I started elementary school at a younger age than like 90+% of the kids, so I was weaker than pretty much everyone. I was very fit, agile and fast, though, (but not muscular), since I did some sports, ran a lot and climbed trees all the time like a monkey. I basically did almost zero studying, but was doing pretty good in school and didn't care much about it.
So, I was not a typical geek; still, I was shy, insecure/timid, very good-natured and too nice to everyone for my own good.
Also, I was pale (think vampire pale, check my profile pic xD) - couldn't get tan, tried going to the beach every day in summer and I'd just get a tiny bit darker; stupid genetics XD. Anyways, I'm digressing. That's why almost everyone called me "The Undertaker" (in a bad sense, it sounds worse in my language, while in English I picture it as a cool nickname). A lot of people harassed me all the time, and a bunch of people bullied me. Even kids in other classes knew me by that "nickname" and my friends picked on me sometimes as well.
When I was in, probably, 5-6th grade (around 11-12 years), there was this one kid who was older than me, way more heavier and mean looking - he was like the leader of a bunch of kids who fought around a lot, and he was involved with some bad people (football hooligans, real ones, not the pussy-assed normal ones). He was in my class and bullied me all the time.
So this one time, in the school backyard, during the lunch break, there are a bunch of kids around talking and doing their thing, when this guy comes, starts calling me names and pushing me around. Now remember, he constantly did this and it's very hard to deal with this shit as a kid like I was. I was fed up, my blood started boiling and I pushed him back and called him a retard or something. He charges at me like a bull, ready to fight me, I snap and think in the lines of "fuck this retard I'm not going to tolerate this shit anymore" and punch him square in his fucking nose with all my might. It didn't feel like I hit him hard at all, but his nose starts bleeding all over the place and he holds it with both his hands and starts crying like a big pussy, while everyone is looking like O.O
I go off somewhere and a teacher comes to pick him and me up, and is confused as hell, since she knows I'm the nicest kid around and wouldn't hurt a fly; so instead of giving me a big lecture she just says I shouldn't hit people (like I don't know) and walks the other guy to the nursery. She knew this guy was bad news and he probably deserved it. Later, I enter the school, and there's drops of blood on like every stair 2 floors up. XD
He ended up with a broken nose and had problems with nosebleeds for a long time. Serves him well. Sadly, it didn't feel very satisfying as I don't like hurting people, but I was proud for standing up to him, even though I'm way weaker and younger than him. He laid off me for a few months and then things started over again, but not as bad as before. (kids never learn -.-)
Few years past and I end up sitting next to him for classes, and we were kinda friendly and cool; he didn't bully me anymore and I helped him cheat on tests, since he was a bum and I was probably one of the few smartest kids in the school. /brag XD
(Cheating is normal in our schools, people cheat as much as they can get away with, and teachers are more tolerant than in the USA, as far as know, so it's not a big deal.)