On July 10 2011 10:36 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On July 10 2011 08:19 Irave wrote:On April 02 2010 08:03 HazMat wrote: LoL is an esport? I thought it was one of those games were the time you spend on it > skill. I want to try it but I fear I'll get addicted. ahahah howd you find thaf? stalker imo. That was back when I read that digity stopped commentating to become a pro LoL player (which I still find funny to this day) Also, Ill try to go to Raleigh as I live in VA. Haha yea someone just happened to bump that thread and I noticed it was there. Not much stalking was needed.
Rainman, Grackis, and TL ScY in the same game as saint's duoq with Lapaka. Rofl this gonna get intense. xD
Oh dam, Diggity is going to become a pro LoL player. Sweet.
On July 10 2011 11:03 BlackPaladin wrote: Rainman, Grackis, and TL ScY in the same game as saint's duoq with Lapaka. Rofl this gonna get intense. xD And TL wonders why they are considered the biggest cesspool of bm players in the US servers...
On July 10 2011 11:03 BlackPaladin wrote: Rainman, Grackis, and TL ScY in the same game as saint's duoq with Lapaka. Rofl this gonna get intense. xD Was rather painful to watch. Split pushing is real good though.
Saint and lapaka shit talking Scy was moronic though. ScY had a max range taric stun on nid and lapaka is like HERPDERP WW ULTTTTTT. "ScY why you so bad, not chainstunning huehuehue???" Then saint and him try talking crap about it.
edit: Just thought of such BM teams, like, never die teams. Stuff like anivia, karthus, zilean, yorick, and mordekaiser. huehuehue
On July 10 2011 11:04 0123456789 wrote: Oh dam, Diggity is going to become a pro LoL player. Sweet.
When did he say this???
On July 10 2011 12:47 Psyonic_Reaver wrote:Show nested quote +On July 10 2011 11:04 0123456789 wrote: Oh dam, Diggity is going to become a pro LoL player. Sweet. When did he say this??? Go back a page.
so suppose roamers and junglers got nerfed to the point where they weren't really an option
do you guys think trilane bot would be viable over 2/1/2?
On July 10 2011 13:38 UniversalSnip wrote: so suppose roamers and junglers got nerfed to the point where they weren't really an option
do you guys think trilane bot would be viable over 2/1/2?
No I can't see that ever working, their would either be a roamer which you can't really nerf, making it 1/1/2/ + roam, or 2/1/2, tri lane would just be too far behind in levels I think, pretty sure mid could just come down and aoe kill em all any time you fight.
On July 10 2011 13:43 BlueBird. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 10 2011 13:38 UniversalSnip wrote: so suppose roamers and junglers got nerfed to the point where they weren't really an option
do you guys think trilane bot would be viable over 2/1/2? No I can't see that ever working, their would either be a roamer which you can't really nerf, making it 1/1/2/ + roam, or 2/1/2, tri lane would just be too far behind in levels I think, pretty sure mid could just come down and aoe kill em all any time you fight.
Maybe if one of the three people on bot was something like Garen wich can tower dive reasonably early it could work.
Since most bot lanes = 1 carry and 1 support it would actually be very easy to completly dominate the lane by constantly ganking either the carry or the support who couldn't heal with a silence and ignite on him.
The trick would have to be to be able to gank so hard and so often under the enemy tower that the 2 players get hurt so much that it fixes the exp problem. Probably a tanky champ like a Garen and two hard nukers so you don't have to fight long under the enemy tower.
I think 2 people can zone one person harder than three people can zone two people, so the top for the trilane team would get zoned even harder.
On July 10 2011 19:16 Woony wrote: I think 2 people can zone one person harder than three people can zone two people, so the top for the trilane team would get zoned even harder. I wouldn't say that. 1v2 you have to deal with burst from 2 enemies. 2v3 however doesn't mean that you have to deal with the burst of 1.5 enemies each - your enemies will focus 3 on 1. You have some support from your ally, but that's not going to completely negate the damage of any single champ.
Trilane vs 2 would just be so terrible for the 3 as long as the 2 weren't retarded ofc.
On July 10 2011 19:16 Woony wrote: I think 2 people can zone one person harder than three people can zone two people, so the top for the trilane team would get zoned even harder.
Not if the enemy team plays a classic 1-1-2 + jungle. Then the field looks like:
1v1 top
1v1 mid
1v3 bot
The jungler would have trouble ganking the bot lane since his presence would not make it a 3v2 but rather only cancel out the otherwise permanent advantage for the bot team.
Still i think it largely depends on the exp problem and how to be able to dive towers early game. With 3 people last hitting you are always going to be moving the lane forward into the enemy tower and if you can't solve that problem you would achieve very little.
If you could make a settup that allows you to be diving towers pretty early (level 4 at the least) you could constantly gank the enemy. The jungler would have to come down to gank a lot but that wouldn't fix much because if you just ward you could just retreat right into him with 3 people.
Something like a Garen would seem usefull for such a settup. He can silence a support (bot is often carry + support) and he can use W to take tower shots reasonably early in the game. If the bot lane has atleast ignite and exhaust it could be easy ganking if the other two are good damage champs.
Whatever way it would work you couldn't do it without tons and tons of tower diving to make the 2 players die so often that it negates their exp advantage. Ofcourse if they die to 3 players it's rather likely that you could take their tower.
I can see something like Blitz/Alistar/Garen working 3v2, since that grab/punt means you don't need to tank tower for too long. Considering how Blitz/Alistar already destroys squishy support/carry bot, Garen gives you enough damage to threaten tankier champs too.
edit: not to mention Blitz and Alistar are perfectly happy not getting much farm in exchange for ruining someone's day
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On July 09 2011 08:53 BlackPaladin wrote:Most likely from being understaffed with bad coding and semi-bad servers. Not being the most organized when your technology and coding isn't top notch kind of makes issues usually.  But that's just my guess. IIRC only 2 or 3 Engineers are dedicated to patching. Think it's Whattayabrian, Xplosion and someone else? They're setting up a permanent team for ensuring sever security+support and stuff. I hear that before it was all kinda haphazard.
On July 10 2011 10:36 HazMat wrote: Also, Ill try to go to Raleigh as I live in VA. If you go, would you mind getting codes/autographs for TL pretty please? :3
On July 10 2011 21:06 zalz wrote:Show nested quote +On July 10 2011 19:16 Woony wrote: I think 2 people can zone one person harder than three people can zone two people, so the top for the trilane team would get zoned even harder. Not if the enemy team plays a classic 1-1-2 + jungle. Then the field looks like: 1v1 top 1v1 mid 1v3 bot The jungler would have trouble ganking the bot lane since his presence would not make it a 3v2 but rather only cancel out the otherwise permanent advantage for the bot team. No way. Jungler would FAR FAR FAR outlevel the trilane and would have at least Lizard. It'd be a HUGE advantage for the non-trilane team and the fact that the trilane would be pushed would mean at least a couple of kills.