Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 178
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United States0 Posts
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United States0 Posts
On May 21 2014 22:56 KoD) wrote: Will they ever fix fucking Zoo? I am usually around rank 9 with Paladin/Priest cuz those classes are fun as hell to play. It took me half an hour to get to rank 7 with a zoo deck I pulled off reddit without reading the guide. Seriously?! I spend hours researching Priest, craft all he cards required and invest a ton of time trying to get better trying to play as good as I can every game and I get nowhere but playing Zoo I only lose vs perfect starting hands of opponnent.. This is precisely the problem, zero effort, 1000% reward... | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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Netherlands36 Posts
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United States0 Posts
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0 Posts
On May 22 2014 06:02 btnpshr wrote: I just live in this thread today. Went 1-3 in arena... mage, mage, mage, mage.... Did I mention the last 5 arenas I did, mage wasn't an option for me?!! gg bliz Yeah tell me about it, seems people need some quick gold for some reason.... | ||
60 Posts
On May 21 2014 17:53 Excludos wrote: Hmm. Fuck you too. Its the only deck you can play even slightly well with without a ton of legendaries that I dont have. Im really tired of these posts that blame the player rather than the game, as if they're making up extra rules that don't exist. Blame blizzard for making hunter the only semiuseable deck without legendaries, not the players for finding themselves in a position where its the only logical choice to use it. Zoo is like Starcraft cheese: it takes zero skills, is much harder to beat than to execute, except in this case beating it is strictly about luck instead of mechanical skills. 'Blame blizzard for making cheese so effective!' Yeah no, stfu. | ||
0 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
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Macedonia13017 Posts
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Denmark156 Posts
And i agree about zoo, not just with locks but in general. It requires zero skill, and even if i tweak my shamans deck for deal with em, i simply lose unless i get those very particular cards. And even then, chances are i still lose. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
Both them were 4 common 1 rares both of them contained Angry Chicken What the fuck game? | ||
Norway7969 Posts
On May 22 2014 21:42 LWr wrote: Zoo is like Starcraft cheese: it takes zero skills, is much harder to beat than to execute, except in this case beating it is strictly about luck instead of mechanical skills. 'Blame blizzard for making cheese so effective!' Yeah no, stfu. No. You're not blaming cheese, you're blaming terran. Telling everyone who plays a certain race to go fuck themselves or hope they die in a painful and artistic satisfying way is completely mindless and dickish, as well as completely not ok. You get to whine in this thread, you dont get to bash people. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
On May 23 2014 03:29 Excludos wrote: No. You're not blaming cheese, you're blaming terran. Telling everyone who plays a certain race to go fuck themselves or hope they die in a painful and artistic satisfying way is completely mindless and dickish, as well as completely not ok. You get to whine in this thread, you dont get to bash people. It's ike bithcing at 1-1-1 in WoL Or stuff like BBS; any kind of bunker rush in BW. It has nothing to do with other warlock decks. I mean most expensive card I've seen in zoo is bloodknight or sometimes they run a leeroy, really easy to craft and play one of the strongest decks in the game and that is naturally gonan frustrate people. I'm not one of them though, at rank 13-14 I went 4-0 vs zoolocks with adruid deck today so I'm not sour today lol. I dislike miracle though, got auctioneer concealed, next turn cold blood x2, evis, conceal, then next turn I was dead cus i didn't draw my taunts. MOrale of the story: game is hard | ||
United States0 Posts
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United States606 Posts
Also, fuck losing to a 25% knife juggler or ragnaros hit. I swear, other people's knife jugglers are like fucking snipers, hitting minions, the right minions when needed, or hitting face when not needed, and mine are just the opposite. | ||
Norway7969 Posts
On May 23 2014 03:59 serum321 wrote: Being 1 off of lethal against handlock 5 turns in a row, one of the most frustrating feelings. Also, fuck losing to a 25% knife juggler or ragnaros hit. I swear, other people's knife jugglers are like fucking snipers, hitting minions, the right minions when needed, or hitting face when not needed, and mine are just the opposite. Any spell or minion that has even the faintest bit of RNG works out perfectly for the opponent and fails miserably if you try it. I think its a law at this point. Especially that fucking Arcane Missiles. If I have 3 units with 2 health each I promise you its going to hit each one exactly once to put them in range of Arcane Explosion. | ||
2531 Posts
What happened to me today, I will never ever forget. Rogue (me) vs Priest. It's his turn. (turn 6 so 6 mana crystals) I am left with 14hp, he only has a 0/2 Shieldbearer on the board (damaged from a previous turn). Priest heals the Shieldbearer to 0/4 (2 mana cost) Priest doubles hp to 0/8 with Divine Spirit (4 mana cost total) Priest doubles hp to 0/16 again with Divine Spirit (6 mana cost total) So at this point I am thinking, ok I need to Sap that before it gets Inner Fire. Good thing he is out of mana so he cant do anything. Right? Wrong. He previously had used Thoughtsteal and OF COURSE copied one of my Preparation. So Preparation + Inner Fire = =Suddenly a 16/16 instantly killed me. Unbelievable luck from his part and ridiculously bad luck on my part. What are the chances seriously. LOL Edit: A guy told me that the chances of him having those cards and appropriate mana, including the copied Preparation were 0.0062% ROFL | ||
United States2145 Posts
On May 22 2014 21:42 LWr wrote: Zoo is like Starcraft cheese: it takes zero skills, is much harder to beat than to execute, except in this case beating it is strictly about luck instead of mechanical skills. 'Blame blizzard for making cheese so effective!' Yeah no, stfu. While I understand where you're coming from, Zoo does take some skill to play well. That said, it's still a strong deck in the hands of a novice, yes. The difference is that in the hands of an ok player, Zoo is an annoyingly strong deck that you barely win against, while in the hands of a good player, it is an annoyingly strong deck that seems impossible to beat unless you are reasonably lucky. It's a pretty big difference from one or two key decisions each game, which are made more difficult by the fact that even the bad decision looks reasonably good. But I wanted to mention that, the idea that it's much harder to beat than to play, and beating it is about luck (namely mulligan into the correct cards, hope they don't have Doomguard at the right time) rather than mechanics really just indicates that it's a top tier deck. It's not cheese. The Zoo player is not thinking "Boy, I hope my opponent wasn't expecting to run into Zoo today!" It is a meta-defining aggro deck, because it's full of strong, cheap minions, and it pretty much never runs out of gas. It is not cheese. Hopefully this helps how you approach this matchup. | ||
60 Posts
On May 23 2014 03:29 Excludos wrote: No. You're not blaming cheese, you're blaming terran. Telling everyone who plays a certain race to go fuck themselves or hope they die in a painful and artistic satisfying way is completely mindless and dickish, as well as completely not ok. You get to whine in this thread, you dont get to bash people. No I am not blaming Warlock, no matter how hard you want me to be. I'm also not the one who wished death; learn to read. | ||
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