On May 11 2014 07:34 Dreamer.T wrote: At 30 hp, get rogue down to 8 hp, next turn lethal. He only had a mana addict and the 4/4 dude that draws when u cast. Next turn he does 32 damage to me. Lesson learned. Past turn 5, rogue can kill you any time they want.
I would be more surprised if you did not die with that on the board. Those two together is an immediate next turn death of you don't deal with the addict at the very least.... Those decks ate the reason I like hand lock so much right now. .. Go Go shadowfire
again, harrison all day long among last 3 cards, hugging ragnaros and alex. but due to losestrick i have fallen to 8 rank from 4 and that doesnt help that poor guys with mana wraiths and ironbark protectors
Does anyone else get pissed they lose to atypical shit you know your deck would beat 90+% of the time because you mulligan or keep a starting hand expecting the same shit that plagues the ladders and casual game mode? This Warrior, coins out a turn 2 raging worgen, forces me to innervate silence on turn 3 (what a waste), then uses an abusive sergeant to kill my KOTG with the Worgen, proceeds to play cards like sabrethorn tiger, jungle panther which gets "charged" with Charge, and deal a shit load of damage to me and plays another tiger. I'm down to like 12 health, have a healing touch in my hand but couldn't decide if i wanted to play that or 2 chillwind yetis then swipe next turn. As a result I play one yeti and then my turn ends before I could play the rest... yea I just concede there because I didn't spend my mana and lost to some noob tard shit fml
Oh and why are there still Mages that play an typical deck on ladder, and think they will go far? Mana wyrms, frost bolt, arcane intellect, water elemental, blizzard, flamestrike (with a thalnos), pyroblast... see all those coming, what I didn't see coming which probably won him the game... Mirror Entity? Are you fuckin kidding me? Who the fuck plays that card on ladder, and think they can get a high winrate with that piece of shit? Any other deck you face if I didn't have all my high drops that turn and he would have lost, fuck that shit
wow miracle rogue, such skill, such clutch decision making, wow auctioneer good card wow GJGJGJGJGJ BLIZZ sap is nearly as good as hunters mark oh wait it's even 20000x better with preparation i mean WTF WTWTWFWTF BLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ PLS oh and kolento you deserve a very special place in heaven
On May 11 2014 13:01 Jayme wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2014 07:34 Dreamer.T wrote: At 30 hp, get rogue down to 8 hp, next turn lethal. He only had a mana addict and the 4/4 dude that draws when u cast. Next turn he does 32 damage to me. Lesson learned. Past turn 5, rogue can kill you any time they want. I would be more surprised if you did not die with that on the board. Those two together is an immediate next turn death of you don't deal with the addict at the very least.... Those decks ate the reason I like hand lock so much right now. .. Go Go shadowfire
Yup, I've learned my lesson. Basically beating 80% of miracle rogues now lol. THe other problem though...rank 5 and on is basically infested with warlocks. The decks that do well vs handlock get owned by zoo, and vice versa. Mulliganing is basically a coin flip. You mulligan early removal to deal with zoo locks gets you fucked if it turns out he's handlock.
god, why, every time i remove harrison from deck, i get matched with rogue or hunter, and every time i add it - with warlock or druid.
Aggro Mage, aggro Paladin, aggro Shaman. This game has become such a joke.
bashed hard by a noob this morning
Lord of the Arena - I had lethal next turn so I left it on the board.
suddenly I'm faced with Rockbiter, Windfury, Raid Leader, swinging me for 18. god damnit
Friday night had some amazing games and pulled off one of my greatest, closest wins ever. Just goofing around in arena and casual really. Enjoyable night all round.
Then over the weekend I switched across to playing ranked and my "comfort deck". Spent Saturday and Sunday getting absolutely smashed. Only wins I managed to pull out were from clearing a quest with Miracle Rogue.
Consistently drawing into bad hands. Consistently not drawing the cards I need in the first 2/3s of a deck (clearly Northshire Cleric is an awesome card to draw when you have five cards left). Consistently mulliganing stuff like Ragnaros from my opening hand and drawing into other useful cards like Mind Control instead (thanks for that, RNG). WTH happened?
I hope a second Hitler comes to power and purges / exterminates anyone playing aggro decks. The world would be a better place. Just trying to play casual to clear a quest with Druid and NOPE. 4 consecutive Hunters.
After reading several of the past few posts, I feel bad for playing Miracle Rogue to complete my quests today...
On the other hand, I play the Malygos variant rather than the Leeroy variant... I don't know if that helps my case at all.
I don't always play double savage roar mid-range druid decks, but when I do, I don't draw a savage roar all game.
I didn't get a 100gold quest since like october, did they remove them? xD
And i always discardt he 40gold quests !
fucking mage with 4x flame strike 4x fireball 3x poly 2x frostbolt and a blizzard fucking die in a fire
Seriously.. Fuck miracle..
When you play against a hunter you have some options. Playing 1 or 2 minions, try not to fall in to traps etc. You have limited options but at least there is "options".
When you play against a miracle (Malygos or leeroy doesn't matter) you don't play the game. You "act" like playing. Why? Everything depends on your opponents draw. Does she have a SI:7? Does she have Gadgetzan? Does she have Preparation? There is absolutely nothing you can do about the game. For example... Lets say turn 7.
Opponent plays a gadgetzan and start drawing...... .... .... ...... .... ..... ..... ........ ..... ...... .... ........ She spends all of her turn to draw 176561 cards. BAM she has her combo or she draw sap! YOU DIE! She spends all of her turn to draw 176561 cards. She doesn't have her combo or she couldn't draw sap! Use a removal spell for half of your mana. Put a useless 3 mana minion on board and live for 1 more turn.
Lets say you're playing aggro. If she manage to get some early tempo cards (Backstab, SI:7, Poison dagger) you're in a really bad position. Otherwise you automaticaly win. Because there is no other minions to fight. You just auto attack.
When i play against a miracle rogue, i feel like i became Innkeeper... Thats bad.
Fuck this, I'm playing Miracle Rogue. They're fucking everywhere and destroying me.
warlock topdecks one doomgward, taps gets soulfire, next turn get second doomgward, and next turn leeroy+taps for POw
Priest at 13hp, I have Leeroy and Faceless in my hand (Nightblade and Leper Gnome as well). Can't get lethal so I play Nightblade and Leper Gnome and hope (deck is full of the random epic priest crap that's only fun when you're playing it ) He had a temple enforcer and I was at 21hp. Double Divine Spirit + Inner Fire for 24 dmg Inches from lethal a few turns boooo
i hate so much last tournament pool, that fucking point that you should soulfire after you play yout t4 giant or drake vs warrior, everyone uses that dirty trick... also many players fixed their noobish miracle decks, so the became much more consistent overall