Some reports are saying that those beheaded were believe to be talbian spies by the taliban. Dancing/Mingling may not have been the underlying reason...
Another BBC report says that they were government workers
"The BBC's Quentin Somerville, in the capital Kabul, says some reports suggest the 17 were killed because they were local government workers."
On August 28 2012 09:14 iNbluE wrote: People are killed everyday for no reason. Terrorists kill innocent people, armies all over the world kill innocent people, and some cultures just don't have our extreme respect for life.
*For human life.
I think this is just a media strike to reignite the hate towards those terrorists. 17 dead are nothing special in afghanistan right now. It's really sad this stuff happens all the time though.
the difference is that these people think they are going to be rewarded in the afterlife for killing these people because their special book says that it's okay
I don't care why they were beheaded. No matter what they did or who they are, this is really crazy. Getting decapitated/beheaded is just straight up torture. Unfortunately I have seen some of those beheading videos (uncut) and it's really rough to watch. Their capital punishment is gruesome...
You need to understand that for these people, heaven and hell are very literal threats. They don't treat these subjects like they are just ideas that may or may not be true, they can practically taste the sulfur in the air.
What the Taliban does in that regard is no so unique, only that they have the power to execute their policies and take it a great deal further than other denominations.
The logic is a simple one:
This world is temporary, the world beyond is eternal. What we do now will forever seal our fate in the afterworld.
So, if this is what you believe to be a 100% fact, then why on earth would you risk your soul for earthly pleasures? Why would you dance or sing? Music is widely considered "haram" (against Islamic code/ethics), and the same basis is in the hatred of the earthly.
With music, the Taliban isn't that strange. There are a lot of muslim/christian/jew denominations that warn for the threat of music, considering it too subtle to be resisted, and thus Satan's favorite tool to lead people into sin.
The Taliban simply applies this practice to everything from which you can derive earthly enjoyment.
There is a famous book, called the Kite Runner, about the Taliban in Afghanistan, the name being derived from when the Taliban banned kite flying in the country, before that a popular past-time for children and adults.
Other things are simple scriptural bans, like shellfish, but most are grounded in the same reasoning. Hell is real, earthly temptations distract us from our plight to god. A hundred years of suffering is nothing compared to an eternity in hell.
Now, this is the ideological grounding for the Taliban. How far each of the members agrees with it can be questioned, but in general they all adhere to it pretty strictly, simply because it is a maffia-like environment. Either you are with them, or you're against them, and you better show them that you are with them, or else.
The Taliban itself, though, is a peculiar beast.
The defense on their treatment of women is always the same. They beat them to keep them in line, they cover them to protect their integrity, etc, they pretend like they are all about caring for the women, in their own sick and twisted way.
But during their rule, they trafficked women and forced them into sex slavery.
There is just something strange about the Taliban. For everything that it says, it has no moral grounding. It has no real beliefs, it has no convictions or goals. It just crushes the human spirit and kills. It even violates its own beliefs when they don't go far enough in inflicting human suffering. There seems to be no greater goal than to inflict suffering.
And some would argue that we should pull our hands off Afghanistan and let them take over. Sorry girls, hope you like acid to the face, because we need to balance our budget.
An entire generation of Afghan girls are being raised on education. How many of them will avoid a life of intellectual retardation by being given the chance to study? That alone makes the struggle worth it.
I don't care why they were beheaded. No matter what they did or who they are, this is really crazy. Getting decapitated/beheaded is just straight up torture. Unfortunately I have seen some of those beheading videos (uncut) and it's really rough to watch. Their capital punishment is gruesome...
Not that I am planning on either, but I much prefer a guilotine to an electric chair.
Some reports are saying that those beheaded were believe to be talbian spies by the taliban. Dancing/Mingling may not have been the underlying reason...
Another BBC report says that they were government workers
"The BBC's Quentin Somerville, in the capital Kabul, says some reports suggest the 17 were killed because they were local government workers."
It will be hard to have a good discussion with inconsistencies such as this still out there. But regardless, that's a lot of executions, and it's entirely inexcusable.
