On September 26 2008 04:50 il0seonpurpose wrote:Show nested quote +On September 26 2008 04:43 CapO wrote: wow too many funny stories.. i'm reading everyone's post in a computer lab/library, and i gotta stop myself from LOLing.
anyway, my story isn't funny, but i remember i was either a 1st grader or a 2nd grader in the elementary school i attended in korea.
everyone sat in pairs, and i sat with this cute girl. i'm pretty sure she was wearing some sorta skin tight pants. while the teacher was talking and teaching the class, i would sneak my right hand under the desk and rub and feel her left thigh she sat on the right side of me. she didn't mind at all. in fact, i think she enjoyed it, because i remember her smiling. and it felt so good, just touching and feeling her legs.
being a 1st grader, i definitely did not have knowledge of any contacts with women, except for kissing, but i loved it.
this was definitely one of the nature cases, in terms of nature vs nurture. what the fuck happened to my confidence around girls now a days? fuck. i used be a fucking baller in korea.
Can guys or girls get an orgasm pre puberty?
... dude, yes. I've been wacking off since like 10 or 11 and I've reached orgasm, just that theirs no ejaculation it's basically the same thing just no mess at all. And to be honest I remember my orgasms a lot better when I was younger than they are now. I think its b/c I wacked off waaay to much when I was younger.
lol 1) 3rd grade. The usual fun game for 3rd graders - pull your friend's trousers down so that everyone sees his boxers/panties! Too bad my boxer were pulled down along as well, and I was standing in the middle of the corridor. 2) Not me, but hillarious nonetheless. Swimming trip to a biiiiig swimming pool; a girl slides down and lands in the water with one of her tits revealed. Does not notice for like 10 minutes. 3) Offtop, Internet shame: I GOT CANNON RUSHED BY A D- PROTOSS. 4) Once after shaving I put too much of this liquid aftershave. Everyone knew when I was coming that day; it was so prominent that my PE teacher asked during check-up: "Who feels so manly today?" It was stinking all the way lol. Maybe I'll think of something else later on.
When we showered after gym class from like grade 1 to 7, there was this door between the girls shower and the boys shower. It was locked of course, but creative as we were, we'd just look under the very small spring at the very bottom of the door. But some guys decided that it'd be clever as hell to yell "we can see you! haha" just to screw with the girls and make em pissed (stupid motherfuckers didn't care that it worked both ways or just didn't realize it)
So obviously, the girls gets pissed and tells the gym class teacher that we're looking at them from the spring, and she gathers all the guys in the class while holding some moral lecture about the whole thing. But we decided that she couldn't really do anything about it so we just went "w/e".
Then one day, our gym class teacher, who was an older lady (45-50ish), decides that the joke is on us, so she unlocks the door while we're showering and with her came all the girls, still dressed. We froze in shock for a couple of seconds before we realized that we had been owned, and then just ran like hell to get our towels. The next class was pretty awkward after that :/
meRz takes the lead hahahha.
On September 26 2008 06:00 Smokin_Squirrel wrote: 1) One time in kindergarten during playtime, for some reason I can't remember, I wanted to see what was inside my kindergarten teacher's dress (came down about 5 inches below her knee). So I devised this plan where I brought over this random kid I never talked to ever near the teacher (who was talking to another teacher) so I could play fight him and fall over numerous times in defeat under her dress to look up. I have no idea why I did that. Oh, you bring back embarrassing memories: in Kindergarten, all of us boys did that to some girl, but we weren't as subtle as you were. Just kind of crowded around in a circle with our heads bent to the ground so we could look up her skirt (or dress, don't remember). It was something near ankle-length, so we had to get pretty low, but we were little kids, so it wasn't that hard. She was older than us: maybe third grade or something. I don't know why it took so long for her to notice--maybe we were just below her eye-level, but eventually she did look down and spot us and run away.
We really weren't such perverts: I think it we did it mostly out of curiosity and/or the hilariousness of seeing people's underwear. (probably the second more than the first, actually)
On September 26 2008 07:17 meRz wrote: When we showered after gym class from like grade 1 to 7, there was this door between the girls shower and the boys shower. It was locked of course, but creative as we were, we'd just look under the very small spring at the very bottom of the door. But some guys decided that it'd be clever as hell to yell "we can see you! haha" just to screw with the girls and make em pissed (stupid motherfuckers didn't care that it worked both ways or just didn't realize it)
So obviously, the girls gets pissed and tells the gym class teacher that we're looking at them from the spring, and she gathers all the guys in the class while holding some moral lecture about the whole thing. But we decided that she couldn't really do anything about it so we just went "w/e".
