On March 26 2009 09:11 SoleSteeler wrote: Sure. If you have anymore feel free to ask or shoot me a PM. I would offer to take a closer look at your book, but I'm still rather young (just turned 24) and I work for a small press (that's won a number of awards, at least!) so I wouldn't take my advice as end-all when it comes to publishing. But I'm definitely learning how to discern good books from bad
edit: and also I don't really have the time to look at someone's book
np thank you for your time. I might shoot you a pm later about a question or two I have
I think what this fellow lacks is wit and presentation. While I am actually quite happy that he is writing and I think he is quite free to attempt to promote his novels and short story collections via Youtube, it's funny that his reaction borders on jealousy.
Edit: Oh yes, let's be all smug and make fun of the warcraft icon on his desktop, we won't at all look like another smug group of people making fun of another videogame...
I'm not making fun of it, I was addicted to WoW for months. I think the reason Oedi was laughing was because this guy was "bashing" starcraft, yet had a WoW icon on his desktop.
I know you're not making fun of it. I think he is critical of you because of xenophobic feelings -- he doesn't understand that your cultural background gives you a voice that's a minority in western literature.
A lot of "Indians" are writing these days, after like 3-4 won bookers. It was really Salman Rushdie who blazed the trail. Midnights Children has made it all possible. In a couple of years it probably won't be special anymore. Though my next novel will be more contemporary and based in Ireland.
I love this guy though
"I'm the greatest writer of all time, mohammed was the greatest fighter, i'm the greatest writer.'
On March 26 2009 11:52 Klaz wrote: One of the authonomy "regulars" decided to make his own youtube video. I actually enjoyed watching it, the first two minutes anyway.
"This guy has some kinda game thing or something on youtube called starcraft....."
They could have at least made it a little more witty/funny :/
Editted to get rid of lame quoted imbed videos which I hate but did myself -.-
yikes vilda totally owned most of those ppl out there @_@. its so weird to see ppl at earlier stages of life criticize (and be right about it) those in their latter stages of life. i still cant get that avatar of some old benevolent looking granny going on about being honorable when everyone is playing by the same rules.
Yeah. But at the same time a lot of people are speaking from emotion, and when you let yourself do that, you inevitably hurt your own cause.
Here is an interesting quote from the kid of the guys video I linked to earlier... I'm off to bed now and I swear to not touch the laptop all day tomorrow! Must work on editing and catch up on reading. ciao
Of course I know how the gaming communities work. You noticed that, good job. Now onto another fact I already stated in a previous post. The fact that I don't use my sway in these gaming communities is what some of us call responsibility. This isn't quid pro quo here. These guys are enamored with this Klazart fellow and will do anything he wants obviously. They viciously defend him and are flaming my video with a slew of grammatically flawed sentences only prove my point of the stupidity of this Starcraft community that is supporting Klazart. I honestly didn't care about any of this until I realized it was Starcraft.
Do you even realize how easily I could use me being a GameMaster on World of Warcraft could cause havok on this website? I could probably get thirty times the number Klazart has brought and add to the confusion. Idiot little kiddies registering and screwing up all the numbers, carelessly adding books to their shelf, spamming the forums with their nonsensical attitudes, and using their wonderfully articulated leet speak while they are at it. There is nothing complex about the situation. It is this responsibility that separates myself from Klazart.
If he really were a Game Master, he would not be able to disclosure it like that in those stupid situations, just to flaunt it, besides, what power does a wow GM really had ? not much if you ask me, even if he meant guild master, he wouldnt be able to break 400 people i bet, even with his guildies bringing more people.
The reason I say this is, because I know how the wow community is, and its full of E-thugs who think that because they kill bosses in the easiest pve game ever made they can do everything.
When I read the quote Klaz presented I remembered this
Lotta piss and vinegar in this one. Must be cathartic to have a punching bag near the computer when you get so invested in the dealings of an online community.