On July 09 2012 02:27 Smat wrote: Guys stop arguing about how man people are gay. The statistics are all completely biased because of the social implications of admiting you are gay. 10 percent is acutally probably the best estimate. Anything below 5 percent is way to low given the size of current gay communities in relation to the their countries population. But the point is, no one really knows.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
To be fair, there are tons of sources that also call bullshit on the 10% number, and estimate it more around 4%.
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright, Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr
University of Georgia
The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who ad- mitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homo- phobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosex- ual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also com- pleted an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992 ). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
I would say instead of how dumb people are, how little they actually have in defense of their bigoted beliefs.
To the opposition of gay marriage: You don't have any legitimate reasons to oppose gay marriage. Homosexuals make you uncomfortable. You're afraid of gay people and you're probably afraid of your own sexuality. So you hide behind the Old Testament and then pervert marriage laws that were never supposed to preserve the sanctity of Christian beliefs.
It's fuckin bigotry. The same arguments were used against Negros. The same shit was said about womens suffrage. It's stupid shit that feels great to say because it costs you nothing. Who cares if a gay man or woman doesn't have rights? It doesn't bother you in the slightest if a gay man or woman is alienated and given unfair or unequal treatment but it's a problem when they want to be given the same rights as a straight person?
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
You'd be decrying Google if they had a different stance to you on this issue and were campaigning about it, why are you getting so angry?
If Google wants to be a force for social good, then perhaps they could start by paying their taxes instead of talking about gays getting married? Then again, I guess nice words don't cost them much.
Well, google is doing the same thing as a presidential candidate, so it can't be that bad can it? (I'm talking about taxes and romney)
Also, this might cost them something, but that's not even the point here. Taxes are one thing, fighting for social justice and against bigotry is infinitely more important than tax evasion (which is something every large company does anyway. Not justifying it, just saying).
On July 09 2012 02:27 Smat wrote: Guys stop arguing about how man people are gay. The statistics are all completely biased because of the social implications of admiting you are gay. 10 percent is acutally probably the best estimate. Anything below 5 percent is way to low given the size of current gay communities in relation to the their countries population. But the point is, no one really knows.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
On July 09 2012 02:27 Smat wrote: Guys stop arguing about how man people are gay. The statistics are all completely biased because of the social implications of admiting you are gay. 10 percent is acutally probably the best estimate. Anything below 5 percent is way to low given the size of current gay communities in relation to the their countries population. But the point is, no one really knows.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
I think it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Obviously there are female rapists. And even weird chauvinists who think that men can't be raped by women (even though it is a documented fact) would at least have to concede to the idea of lesbian rape (which is of course, also well documented).
Smart move by Google, unless they care about having supporters from the Southern States - LOL, jk.
For the people saying being gay isn't natural; someone doesn't simply choose to become gay, it's commonly believed that it comes from a mix of upbringing and the persons biological make up. If you call that unnatural, so be it.
One more thing to add.. marriage is about the stupidest thing to do in life unless you're a gold digger, otherwise I cannot see any bright side other than the big party, and the small benefits it provides in some countries(not sure if it provides benefits anywhere).
On July 09 2012 02:27 Smat wrote: Guys stop arguing about how man people are gay. The statistics are all completely biased because of the social implications of admiting you are gay. 10 percent is acutally probably the best estimate. Anything below 5 percent is way to low given the size of current gay communities in relation to the their countries population. But the point is, no one really knows.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
I think it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Obviously there are female rapists. And even weird chauvinists who think that men can't be raped by women (even though it is a documented fact) would at least have to concede to the idea of lesbian rape (which is of course, also well documented).
I didn't get the joke either if there was one. I was only thinking of a female raping a male which I imagine rarely happens. Female/female rape/sexual assault is probably more common.
Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright, Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr
University of Georgia
The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who ad- mitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homo- phobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosex- ual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also com- pleted an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992 ). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
You'd be decrying Google if they had a different stance to you on this issue and were campaigning about it, why are you getting so angry?
If Google wants to be a force for social good, then perhaps they could start by paying their taxes instead of talking about gays getting married? Then again, I guess nice words don't cost them much.
How the fuck can people like you think that something like tax evasion is something more important than this?
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
I think it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Obviously there are female rapists. And even weird chauvinists who think that men can't be raped by women (even though it is a documented fact) would at least have to concede to the idea of lesbian rape (which is of course, also well documented).
I didn't get the joke either if there was one. I was only thinking of a female raping a male which I imagine rarely happens. Female/female rape/sexual assault is probably more common.
Female on male rape is a lot more common than people realize. The problem is that in addition to all the issues females face when publicly stating that they were raped, males also face the stigma of A) a large piece of society not believing that females can rape a male at all, and B) being treated as a "mockery" instead of a victim (indirectly caused by A).
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
You'd be decrying Google if they had a different stance to you on this issue and were campaigning about it, why are you getting so angry?
If Google wants to be a force for social good, then perhaps they could start by paying their taxes instead of talking about gays getting married? Then again, I guess nice words don't cost them much.
