On July 16 2014 19:20 Reason wrote: Fine. Question number one. Why all the hatred for a 1 mana cost taunt? Two. Wtf is Naxx?
Naxx is short for Naxxramas and is the new extension that should come out this month : http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/461431-naxx-price-revealed
It's a solo extension (you play vs the AI) and it will bring 30 new cards which some have already been revealed.
So this doesn't affect multiplayer at all?
On July 16 2014 21:09 Reason wrote:So this doesn't affect multiplayer at all? It will affect the multiplayer. New cards can be used there and will lead to new decks and synergies between old and new cards
Thanks for answers. I'm playing right now if anyone wants to play send me a PM. If you have Skype that would be cool as well.
On July 06 2014 23:23 ajmer wrote: What happens if you use Blessed Champion on a minion with a temporary attack buff (like Abusive Sergeant or Dark Iron Dwarf battlecry)? ok since nobody gave a definitive answer: i've tested it now and it doubles the temporary buff too, so you get effectively +4, but you lose all 4 attack instead of the ordinary 2 at the end of turn.
Hey guys, I've got a question. I have the dust currently to create a miracle rouge deck, but I'm not sure if this is a good time to create it because of Naxx. Should I wait until after it launches (will miracle rouge be obsolete soon)?
On the one hand, it's a good idea to wait, since the meta will definitely change with the new cards. On the other hand, Naxx will be released over the course of 5 weeks, and the meta will change every week during that time. So if you want to wait, you've got to wait a while before the new meta will have developed.
Thanks for the quick response. I'll probably just say fuck it and craft the missing Van Cleef I need.
So I just went 2-0 in arena and in my third game I tried to press end turn and it wouldn't press, I couldn't emote or anything so I quit instantly then rejoined and I was down for 1 loss. I thought it was supposed to be 90 seconds? Every single other time it glitches out and I rejoin I'm always reconnected to my previous game (in ranked matches) and now the one time that it really matters I get screwed. Kinda pissed to tell the truth. Anyone have experience of this?
Is it true that all of the 30 new cards in Naxx can't be bought via packs or created from dust? I believe I've read that somewhere but I'm not sure.
The reason why I'm asking is that I currently have 2.000 gold saved from doing dailies. I've looked at the prices and I've decided that I'll pay for the 4 remaining wings and using the gold to buy packs. But I've been waiting to buy packs until Naxx is out so I could get some of the new cards as well.
But if it's true that you'll eventually get all of the 30 new cards for free just by playing the game then I guess there's no point in waiting to buy and open packs. Right?
you can get ordinary naxx cards just through beating the bosses and challenges. you can craft the golden ones though.
On July 18 2014 12:27 Hryul wrote: you can get ordinary naxx cards just through beating the bosses and challenges. you can craft the golden ones though. After you have earned the normal ones.
United Arab Emirates197 Posts
Probably could google this but not sure how to phrase it.
If/when I get legend this season, is there a chance that if I stop playing the rest of the season that I could potentially drop out of legend or will I just be a lower rank of legend and stay there.
Trying to get the card back and not sure how active I have to be in order to retain legend if I get it midway through the season (assuming you can get dropped out of it)
You can't drop out of legend once you're in, so you're safe.
United Arab Emirates197 Posts
Cool, thx for the answer!
Anyone know of a good draw calculator that includes mulligans?
why does everyone keep making fun of kolento in forsens chat ? did kolento flame forsen or smth ? why does he keep doing this mocking of kolento ?
Is there a way to check on your progress in Practice modes? I don't know what I've cleared and I want that gold
Some time ago I saw a page (in Blizzards web I think) that gave a very detailed idea about the launch event, showing you which cards would be obtained from each quarter. Now I cant seem to find that page any more and it bugs the living daylights out of me. If anyone knows what Im talking about, would you be so kind as to link it here?
On July 23 2014 14:16 Capricornus wrote: Some time ago I saw a page (in Blizzards web I think) that gave a very detailed idea about the launch event, showing you which cards would be obtained from each quarter. Now I cant seem to find that page any more and it bugs the living daylights out of me. If anyone knows what Im talking about, would you be so kind as to link it here? You can see which card can be obtained in each wing by clicking on the treasure boxes in nax ingame.