Then one day, our gym class teacher, who was an older lady (45-50ish), decides that the joke is on us, so she unlocks the door while we're showering and with her came all the girls, still dressed. We froze in shock for a couple of seconds before we realized that we had been owned, and then just ran like hell to get our towels. The next class was pretty awkward after that :/
Wow was she fired?
I remember some crazy batchmates during first year highschool:
They got sanctioned for taking a picture of our Religion teachers ass, but damn, she was hot as hell so I think I'd do the same thing. Hahaha.
On September 26 2008 06:39 Apa7HY wrote: My high school was horrible for these sorts of things.
One time a girl was gangbanged (voluntarily) in the darkroom of the photo lab.
Another time a girl sucked off like 3 dudes in the theater.
On a side note, someone took a poop from the catwalk in the theater.
Oh yeah, just remembered, when I was in middle school, my math teacher got fired for watching porn DURING CLASS.
If I think of anything else (I'm sure I will) I'll post again. Lots of screwed up things happen in this town. omg lol ur high school was so fucked up
+ Show Spoiler +the poop thing is so random btw -__-
the poop thing reminds me, while in middle school i walked into the bathroom and a retarded kid was taking a shit in a urinal..... i simply turned around and walked out.
In high school 3rd year there was this small girl from my class who apparently liked me. When our little break from lesson occurred at 10am I was standing next to the classdoor listening music. Before saying what happened you have to know I had in my class this VERY annoying guy named Piccardo who had to touch other people even if it gets on their nerves. He just kept touching everyone with his dirty right index fingertip and it disturbed me way too much. I usually didn't have very violent reactions to that but sometimes I would hit him or kick him in the addome (yet he kept doing that, some people even beat him up). Well basically my mind was flying with Dragonforce and I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings. The girl decides to make her move and she choose the stupidest possible option: she tries to hug me out of the blank while greeting me and saying my name. In an istant I just thought it was the dumbass so I pushed her away with all the strenght I had saying very loud something like "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PICCARDO MOTHERF...." and then when I saw she was on the floor I just realized she wasn't the girl who would take away my virginity. Actually when I meet her occasionaly on the street or at high school class dinners I think she is still scared of another violent reaction like that
On September 26 2008 08:41 iG.ClouD wrote:In high school 3rd year there was this small girl from my class who apparently liked me. When our little break from lesson occurred at 10am I was standing next to the classdoor listening music. Before saying what happened you have to know I had in my class this VERY annoying guy named Piccardo who had to touch other people even if it gets on their nerves. He just kept touching everyone with his dirty right index fingertip and it disturbed me way too much. I usually didn't have very violent reactions to that but sometimes I would hit him or kick him in the addome (yet he kept doing that, some people even beat him up). Well basically my mind was flying with Dragonforce and I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings. The girl decides to make her move and she choose the stupidest possible option: she tries to hug me out of the blank while greeting me and saying my name. In an istant I just thought it was the dumbass so I pushed her away with all the strenght I had saying very loud something like "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PICCARDO MOTHERF...." and then when I saw she was on the floor I just realized she wasn't the girl who would take away my virginity. Actually when I meet her occasionaly on the street or at high school class dinners I think she is still scared of another violent reaction like that ![[image loading]](http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3817/kruemelmonsteryn0.gif) that sucks balls... lol
I have so many from my school years
The worst one was definitively 6th grade though. Our entire class was in the computer lab doing some kind of report on Animals. My partner was this dude named James who later on became a sort of skater / semi-emo kid. As I said we were studying Animals and being the natural leader of the partnership, I took control and started searching for Animals on askjeeves or something (before the google days). I came upon this site with a big list of Animal related sites. I clicked on one of the links which seemed to be related to what we were studying (Polar Bears or some shit like that) and to my surprise... it brought me to my very first porn site. It had a bunch of naked fat woman all over it and 1 stupid ugly ass fat as fuck bitch (guessing 300+ lbs) apparently laying on her back, naked, semi-dancing / moving around (a .gif) all around the perimeter of the site. Being in the 6th grade and yet to have discovered my love of Starcraft, I was completely computer illiterate and instead of pressing the obvious RED X which would have saved the 6th grade for me, I panicked and kept pressing the Back button. Which thanks to this gorgeously designed porn site, kept bringing me further into the porn site. I didn't know what to do, so I kept pressing it as slowly the entire class started to erupt with laughter (class of about 30 kids I have gone to school with since kindergarten).
