Klaz was in top 5 for like an hour and dropped to 6th interesting, one guy thinks he can get 500 ppl to suscribe to his youtube and all of them come support him on authonomy. He doesnt realize only about a 10th of his fans will find the time if you go by the klaz formula. These efforts are just hilarious nothing but a moderator with a stick up his bum is keeping klaz out of the top 5 this month.
Edit: For those of you unfamiliar with whats going on heres the vid that started it all:
And now a bunch of people on the website are pissed off, while some also support him because it is actually a good read imo.
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
Well you have to remember that klaz has about 9000 suscribers and only around 1250 people have backed his book, + the people in the community who are neutral to klaz but hate the people at authonomy, +4chan ppl doing it for the lulz+ people who are fans of sc in general ect. Id say Klaz's backing army is nowhere near dry or "80%".
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
Well you have to remember that klaz has about 9000 suscribers and only around 1250 people have backed his book, + the people in the community who are neutral to klaz but hate the people at authonomy, +4chan ppl doing it for the lulz+ people who are fans of sc in general ect. Id say Klaz's backing army is nowhere near dry or "80%".
I am not very clear sometimes so I will rephrase: of the people that would take the time to vote for Klaz, I think 80% have already done so. This is just a guess of course, but I think that something like a video promotion in this case has a response of a bell-curve with the x-axis being time and y-axis being votes/day. I think the apex has passed.
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
Well you have to remember that klaz has about 9000 suscribers and only around 1250 people have backed his book, + the people in the community who are neutral to klaz but hate the people at authonomy, +4chan ppl doing it for the lulz+ people who are fans of sc in general ect. Id say Klaz's backing army is nowhere near dry or "80%".
I am not very clear sometimes so I will rephrase: of the people that would take the time to vote for Klaz, I think 80% have already done so. This is just a guess of course, but I think that something like a video promotion in this case has a response of a bell-curve with the x-axis being time and y-axis being votes/day. I think the apex has passed.
Agreed barring future videos and/or plugs by other commentators I think we have past the membership surge.
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
Well you have to remember that klaz has about 9000 suscribers and only around 1250 people have backed his book, + the people in the community who are neutral to klaz but hate the people at authonomy, +4chan ppl doing it for the lulz+ people who are fans of sc in general ect. Id say Klaz's backing army is nowhere near dry or "80%".
I am not very clear sometimes so I will rephrase: of the people that would take the time to vote for Klaz, I think 80% have already done so. This is just a guess of course, but I think that something like a video promotion in this case has a response of a bell-curve with the x-axis being time and y-axis being votes/day. I think the apex has passed.
All things considered, it may spike again toward the deadline for this month. That is, if the editor's desk is a reality at that point. But yes, after that I don't see it keeping up.
Hahaha ROFL at that guys nickname. I thought it was a legit appology untill I read his nick in some quote and just bursted out in laughter :D Picture of an old man and every, brilliant :D:D
Edit: Every time I've voted for something, I've done it because I had to, but this is actually the first time in gonna vote just because I really feel I can make a difference. Im gonna vote on klazarts book where the only reason is to see the old fucks keep getting trolled, I can't believe that someone who's actually writing stuff and takes their work serious, don't see whats going on here.
Here you have supposedly intelligent people who read something written by a member called CoMpToNGaNzTa who joined the same day as the post was written, and they think its legit? Are you serious, how stupid can you get.
Good work klazart, you have entertained me more now than ever, no amount of vods nor books can match up to this, first you get Authonomy stirred up, and then teamliquid. This is way more than any forum troll could ever hope for, and your only tool is the community itself.
On March 26 2009 05:25 achap54 wrote: If Klazart doesn't make it to the editor's desk this month, he'll be in the number one spot at the begining of next month, once the other five are taken down. With his constant flow of votes, I don't see any way he can miss next month (if he doesn't make it this month). So, in the long run, he'll get there one way or the other.
Although it may not seem like it, there is a limit to the Klazart fan population, and I'm sure that 80% of them, if they would have ever helped him have already helped him.
Well you have to remember that klaz has about 9000 suscribers and only around 1250 people have backed his book, + the people in the community who are neutral to klaz but hate the people at authonomy, +4chan ppl doing it for the lulz+ people who are fans of sc in general ect. Id say Klaz's backing army is nowhere near dry or "80%".
