On April 20 2007 18:06 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm seriously trying to watch these with an open mind the only thing that got me to laugh was when fry shot the cyclops guy.
Also what you have to understand is that futurama is not made only to make you laugh. Watching a random episode, I rarely laugh my ass off, but I enjoy it so much for a thousand of other reasons. Don't get me wrong, it's funny as hell but not in the same sense, like others explained before. So if you try to compare them on a pure "laughing" sense, maybe you will prefer FG, especially if you feel the humour in it more reachable.
I strongly recommend you to watch full episodes of futurama to really appreciate it, not only pieces on youtube. It is pure brilliance.
On April 20 2007 18:06 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm seriously trying to watch these with an open mind the only thing that got me to laugh was when fry shot the cyclops guy.
Also what you have to understand is that futurama is not made only to make you laugh. Watching a random episode, I rarely laugh my ass of, but I enjoy it so much for a thousand of other reasons. Don't get me wrong, it's funny as hell but not in the same sense, like other explained before. So if you try to compare them on a pure "laughing" sense, maybe you will prefer FG, especially if you feel the humour in it more reachable.
I strongly recommend you to watch full episodes of futurama to really appreciate it, not only pieces on youtube. It is pure brilliance.
No, because
On April 20 2007 18:25 SpArK wrote: Futurama is boring.
lately family guy been sucking hard, actually I don't think i've ever REALLY enjoyed family guy. reminds me of early south park where all they did was to buy laughs with profanity and fart jokes. gets old fast.
simpsons been improving, i've really enjoyed the last couple of ep's. also south park is on a roll
I still think futurama is the best animated sit com ever
On April 20 2007 18:25 SpArK wrote: Futurama is boring.
The main character is annoying and predictable.
Cause Peter Griffin isn't predictable. Oh no, never. Sometimes he's a fat alcoholic misogynistic mean father that learns his lesson in the end, and sometimes he's an unemployed fat alcoholic misogynistic mean father that learns his lesson in the end! And don't forget that episode - the Beautiful People's Club - where he becomes THIN and alcoholic and misogynistic and a mean father that learns his lesson in the end! God Family Guy has such great storylines. They even dovetailed that episode really well and totally did not have a copout ending. People fall into giant vats of lard after liposuction and return to their original appearance all the time.)
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Futurama is my vote. Family Guy has gotten repetitive after all these years. I used to love it but now it's gotten incoherent trying to be too funny. Some of Futurama's episodes are amazingly creative and funny. The later episodes were really good as well.
One of my favorites is the one where Fry was put into a coma by a bee sting. Anyone else remember that episode? What did you think of it?
Look, CharlieMurphy, I'm not saying Family Guy isn't funny. It's got the best one-liners of any show I can remember for a long time, and like I've said over and over again, it's really good for quoting and showing YouTube clips of.
But for the love of Christ don't attribute it qualities it doesn't have. It doesn't have a great storyline. It doesn't have great characters. What it has (had) is (was) good writing, and that made up for everything else and excused the cheesy plot devices and one-dimensional characters. (Now, of course, without the good writing it's painful to watch.)
Enjoying Futurama isn't about quoting it (though it does have great moments - see the Top 25 Futurama Moments. I don't really agree with the list, but the top 4 are definitely so true), it's about just having fun with the episode overall. It draws you in like a good book and keeps you entertained throughout with a sort of off-the-wall wry humor. And it's indisputably the better show on non-comedic merits - it goes for multi-episode story arcs (one in particular stretches from the very first episode, where a strange shadow is indicative of a plot element two seasons later), character development that make you, for example, really relate to Fry's never-ending quest for Leela and root for him, and evokes a wider range of emotions - the ending of Jurassic Bark (the dog and the pizzeria episode) or the one with Fry's brother and Mars represent moments that Family Guy never even tries for. The depth of the show is what really makes me love it more than Family Guy on the whole.
Family guy's dialogue is a lot better written, but half of Futurama's value is all the little details that are put in to make it seem like "the future."
Voted for Family Guy though, the guys who write it must be geniuses.
Is the poll asking which show is better, or which show is funnier? Because if it's the former, someone could say Family Guy is funnier, but it wouldn't make it the better show of the two.
There are other elements to making a good show besides just throwing in random jokes to make the viewers laugh, such as the ones already mentioned.
Lastly, I think it's a bit easy to be as funny as Family Guy is (or rather, was) when it has virtually no plot. It does whatever it wants, and then ties it all together in the last 5 minutes of the show.
Futurama is slightly ahead in the polls, but there's an overwhelming favor for Family Guy in the replies. Where are all the Futurama fans?
On April 20 2007 18:19 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm not gonna argue anymore, I guess we have to 'agree to disagree'. At least I made it clear that family guy is much funnier, and even got you Futurama guys to admit it.
GrandInquisiter- I don't find Futurama funny at all situational or not, I wasn't saying family guy was unique with using dove-tailing or anything, just saying they have plots and some moral value at the end usually.
Uh what? When did we agree that family guy was funnier? I dont remember being part of that vote.
On April 20 2007 18:27 CharlieMurphy wrote: No, because
On April 20 2007 18:25 SpArK wrote: Futurama is boring.
The main character is annoying and predictable.
Cause Peter Griffin isn't predictable. Oh no, never. Sometimes he's a fat alcoholic misogynistic mean father that learns his lesson in the end, and sometimes he's an unemployed fat alcoholic misogynistic mean father that learns his lesson in the end! And don't forget that episode - the Beautiful People's Club - where he becomes THIN and alcoholic and misogynistic and a mean father that learns his lesson in the end! God Family Guy has such great storylines. They even dovetailed that episode really well and totally did not have a copout ending. People fall into giant vats of lard after liposuction and return to their original appearance all the time.)
Bahahahahaha....All of that happened in the simpsons before family guy. art.