Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 164
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United States12704 Posts
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Germany17651 Posts
On April 25 2014 21:46 Beamo wrote: Guys... Ok I get this is a QQ thread and all but let's stay a bit realistic... I've kept track of my last 250 games (rank 5 and above) in ladder in the last 2 weeks and we are not close to 75% hunters... My stats show that I've met : Hunters : 25% Warlocks : 25% Druid : 11% Rogue : 11% Warrior : 10% Shaman : 7% Paladin : 5% Mage : 5% Priest : 2% Yes buzzard + Uth is currently too strong. My problem with the current meta is not the hunters but the 70%+ aggro-type you get when you play. ye your stats dont tell too much actually as they are only referring to you and i feel like it's zoo/ hunter about 75 % into any other fun matchup. btw qq thread is not for arguing it's to agree that something's wrong with the game and QQ :D:D | ||
United Kingdom3692 Posts
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United States0 Posts
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Canada863 Posts
Really, why is it every time I'm opening and mulliganing my leeroy doom guard and argent commander are in my hand... whyt?!?!#@!??#@$?@!$?!@. I don't get what is going on tonight... casual mode is suppose to be lol's, and here I am getting jewed left and right when I normally own these trash with the majority of my opening hands being garbage and my opponent's having the exact answer for everything and losing to noob trash like Mages that use Guurbashi Berserker (are you kidding me) Edit: Tried an arena run, 2nd game I get the prototypical mage with the perfect turn 1-10... killed everything I had efficiently while losing nearly nothing the whole game, yes this includes a 4 mana fireball on my 7 mana Guardian, flamestrike next turn when I had to razorfin and DoA, then exact turn 10 pyro... 4th game I get a warlock who plays 2 DOOMGUARDS in an arena game, and has a faceless manipulator, turn 7 dead... are you fuckin kidding me?? I never remembered MTG ever being this frustrating or stressful... EVER... | ||
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0 Posts
switching to my anti-Zoo deck. get huntered switch back. Get another Zoo. fml | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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Canada26 Posts
On April 20 2014 19:04 Malinor wrote: This is more of an observation, because I am not really raging, I am just speechless. Hunter is broken on some level. He has 6 life and an empty board. He has 2 cards in hand and already Buzzard/UTH once.. On my side of the board is an Azure Drake and a completely untouched Al'Akir. I am at 17 life. 1. Buzzard 2. Ironbeak Owl (silence Al'Akir) - draw 1 card 3. Unleash the Hounds - draw 2 cards 4. Timber Wolf - draw 1 card 5. Animal Companion (of course Misha, so that he has a Taunt) - draw 1 card 6. Hunter's Mark (on Al'Akir) After he finishes me off the next turn, he has 1 card undrawn to my 14. I had something extremely similar happen to me but in Arena. I'm at 26 life as a priest in Arena with 9+ wins. I have 5 cards in hands, 5 cards on the board including a 0/5 silenced Lightspawn. My hunter opponent has 10 life, nothing on the board, 2 cards in hand and has already unleashed once. Then he plays... 1. Buzzard 2. Ironbeak owl (draws 1 card) 3. Timber Wolf (draws 1 card) 4. Unleash the hounds (draws 5 cards) 5. Scavenging Hyena (draws 1 card) 6. Hunter's Mark Then he clears my board except for my 0/5 Lightspawn and ends up with a 13/6 Hyena, a Buzzard, an Ironbeak Owl and a Timber Wolf on his side. I don't have any of my outs for this situation in my hand and I don't draw them within the next 2 turns. I just died. Hunter is so broken it's amazing. | ||
United Kingdom1153 Posts