I am not very clear sometimes so I will rephrase: of the people that would take the time to vote for Klaz, I think 80% have already done so. This is just a guess of course, but I think that something like a video promotion in this case has a response of a bell-curve with the x-axis being time and y-axis being votes/day. I think the apex has passed.
Agreed barring future videos and/or plugs by other commentators I think we have past the membership surge.
I doubt other commentators would step in to help Klaz, and if they did, then the people who would hypothetically vote would be from a shared fanbase so would already be exposed to Klaz's video :p
To the other post by someone else, I wouldn't expect the spike to be close to even half of the support he has gotten in the first few days after the video.
I had to laugh when I saw the "official" apology. The guys' registration date and nickname was such an obvious give away but it resulted in a serious 8 page discussion.
honestly, this morning, I was pretty sure that that was that. Maybe even yesterday. Gotta give credit to the guy who planned it perfectly. He had the top TSR and has spammed anyone with a book on there that he will vote for them if they vote to keep me out of the top 5. In a way I don't blame them, they are a community just like any other and are sticking together.
Well, I've only half read the closed thread, and only a few threads on authonomy, but I find the whole thing interesting. Reason being is that I'm probably the only person on either sides of this that plays Starcraft and is a gamer, but I also work in the publishing industry (in Canada). Very cool that he could get that many people to notice his book that quickly. Clearly there is some marketing potential, which HC is probably considering tapping.
I was never aware of that site until now either. I actually go through what we call the "slush" pile (unsolicited manuscripts) to determine if there's anything publishable. I find the attitude of most of the authors at authonomy typical. My company (which is a fairly small publisher) gets close to 1000 submissions a year, of which maybe 10-20 are actually publishable (and most need heavy edits).
Everyone thinks they can write. Since I've joined the industry and told people so, too many people say that they have a book idea or an actual book that they want published. Writing is very hard, and it takes a lot of practise; few people have what it takes. There's just too many writers out there now to make your book unique. Of course it can be done (and it is done all the time), but it's hard.
SoleSteeler - while you're here, mind if I pick your brain a little?
What are the more important considerations when it comes to deciding if a novel is publishable for you?
Is it the theme/idea? Is it the timeliness/resonance of the story? Is it the prose? A hint of something different? The author's voice? They have something useful to say? Marketability? How polished it is?
I'm sure all factors are important, but I'm curious if you could give a little more insight into the decision making process? I noticed you said that most need heavy edits, I find this very intriguing since the pervading belief seems to be that unless a MS is "perfect" it will get tossed straight away.
In all honesty the authonomy members are as hard core about their thing as us with StarCraft. Over all it's a good crowd. Best of luck to Klaz and their community.
I disagree. if someone came here and talked about street fighter, dota, hockey, wc3 or whatever, our topic would be moved to the proper forum but we'd have every ability to do so.
The reverse situation wasn't just a 'oh wow this kid is dumb' comment in the strategy forum, it wasn't a blind dismissal either. it was a sustained, vitriolic attack against klaz, his supporters, and by extension 'gamers'. The reason was obviously the change in rankings and TSR. Were you there reading the threads on the first day of the event? I can assure you that they weren't of the same nature that they are now. It wasn't 'i'm leaving'. It was 'fuck you, get off the site'.
That reaction does not deserve an apologist's whitewash.
On March 26 2009 08:36 Klaz wrote: SoleSteeler - while you're here, mind if I pick your brain a little?
What are the more important considerations when it comes to deciding if a novel is publishable for you?
Is it the theme/idea? Is it the timeliness/resonance of the story? Is it the prose? A hint of something different? The author's voice? They have something useful to say? Marketability? How polished it is?
I'm sure all factors are important, but I'm curious if you could give a little more insight into the decision making process? I noticed you said that most need heavy edits, I find this very intriguing since the pervading belief seems to be that unless a MS is "perfect" it will get tossed straight away.
My company publishes mainly literary fiction, so anything pertaining to that. Including, but not limited to, distinct use of voice, character development, narrative structure and yes the prose itself, including its use of imagery, simile, metaphor, etc. Character development is big.
