On June 20 2011 22:42 HazMat wrote: Nah, try boots into double philo + hog into triforce.
Unlike most players here on TL, I believe that Triforce is not always the answer. I am gonna play Maokai like Galio. Tanky with some AP to kick people back.
It is the answer if you're playing a roamer or someone that procs sheen really well (Maokai does both + needs the movement speed)
On June 20 2011 19:59 jtype wrote: I think it's partly to do with the sheer size of the community. There are millions of MOBA players out there, so I guess there's a lot of people just trying to be big fish in a big pond.
Or maybe it's because the genre has just exploded relatively recently and real communities (with history) haven't been established yet.
Well the DOTA community was also pure shit, maybe even worse then LoL.
I think it comes with the genre and how another players poor performance directly influences not just your odds off winning or losing but your own performance.
If someone else dies a hundred times to a Singed then you aren't going to be able to do damage against a Singed. If your ally can't play SC2 for shit your units will still do the same damage against the enemy.
Bad players make you feel like a bad player and i think that really pisses people off. That and it's teamgame by definition so it's always more likely to enrage people then a game where you can be pro solo.
Yes and I think that's why a lot of people that only play solo games like SC2 or whatever have a hard time understanding why LOL and other games are competitive or even worth playing. The basic mechanics might be easier, but actually getting 4-5 people that get just GET ALONG TOGETHER, is nearly impossible. Then you have to get everyone on the same page, and keep them on the same page. It's not as simple as having great mechanics and understanding, you can't force thoughts into your team mates brains(yet!!!). I played Halo competitively for 6 years, went to MLGs, played local events constantly, etc.. and individual skill means nothing at top level of play. Absolutely nothing.
Team games are... team games, and are a lot different from something like starcraft.
Regarding this, I really suggest comparing Fanatics games on Dreamhack between day 1 and 2/3. One of their players (xPeke) got his flight delayed so they had to sub with a nonstandart member. He is by no means bad and actually there on sponsorship by his team, Riot "only" pays for 5 people. But it REALLY shows the difference a team can make if they "get" each other.
On June 20 2011 22:42 HazMat wrote: Nah, try boots into double philo + hog into triforce.
Unlike most players here on TL, I believe that Triforce is not always the answer. I am gonna play Maokai like Galio. Tanky with some AP to kick people back.
Imo try 2 Philo + Kindlegem into Triforce + Reverie + Miracle, adding defense on the way as necessary.
solo lane maokai. 2-3 dring -> Sunfire + Banshee's -> Deathcap -> Void or Abyssal. Haven't played him much recently, but I always felt that the builds along those lines gave me the best results.
I play maokai a lot (granted not well compared to you guys) and I think he's one of the better off tanks right now... He's got a sweet solo lane cause of his sapling toss, and is quite a good tanky AP at later levels, plus he's got good initiation with W.
I get RoA on him quite a lot instead of going fast sunfire, good AP boost with some hp and mana since his ultimate costs so much. The rest of the build above is pretty much the same thing I do.
Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
On June 20 2011 23:33 spinesheath wrote: Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
Probably not as good as Cho but he's still up there. Healing Passives ensure they can survive the harass and still farm up.
On June 20 2011 23:33 spinesheath wrote: Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
Probably not as good as Cho but he's still up there. Healing Passives ensure they can survive the harass and still farm up.
Maokai can deal with brushes much better than Cho, Saplings are better for farming from afar (higher range, more damage than either of Rupture or Scream). Cho needs to land a skillshot for ganks, Maokai's root is targeted. I definitely value Maokai higher than Cho for 1vEU bot.
On June 20 2011 23:33 spinesheath wrote: Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
Probably not as good as Cho but he's still up there. Healing Passives ensure they can survive the harass and still farm up.
Maokai can deal with brushes much better than Cho, Saplings are better for farming from afar (higher range, more damage than either of Rupture or Scream). Cho needs to land a skillshot for ganks, Maokai's root is targeted. I definitely value Maokai higher than Cho for 1vEU bot.
All good points but I'd still take Cho over Mao atm due to Cho having a stronger team fight presence. I'm still not a fan of Mao ulti... zz.
On June 20 2011 23:33 spinesheath wrote: Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
Probably not as good as Cho but he's still up there. Healing Passives ensure they can survive the harass and still farm up.
Maokai can deal with brushes much better than Cho, Saplings are better for farming from afar (higher range, more damage than either of Rupture or Scream). Cho needs to land a skillshot for ganks, Maokai's root is targeted. I definitely value Maokai higher than Cho for 1vEU bot.