On April 26 2014 22:43 Sylv wrote: I had something extremely similar happen to me but in Arena. I'm at 26 life as a priest in Arena with 9+ wins. I have 5 cards in hands, 5 cards on the board including a 0/5 silenced Lightspawn. My hunter opponent has 10 life, nothing on the board, 2 cards in hand and has already unleashed once. Then he plays... 1. Buzzard 2. Ironbeak owl (draws 1 card) 3. Timber Wolf (draws 1 card) 4. Unleash the hounds (draws 5 cards) 5. Scavenging Hyena (draws 1 card) 6. Hunter's Mark Then he clears my board except for my 0/5 Lightspawn and ends up with a 13/6 Hyena, a Buzzard, an Ironbeak Owl and a Timber Wolf on his side. I don't have any of my outs for this situation in my hand and I don't draw them within the next 2 turns. I just died. Hunter is so broken it's amazing. Cool story, this happens to me at 3 wins in arena. Pretty much lose to shit like that 3 times. Where's all the ez wins at? Also whats up with no hex, no poly, no fireball, no flamestrike, no yeti, no weapons, no legendaries (fucking fighting decks in arena with one 5x in a row now) ARGAHGRHARGHAGR. 2 Innervates and cant draw one in 6 games before turn 8. What are you supposed to sacrifice to RNGesus to get him to at least just leave you alone and not fuck you over? | ||
Canada1301 Posts
![]() Dat draw doe. (all 5+ drops, didnt get the innervate til like turn 5-6 or whatever, far past the point where its ideal to use). (I also run wraths, swipes, keeper of the groves, yeti's, harvest golems, thalnos, wild growths in the deck.. Which apparently decided to go MIA that game. Yes, I lost this game, obviously. | ||
United States57 Posts
![]() ![]() Drafted this Deck in Arena. Had 11 Wins and then on my final game against a Rogue at 8 Mana where I had: Bloodsail Corsair, Shattered Sun Cleric, a Cairne Bloodhoof (buffed to 5/6 at 3 Health) and a Dire Wolf Alpha on the Field with a Savage Roar in my hand (I had 11 Health) against an Opponent with 9 Health and only a lone Defender of Argus to defend himself. My internet just goes and disconnects itself from the internet for no reason... F*** China DSL!!! | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France3143 Posts
And i thought i had bad draws :D Today i opened a pack and found my 3rd legendary after sylvannas and cairne, Ysera ! I played 10 games and was able to play it once x( | ||
United Kingdom3692 Posts
On April 27 2014 06:04 ArtyK wrote: And i thought i had bad draws :D Today i opened a pack and found my 3rd legendary after sylvannas and cairne, Ysera ! I played 10 games and was able to play it once x( Yeah ysera is a great card its just a bit too slow for the current meta ![]() | ||
France3143 Posts
On April 27 2014 06:06 Zaros wrote: Yeah ysera is a great card its just a bit too slow for the current meta ![]() Yeah i played control warrior with it, lacking the other legendaries and 2 shield slams ![]() But in any other decks i have it would be even worse :D God hunters are annoying x) | ||
Canada0 Posts
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Canada1301 Posts
On April 27 2014 06:26 jiaxunjason wrote: i had a match against this shaman, and he hero powered like 7 or 8 times, and he got a taunt totem every time! i would;ve won if it weren't for his ridiculous luck! I had one ranked game about a week ago where I was druid vs a sham.. He had out a mana tide totem.. I had brought it down to 1hp so I could hero power kill it on my next turn... Anyways, this kid gets 3-4 consecutive taunt totems in a row in his turns to cover for the mana tide (I had no way to hero power it), and he didn't even have ANY other totems up. Ended up drawing like 4-5 more cards off it and I lost as result. | ||
Taiwan85 Posts
I played another game, and this is the god damn fucking shit that makes me want to break my computer. I play the whole game against a Hunter, never more than 2 minions on the field. It is Turn 7, I have 6 damage on the board, he has 13 health, I have 21. I have 3 cards in hand, Soulfire and two others. Topdeck a soulfire. I tap so I have 5 cards, play the Soulfire, and of fucking course, discard my other Soulfire. 25% chance. Every fucking time I soulfire I discard a Soulfire or Doomguard, without fail. I play cards to give me a 9/9 Bloodnight, and lose the game. Fuck this fucking shit. *edit* Finally got a win over a Hunter. It took me topdecking a doomguard after he killed my Bloodknight with a Hunters Mark and a Doomguard with a Kill Command + Buffed doge, him running out of cards by turn 6, me topdecking the perfect cards at the end of the game, and I ended the game at 3 health. He draws shit, I draw perfect cards, and I barely win at the end. Fuck them. | ||
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