The teacher then saw what was happening and rushed over to turn off the damn porn site. She then dragged me outside and took me straight to the principles office, screaming at me the entire time. When she told the principle what happened, they both stared at me with horrible disgusted gazes as I tried to explain myself and what happened. The principle called my parents who came down and took me home as I was suspended for a couple days. My parents, the cool mother fuckers they were / still are, believed me right away.
On my reappearance to school, my teacher (note: yes, this is pre-junior high, so I had the same fucking teacher all day for the rest of the god damn year) kept dragging me outside during random parts of the class and preceded to hound the crap out of me asking me to "admit what I did" and saying that they tracked everything I did on the computer and knows I went to that site apparently on purpose. She even told me James' (my partner) parents complained to the school cuss apparently this pussy kid couldn't sleep cuss he kept having nightmares about what he saw. I kept denying it, saying it was a mistake, as she got pissed as fuck at me and kept dragging me out of class and at recess to yell at me and get in a little 6th graders face for another month until I finally had enough of it and said fuck it and just admitted to what I didn't even do (I regret this part in retrospect). She then banned me from the computer lab for the rest of the year and even went as far as to making sure the Junior High School (next year in 7th grade) knew what I had done and forced them to make me sign a paper saying that I won't do that shit ever again and use the computer lab respectfully and shit.
She was a raging bitch and that was just overall the most embarrassing as fuck / annoying as fuck situation I have ever been in. As for the kids go, I got some shit from my friends for a few days and it ruined my confidence with 1 girl I liked / thought liked me who was sadly in that class. Beyond that, surprisingly I never heard about it ever again outside of 1 kid in Freshmen year of High School (YES FUCKEN HIGH SCHOOL, APPARENTLY IT STAYED IN SOME OF THE KIDS MINDS FOR THIS FUCKEN LONG), where I got into a verbal fight with some idiot kid who said in the middle of the argument "at least I watch porn at home instead of school". Overall a crappy story I wish I could forget
g5, that sucks man. catholic schools?
I remember another one, my science teacher in 8th grade was a horndog, I heard he was caught watching porn during school 2 years ago. He had a cut up newspaper of some hot girl and he cut it out, and one guy was like why do you have that picture? and the teachers like, I wanted to see why it was on the newspaper! (apparently, the newspaper puts up different pictures everyday) and once, when he was gone I was gonna go look at his history but then I couldnt do it and some snitchy black girl was like, this kid was looking through your stuff and I was like wtcrap no ididnt and the whole class laughed.
In 6th grade, the motorcycle magazines were the thing cuz they had bikini pictures and there were a bunch in school, and i got a hold of some and then my mom caught me
Well my drama teacher dated a student. Pretty public too, everyone knew about it.
On September 25 2008 14:30 Grobyc wrote: hmm... last year one of the teachers at school got caught doing drugs, he is still a teacher there. that puzzles me..
weird... same happened in my school
- my 9th grade math teacher was an alcoholic and had a child with a cheerleader while she was at school... he got fired ;P
- my friend got a handjob from this girl DURING CLASS once
O_O some other stuff that I can't remember atm
i pissed my pants at 3rd and 4th of elementary school.
Its thread like these that make me appreciate my innocent catholic high school experiences with nuns :D
And, no, I am not implying anything.
On September 26 2008 08:02 Smokin_Squirrel wrote:Show nested quote +On September 26 2008 07:17 meRz wrote: When we showered after gym class from like grade 1 to 7, there was this door between the girls shower and the boys shower. It was locked of course, but creative as we were, we'd just look under the very small spring at the very bottom of the door. But some guys decided that it'd be clever as hell to yell "we can see you! haha" just to screw with the girls and make em pissed (stupid motherfuckers didn't care that it worked both ways or just didn't realize it)
So obviously, the girls gets pissed and tells the gym class teacher that we're looking at them from the spring, and she gathers all the guys in the class while holding some moral lecture about the whole thing. But we decided that she couldn't really do anything about it so we just went "w/e".
Then one day, our gym class teacher, who was an older lady (45-50ish), decides that the joke is on us, so she unlocks the door while we're showering and with her came all the girls, still dressed. We froze in shock for a couple of seconds before we realized that we had been owned, and then just ran like hell to get our towels. The next class was pretty awkward after that :/
Wow was she fired?
Nope, It's not like we didn't deserve it though ;p She did it just to prove a point. Pretty badass move imo, sure worked, I don't think anyone ever tried to sneak peak ever since that incident ;O
i know a kid in middle school who was doing a book report on some lord of the rings book
he said dildo baggins instead of bilbo baggins