Heroes Large General Thread - Page 152
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6007 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On October 23 2014 07:00 Serejai wrote: You can run in, take a pot shot, and run out. You don't have to literally stand there to deny tribute. If you get in range for a pot shot and your team isn't backing you up, you're going to get picked and killed. If your team does back you up and it turns into a teamfight under the Drill, then the Drill is doing its job. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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Mexico2170 Posts
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Canada384 Posts
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6318 Posts
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657 Posts
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United States776 Posts
On October 23 2014 14:14 kongoline wrote: whats the general opinion on muradin? i just got alpha and am not sure if hes good to buy him as 1st hero Muradin may seem weak at first for newcomers when you compare him with the likes of Arthas and Stitches. Indeed, on paper, his damage numbers are on the low side for all his basic abilities. But once you really buckle down and gain an understanding on what he is good at, which is constant disruption at close quarters, you can really make things difficult for enemies to give chase or run away and that's when you're constantly smacking them and adding up your damage. His trait, second wind, lets him take a lot of damage and then leap away and recover HP rapidly to jump back in. Leaping over terrain to engage or escape is unique to Muradin (aside from Sonya's leap, but that's on a much bigger cooldown). A perfect storm bolt and dwarf toss into haymaker combo is the real highlight of playing him and never gets old. =P Muradin can absolutely be mean when you play him to his strengths and is by far my favorite and most picked warrior. I am of the opinion that he can definitely hold his own and is in a rather good place, not weak at all. A couple tips: -Reverberation is his best level 1 talent. Attack speed debuffs are deadly when virtually all heroes are reliant on their auto-attacks for the majority of their damage. And it also makes you a better tank, dueler, and jungler... basically better everything all at once. -Thunderburn at tier 2 is an excellent followup to reverberation. The second thunder clap hit will refresh reverberation as well as any other talented effects from thunder clap. -Use dwarf toss wisely. Only use it offensively when you know you can grab a kill and stay alive. Otherwise, this is your best "I don't want to fight here" move. | ||
Canada9987 Posts
On October 23 2014 14:14 kongoline wrote: whats the general opinion on muradin? i just got alpha and am not sure if hes good to buy him as 1st hero hes really fun if u like stunning/slowing people and hes surprisingly solid. that being said, if you want a good all around hero buy tassadar for 4k. muradin is free this week so you can try him out first, this is my fav build w/ him http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/muradin#hwh9 (as stated above reverberation is also a really good lvl 1 talent) | ||
United States3104 Posts
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United States60190 Posts
On October 23 2014 22:55 Tenks wrote: Muardin is also pretty heavily countered by Relentless. Since what he brings to the table is a reliable stun of slow and taking that talent makes both those half as effective. His ults are also a little underwhelming compared to other Heroes that fill that role. Haymaker is great if you can get a hero out of position, but it might lead to you getting alpha striked down once you use it. I'm a big fan of Diablo and Chen right now. | ||
19533 Posts
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Spain10108 Posts
On October 23 2014 23:51 The_Red_Viper wrote: I need a beta invite PLS blizzard PLS Make them two. | ||
Denmark9342 Posts
- The pacing of the game is really awesome. Constant battles. - Champion design feels pretty solid, and I like that you can transform and ride horses. - Talent system is actually interesting unlike the mastery/item/runes-mess in LOL. - Replacing objectives with last-hitting in order to incentivize engagements works well - I think, however, objectives actaully increases the learning barrier relative to laning as its easier for a new player to just be told to go to x location than knowing the ins and outs of the various maps and how the objectives work, and when/when not to move with your teammaters. - I think - relative to LOL - that we are zooming in more on the battlefield and that heroes instead move slower. Not sure why this change was made. - When watching a couple of games, it's even more difficult than in LOL to notice when someone does something impressive. It feels like its a clump of champions attacking each other and then one team wins. While MOBA's in generally are harder to follow than RTS, I think it may - in terms of the viewer experience - suffer from being too teambased focussed as I believe that viewers enjoy the moment where they can see one player doing an impresssive micro-technique, rather than just two teams battling it out. Sum up: Still not sure about the quality of the game as an esport. I could be wrong here ofc since I am just new. Regardless though, the game is really really fun, and I think it will be a success in terms of playernumbers. | ||
4713 Posts
