Because having to build a damage item instead of a sunfire cape and negatron cloak meant you were spending gold on stats that were unnecessary pre-nerf.
A character that required ~3500 gold to become invincible needed ~6000 to.
You'll find that his opinions are generally well thought out, if a bit divisive and wordy. But his explanation for his design decisions are far more intelligent than most of the stuff Zileas and Morello showed.
The game has been dumbed down a little from the convoluted mechanics and gimmicks that their programmers couldn't replicate but essentially the game was only made to be a DotA wannabe.
Can you explain what you mean here?
The community has no respect for itself or for anything that didn't come from DotA.
Very untrue. There's a lot of comparisons to DoTA, and fairly so, but a lot of the community is actually happy with some of the changes that HoN has made. It's a divided community with divided opinions.
The item system has been dumbed down and stripped of orb walking, one of its fundamental mechanics and the game itself has never been balanced.
Orb walking exists. Play Arachna, manual cast her web slow and animation cancel it. That's just one example. Animation cancelling possibilities also exist in dozens of variations.
The game has been decently balanced at various points, but very rarely has it been as unbalanced as LoL has been at certain points. DoTA had the same type of problems - even after Icefrog took over and turned it into a competitive game, he made terrible balancing decisions too. Some patches had metas that were retarded.
While this is the kind of mentality that is somewhat shared by the LoL balancing team, there are never more than 22 viable champions in the game, which given the 5 bans per team of competitive play only leaves 12 viable champions to pick in games.
Doesn't matter if you're playing pubs. Sure, if you're 1900+ MMR it matters to have a good team comp, but at pub play, there are tons of viable heroes - which is what I think matters to people wanting to try the game. LoL has the same "problem", and I honestly don't think it matters too much for the average player.
That said, HoN feels much easier compared to LoL if you played BW especially before the macro era. It's a single player game and not a team game, VOIP is only there to insult eachother as a homage to the Call of Duty series.
This goes both ways (although I'm not sure why HoN would be easier if you played BW as opposed to LoL?) It's much easier to carry a game by yourself, but it's also much easier to lose a game singlehandedly. Also, the CoD playerbase is a bunch of saints compared to the poisonous cesspool that is the HoN community.
Yeah, HoN has its problems, but some people prefer it to LoL for good reason. It's pointless to argue HoN v LoL, though. Different games for different types of people. I just wanted to give some counterpoints and clear up some false info, no hard feelings? <3
My second attempt at commentating, it's probably the mic on the Steelseries Syberia that messes with my voice. I'll see if I can get a good one during the week.
Cull the Meek Cull the Meek: heal is no longer reduced if the damage dealt is absorbed by shields. Fixed a bug where damage absorbed by a shield wouldn't mark Renekton as in combat for the purposes of Fury generation.
Cull the Meek Cull the Meek: Heal reduced to 5% from 7.5%. Furious heal reduced to 10% from 15%. Slice and Dice Slice and Dice: Base damage reduced to 30/60/90/120/150 from 45/75/105/135/165. Attack damage scaling increased to 90% from 60%. Cooldown adjusted to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/18/16/14/12. Dominus Dominus: base damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/75/100.
Fixed a bug where Slice and Dice Slice and Dice would remember your order after casting, causing him to move toward previous locations.
Stats: Base health increased to 513 from 508. Health per level increased to 87 from 82. Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2. Armor per level increased to 3.8 from 3.2. Cull the Meek Cull the Meek: Base damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160. Attack damage scaling increased to 80% from 60%. Basic heal reduced to 7.5% from 10%. Heal bonus when damaging Champions increased to 300% from 200%. Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8. Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator: cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 from 14/13/12/11/10. Slice and Dice Slice and Dice: armor reduction when furious changed to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from a flat 10/15/20/25/30. Fixed a bug where Renekton was gaining bonus attack damage while wounded.
V1.0.0.109: Added.
Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects. Cull the Meek Cull the Meek: Renekton swing his blade, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for a portion of the life dealt. Fury Bonus: Heal amount raised dramatically. Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator: Renekton's next attack swings twice, dealing a portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target briefly and applying on-hits each time. Fury Bonus: Renekton's next attack swings three times, dealing a huge portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target greatly and applying on-hits each time. Slice and Dice Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he can use Dice for a brief period of time for the same effect. Fury Bonus: Renekton deals 50% increased damage and reduces the armor of units hit. Dominus Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energy, gaining size and bonus health. He deals periodic damage to enemies around him and rapidly gains Fury. Reign of Anger Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.
