No effort, no points. What's the point of substituting something for a zero if said substitution means the same thing? A real world analogue: you don't do work, you get fired. You don't get paid. Zero.
On June 04 2012 00:46 Warble wrote:My impression from reading through this thread is in line with a disturbing trend I have noticed in the larger society: that people seem to favour taking a harder line with high school students. This trend includes: - Stricter assignment guidelines, such as giving zero for late submissions, to "prepare students for the real world."
- Squeezing more topics into a curriculum already bursting at the seams because "this is an important subject."
- Adopting a rigid one-size fits all approach.
The first one is most prevalent in this thread, but I suspect that many zero advocates fit with the other items - since they're all the result of a singular hard line approach. Here are some of my personal observations on the matter: - Although the overall suicide rates for Western countries have generally decreased in the past half century, youth suicide rates have generally gone up - for example, they are roughly double what they were in 1960 in the USA. I consider youth those aged 12-25, i.e. high school through college and early stages of employment. This indicates that youth are under increasing pressure without adequate support. Quick Google reference (I'm sure you can find more): http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html
- We're basically talking about young people here.
- As adults, it's easy to forget how hard life is as a youth. As a well-to-do youth, it can be difficult to understand how hard life can be for those living in less fortunate circumstances. If you look back on your own youth, you will wonder why some of those problems ever seemed like such a big deal. And since your current emotional resources, plus the benefit of distance and time, means you're seeing a much reduced version of those problems. As humans, we have a hard time truly empathising - even with our past selves.
- Teenagers are often in the uncomfortable position where they have many responsibilities but little power/few rights. I think this is a vastly underrated point. A problem when you have the power to affect the outcome feels very different to a problem that you feel powerless over.
- My personal experience: life got easier as I grew older. College was way easier than high school. Work was way easier than college. Why? Because although I had more responsibilities, I had more resources at my disposal. I had more emotional tools, I actually had money, I had more friends, I was free to choose my friends, I could choose my job - I chose to be there. Compare this to a typical student's high school experience: there's no choice (most students see the alternative as a life of poverty), the social environment is a minefield, no choice over peers or teachers, no power to negotiate the terms of assignments, the rules seem arbitrary and make no sense, the stakes seem high.
- Going from above, the trend seems to be: colleges take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in the work place. High schools take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in college and, later on, in the work place. The outcome? High school students - who are still children - are now forced to operate under the same conditions as adults, who have many more resources to draw from. The kicker? I found college to be much more flexible than high school, and I found the work places I've been in to be much more flexible than college.
- The zero advocates seem to be focused on installing an environment that replicates the "real world" (as they see it in their minds) but are overlooking that the school's function should be teaching students the skills to cope and function with these responsibilities. If the aim is to teach this skill, then if a student is slow to pick up on this skill, then is it appropriate to punish them by preventing them from studying an unrelated subject? In other words - should students who have mastered mid level maths be prevented from studying high level maths if they're good at maths but slow in learning to cope with these "real world" conditions and be forced to retake mid level maths? If so, what is the point in forcing them to retake mid level maths when they have mastered it and are ready to move onto high level maths?
- The teacher in the OP is a zero advocate who disagreed with his school's no-zero policy - and he felt he had the power to do something about it. It ended somewhat badly for him, but he felt that he had the power. And he's going for the appeal. How many students are likely to feel this level of empowerment? How many would feel they can actually appeal a decision made by an authority?
- Many students these days have part-time jobs. They know what it's like in the real world.
- I prefer an approach that focuses on outcomes, and the zero advocate approach's aim seems to be to punish. What's the point of punishing? Consider the reasons why a student might not hand up an assignment - is giving them a hard zero going to improve any of those outcomes over approaching them to find out what's wrong? The hard zero approach might make sense when evaluating performance in the real world, but a school's primary function is to educate, and evaluating a student's performance is an auxiliary function that is subservient to the primary function. The hard zero approach messes up these priorities.
- This cuts to the zero advocates' argument that high school should be preparing students for the real world. They're just completely different environments with different things at stake - and enforcing stricter rules just doesn't contribute to any student's development.
- Most of the work assigned by teachers are so divorced from a student's ability to apply the skills/knowledge in the real world. This point is important for those advocating the hard zero approach as getting students used to the real world - because how can you advocate a "real world" approach in that manner, but ignore the contradiction that schools fail to adopt the real world approach in another manner?
I'll also note that I am responding to the general zero advocate approaches posed in this thread, and not necessarily that teacher's specific approach.