We try to avoid books where the idea or plot is the driving force behind the book. That of course means that the plot could be anything, but if the main idea behind the book is that it's set in the future with aliens and shit, then it's likely to be ignored. From what I saw, your idea seemed cool enough. And yeah, timing surely has something to do with it, for its marketability. But my company specifically doesn't publish books directly based on that. If it's good it's good, and if it's shit it's shit!
L: there has been plenty of threads on this forum where people have basically gotten the same response. The amount of bad mannered posts in tl vs sc2gg comes to mind, and you gotta keep in mind that this forum is extremely well moderated, and we've had our fair share of fucking assholes.
I dont know how well moderated that other forum is, but it seems pretty crap since they didnt even have moderators during the weekend.
I dont think its a fair comparison, but when that's said, im pretty sure you're right. I can't imagine a forum where people can discuss the amount of things we discuss on teamliquid where almost everyone has an open mind.
On March 26 2009 08:36 Klaz wrote: SoleSteeler - while you're here, mind if I pick your brain a little?
What are the more important considerations when it comes to deciding if a novel is publishable for you?
Is it the theme/idea? Is it the timeliness/resonance of the story? Is it the prose? A hint of something different? The author's voice? They have something useful to say? Marketability? How polished it is?
I'm sure all factors are important, but I'm curious if you could give a little more insight into the decision making process? I noticed you said that most need heavy edits, I find this very intriguing since the pervading belief seems to be that unless a MS is "perfect" it will get tossed straight away.
My company publishes mainly literary fiction, so anything pertaining to that. Including, but not limited to, distinct use of voice, character development, narrative structure and yes the prose itself, including its use of imagery, simile, metaphor, etc. Character development is big.
We try to avoid books where the idea or plot is the driving force behind the book. That of course means that the plot could be anything, but if the main idea behind the book is that it's set in the future with aliens and shit, then it's likely to be ignored. From what I saw, your idea seemed cool enough. And yeah, timing surely has something to do with it, for its marketability. But my company specifically doesn't publish books directly based on that. If it's good it's good, and if it's shit it's shit!
Good luck!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
In all honesty the authonomy members are as hard core about their thing as us with StarCraft. Over all it's a good crowd. Best of luck to Klaz and their community.
I disagree. if someone came here and talked about street fighter, dota, hockey, wc3 or whatever, our topic would be moved to the proper forum but we'd have every ability to do so.
The reverse situation wasn't just a 'oh wow this kid is dumb' comment in the strategy forum, it wasn't a blind dismissal either. it was a sustained, vitriolic attack against klaz, his supporters, and by extension 'gamers'. The reason was obviously the change in rankings and TSR. Were you there reading the threads on the first day of the event? I can assure you that they weren't of the same nature that they are now. It wasn't 'i'm leaving'. It was 'fuck you, get off the site'.
That reaction does not deserve an apologist's whitewash.
I understood people getting upset when there was this sudden thing happening and they didn't know what was going on. In that sense some of the reactions were understandable. But some of the stuff was over the top.
One guy called me a "a fukin paki" then a "nigger", like he couldn't make up his mind. Although many of the members called him out on it, there were some who actually supported him. He did this for a good 4-5 hours before he realised that he was only making himself look bad. He made a couple more posts about it the next day before getting banned ( i think)
Another guy was like "yeah I have a business in India, and they (indians) are all dirty, sneaky and underhanded, always looking for a way to cheat you"
Then there was the more general insulting towards the guys who came over from youtube to vote for me and later towards gamers in general...
"mindless clones," "sock puppets," "the borg collective," "lemmings," "illiterates," etc etc etc.
Obviously now that HC has put it's foot down they've had to tone the rhethoric down, though I think only one of em got banned. + they realise that some of the "gamers" are there to stay, and "can read" and they don't want to antagonise them...
it was actually kinda surreal, like a light being turned on, not from off to on, but slowly increasing in the intensity of brightness, and the forum threads went from being "piss off gamers," to "gamers you'll like this book."
The lack of moderation was obviously the main problem, because as has been said already, you can get assholes anywhere.
Sure. If you have anymore feel free to ask or shoot me a PM. I would offer to take a closer look at your book, but I'm still rather young (just turned 24) and I work for a small press (that's won a number of awards, at least!) so I wouldn't take my advice as end-all when it comes to publishing. But I'm definitely learning how to discern good books from bad
edit: and also I don't really have the time to look at someone's book