HoG no longer gives armor. He could get 2 HoGs + negatron + cdr boots and go around killing everything that moved for the next 15 minutes.
this game isn't as easy to play as some people say it is. For example...I have never agonized as much over a game compared to this one. The people in just about every game are egotistical maniacs irrelevant of their skill level. Usually the worst players are the most egotistical and most talkative I have observed though.
I've been trying to get to summoner level 20 and most of my games are as jungle ww. I like the champion and hes incredibly easy to jungle with which I wanted because every person in this game wants to solo and it is advantageous to the team.
It gets so fucking frustrating though when some retarded noob who cannot hold his lane usually someone who demands solo with a bogus champion, turns the majority of the team against me and shit talks/criticizes every thing I do because I am an excuse for them to suck. I have played so many fucking games where I am being instructed by noobs on how to play in their fantasy land of this game. I just got out of a game where I was apparently expected to gank all 3 lanes and clear our jungle without any runes. It's fucking impossible and I've played ww enough to know that it can turn risky if you're ganking before level 6, but the masses that play this game don't and love to blame others at a gray screen.
Also playing conservative in general constantly gets retard diving droolers blaming me for their deaths. I probably shouldn't jungle until I play higher level games but it feels like the team is weaker without and I want the wins. ...but yea this game is really hard sorry you had to read this rant
On July 17 2011 15:38 drewcifer wrote: this game isn't as easy to play as some people say it is. For example...I have never agonized as much over a game as this one. The people in just about every game are egotistical maniacs irrelevant of their skill level. Usually the worst players are the most egotistical and most talkative I have observed though.
I've been trying to get to summoner level 20 and most of my games are as jungle ww. I like the champion and hes incredibly easy to jungle with which I wanted because every person in this game wants to solo and it is advantageous to the team.
It gets so fucking frustrating though when some retarded noob who cannot hold his lane usually someone who demands solo with a bogus champion, turns the majority of the team against me and shit talks/criticizes every thing I do because I am an excuse for them to suck. I have played so many fucking games where I am being instructed by noobs on how to play in their fantasy land of this game. I just got out of a game where I was apparently expected to gank all 3 lanes and clear our jungle without any runes. It's fucking impossible and I've played ww enough to know that it can turn risky if you're ganking before level 6, but the masses that play this game don't and love to blame others at a gray screen.
Also playing conservative in general constantly gets retard diving droolers blaming me for their deaths. I probably shouldn't jungle until I play higher level games but it feels like the team is weaker without and I want the wins. ...but yea this game is really hard sorry you had to read this rant
Tbh, it seems like you have an attitude problem here, if the entire team turns against it's mostly because you are being an asshole to the weaker member of the teams. Are you sure you're not just flaming your heart out because a level 12 can't manage to keep his 2vs1 solo lane? And not ganking before level 6 is really bad, yes even at those levels. One of the easier ways to lose a game is to start arguing with your teammates creating a bad mood. There are games where your champion select simply won't let you jungle in 2 vs 1 situation, as you said "bogus" champions just can not be expected to hold that lane and then you simply need to Lanewick.
Try to play a game or two like that and see how it works out for you.
Alternatively, just /ignore whoever shit talks you if you don't have a thick skin. Most players will blame everybody but themselves for mistakes, it's just how things roll around here. I used to get really pissed off when people raged and insulted me, but there really is no point, so just let it go and focus on your own game.
My ignore list is a couple hundred names long. Use it well.
Junglers are pretty commonly blamed for lanes failing because they're the only one's in a position to be blamed. Occasionally, it is the jungler's fault, but usually it's not.
As a jungler, you want to make a point of ganking lanes who are overextending frequently or are naturally in favor the other team. If you have a lane that's dominating, you don't really need to gank for them, but you do want to watch for opportunities to counter-gank. Sometimes, people in lane are just full-retards and no amount of babysitting will make them learn to last hit or stop overextending. In those cases, all you can really do is pick up a kill after your teammate dies. Don't be afraid to flash offensively for a gank.
