On April 20 2007 18:50 QuietIdiot wrote: BTW I hear they're making a new season of futurama soon. WHEN DOES IT COME OUT?
And yes that episode where Fry is put into a coma was deeply engaging. Very rare for a cartoon to do that to me.
On a very random note, I love Robot Chicken, anyone know what that is? Its on the same category as Family guy :D
Seth Greene's Show (also works on family guy). Funny as hell, no plot, just random skits.
On April 20 2007 18:59 Blind wrote: Is the poll asking which show is better, or which show is funnier? Because if it's the former, someone could say Family Guy is funnier, but it wouldn't make it the better show of the two.
There are other elements to making a good show besides just throwing in random jokes to make the viewers laugh, such as the ones already mentioned.
Lastly, I think it's a bit easy to be as funny as Family Guy is (or rather, was) when it has virtually no plot. It does whatever it wants, and then ties it all together in the last 5 minutes of the show.
Futurama is slightly ahead in the polls, but there's an overwhelming favor for Family Guy in the replies. Where are all the Futurama fans?
Well the battle is that which show is better all around. They are both in the same genre (animated comedy). Futurama to me is simply not funny. Therefor it fails as a show, If I wanted drama I would watch other gay sci-fi shows. (at least they are funny because you can laugh at how stupid they are).
On April 20 2007 18:34 IntoTheWow wrote: How can this be tied.
On April 20 2007 18:34 IntoTheWow wrote: How can this be tied.
Sorry, not only Futurama is leading 39-32, you have to also consider the fact that Futurama was "effectively canceled in 2002", while Family Guy is still in production and receives airtime.
Anyway, like stated before by others, Futurama makes great use of subtle humor, and the jokes are often directly related to the characters themselves, and are accentuated further by the awesome voice acting the show has. Family guy just cockslaps you with joke after joke after joke. Funny jokes absolutely, but it's not the same type of humor. I definitely prefer futurama.
Honestly, if you're watching these kinds of cartoons for plot more than for comedy, you should read a book instead. I used to watch Futurama whenever I had the time, but now I only laugh at small bits of it. You really need to know a good amount of information on the characters to understand most of the comedy. Family Guy on the other hand is comical genius. I guarantee you if you took someone who hasn't seen either show and show them the funniest episodes of each show, Family Guy would win. They ARE two different kinds of shows, but the genre is animated comedy and not animated plot, correct?
On April 20 2007 20:01 MyCrow wrote: Honestly, if you're watching these kinds of cartoons for plot more than for comedy, you should read a book instead. I used to watch Futurama whenever I had the time, but now I only laugh at small bits of it. You really need to know a good amount of information on the characters to understand most of the comedy. Family Guy on the other hand is comical genius. I guarantee you if you took someone who hasn't seen either show and show them the funniest episodes of each show, Family Guy would win. They ARE two different kinds of shows, but the genre is animated comedy and not animated plot, correct?
Or, they could be something else... say, an animated show/series?
Family Guy is basically 20 minutes of non sequitur humor. At least Futurama has a great cast of characters (including secondary chars as well) and an awesome and intricate storyline.
as an overall series i think futurama is better, family guy is great because youcan just tune in whenever because they dont really follow a time frame (sort of like seinfeld). I think its hard to appreciate futurama unless you watch the series from start to finish. I kind of liked it just tuning into random episodes, but after watching the whole series you can really see how the show grows, the dog waiting for frye is actually quite sad in one of the last few episodes.
Family guy has ability to take a skit, and run it four or five times as long as you think its going to go. Stewie beating up Brian, Peter's chicken fight.
On April 20 2007 17:39 QuietIdiot wrote: family = random ass events with random ass references to movies, music, and culture from the 80's and early 90's.
Futurama is the kind of funny not the type of Family Guy. It has a plot, it has moments of clever-ness, and I think it's fair to say, they have a finer sense of articulation, that makes it so much more entertaining on a whole.
You can watch futurama episodes over and over again and never get old with it, but with family guy, the funny only lasts a few tens of times watching it, and then your rearing to watch for new episodes.
Family guy episodes have plots, what the hell are you guys talking about?
The jokes are definitely not based on plots. It's always, "this reminds me of that time when ________" and fill that blank with something completely random, which has nothing to do with the plot at all.
I love Family Guy, but it's just random shit. Watch the South Park episode attacking Family Guy, it's 100% true.
On April 20 2007 18:19 CharlieMurphy wrote: I'm not gonna argue anymore, I guess we have to 'agree to disagree'. At least I made it clear that family guy is much funnier, and even got you Futurama guys to admit it.
GrandInquisiter- I don't find Futurama funny at all situational or not, I wasn't saying family guy was unique with using dove-tailing or anything, just saying they have plots and some moral value at the end usually.occasionally.
Fixed that for you.
I voted Family Guy, because I do think it's a funnier show, at least it was. The new episodes suck ass. Futurama is the better show, though.