In hte last AT LEAST 15 arena runs I didnt get over 5 wins. I managed to spend all my gold (that I had collected from previous runs). I literally do not get any of the key class cards and only shit minions. I had a decent deck today but I ran into a Hunter with only beasts traps weapons and unleash, as well as a perfect zoolock.
This has been happening for a while, I actually faced a druid today that had Bloodmage AND Rag, as well as swipes a druid of the claw and some other fun things. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!
I just coined Bluegill Warrior and didn't attack. Still crying of laughter.
It also lost me the game because later on, the two damage would have won me the game.
Everyone who plays a hunter and emotes "Sorry" are fags.
Mages are out to get me.
I have a great Rogue deck with all sorts of cool combos in Arena, 7-2 (because hunters). I have a Silver Hand Kinght on board, I tanked two Flamestrikes before. I'm sitting at 14 hp, topdecking. He plays an Ethereal Arcanist and Mirror Image. I clear up the Mirror Images, I topdeck another random creature. Play that. Now I have lethal in 2 turns.
He pings my face + hits me with the Arcanist. 10 HP. He has one card in hand. I have no healers in my deck. I know what's coming. And it comes. Pyro. ... So I switch to constructed, another mage. After a 2x Leper Gnome opening followed by about 4 draw cards, I see what's coming,. I end up with 2 Higmanes on the board at turn 7, with 15 HP left. I have lethal. Turn 8 for him, he can't kill me, right? I've already seen one Frostbolt and a Fireball.
Thalnos + Frostbolt + Ice Lance + Ice Lance + Ping. 15 damage.
UtH+Hyena+Timber Wolf+Stonetusk+Hunter's Mark combo in Arena.
I'm fucking done, even in Arena you guys continue to be retarded.
On May 07 2014 03:25 skyR wrote: Everyone who plays a hunter and emotes "Sorry" are fags. We've all played zoo at some point, we all know how easy it is. So why do most of the people that play zoo on ladder feel they need to emote 'well played' twenty times after they top-decked their second straight soulfire to break through my 8/8 taunt minion.
Just like hunters, everyone out there has played those decks, so we all know how easy it is to win. You aren't convincing anyone by acting good, not even yourself.
On May 07 2014 23:16 convention wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2014 03:25 skyR wrote: Everyone who plays a hunter and emotes "Sorry" are fags. We've all played zoo at some point, we all know how easy it is. So why do most of the people that play zoo on ladder feel they need to emote 'well played' twenty times after they top-decked their second straight soulfire to break through my 8/8 taunt minion. Just like hunters, everyone out there has played those decks, so we all know how easy it is to win. You aren't convincing anyone by acting good, not even yourself.
We can't even chat ingame anyway so now we should remove emotes?  Just say hello then mute your opponents every time you start a new game :D
I find it annoying too but the guy saying "sorry" after a fun close game, hurts less than the one spamming "well played" -___-
edit : hunters are fags
On May 07 2014 03:25 skyR wrote: Everyone who plays a hunter and emotes "Sorry" are fags. ^this
Miracle Rogue and Hunter is all i'm seeing and I'm so sick of it. I can't play or do anything without them Hunter's Marking or just obliterating my stuff while drawing a billion cards. I'm sick of Leeroy Jenkins. That card is in almost every deck, hell even control and midrange run it because it's 6 damage to anything for 4 mana.
Boo hiss.
Been running into these ridiculous perfect rush decks in arena lately. I play minions right on curve at every turn from turn 2, and still I'm dead by turn 7. Not behind but dead.
Usually they have exactly 0 cards left by that point and if I had 1 more turn to clear their board I could win, but nope.
So continuing my arena luck I just started a druid run. Round 1 Hunter: Dude had the bow, 5! traps (two freezing two explosive one missdirection) 2 Highmanes, UTH Stonetusk Buzzard Animal Companion Hunters Mark and Killcommand, the game went pretty long because I managed to get a good start with innervate, so out of the 18 cards he used, TWO were not found in constructed Hunters of that same style. Seriously WTF?! I am happy about getting two swipes and an innervate and thess guys just copie and paste a legend ranked deck in arena? Every. Single. Time.
On May 08 2014 01:49 GGP wrote: Miracle Rogue and Hunter is all i'm seeing and I'm so sick of it. I can't play or do anything without them Hunter's Marking or just obliterating my stuff while drawing a billion cards. I'm sick of Leeroy Jenkins. That card is in almost every deck, hell even control and midrange run it because it's 6 damage to anything for 4 mana.
Boo hiss.
Not to mention that the backdraw of the card can be negated or even a buff to the user under the right circumstances, like UTH.. It is ridiculously good, as legendaries are in general. I'm kind of sick of this "if you don't have the legendaries that you have to have blind luck to get, use a ridiculous amount of money combined with blind luck, or an even bigger ridiculous amount of money to craft, all because theres no trading in this game, then you can't hope to be even slightly competitive. Have fun at rank 20..unless you use hunter!"
Guys all I want tonight are my 5 wins to complete my quest in this stupid game. Why the fuck am I facing a giant Mage, a paladin who opens up with knife juggler and aggro stuff, then plays a Cairne... wtf??? Typical noob shits who probably go "I opened a legendary and epics!, I'm gonna put them in any of my decks just cuz they will auto win me any game!"
And wow, had a game in the bag against a Zoo lock with a concealed Auctioneer and Mana Addict, what happens next is I get disconnected and can't reconnect... !#%$%#@^%$#@^%$#
When is UTH getting nerfed. Jesus Christ. It's not like it'll change the amount of Hunters, but goddamn I'm so tired of this.
mindvisioned my malygos and thoughtstole eviscerate/sap/backstab + some other card he didn't use
Holy fuck Reynad I feel your pain, this fucking RNG is too much
miracle rouges should be changed to daydream rouges. It must be hard shawdowstepping leeroy every game.
WTF is this shit.... I'm just casual arena/quest play, with like 4 random legendary from packs. Now I'm stuck with a 5 win Pally / Warrior quest and the only legendary that could possible fit is Thalnos, and 0 usable epics.
I'm trying to do this stupid quest for close to 3 hr now, still only 3/5, even at rank 18 everyone are either stupid rush deck or have 3-4 legendary.
1hr later: I did it! Cannot lose rank anymore! Still 3/5
Finally did it by making the most aggro aggro deck ever, and prey on warloc and huntards
On May 09 2014 09:43 Sevre wrote: Pyroblast. That is all.
Haha, I got pyroblasted with a Malygos on the board today ><