anyway, didnt say it before, RIP
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United States32028 Posts
anyway, didnt say it before, RIP | ||
United States25 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:15 MarklarMarklar wrote: crazy yanks with their pro gun bullshit. "for self defense" ya right, i've never seen any sprees like this get stopped by someone carrying a gun, doesn't seem to be especially effective in comparison to the probability of crimes being commited with them instead. You fuckheads probably dont even know how high your murder rate per capita is; in comparison to nations with banned or extremely restricted use of guns that is. pro gun yanks are fucking backwards, the goal should be a world without guns, not a world where everyone have one for "self defense". CAUSE THAT WOULD BE A HORRIBLE FUCKING WORLD So you think gun control laws are going to stop those planning a mass killing spree from getting guns? Kid, listen to what I have already said. Grenades are ILLEGAL. BANNED. You are not supposed to be able to buy them, yet this kid had them anyway. Do you mean to tell me that if guns were illegal, he wouldn't have one of those either? Give me a break, please. Jibba: If you have the avenues to purchase Marijuana illegally, then you also have the avenues to purchase a gun illegally. It REALLY isn't hard at all to purchase something illegally if you have every intention of doing so. Something tells me this kid would have had the intentions. But if you don't believe me, I could probably show you. It is probably easier for me to buy a gram of marijuana, or an unregistered handgun, than it is for me to buy alcohol. Obviously a world without guns would be IDEAL, but you can never stop people from making guns, and as long as people make guns, people are going to be able to get them. It's common sense. If you could completely be rid of guns, sure, by all means do so. But unless you have some magical idea to rid the ENTIRE WORLD of guns, then the best thing to do it to at least even the odds between criminals/murderers and regular people, so that you don't have one kid with an AK-47 vs 200 unarmed civilians, which is what we in America call a "massacre". | ||
10522 Posts
On December 06 2007 20:42 CharlieMurphy wrote: No, you don't ban something because a few idiots fuck it up. Besides with all the America bashing (us being stupid) maybe its better that these stupid asses kill themselves and others. Are these stats legit? its a device suppousedly fabricated and owned to SAVE lifes... when that object produces more accidental deaths than the ones it prevents you shouldnt continue using that method to save lifes and switch to another. Yes its because people fuck up... but its not like "people fuck up while driving and die", a car is a transportation vehicle... a gun is a "safety" device that gives anything but safety. So yeah Jerry Mcgwire wouldnt be able to posses a gun only to save the life of the dummies who leave their gun unlocked but we are sure Jerry mcgwire can deter a buglar with a taser, a bat or some non-lethal weapon -.- | ||
United States25 Posts
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10522 Posts
On December 06 2007 20:45 snes.tq wrote: Please enlighten us baal with how the world works, obviously you were not beat as a child. You cant just end with such a broad statement. I choose to place the blame on bush... why you say? Because there were no emo kids before he came into office thats why. What do i need to explain? the 1st amendment gave the peple the right to bear arms so that they could defend themselves from the government and start a revolution if it was necesary. Today that law is outdated because a few thousand renecks and a bunch of gangs of new york are not going to start an armed revolution defeating the US army ffs, do i really need to explain why its not going to happen? | ||
United States25 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:48 baal wrote: What do i need to explain? the 1st amendment gave the peple the right to bear arms so that they could defend themselves from the government and start a revolution if it was necesary. Today that law is outdated because a few thousand renecks and a bunch of gangs of new york are not going to start an armed revolution defeating the US army ffs, do i really need to explain why its not going to happen? Shows how much you was the second amendment, not the first. Next time please take the 20 seconds to do a little research before posting something ridiculous. | ||
United States3355 Posts
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United States3826 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:47 Lazerflip! wrote: you mean people would be afraid to commit crimes because it's likely some peace-loving law-abiding citizen would murder them in the act? bullshitIf people would take the time to learn to use a gun and respect a gun, it would be an excellent tool to protect yourself and your family. The accidental deaths are due to the fact that there are such asinine restrictions on guns that people treat it as though it's a black market product. If there was more gun safety information available, and more people owned guns and respected them (and knew how to use them properly, as well) someone would be VERY hesitant about robbing a bank, breaking into a house, carjacking someone at gunpoint, etc. because such behavior would be very likely to get them killed. again, it would just escalate the situation and result in more deaths than is necessary Shows how much you was the second amendment, not the first. Next time please take the 20 seconds to do a little research before posting something ridiculous. wow good fucking job captain america, he's still right | ||
United States1615 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:39 Hawk wrote: Don't you have to be 18 to legally purchase one anyway? anyway, didnt say it before, RIP wait, anyone whos 18 or older can legally buy AK-47?? holy shit.. any idea how he got it? just buying the rifle and grenades off of black market must have been expensive as hell, and he just got fired at McDonalds :O | ||
10522 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:47 Lazerflip! wrote: If people would take the time to learn to use a gun and respect a gun, it would be an excellent tool to protect yourself and your family. The accidental deaths are due to the fact that there are such asinine restrictions on guns that people treat it as though it's a black market product. If there was more gun safety information available, and more people owned guns and respected them (and knew how to use them properly, as well) someone would be VERY hesitant about robbing a bank, breaking into a house, carjacking someone at gunpoint, etc. because such behavior would be very likely to get them killed. The thing is, if somebody tries to steal the car from you with a gun, and u also have a gun, chances are that somebody is probably going to die... and it might be you. If somebody tries to steal your car with a gun and u dont have a gun, you will loose your car. I dont know about you but i rather loose my car than taking a huge risk of dying there. -------------------- If you think people owning guns are a deterent for robberies and stuff let me tell you that is NOT true, just see Texas (the state that owns most guns obv) murder and crime rate, research it, its not helping at all (i wont put source because i saw it a while ago). Another point is that people think "if we ban guns we wont have guns but bad guys will get their guns on the black market anyway".... that is partially true. That would happen only with a poor gun regulation, but right now the factories are producing thousands and thousands of guns and ammo so its extremely easy to slip guns into the black market. If you absolutely control in the most anal way gun production only destined to police and army... and make a super estrict serial branding you would pretty much stop any black market (besides overseas or from the mexican border). And yeah its impossible to keep track of all the guns given to the army, but lets just say the police recovers a gun that belongs to the army, you trace that gun back to where it belongs and the heads will start to roll, its a system that works if its strictly regulated, and that would disminish the crime rate, accidental deaths and these shootings. | ||
