On July 20 2011 18:49 57 Corvette wrote: Page 1100 guys..
I am going to be picking up a ranged carry, because people laugh at me when i play AD kayle. I am considering either Ezreal or Corki, but I am not sure which is the better choice. I played Ezreal 2 or 3 times during his free week, but i've never played Corki. Corki is widely considered the best carry in the game. Ezreal has many mixed opinions but is decent and fun for me
70,000 viewers on the Riot Games Stream. That's crazy.
Baaah server down : ( I'm on my vacation here, this is an outraaaage.
Where can I find the wukong video you're all talking about?
tbh I'm impressed Riot even bothered to try keep people entertained while servers are down. I think most companies would just say "they'll be up when they're up" and leave it at that.
On July 20 2011 20:20 starfries wrote: tbh I'm impressed Riot even bothered to try keep people entertained while servers are down. I think most companies would just say "they'll be up when they're up" and leave it at that. It's just a marketing ploy, it brings them attention and money. It's a smart move.
Where can I find the wukong video you're all talking about? This works for me.
wtf they are remaking stealth and they release another stealth ability?
On July 20 2011 20:39 Orpheos wrote: wtf they are remaking stealth and they release another stealth ability?
it looks like there will be 3 kinds of stealth when they are done creating this mess. First is long stealth which is permanent and will be removed by proximity, second is short stealth for a few seconds and will stay as it is and third is where the champ is removed from the game for a short period of time and reenters again later.
Kind of messy
Playing a game with bugged ui, heat bar stays on 0 and hp stays max all the time.
I'm very underwhelmed with ze monkey king atm, he seems so uninspired. Jarvans Q, A rehashed Phantom Lancer skill, Xin Zhaos E and Garens spin as an ultimate. I don't mind lending stuff from dota if it makes good heroes, but they havn't even done that! It's just skills from allready existing LoL heroes. I am aware that not every hero can be a revolution introducing something awesome, but I've never seen anything as phoned in as this. Maybe it all comes together into a really fun hero to play, but on paper he just looks so generic.
Meh at monkey king. I just wish Riot would spend an entire month working on the balance of their game rather than introducing more imbalanced elements into it. Seriously, out of the last 6 champions released, how many of them have been broken as hell?
Nocturne - broken upon release, huge nerfs required. Lee Sin - bad upon release, has since transformed into a strong sustainable jungler/solo laner Brand - eazy mode AP, whether he's balanced or not is debatable Rumble - I don't know why people don't run this guy more, he's insanely strong. Vayne - broken upon release, but instead of changing the one thing that breaks her terribly (% of max hp in true damage) they nerf everything else. still an amazingly strong ranged AD. Orianna - banned or picked in a lot of high level games, awesome AP nuke. Yorick - junk on release, now first ban/first pick in every high elo ranked. amazing lane sustain.
Managed to log onto EU west but nothing´s working. Ip boost is 15 days 14hours.
They're "only" 3 hours behind schedule.
On July 20 2011 21:56 mercurial wrote: They're "only" 3 hours behind schedule. I´d rather have them be late and functional than on time and still broken>.>
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Those games @ Riot stream, LOL. 5v5 jungle only, haha :p
I thought they were reworking stealth... Instead they just give monkey king shaco q and r in 1 single skill?
*log in *15 minute wait period
Well that sure fixed everything. Why bother splitting the EU if it's not going to fix the fact that you need to plan ahead just to play a single game of LoL.
15 minutes now, 1 hour past 20:00.
On July 20 2011 21:46 HyperionDreamer wrote: Meh at monkey king. I just wish Riot would spend an entire month working on the balance of their game rather than introducing more imbalanced elements into it. Seriously, out of the last 6 champions released, how many of them have been broken as hell?
Nocturne - broken upon release, huge nerfs required. Lee Sin - bad upon release, has since transformed into a strong sustainable jungler/solo laner Brand - eazy mode AP, whether he's balanced or not is debatable Rumble - I don't know why people don't run this guy more, he's insanely strong. Vayne - broken upon release, but instead of changing the one thing that breaks her terribly (% of max hp in true damage) they nerf everything else. still an amazingly strong ranged AD. Orianna - banned or picked in a lot of high level games, awesome AP nuke.
So your basicly saying that almost every of those new champs had issues at the start and turned into sth that is good.
I don't see any problem here.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Nice split... 17 minutes in Queue, ROFL.