On July 21 2014 00:05 whiteLotus wrote: why does everyone keep making fun of kolento in forsens chat ? did kolento flame forsen or smth ? why does he keep doing this mocking of kolento ? there's a song Kolento sings that is terrible
I beat the 3 heroic heroes in the first nax wing earlier, but didn't get any rewards or anything.
What exactly is the point in beating them?
On July 23 2014 19:40 SlixSC wrote: I beat the 3 heroic heroes in the first nax wing earlier, but didn't get any rewards or anything.
What exactly is the point in beating them? You'll get a fancy card back once you beat all the heroics from all the wings.
also fun (the main reason we play hearthstone) try to beat each heroic boss with each class, try fancy strategies, etc.. I see a lot of replay potential in Nax
Did they change the way Brawl is animated? Before, the last minion getting in the smoke was the one surviving, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
On July 23 2014 23:22 HellNino wrote: Did they change the way Brawl is animated? Before, the last minion getting in the smoke was the one surviving, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. yes, the animation doesnt give away who wins now
A ton of the animation changed, feels weird when things doesn't happen like they used to.
Question: how do you get gold Naxx cards?
On July 23 2014 23:54 ragz_gt wrote: Question: how do you get gold Naxx cards? you can craft them after you have the normal ones
Why is there so many salty kids today? everyone seems to be waiting till rope burns then conceding before they leave lol EDIT: same guy, looks like it'll take a while since he's decided he'll do that every turn now, so sad
Hey guys, how would i display simple text on my stream w/o background (something i can edit constantly and easily). Im trying to show arena scores sub goals ect.?
On July 24 2014 00:40 TAMinator wrote: Why is there so many salty kids today? everyone seems to be waiting till rope burns then conceding before they leave lol EDIT: same guy, looks like it'll take a while since he's decided he'll do that every turn now, so sad my counterstrat is to play my turn, spam some emotes and then spam contribute to LH until the rope burns down. this way it's clear both can play the game. After doing this, most people continue to play normal. I don't know what they hope to achieve with this, but tasting their own medicine cures them fast
Can every single Naxx card be obtained without dust?
On July 24 2014 13:36 Release wrote: Can every single Naxx card be obtained without dust? yes. they'll all be rewards for completing the adventure mode of course, the quarters themselves cost gold/money, so there's that only thing dust will be used for is crafting golden cards
Important: I play a knife juggler and sacrifice my haunted creeper into his harvest golem. I expected the damaged golem to come out, and the 2 spiders summoned would kill the damaged golem, but the knives activate first, and then the damaged golem comes out.
Is this supposed to happen?
On July 24 2014 14:08 iMrising wrote: Important: I play a knife juggler and sacrifice my haunted creeper into his harvest golem. I expected the damaged golem to come out, and the 2 spiders summoned would kill the damaged golem, but the knives activate first, and then the damaged golem comes out.
Is this supposed to happen? you played haunted creeper first, thats why his deathrattle is activated first, after he spawns his units, knifes go off, then the other deathrattle. if the harvest golem was played first your strategy would have worked
how do you make those posts that show your deck contents?
On July 24 2014 19:41 zlefin wrote: how do you make those posts that show your deck contents? don't understand the question. either you take a screenshot (via the "print" button on you keyboard) and use paint to cut out the deck. Or you just type your decklist and let LH do the autohighlighting. (e.g. Chillwind Yeti , the important part is the capital letter at the beginning of the card)
Edit: oh, one problem could be that you have to be registered to LH for a certain amount of time before they let you include images in your posts. if you don't have that permission, then [img] tags won't work and just show up as plain text.
if you have windows 7 or 8 you should use the snipping tool
On July 24 2014 20:32 Kleinmuuhg wrote: if you have windows 7 or 8 you should use the snipping tool sorcery! witchcraft! heavier than a duck! burn it! with fire!
Started to play Hearthstone after taking a break from Dota. Left the arenas and currently doing ranked, wondering how the placement system when one is promoted to Legend works? If I reach it, does my winratio matter and from which point?