You make several valid observations and points, but I would be wary of catch all statements such as the ones you make here. While I cannot, by any means, be referred to as an expert on education, I have spent a fair amount of time researching and analyzing America's educational system (though I understand that this topic occurred in Canada).
The most correct statement you make is that school's have been adopting more one-size fits all curriculum. This can be seen in multiple ways. The first is that schools are cutting more and more art programs. While the article in question refers primarily to elementary schools, this is a trend occurring across all levels of education. The dangers have been articulated by people such as Ken Robinson whose TED Talk speech can be found here. Another aspect of this one-size fits all policy is increased standardized testing and an increasing reliance on test scores to measure and award success. I feel that this is the consequence of the No Child Left Behind policy. There too are dangers of this trend.
However, I feel that your first and second points are invalid, as well as the conclusions you make concerning them. The first assumption is a trend of stricter guidelines. this has actually occurred in both manners, with the emergence of both 0-tolerance policies and its exact opposite. The second assumption is the increased study load. Looking at students in college, the average time spent partying has doubled, the average time studying has fallen dramatically.
From your observations, you observe the increase in suicides in youth groups. There exists no warrant for the conclusion that stricter school has caused this. You have observed a correlation and not a causation.
Finally, the remainder of your well-worded analysis revolves around responsibility and changes in life events. You found more flexibility as you grew older and that is excellent. Furthermore, I agree that there exists fewer and fewer options for younger adults and it has a negative impact on the youth mindset. But the trend is not universally towards a 0-tolerance system. This particular teacher had held on to the tradition of giving 0's in favor of the new modern alternative.
I agree, there are problems with the education system as we know it. But overarching generalizations are dangerous and incorrect and can lead to questionable decisions. I apologize if I came off as rude or insulting, I do not wish to do so.
Is it any wonder that China is on a path to quickly surpass the West? We're spoiled brats, lost all our fire in our quest for a misguided utopia.
On June 04 2012 00:46 Warble wrote:My impression from reading through this thread is in line with a disturbing trend I have noticed in the larger society: that people seem to favour taking a harder line with high school students. This trend includes: - Stricter assignment guidelines, such as giving zero for late submissions, to "prepare students for the real world."
- Squeezing more topics into a curriculum already bursting at the seams because "this is an important subject."
- Adopting a rigid one-size fits all approach.
The first one is most prevalent in this thread, but I suspect that many zero advocates fit with the other items - since they're all the result of a singular hard line approach. Here are some of my personal observations on the matter: - Although the overall suicide rates for Western countries have generally decreased in the past half century, youth suicide rates have generally gone up - for example, they are roughly double what they were in 1960 in the USA. I consider youth those aged 12-25, i.e. high school through college and early stages of employment. This indicates that youth are under increasing pressure without adequate support. Quick Google reference (I'm sure you can find more): http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html
- We're basically talking about young people here.
- As adults, it's easy to forget how hard life is as a youth. As a well-to-do youth, it can be difficult to understand how hard life can be for those living in less fortunate circumstances. If you look back on your own youth, you will wonder why some of those problems ever seemed like such a big deal. And since your current emotional resources, plus the benefit of distance and time, means you're seeing a much reduced version of those problems. As humans, we have a hard time truly empathising - even with our past selves.
- Teenagers are often in the uncomfortable position where they have many responsibilities but little power/few rights. I think this is a vastly underrated point. A problem when you have the power to affect the outcome feels very different to a problem that you feel powerless over.
- My personal experience: life got easier as I grew older. College was way easier than high school. Work was way easier than college. Why? Because although I had more responsibilities, I had more resources at my disposal. I had more emotional tools, I actually had money, I had more friends, I was free to choose my friends, I could choose my job - I chose to be there. Compare this to a typical student's high school experience: there's no choice (most students see the alternative as a life of poverty), the social environment is a minefield, no choice over peers or teachers, no power to negotiate the terms of assignments, the rules seem arbitrary and make no sense, the stakes seem high.
- Going from above, the trend seems to be: colleges take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in the work place. High schools take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in college and, later on, in the work place. The outcome? High school students - who are still children - are now forced to operate under the same conditions as adults, who have many more resources to draw from. The kicker? I found college to be much more flexible than high school, and I found the work places I've been in to be much more flexible than college.
- The zero advocates seem to be focused on installing an environment that replicates the "real world" (as they see it in their minds) but are overlooking that the school's function should be teaching students the skills to cope and function with these responsibilities. If the aim is to teach this skill, then if a student is slow to pick up on this skill, then is it appropriate to punish them by preventing them from studying an unrelated subject? In other words - should students who have mastered mid level maths be prevented from studying high level maths if they're good at maths but slow in learning to cope with these "real world" conditions and be forced to retake mid level maths? If so, what is the point in forcing them to retake mid level maths when they have mastered it and are ready to move onto high level maths?