All good points but I'd still take Cho over Mao atm due to Cho having a stronger team fight presence. I'm still not a fan of Mao ulti... zz.
20% damage reduction = you carry not bursted down instantly.
I feel like Cho can be more offensive than Maokai tbh, Mao's ult is pretty nice and stuff, but Cho has his way in getting in the middle of your team and fucking shit up.
On June 21 2011 00:18 Nikon wrote: I feel like Cho can be more offensive than Maokai tbh, Mao's ult is pretty nice and stuff, but Cho has his way in getting in the middle of your team and fucking shit up.
Cho is also great at babysitting your carry. Just sit on them and if they can't click on your carry, they can't hurt your carry. Encourages AoE teams.
On June 20 2011 23:33 spinesheath wrote: Maokai's pretty much THE best 1v2 vs ranged + support. Especially if you know that's what you are facing and stock up on Armor runes. He goes really well with a roaming Taric or Alistar.
Probably not as good as Cho but he's still up there. Healing Passives ensure they can survive the harass and still farm up.
Maokai can deal with brushes much better than Cho, Saplings are better for farming from afar (higher range, more damage than either of Rupture or Scream). Cho needs to land a skillshot for ganks, Maokai's root is targeted. I definitely value Maokai higher than Cho for 1vEU bot.
All good points but I'd still take Cho over Mao atm due to Cho having a stronger team fight presence. I'm still not a fan of Mao ulti... zz.
20% damage reduction = you carry not bursted down instantly.
On June 21 2011 00:18 Nikon wrote: I feel like Cho can be more offensive than Maokai tbh, Mao's ult is pretty nice and stuff, but Cho has his way in getting in the middle of your team and fucking shit up.
Cho is also great at babysitting your carry. Just sit on them and if they can't click on your carry, they can't hurt your carry. Encourages AoE teams.
Maokai's ultimate is good at zoning too. I don't know if he's S class tank, but definitely A class.
Edit: Couple questions based on the DH match between TSM and EG - Might a hybrid TF build be more appropriate than straight AP? Reginald was doing sizeable nukes with his gold card + wild card combo but immediately plummeted in dps output after that. Do you guys have any thoughts about building any attack speed DPS in addition to AP on TF?
Also, Dyrus didn't get RoA on singed, which is pretty common. Was there a special reason he didn't get it against the team comp of TSM?
On June 21 2011 00:18 Nikon wrote: I feel like Cho can be more offensive than Maokai tbh, Mao's ult is pretty nice and stuff, but Cho has his way in getting in the middle of your team and fucking shit up.
Cho is also great at babysitting your carry. Just sit on them and if they can't click on your carry, they can't hurt your carry. Encourages AoE teams.
Good zoning ultimate too. I don't know if he's S class tank, but definitely A class.
Edit: Couple questions based on the DH match between TSM and EG - Might a hybrid TF build be more appropriate than straight AP? Reginald was doing sizeable nukes with his gold card + wild card combo but immediately plummeted in dps output after that. Do you guys have any thoughts about building any attack speed DPS in addition to AP on TF?
Also, Dyrus didn't get RoA on singed, which is pretty common. Was there a special reason he didn't get it against the team comp of TSM?
Honestly your cooldowns are so low on TF that it's not a big deal, the reason Reginald's dps wasn't that impressive was cause he was really far behind in his item build that game, usually TF's dps scales really well early, with an early sheen, and then you get a couple free kills by pressing R and coordinating with your jungler. Lichbane increases your damage by a ton after you have deathcap as well.
On June 21 2011 00:18 Nikon wrote: I feel like Cho can be more offensive than Maokai tbh, Mao's ult is pretty nice and stuff, but Cho has his way in getting in the middle of your team and fucking shit up.
Cho is also great at babysitting your carry. Just sit on them and if they can't click on your carry, they can't hurt your carry. Encourages AoE teams.
Maokai's ultimate is good at zoning too. I don't know if he's S class tank, but definitely A class.
Edit: Couple questions based on the DH match between TSM and EG - Might a hybrid TF build be more appropriate than straight AP? Reginald was doing sizeable nukes with his gold card + wild card combo but immediately plummeted in dps output after that. Do you guys have any thoughts about building any attack speed DPS in addition to AP on TF?
Also, Dyrus didn't get RoA on singed, which is pretty common. Was there a special reason he didn't get it against the team comp of TSM?
The whole point of AP TF is huge burst. If you wanted sustain damage you'd go AD TF, but you want the safe burst damage and not to have to get close much with autoattacks.
Catalyst > Rylai's is more common nowadays because the slow applies to his poison so it's really strong.