On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Family guy episodes have plots, what the hell are you guys talking about?
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Family guy episodes have plots, what the hell are you guys talking about?
if you watch family guy for plots you are seriously starved for intellectual stimulation
family guy has funnier one-liners and is more quotable, but futurama is the deeper show that goes for multi-show plot arcs, more situation-based humor, emotional responses, and has more deeply developed characters that go beyond just "This is an old guy that is a pedophile and likes little boys"
Moreover, I don't think anyone can argue that past Season 4, Family Guy has for the most part sucked huge donkey dick. They've still got some funny moments, and some episodes are decent, but for the most part it is wholly forgettable compared to Seasons 1-3.
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
I haven't actually seen much of Season 4, I guess I'll burn that next.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Family guy episodes have plots, what the hell are you guys talking about?
if you watch family guy for plots you are seriously starved for intellectual stimulation
family guy has funnier one-liners and is more quotable, but futurama is the deeper show that goes for multi-show plot arcs, more situation-based humor, emotional responses, and has more deeply developed characters that go beyond just "This is an old guy that is a pedophile and likes little boys"
What the hell are you smoking? Family guy has great storylines, they even use techniques like 'dove-tailing' where they have 2 stories in one episode and they combine at the end for a nice finish.
Also I don't watch cartoons like Futurama and Family guy for 'intellectual stimulation' and if you wanna argue that, there is plenty of plots about gays, racism issues, or other political stuff.
I haven't seen much of season 4 yet, I guess thats next on my list for BB-netflix thingy.
PS- nice touch with the 'hahaha' thing, that really makes what you said more true.
Futurama is better as it has humor, romance, a plot, and a wonderful ending. Family Guy is better for its random humor and wacky characters.
Overall I'd choose Futurama though. It can be sentimental when it wants, and funny as hell when it wants. Family Guy seems to be just dumb jokes and random flashbacks/references to movie stars one after the other.
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
I haven't actually seen much of Season 4, I guess I'll burn that next.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Family guy episodes have plots, what the hell are you guys talking about?
if you watch family guy for plots you are seriously starved for intellectual stimulation
family guy has funnier one-liners and is more quotable, but futurama is the deeper show that goes for multi-show plot arcs, more situation-based humor, emotional responses, and has more deeply developed characters that go beyond just "This is an old guy that is a pedophile and likes little boys"
What the hell are you smoking? Family guy has great storylines, they even use techniques like 'dove-tailing' where they have 2 stories in one episode and they combine at the end for a nice finish.
Also I don't watch cartoons like Futurama and Family guy for 'intellectual stimulation' and if you wanna argue that, there is plenty of plots about gays, racism issues, or other political stuff.
I haven't seen much of season 4 yet, I guess thats next on my list for BB-netflix thingy.
PS- nice touch with the 'hahaha' thing, that really makes what you said more true.
let me repeat what you just said:
Family guy has great storylines, they even use techniques like 'dove-tailing' where they have 2 stories in one episode and they combine at the end for a nice finish.
Family guy has great storylines, they even use techniques like 'dove-tailing' where they have 2 stories in one episode and they combine at the end for a nice finish.
Family guy has great storylines, they even use techniques like 'dove-tailing' where they have 2 stories in one episode and they combine at the end for a nice finish.
i'm sorry, but i'm not trying to accentuate your point. i'm actually laughing out loud in real life right now
Pretty much every single TV show ever made has used 'dove-tailing' - Family Guy is by no means unique. (Hell, a lot of times Family Guy just runs multiple plot threads without tying them together at all.)
Family Guy doesn't even try for plot in many of its episodes anyway - look at "And the Weiner is...", one of the funnier episodes. I love it, but don't you dare tell me that shows that have plots that can be summarized as "Peter finds out his son has a larger penis." have "great storylines".
If you want great plot & situational humor, watch Futurama; if you want very funny one-liners and quotable quotes, watch Family Guy.
Different types of humor. And thank goodness other people besides me are realizing that the new Family Guy episodes are crappy. It's just like Simpsons after Season 7-8 or so. Lots of celebrity guests, storylines that go nowhere, activist messages (this alone makes them agonizing to watch). In the later episodes Brian is such an on-fire liberal activist it makes me gouge my eyes out (the episode where Peter starts the Church of the Fonz immediately springs to mind). I don't think I've seen a "bad" Futurama episode though. I still enjoy it. A lot of the really funny moments in Family Guy stem from nostalgia, essentially piggybacking on childhood memories and putting a funny spin on them, whereas the humor of Futurama is a little more universal and original.
I'm not gonna argue anymore, I guess we have to 'agree to disagree'. At least I made it clear that family guy is much funnier, and even got you Futurama guys to admit it.
GrandInquisiter- I don't find Futurama funny at all situational or not, I wasn't saying family guy was unique with using dove-tailing or anything, just saying they have plots and some moral value at the end usually.
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
as someone else said i'd rather watch futurama reruns unless it was a particularly hilarious family guy episode