This vid sums up my feelings around this topic. It's a 5 min rant.
TL;DR: Amanda Tod threw away her life like it was trash for absolutely no reason, and the moment she did it, it became thrash, and will be remembered as such.
this story doesn't deserve the attention that it is getting. She made mistakes, and then made poor choices on top of those mistakes. She also left out a lot of information in her video
On October 16 2012 05:40 coverpunch wrote: I'm not sure others have noticed, but her story seems to have some big holes. For one, you can't use boobs as your profile picture on Facebook and certainly not those of a minor. Second, the reaction of the community is pretty strange. If some stranger tried to friend me on Facebook with a profile picture of boobs and told me they belonged to the new girl at my school, I'd be pretty freaked out to be honest. My reaction would only be more negative if this person did not go to my school and was significantly older.
Her parents are also bizarre caricatures of real people in this story. They care enough about her to move schools but not enough to confront the kids or their parents of the people who are bullying her or the dude who is torturing her on the internet. Why wouldn't they ever go to the police with this?
Anyways, some of you are also brutal to say this isn't a tragedy. A young person dying is always a tragedy because she had a tough time but she could go on to have a long and happy life.
It's possible to make any picture your profile picture. It's only until the picture is reported to facebook staff and seen by them that it would be taken down.
The whole parents and police part is the only really big plothole to me that makes no real sense.
On October 16 2012 05:54 cloneThorN wrote: watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z_ZiRT8Nwkk
This vid sums up my feelings around this topic. It's a 5 min rant.
TL;DR: Amanda Tod threw away her life like it was trash for absolutely no reason, and the moment she did it, it became thrash, and will be remembered as such.
It's natural selection at work here.
I hope you're not older than 13 yourself, for everyones sake
Reading this thread makes me sad. While I remain somewhat neutral on the situation (she did so many things wrong, and while that could be expected from someone her age I personally feel that her parents or her teachers should have been able to notice something-at the very least her parents could have looked at what she was doing with her computer), I don't understand how anyone could possibly justify the decisions of her bullies.
On October 16 2012 12:57 1337n00b wrote: Reading this thread makes me sad. While I remain somewhat neutral on the situation (she did so many things wrong, and while that could be expected from someone her age I personally feel that her parents or her teachers should have been able to notice something-at the very least her parents could have looked at what she was doing with her computer), I don't understand how anyone could possibly justify the decisions of her bullies.
Unfortunately, many people grow up in this world to not be real human beings. One can be sympathetic without being empathetic and this courtesy seems to be lost among the adolescents and adolescent-minded adults. People like to victimize victims because it makes them feel superior that they didn't make the same sort of mistakes or get themselves into the same sort of situations.
On October 16 2012 12:57 1337n00b wrote: Reading this thread makes me sad. While I remain somewhat neutral on the situation (she did so many things wrong, and while that could be expected from someone her age I personally feel that her parents or her teachers should have been able to notice something-at the very least her parents could have looked at what she was doing with her computer), I don't understand how anyone could possibly justify the decisions of her bullies.
Unfortunately, many people grow up in this world to not be real human beings. One can be sympathetic without being empathetic and this courtesy seems to be lost among the adolescents and adolescent-minded adults. People like to victimize victims because it makes them feel superior that they didn't make the same sort of mistakes or get themselves into the same sort of situations.
What happened to the girl is a sad story and it should bring up many questions about harassment and the internet. However, you cannot say that the girl didn't put herself in some very poor situations.
That does not make it okay for anyone to act like they did at all. But to look at the situation objectively, you have to find that Amanda's poor decisions and actions played a very large part in this.
EDIT: Thanks to the guy below. In typing too fast, I left out the most important word....
On October 16 2012 12:57 1337n00b wrote: Reading this thread makes me sad. While I remain somewhat neutral on the situation (she did so many things wrong, and while that could be expected from someone her age I personally feel that her parents or her teachers should have been able to notice something-at the very least her parents could have looked at what she was doing with her computer), I don't understand how anyone could possibly justify the decisions of her bullies.
Unfortunately, many people grow up in this world to not be real human beings. One can be sympathetic without being empathetic and this courtesy seems to be lost among the adolescents and adolescent-minded adults. People like to victimize victims because it makes them feel superior that they didn't make the same sort of mistakes or get themselves into the same sort of situations.
What happened to the girl is a sad story and it should bring up many questions about harassment and the internet. However, you cannot say that the girl put herself in some very poor situations.
That does not make it okay for anyone to act like they did at all. But to look at the situation objectively, you have to find that Amanda's poor decisions and actions played a very large part in this.
I was commenting more on the general reaction of self-righteousness that people get when they hear stories like this. "Oh well, of course that happened to you, you made such poor decisions".
And don't you contradict yourself here? Unless you meant to type something else.
The videos on the guys youtube channel are really fucked up...
I'm generally pretty ambivalent on Anonymous actions but this is pretty awesome. No matter how much "fault" the girl had in her own situation, this guy deserves to pay.
Can't say as I really feel sorry for her, but that's just the way I am. I know if that I was in that situation I would not have given up so easily, but I was raised to be that way. Then again she made a lot of mistakes, but regardless -
It was her choice to die. I know that in the darkest parts, it can be difficult to go on. But she could have pressed onward. I know that sometimes it's hard. It doesn't feel like it's worth it. But the difference between life and death is that instead of succumbing to your burdens, you master them.
On October 13 2012 04:20 AllHailTheDead wrote: the loss of life is sad and all but......I think this girl is just stupid.....
let me show my boobs to people on the internet(herp derp) let me give this guy a show so he can make a video(herp derp) let me go over to this guys house who told me his girlfriend is on vacation(and then she acts like it was his fault "he hooked up with me" no sounds like your just an attention whore......)
also sounds like she has no respect for other people and doesnt give a shit
no smart girl would go have sex with a guy when they have a girlfriend obviously they dont care about you
and if I was the other girl I would prob beat her up at school also for being a hoe
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while this post is shit, there should be measures to be taken very soon to educate young children, like preschool/minor highschool level, about the internet. when you can't change something, and you won't be able to change the way people use their anonymity on the internet, you have to educate people about it, so they don't overreact. almost everyone has been subject to mobbing or other identity crisises at a young age, so teach young people about this and they will be prepared and you could save someone from doing stupid shit (killing themselves).
To me,. the worst part of this ISN'T THE FLASHING... it's human nature. IT ISN'T THE BULLYING... it's human nature.
The worst part of this to me is, if fucking sell outs didnt run the music industry and all the mainstream music was meaningless shit then maybe she would've been exposed to songs like this that helped me so much to cope myself. It's a sad reflection of society, and the fact is, it does matter to me that because our society is so shallow and it pushes this kind of stuff underground everywhere, it makes people who are thinking or feeling deeply become isolated with little ways to cope or people to relate to.
Public opinion is so hypocritical. If a story gained national news of a (what was she 14?) girl doing drugs, sleeping with random guys and hosting webcam shows the public outcry would be about how she is out of control and needs to be reigned in. They would ask where her parents are in this. But now that she killed herself she is a victim of bullying? She was just another attention seeking emo loser and should be given zero attention for all the stupidity she pulled off.
Thank god for you saying emo, it proves you're not an adult. Hopefully you'll have wisened up and gained some compassion before you have voting rights.