. If a tower dies in their lane newbies usually just start wandering around.
regardless in cases such as this its a good opportunity to practice map awareness. if 4 are mia and you have no wards to warn you of incoming ganks it may actually mean you should just run away from your tower, even if you are at full health. when buying you should get some wards after that. just because most people in normals dont get wards doesn't mean that you shouldn't buy them at least for yourself.
I also want to point out that games usually take this long because too many people get greedy and give away unnecessary advantages, while we could've probably won if we continued to play safe and let the game win for us (most of the time). that's just solo queue. you are probably better than the people you're playing with.
Last night I came to the startling realization that fiddle is a stronger pubstomper than Pirate. "How?" you might ask... simple, even Honver wins games playing Fiddle. HONVER. Wrap your head around that and tell me that Fiddle isn't blatantly out of this world OP. You can't, can you?
HotshotGG is commentating the NESL games and has more viewers than the Riot NESL stream. Solid so far.
On July 01 2011 02:15 Mogwai wrote: Last night I came to the startling realization that fiddle is a stronger pubstomper than Pirate. "How?" you might ask... simple, even Honver wins games playing Fiddle. HONVER. Wrap your head around that and tell me that Fiddle isn't blatantly out of this world OP. You can't, can you?
As a <30 player, I can say that Fiddle is pretty difficult to deal with in Normals. Allies like to get crowstormed like there is no tomorrow :/
On July 01 2011 02:22 R04R wrote: HotshotGG is commentating the NESL games and has more viewers than the Riot NESL stream. Solid so far. Hotshot is suprisingly pleasant to listen to. I much like him over the usual casters we get - Zenon and whoever combo at Dreamhack excluded.
And TSM running Udyr this game is kiiiiiiinda fucking with my head. Especially as it is lane while Warwick jungles. Ö_____Ö
Udyr's laning is gay like WW's for pretty much the exact same reasons, which coincidentally are the exact same reasons that pretty much every strong jungler is strong in a solo lane.
haha TSM getting dismantled by SK
looks like a 20min surrender lol...
I really love this hotshotgg commentary actually, he's being really insightful and it's really really nice o.O Way better than phreak.
On July 01 2011 02:15 Mogwai wrote: Last night I came to the startling realization that fiddle is a stronger pubstomper than Pirate. "How?" you might ask... simple, even Honver wins games playing Fiddle. HONVER. Wrap your head around that and tell me that Fiddle isn't blatantly out of this world OP. You can't, can you? Honver's a fiddle main and he's been winning games with him even when he was mega UP.
Good junglers generally make good laners. *shrug*
On another note......wtf udyr with dodge boots and ashe rushing a cloak of agility first???
Btw that Ali megafailed there, if he just did a commonsense pulv right after malz ulti ended it was a 101% guaranteed kill.
Can someone explain why there isnt an android app that lets me watch streams on my pbone? Boutta be on a train for 2 hours with only my phone.
Wow, TSM pulling this back- good game so far!
Even Nunu can be kind of a bitch to lane against also, imoimo.
Also, wp from TSM anyhoo after that start.
Did udyr get a ninja-buff or something? Been seeing him on streams a lot and quite a few udyrs in my low elo EU games lately as well. Had not seen one for like a month in ranked and then I seem to have one in every other game and they actually do well most of the time.
such a close game rofl. so many come backs after hotshot declares the game decided
On July 01 2011 03:25 Stealthpenguin wrote: Did udyr get a ninja-buff or something? Been seeing him on streams a lot and quite a few udyrs in my low elo EU games lately as well. Had not seen one for like a month in ranked and then I seem to have one in every other game and they actually do well most of the time. no, he got buffed in plain sight. read patch notes.
On July 01 2011 03:30 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 03:25 Stealthpenguin wrote: Did udyr get a ninja-buff or something? Been seeing him on streams a lot and quite a few udyrs in my low elo EU games lately as well. Had not seen one for like a month in ranked and then I seem to have one in every other game and they actually do well most of the time. no, he got buffed in plain sight. read patch notes. Did that really help that much tho?
I used to main Udyr, but I haven't used him in so long 'cause he's just not reliable as it's wayyyy too easy to kite him :\
Also, who was who said "when i tryhard i lose and when i troll i win." Because that man is a prophet; whenever i tryhard i get matched up with straight up "imdurnkdntrolling" kids and when I troll i get a team that cares.
Can't watch riot stream because phreak talks real quiet so I turn up my volume then FUCKING DEAFENS ME WITH FEEDBACK.