It's legitimate how they did it. They hire accountants to tell them how to manage their taxes, and pay the least amount possible legally. That's what every other individual and company does in the U.S.
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
I think it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Obviously there are female rapists. And even weird chauvinists who think that men can't be raped by women (even though it is a documented fact) would at least have to concede to the idea of lesbian rape (which is of course, also well documented).
I didn't get the joke either if there was one. I was only thinking of a female raping a male which I imagine rarely happens. Female/female rape/sexual assault is probably more common.
Female on male rape is a lot more common than people realize. The problem is that in addition to all the issues females face when publicly stating that they were raped, males also face the stigma of A) a large piece of society not believing that females can rape a male at all, and B) being treated as a "mockery" instead of a victim (indirectly caused by A).
It's supposedly less than 1% of all rapes. I wouldn't say that's too common.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
They probably aren't open.
There have been many anonymous surveys done, with all of them pointing to around 7-10% of males being homosexual, and 4-5% of females.
Those figures make sense considering it is becoming a fairly accepted fact that there are more full on gay men than there are full on gay women, of course that could be do to society's different treatment or inherent differences between female and male sexualities.
What about full on rapists?
I don't know, I imagine that almost all rapists are men so..
Wait...you don't think women can rape people? Or that they haven't?
I think it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Obviously there are female rapists. And even weird chauvinists who think that men can't be raped by women (even though it is a documented fact) would at least have to concede to the idea of lesbian rape (which is of course, also well documented).
I didn't get the joke either if there was one. I was only thinking of a female raping a male which I imagine rarely happens. Female/female rape/sexual assault is probably more common.
It's rare but likely more common than you think. If you think there's a problem with women coming forward about rape, think of the stigma that men would have coming forward about rape. And the police may not even take you seriously.
The majority of rape is male-male prison rape. It's actually a ridiculous epidemic. Obama recently signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act.
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
You'd be decrying Google if they had a different stance to you on this issue and were campaigning about it, why are you getting so angry?
If Google wants to be a force for social good, then perhaps they could start by paying their taxes instead of talking about gays getting married? Then again, I guess nice words don't cost them much.
Pretty much all big enterprises and rich people hire tax lawyers to save millions of dollars of taxes in one way or the other. This is not new.
Foreign multinationals meddling in domestic politics. This is not going to work at all in countries with strong anti-gay sentiments. It could backfire heavily, especially given that this is an American company as well. Maybe google will lose ground to new competitors in such areas, like they did in China after they got into an argument in regards to censorship.
Personally I'm against any crossovers between businesses and politics, so I won't be cheering google on for this.
Few things in the world are more powerful than a huge, multinational, extremely wealthy company. Nice to have one of these monsters working for the people for once.
maybe in US . in europe everyone knows if your class mate is gay or not . and i only met 1 gay swapping 4 high schools in 2 diferent countrys . gays arent afraid of bully in eu .
What a load of crap... what the hell are you talking about?
On July 09 2012 04:32 fairymonger wrote: Its getting pretty retarded when major companies are supporting things that are highly controversial.
And why is that? Because they're not on your side? The fact that this is a big thing just proves what's wrong with this world, gay-marriage should be such an obvious fucking thing, and the only counter-arguments I hear is fucking slippery slope bullshit like procreation. The fact that people bring up marriage with animals goes to show how dumb alot of people who are against gay marriage are.
The thing is that the ones who try to argue for gay marriage constantly debunk every fucking counter-argument, yet the people who are against gay marriage keep rambling on with the same bullshit, have you actually even watched any video that goes against your way of thinking? I suggest watching something like this, where you can also enjoy being made fun of at the same time for being a huge moron.
You'd be decrying Google if they had a different stance to you on this issue and were campaigning about it, why are you getting so angry?
If Google wants to be a force for social good, then perhaps they could start by paying their taxes instead of talking about gays getting married? Then again, I guess nice words don't cost them much.
How the fuck can people like you think that something like tax money not being paid by them is something more important than this?
Disgusting, really.
Man you are really vitriolic for a person who chose the screen name "serenity."
Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to stop. It's hilarious.
On July 09 2012 02:27 Smat wrote: Guys stop arguing about how man people are gay. The statistics are all completely biased because of the social implications of admiting you are gay. 10 percent is acutally probably the best estimate. Anything below 5 percent is way to low given the size of current gay communities in relation to the their countries population. But the point is, no one really knows.
10% gay ? are you getting out of house ? not want to be mean but i know 1 gay man out of 200 .
OP : google will just get more publicity i dont think they step in becose they rly care about gay marriage imo .
Don't rely on your social circles to determine the amount of queer people seriously...
A better experiment would be to think about your high school class, but oh wait you have no idea how many people are gay from your high school class. See the problem?
my highschool class is around 2.5% gay i would say. of course it's not concrete but i'm quite aware of my surroundings.
According to my recently recalibrated gaydar, there are approximately 4.7 homosexual individuals within 1000 ft of my computer. I can't be sure though, the tachion interference may be too strong.
if you were making fun of me it flew over my head, sorry to dissapoint