10522 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:56 CapO wrote: wait, anyone whos 18 or older can legally buy AK-47?? holy shit.. any idea how he got it? just buying the rifle and grenades off of black market must have been expensive as hell, and he just got fired at McDonalds :O yes you can, even on the internet u can fill ur form and no they are not expensive they are ridiculously cheap........ actually SCARY cheap. PS: who the fuck cares if its the 1st or the 2nd for fucks sake -.- way to derail my flawless logic into childish bullshit like "it shows how much you know". | ||
United States25 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:58 baal wrote: The thing is, if somebody tries to steal the car from you with a gun, and u also have a gun, chances are that somebody is probably going to die... and it might be you. You completely missed the point by a mile. It's not about actually killing the guy with your gun, it's about the thought process involved in the guy taking your car; if he was afraid you might have a gun, he is not going to try to carjack you. This is where concealed carry laws come in. It's a deterrent to crime. If he actually DOES carjack you, you obviously don't have to pull out your gun, you can just let him take your car, but if every other person carried a concealed weapon, that person would have to think very long and hard before whipping out a gun and stealing a car, because his risk:reward ratio just changed a whole lot. Rather than looking at a potential stiff jail sentence, he is looking at a very serious risk of death. Many people are willing to risk jail time, that much is evident, but not many people are willing to stare death in the face just to commit a simple crime. | ||
United States3826 Posts
On December 07 2007 00:02 Lazerflip! wrote: are you kidding me? you're telling me a carjacker is going to legitimately weigh in the risk/reward ratio of stealing a car? these aren't people with great common sense, they're carjackers for a reasonYou completely missed the point by a mile. It's not about actually killing the guy with your gun, it's about the thought process involved in the guy taking your car; if he was afraid you might have a gun, he is not going to try to carjack you. This is where concealed carry laws come in. It's a deterrent to crime. If he actually DOES carjack you, you obviously don't have to pull out your gun, you can just let him take your car, but if every other person carried a concealed weapon, that person would have to think very long and hard before whipping out a gun and stealing a car, because his risk:reward ratio just changed a whole lot. Rather than looking at a potential stiff jail sentence, he is looking at a very serious risk of death. Many people are willing to risk jail time, that much is evident, but not many people are willing to stare death in the face just to commit a simple crime. | ||
United States32028 Posts
On December 06 2007 23:56 CapO wrote: wait, anyone whos 18 or older can legally buy AK-47?? holy shit.. any idea how he got it? just buying the rifle and grenades off of black market must have been expensive as hell, and he just got fired at McDonalds :O nah, im talkin about 18 to purchase a gun. i was under the imrpession that assault rifles were kinda illegal lol | ||
United States3573 Posts
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8748 Posts
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Australia1848 Posts
Once again, americans try to argue that their retarded gun laws have nothing to do with the shooing Once again, the world laughs at the stupidity of these people and waits for the next shooting. This post may sound like I think its funny that people got killed. I DO NOT think that. It is a terrible tragedy. However I do think it is funny that people can be soo blindly ignorant. If you cannot see that your countries gun laws ARE the reason there are soo many shootings, then you deserve to be the next one shot. | ||
United States32028 Posts
On December 07 2007 00:11 NonY[rC] wrote: Well I think we as a society need to be more accepting of the homosexual community. When we resist integration, it causes stress on the seams of society, and those seams are these mentally unstable kids. If we could just accept things the way they are, we wouldn't have to worry about extreme stress pressuring down on our weakest. did i miss osmething or am i just being romanian? | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
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10522 Posts
On December 07 2007 00:02 Lazerflip! wrote: You completely missed the point by a mile. It's not about actually killing the guy with your gun, it's about the thought process involved in the guy taking your car; if he was afraid you might have a gun, he is not going to try to carjack you. This is where concealed carry laws come in. It's a deterrent to crime. If he actually DOES carjack you, you obviously don't have to pull out your gun, you can just let him take your car, but if every other person carried a concealed weapon, that person would have to think very long and hard before whipping out a gun and stealing a car, because his risk:reward ratio just changed a whole lot. Rather than looking at a potential stiff jail sentence, he is looking at a very serious risk of death. Many people are willing to risk jail time, that much is evident, but not many people are willing to stare death in the face just to commit a simple crime. Please read ALL my post before replying ffs. this is what i said previously: If you think people owning guns are a deterent for robberies and stuff let me tell you that is NOT true, just see Texas (the state that owns most guns obv) murder and crime rate, research it, its not helping at all (i wont put source because i saw it a while ago). You are delutional if you think a few more peple owning guns will deter crime, its also stupid to carry a gun if u dont plan to use it as u said lol wtf... then whats the point. Actually in your fanasy world if every single person carried a gun, it would be a super safe world... well one thing is certain, armed robberies would go down, (they will still steal it while you are asleep... or they will rob your hosue when nobody is in... like 90% of the cases).... but mother fucking shit... i wouldnt want to get into a fender bender or get into a drunken bar fight in that fantasy world of yours. | ||
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