On October 24 2014 01:16 Hider wrote: My first impression after being lucky and getting an invite yesterday (after only having signed up 5 days prior) are the following: - The pacing of the game is really awesome. Constant battles. - Champion design feels pretty solid, and I like that you can transform and ride horses. - Talent system is actually interesting unlike the mastery/item/runes-mess in LOL. - Replacing objectives with last-hitting in order to incentivize engagements works well - I think, however, objectives actaully increases the learning barrier relative to laning as its easier for a new player to just be told to go to x location than knowing the ins and outs of the various maps and how the objectives work, and when/when not to move with your teammaters. - I think - relative to LOL - that we are zooming in more on the battlefield and that heroes instead move slower. Not sure why this change was made. - When watching a couple of games, it's even more difficult than in LOL to notice when someone does something impressive. It feels like its a clump of champions attacking each other and then one team wins. While MOBA's in generally are harder to follow than RTS, I think it may - in terms of the viewer experience - suffer from being too teambased focussed as I believe that viewers enjoy the moment where they can see one player doing an impresssive micro-technique, rather than just two teams battling it out. Sum up: Still not sure about the quality of the game as an esport. I could be wrong here ofc since I am just new. Regardless though, the game is really really fun, and I think it will be a success in terms of playernumbers. There is a fair bit of micro involved in this as well. Like DotA and unlike LoL you can body block people, and the highlights of a great player will be knowing exactly how to sutter step to deal the maximum damage while also providing the maximum disruption to the enemy. There probably are a lot of individual plays someone can make that will flip the tide of a battle, but you just aren't aware of yet. My story, I just got my key last Friday, already level 24 and bought two heroes. I had an awesome game on the Pirate map where we sort of baited the enemy team into the maze structure exactly south of the turn in guy and then we body blocked them in and let lose all our aoe, it was great. The game is ridiculously fun, I love the pacing, the maps and the heroes. Its awesome playing with old favorites like Arthas and Illidan. As for it being an eSports, I think in terms of design it has found its niche. It plays differently from LoL and DotA which is good, in terms of execution, well I'm still waiting for Blizzcon to see. Also, any thoughts on the talents that give you stacking HP, Mana and Attack damage? | ||
Denmark9342 Posts
There is a fair bit of micro involved in this as well. Like DotA and unlike LoL you can body block people, and the highlights of a great player will be knowing exactly how to sutter step to deal the maximum damage while also providing the maximum disruption to the enemy. I know there is lots of micro (that's why I enjoyed playing it) but I feel - from a viewers perspective - that it can be difficult to identify the skills of the players, and I think that's an important part of whether it can succeed as an esport or not. At least I haven't seen any game yet where it was obvious that one of the players micro'ed really well. I believe the game would probably be easier to watch if it had the same pacing but more 1on1 or 2v2 engagements. I am sure very experienced players can identify it, but I think the broader audience also needs to be impressed when they watch games. Obviously I still need to play and learn some more before I can have more credibility in my comments. | ||
8748 Posts
"we need to rotate better" uhhhh no, we dont need to rotate at all | ||
United States3104 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On October 24 2014 02:07 Hider wrote: I know there is lots of micro (that's why I enjoyed playing it) but I feel - from a viewers perspective - that it can be difficult to identify the skills of the players, and I think that's an important part of whether it can succeed as an esport or not. At least I haven't seen any game yet where it was obvious that one of the players micro'ed really well. I believe the game would probably be easier to watch if it had the same pacing but more 1on1 or 2v2 engagements. I am sure very experienced players can identify it, but I think the broader audience also needs to be impressed when they watch games. Obviously I still need to play and learn some more before I can have more credibility in my comments. I think that good plays are hard to see because 1) the visual cues aren't very good yet, and 2) given that the game is new, it's hard to see what's going on. However, I definitely have seen some really impressive play in some of my games where one player clearly wins a fight for his team. | ||
8748 Posts
On October 24 2014 03:49 Tenks wrote: I think they call it a rotation because the first person in absorbs much of the burst then falls back and the next person steps up to take the damage. So ideally you'll exit the battle with 5 injured people instead of dead people. I didn't think of that because people are always using it in reference to map movements, not team fight tactics. But I still find that pretty weird. Health is one factor but there are other important ones that would break the rotation and with so many competing factors there would be no discernible rotation. Like you don't want to over-kill, over-heal or over-disable, so you'd want separate rotations for each category of cooldown, but I've never heard it used like that. | ||
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