Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 146
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Philippines4431 Posts
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United Kingdom3867 Posts
On March 30 2014 03:22 Rimstalker wrote: QQ on behalf of one of my arena opponents this week: He starts by playing Wisp - Wisp - Goldshire Footman (amazing draft AND opening hand right there, buddy!) His next turn is to play Mad Bomber. Doesn't hit me, my minion or him, but one of his Wisps and the Footman twice O_0 To be fair, if he'd managed to draft Edwin Vancleef that is a very, very nice turn 4 play. ![]() | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United Kingdom948 Posts
On April 01 2014 01:56 Greendotz wrote: I do wish the "Playful Sprites" would take a bath in a vat of acid. That made me chuckle ![]() | ||
United Kingdom31255 Posts
On April 01 2014 01:56 Greendotz wrote: I do wish the "Playful Sprites" would take a bath in a vat of acid. Every time I kill an enchantress in Dota I smile thinking about these damn sprites | ||
Slovakia529 Posts
Nope, his Mad bomber kills my 3/3. | ||
0 Posts
On April 01 2014 16:54 GoingGoingGone wrote: Nope, his Mad bomber kills my 3/3. Ahaha, mad bomber is so silly. ![]() | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
On April 01 2014 16:54 GoingGoingGone wrote: Ideal opening in a Warlock vs. Warlock matchup, Turn one -> Blood Imp + Coin + Flame imp after opponent does nothing. Nope, his Mad bomber kills my 3/3. Very unfortunate for you, but I have to say if I was the other guy I would've much rather killed the Blood Imp. It's going to continue to be a pain for the whole game and the Flame Imp would've died to the bomber anyway. | ||
0 Posts
On April 01 2014 21:13 Greendotz wrote: Very unfortunate for you, but I have to say if I was the other guy I would've much rather killed the Blood Imp. It's going to continue to be a pain for the whole game and the Flame Imp would've died to the bomber anyway. But look the guy now has to use spells or charge to get rid of your mad bomber to keep in the race for the board. This then and there might have been the start of the snowball to which there was no answer. | ||
Netherlands36 Posts
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6007 Posts
1/1 on board, AM kills 1/1 and 3/2 on board, AM kills both 1/1 and 2/2 on board, AM kills both 3/1+Shield and 1/1 on board, AM kills both. All the while I'm also getting beat down by his murlocs (seriously, who drafts this shit?). 0-2 so far this run (first match ended similarly on turn 7 to a murloc warlock deck who had the epics and everything). Really depressing because I actually drafted a great deck, including a Black Knight. Won't even get to see it at this rate. Aaaaaand third loss to a Hunter Giants deck. Turn four Sea Giant followed up later by two Molten Giants, a Leeroy, three UTH, and two Eaglehorn Bows. | ||
6007 Posts
I really don't understand why they "released" the game when it's just as buggy as ever. Another three months in beta would've been nice. Also can anyone tell me what the hell I'm looking at here? Mage goes double Mirror Images into double Raid Leader with two Arcane Missiles thrown in. I'm down to 3 HP on turn 5 :| Nevermind. Dropped a Mad Bomber in an attempt to clear some of the board and it killed me. | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
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Canada863 Posts
Trying to complete my quests tonight on ranked after reset and of course I run into one while playing my miracle Rogue which of course have no silences but whatever. Priest plays a turn 2 lightwell and coin pw: s, so I decided to sap it as I had ZERO other plays as I couldn't do the backstab deadly poison, and I already knew what kind of stupid deck I am up against. By turn 4 he plays it again and I was ready to kill it, only for him to use another pw: s again (how convenient). The following turn yep I knew what was coming! 14/14 light well hitting my face... pray for another sap? Nope... insta concede knowing I just lost to a scrub who a) plays a stupid class that only belong in the low ranks atm, and b) all-in's on yet the same horrible gimmick that fails almost every time based on not drawing the cards alone, let alone gets hard countered by silence. Like I honestly don't get pissed as much losing in ranked games compared to arena, but every time these low rank trash have the audacity to play like retards (thanks Blizzard for introducing a stupid card that should be replaced like blessed champion and prophet velen) it gets beyond my nerves to lose to this more than even murlocks or zoo... yea fuck divine spirit and inner fire, noob pieces of shit scrub tier loser fuck low ranked Priest trash. This is my regret purposely hanging around the low ranks to farm gold when the majority of scrubs in this rank range consist of these loser priests and spell power mages | ||
Canada1301 Posts
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Netherlands36 Posts
;_; It's so strong. | ||
Australia2706 Posts
On April 02 2014 19:15 Nyrr wrote: Ramp Druid versus my Priest, has 6 mana when I have 3. ;_; It's so strong. Playing as a priest is tough | ||
Germany734 Posts
druid in general sucks balls as priest. Their 4 drops are painful, innervate rapes you. I was just facing an innervated Yeti, followed by an innervated Azure Drake, finished by Force of Nature on turn 6 for lethal. | ||
United Kingdom2053 Posts
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