On July 17 2011 14:20 R04R wrote: Looking at renek patch notes
he didn't get nerfed too hard. His sustainability from q got nerfed but overall he actually got a damage buff with better ad scaling. que?
He lost a lot of sustain, plus a number of champs with pretty overpowered sustain have been introduced or buffed since then (Rumble, Udyr, Yorick, Jarvan for awhile). He also really relied on HoG.
It's pretty much the combination of the three that over-nerfed him into being pretty crappy.
Enemy is non-stop pushing, as they should on a weak pusher like Pantheon and the tower is going down fast. I tell my team that if they don't gank that tower is not going to last long. They gank, pew, double kill, it's so easy.
Suprise suprise, the enemy top respawns and goes at it again. Again i tell them they need to gank or top is gonna be going down.
"Gotta get levels" signed, the jungler.
Do these people think i am asking for ganks because i am too lazy to kill them myself? I would figure you get levels for non-stop getting double kills on people that can't stop pushing.
Kinda like when people take down the red buff rather then keep a tower alive. Sort out those priorities. People just can't seem to break from the track they have in mind. They have to play the same every round, they have to get those minion kills, they have to farm that jungle. No adapting to the game before them. Kinda like playing Starcraft 2 with a single build that you can pull off but don't really understand. You just kinda keep doing it regardless of what you see happening.
On July 17 2011 15:38 drewcifer wrote: this game isn't as easy to play as some people say it is. For example...I have never agonized as much over a game as this one. The people in just about every game are egotistical maniacs irrelevant of their skill level. Usually the worst players are the most egotistical and most talkative I have observed though.
I've been trying to get to summoner level 20 and most of my games are as jungle ww. I like the champion and hes incredibly easy to jungle with which I wanted because every person in this game wants to solo and it is advantageous to the team.
It gets so fucking frustrating though when some retarded noob who cannot hold his lane usually someone who demands solo with a bogus champion, turns the majority of the team against me and shit talks/criticizes every thing I do because I am an excuse for them to suck. I have played so many fucking games where I am being instructed by noobs on how to play in their fantasy land of this game. I just got out of a game where I was apparently expected to gank all 3 lanes and clear our jungle without any runes. It's fucking impossible and I've played ww enough to know that it can turn risky if you're ganking before level 6, but the masses that play this game don't and love to blame others at a gray screen.
Also playing conservative in general constantly gets retard diving droolers blaming me for their deaths. I probably shouldn't jungle until I play higher level games but it feels like the team is weaker without and I want the wins. ...but yea this game is really hard sorry you had to read this rant
Tbh, it seems like you have an attitude problem here, if the entire team turns against it's mostly because you are being an asshole to the weaker member of the teams. Are you sure you're not just flaming your heart out because a level 12 can't manage to keep his 2vs1 solo lane? And not ganking before level 6 is really bad, yes even at those levels. One of the easier ways to lose a game is to start arguing with your teammates creating a bad mood. There are games where your champion select simply won't let you jungle in 2 vs 1 situation, as you said "bogus" champions just can not be expected to hold that lane and then you simply need to Lanewick.
Honestly, when my teammates bitch about me for minor mistakes (or even for big ones) I usually just don't care. I use to rage so hard at LoL until I realized that by just playing for fun and not caring I not only play better but I don't flame my teammates which means that they play better.
If people rage at me super hard I usually just stop trying or start trolling them. They deserve a loss if they're going to be a total dick in Normals (I'm too scared to play ranked).
My second attempt at commentating, it's probably the mic on the Steelseries Syberia that messes with my voice. I'll see if I can get a good one during the week.
I really enjoyed that as someone still fairly new to the game, thanks! Only complaint is the audio being a bit off but you already know about that .
Okay. So I just played the greatest/dumbest game ever. Ranked 5's with a Rioter, the smurfs of 2 extremely strong players (whose names I can't divulge ), and the heimer.
It's about an hour long. Our team comp:
Blitz (top) AP Yi (mid) J4 (jungle) Heimer (carry bot) Cassi (support bot)
Around half an hour, we were down 18 kills, 2 towers, and an inhib.
On July 17 2011 15:38 drewcifer wrote: this game isn't as easy to play as some people say it is. For example...I have never agonized as much over a game compared to this one. The people in just about every game are egotistical maniacs irrelevant of their skill level. Usually the worst players are the most egotistical and most talkative I have observed though.