- The teacher in the OP is a zero advocate who disagreed with his school's no-zero policy - and he felt he had the power to do something about it. It ended somewhat badly for him, but he felt that he had the power. And he's going for the appeal. How many students are likely to feel this level of empowerment? How many would feel they can actually appeal a decision made by an authority?
- Many students these days have part-time jobs. They know what it's like in the real world.
- I prefer an approach that focuses on outcomes, and the zero advocate approach's aim seems to be to punish. What's the point of punishing? Consider the reasons why a student might not hand up an assignment - is giving them a hard zero going to improve any of those outcomes over approaching them to find out what's wrong? The hard zero approach might make sense when evaluating performance in the real world, but a school's primary function is to educate, and evaluating a student's performance is an auxiliary function that is subservient to the primary function. The hard zero approach messes up these priorities.
- This cuts to the zero advocates' argument that high school should be preparing students for the real world. They're just completely different environments with different things at stake - and enforcing stricter rules just doesn't contribute to any student's development.
- Most of the work assigned by teachers are so divorced from a student's ability to apply the skills/knowledge in the real world. This point is important for those advocating the hard zero approach as getting students used to the real world - because how can you advocate a "real world" approach in that manner, but ignore the contradiction that schools fail to adopt the real world approach in another manner?
I'll also note that I am responding to the general zero advocate approaches posed in this thread, and not necessarily that teacher's specific approach.
So are you suggesting that rising suicide rates correlates directly with giving zeros for zero-work? First off, many would argue that schools grade EASIER on the whole than they once did (this is certainly true on the college level -- look at grade inflation complaints and all that, especially at Ivy League schools). I think you have a lot more work to do if that is your argument. You seem to make gigantic leaps in logic. Moreover you rely almost entirely upon personal anecdotes -- not everyone feels the way you do about your own high school experience. You also make a lot of bald assumptions. Not a single study or peer-reviewed piece in there to back up your claims. I hate to be that one dickhead who bitches about not backing up claims yadda yaddablahblah, but in this case it's important to do so.
Am I just reading this wrong? Please tell me if I am
edit: With regard to the zero-policy in general, I agree a one-size fits all approach isn't ideal. But why should you do away completely with giving zeros? You suggest a reward-based approach. I take this as focusing on acknowledging good work over punishing bad (re: complete lack) work. Why not combine both? You didn't prove that zeros for zero-work are unnecessary because you only used your own experiences as evidence. Maybe if there really was a direct correlation between giving zeros and suicides then it would be a no-brainer to do away with zeros altogether, but I highly doubt this to be the case. So maybe teachers should be required to check in with students who frequently produce zero-work in order to determine the cause. If it's true as you suggest that they are receiving zeros due to outside stress, then they can be accommodated. However, what about all those who turn in no work due to drugs, partying, laziness, and so on? Are you suggesting none of these people exist, and that the threat of a zero is too much to persuade them to hand something in?
On June 04 2012 00:46 Warble wrote:My impression from reading through this thread is in line with a disturbing trend I have noticed in the larger society: that people seem to favour taking a harder line with high school students. This trend includes: - Stricter assignment guidelines, such as giving zero for late submissions, to "prepare students for the real world."
- Squeezing more topics into a curriculum already bursting at the seams because "this is an important subject."
- Adopting a rigid one-size fits all approach.
The first one is most prevalent in this thread, but I suspect that many zero advocates fit with the other items - since they're all the result of a singular hard line approach. Here are some of my personal observations on the matter: - Although the overall suicide rates for Western countries have generally decreased in the past half century, youth suicide rates have generally gone up - for example, they are roughly double what they were in 1960 in the USA. I consider youth those aged 12-25, i.e. high school through college and early stages of employment. This indicates that youth are under increasing pressure without adequate support. Quick Google reference (I'm sure you can find more): http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html
- We're basically talking about young people here.
- As adults, it's easy to forget how hard life is as a youth. As a well-to-do youth, it can be difficult to understand how hard life can be for those living in less fortunate circumstances. If you look back on your own youth, you will wonder why some of those problems ever seemed like such a big deal. And since your current emotional resources, plus the benefit of distance and time, means you're seeing a much reduced version of those problems. As humans, we have a hard time truly empathising - even with our past selves.
- Teenagers are often in the uncomfortable position where they have many responsibilities but little power/few rights. I think this is a vastly underrated point. A problem when you have the power to affect the outcome feels very different to a problem that you feel powerless over.