On August 28 2012 09:14 iNbluE wrote: People are killed everyday for no reason. Terrorists kill innocent people, armies all over the world kill innocent people, and some cultures just don't have our extreme respect for life.
*For human life.
I think this is just a media strike to reignite the hate towards those terrorists. 17 dead are nothing special in afghanistan right now. It's really sad this stuff happens all the time though.
On August 28 2012 09:14 Verator wrote: First of all, its not really laws, its religious text.
And dancing is a sin, their text says sins should be punished with death, so they kill them.
Its the same as if people actually followed the old testament's commands in the bible.
There is no text in Islam that says that singing or dancing is punishable by death. Please don't attribute things to sharia law unless you are absolutely certain of what you are talking about.
On August 28 2012 12:33 Silentness wrote: I don't care why they were beheaded. No matter what they did or who they are, this is really crazy. Getting decapitated/beheaded is just straight up torture. Unfortunately I have seen some of those beheading videos (uncut) and it's really rough to watch. Their capital punishment is gruesome...
While I am in agreement with the opinion of most that it is unspeakable to kill someone with justification from the Qu'ran, I am also pretty sure that beheading is not torture; it is quick and painless; we see it as gruesome because of the visual effect, but the person involved feels nothing. We see it as degrading the body, as an act of barbarism. I am sure though that it is better to be beheaded rather than be stoned to death, or other penalties described and used by muslim extremists.
Also I am sure the taleban mostly use the Qu'ran for political means. They interpret it the best they can to destroy opponents. They seem rather paranoid though ... opponents everywhere.
They just want to spread hate against terrorist, ignoring that US soldiers have killed over a thousand times moer innocent civilians for actually no reason in afghanistan.
17 killed by islamist extreamist? Better make a military campaing against them that will kill 100 000 more people.
RIP dancers.
PS. Not saying that the killing of the 17 was justified, but it was not just dancing, they were also listening to non koranic music, and it was a mixed sex gathering, and neither of those are allowed either acording to the people who did the killing.
On August 28 2012 22:48 Sea_Food wrote: They just want to spread hate against terrorist, ignoring that US soldiers have killed over a thousand times moer innocent civilians for actually no reason.
17 killed by islamist extreamist? Better make a military campaing against them that will kill 100 000 more people.
RIP dancers.
Rest assured that both sides are in the wrong here.
On August 28 2012 22:51 CrtBalorda wrote: Well I guess where I live isnt that bad.
I think.
Its still pretty stupid of them to start dancing if there are laws against it though.
IIRC the law has not pervented what they were doing since 2001, but the people who did the killing support the old law, so what the killers did was illeagal acording to national law, not what the dancers did.
Though initial reports of Monday's killings say the 17 victims were beheaded for taking part in a mixed-gender party in the southern Helmand province, officials now say the deaths may have been the result of a rivalry between two Taliban commanders over the two women in the troubled Musa Qala district.
I still find it weird how so many people are turning this into a religion and/or cultural debate. There are many gangs in america who kill on daily basis aswell, but no one blames the american culture for that. We have some random shootings here in the Netherlands aswell, but no one blames the dutch culture for that.
As soon as something happens in the middle eastern regions, the finger gets pointed to culture. There are plenty of nutjobs in every region, their actions are crazy, unbelievable and i can't comprehend why anyone would do that.
If you say it happens more in the middle east then any other culture, you're wrong, look at Africa, more shit is happening there then in the middle east. They just make sure it doesn't go public as much. Now if you look at this case, you see the government (same culture as where the tragic event happened) is reporting it. This is a very good development. The more crap like this is being made public the sooner it will stop. No one will endorse this except the purpetraiters and their followers.
That being said my sorrow goes the the family of all the victims.
Helmand province is one of the worst in Afghanistan. The coalition forces don't have a great enough presence there to really be effective, and as a result, the Taliban are to this day still operating there. Its not surprising that they are continuing to exert their control through what are most likely scare tactics. Many of them are looking for ways to tell the world that they are still there, and will be back in power once the Americans leave. Here is a fantastic article exploring whats going on in Afghanistan.