I've been trying to get to summoner level 20 and most of my games are as jungle ww. I like the champion and hes incredibly easy to jungle with which I wanted because every person in this game wants to solo and it is advantageous to the team.
It gets so fucking frustrating though when some retarded noob who cannot hold his lane usually someone who demands solo with a bogus champion, turns the majority of the team against me and shit talks/criticizes every thing I do because I am an excuse for them to suck. I have played so many fucking games where I am being instructed by noobs on how to play in their fantasy land of this game. I just got out of a game where I was apparently expected to gank all 3 lanes and clear our jungle without any runes. It's fucking impossible and I've played ww enough to know that it can turn risky if you're ganking before level 6, but the masses that play this game don't and love to blame others at a gray screen.
Also playing conservative in general constantly gets retard diving droolers blaming me for their deaths. I probably shouldn't jungle until I play higher level games but it feels like the team is weaker without and I want the wins. ...but yea this game is really hard sorry you had to read this rant
Don't jungle without runes.
You also can't jungle if your teammate's expected to 1v2 at those skill levels, it's almost certain they can't hold the lane.
In any case you need to gank/pressure from level 2, if you wait until lvl 6 it's entirely your fault if he loses 1v2. You can't expect your team to 4v5.
On July 17 2011 15:54 Hynda wrote: Tbh, it seems like you have an attitude problem here, if the entire team turns against it's mostly because you are being an asshole to the weaker member of the teams. Are you sure you're not just flaming your heart out because a level 12 can't manage to keep his 2vs1 solo lane? And not ganking before level 6 is really bad, yes even at those levels. One of the easier ways to lose a game is to start arguing with your teammates creating a bad mood. There are games where your champion select simply won't let you jungle in 2 vs 1 situation, as you said "bogus" champions just can not be expected to hold that lane and then you simply need to Lanewick.
No, really bad people do that. Its those kind of people that allready play for a while and watched a competetive match once but are too braindead to realize everything is situational. They write on the forums about elo hell and ingame flame anything that sticks out so that they dont have to realize that they are just bad.
I had games where i jungled and even ganked at lvl 2, but the lanes keep dying anyways and i have to run around the map all day to cover the towers so they dont explode 10 minutes into the game and then suddenly i have my whole team yelling at me for being a bad jungler and never ganking. Or once i ganked right after redbuff and got first blood and doublekill for bot lane and 3 minutes later they complain that i leave them alone too much and that i need to gank more.
People think mid lane and jungle are their babysitters and if they did something bad, its obviously the babysitters fault for not preventing it.
On July 17 2011 15:54 Hynda wrote: Tbh, it seems like you have an attitude problem here, if the entire team turns against it's mostly because you are being an asshole to the weaker member of the teams. Are you sure you're not just flaming your heart out because a level 12 can't manage to keep his 2vs1 solo lane? And not ganking before level 6 is really bad, yes even at those levels. One of the easier ways to lose a game is to start arguing with your teammates creating a bad mood. There are games where your champion select simply won't let you jungle in 2 vs 1 situation, as you said "bogus" champions just can not be expected to hold that lane and then you simply need to Lanewick.
No, really bad people do that. Its those kind of people that allready play for a while and watched a competetive match once but are too braindead to realize everything is situational. They write on the forums about elo hell and ingame flame anything that sticks out so that they dont have to realize that they are just bad.
I had games where i jungled and even ganked at lvl 2, but the lanes keep dying anyways and i have to run around the map all day to cover the towers so they dont explode 10 minutes into the game and then suddenly i have my whole team yelling at me for being a bad jungler and never ganking. Or once i ganked right after redbuff and got first blood and doublekill for bot lane and 3 minutes later they complain that i leave them alone too much and that i need to gank more.
People think mid lane and jungle are their babysitters and if they did something bad, its obviously the babysitters fault for not preventing it.
We all know this isn't the case because if it was the other team would have the exact same issues. From what you've said you've allready shown that there are things you don't know about the game that is pretty basic aswell as jungling without runes which is really bad. If you just want to vent on specific teammates do so in the QQ thread, but don't pretend that all matches you lose is because of this .
I'd love to just sit here and go "Yea everyone else is retarded" but I know that isn't the truth.