- My personal experience: life got easier as I grew older. College was way easier than high school. Work was way easier than college. Why? Because although I had more responsibilities, I had more resources at my disposal. I had more emotional tools, I actually had money, I had more friends, I was free to choose my friends, I could choose my job - I chose to be there. Compare this to a typical student's high school experience: there's no choice (most students see the alternative as a life of poverty), the social environment is a minefield, no choice over peers or teachers, no power to negotiate the terms of assignments, the rules seem arbitrary and make no sense, the stakes seem high.
- Going from above, the trend seems to be: colleges take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in the work place. High schools take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in college and, later on, in the work place. The outcome? High school students - who are still children - are now forced to operate under the same conditions as adults, who have many more resources to draw from. The kicker? I found college to be much more flexible than high school, and I found the work places I've been in to be much more flexible than college.
- The zero advocates seem to be focused on installing an environment that replicates the "real world" (as they see it in their minds) but are overlooking that the school's function should be teaching students the skills to cope and function with these responsibilities. If the aim is to teach this skill, then if a student is slow to pick up on this skill, then is it appropriate to punish them by preventing them from studying an unrelated subject? In other words - should students who have mastered mid level maths be prevented from studying high level maths if they're good at maths but slow in learning to cope with these "real world" conditions and be forced to retake mid level maths? If so, what is the point in forcing them to retake mid level maths when they have mastered it and are ready to move onto high level maths?
- The teacher in the OP is a zero advocate who disagreed with his school's no-zero policy - and he felt he had the power to do something about it. It ended somewhat badly for him, but he felt that he had the power. And he's going for the appeal. How many students are likely to feel this level of empowerment? How many would feel they can actually appeal a decision made by an authority?
- Many students these days have part-time jobs. They know what it's like in the real world.
- I prefer an approach that focuses on outcomes, and the zero advocate approach's aim seems to be to punish. What's the point of punishing? Consider the reasons why a student might not hand up an assignment - is giving them a hard zero going to improve any of those outcomes over approaching them to find out what's wrong? The hard zero approach might make sense when evaluating performance in the real world, but a school's primary function is to educate, and evaluating a student's performance is an auxiliary function that is subservient to the primary function. The hard zero approach messes up these priorities.
- This cuts to the zero advocates' argument that high school should be preparing students for the real world. They're just completely different environments with different things at stake - and enforcing stricter rules just doesn't contribute to any student's development.
- Most of the work assigned by teachers are so divorced from a student's ability to apply the skills/knowledge in the real world. This point is important for those advocating the hard zero approach as getting students used to the real world - because how can you advocate a "real world" approach in that manner, but ignore the contradiction that schools fail to adopt the real world approach in another manner?
I'll also note that I am responding to the general zero advocate approaches posed in this thread, and not necessarily that teacher's specific approach.
Thanks for taking the time to make such a great, reasoned post. You said was what in my head better than I couldve said it.
I wish more people would realize that simply imposing "workplace" standards in the classroom does not necessarily make for better education. The adult world actually offers extraordinary freedom as far as what type of work one wants to do, what type of environment, what coworkers... Sure the standards are tough, but the point is you have choices. In school your every moment is regulated, your work is mostly rote busywork, and you are forced to take classes and do assignments you have zero interest in. You don't even get paid. Yeah theres benefits, but foresight and wisdom are traits that develop with age and experience. Sometimes all kids can see or feel is the negative that is right there in front of them. No choice, no immediate compensation, no sympathy at all from those who want to "prepare" you for the real world by imposing conditions very few adults would willingly tolerate.
This no zeroes policy may be a step in the wrong direction, but trying to turn education into some sort of factory floor or totalitarian, hive like office is a giant leap backwards. I for one believe we can find a system that does more than emulate the harsher aspects of the workplace, but also its empowering and fulfilling side. While this rule probably does nothing to take us there, it should still be something we aim for.
Got 100% of the material right. Gets a 100.
Did 0% of the assignment. Got 0% of the assignment correct. Got a zero.
Doesn't seem arbitrary to me.
On June 04 2012 10:02 Zahir wrote:Show nested quote +On June 04 2012 00:46 Warble wrote:My impression from reading through this thread is in line with a disturbing trend I have noticed in the larger society: that people seem to favour taking a harder line with high school students. This trend includes: - Stricter assignment guidelines, such as giving zero for late submissions, to "prepare students for the real world."
- Squeezing more topics into a curriculum already bursting at the seams because "this is an important subject."
- Adopting a rigid one-size fits all approach.
The first one is most prevalent in this thread, but I suspect that many zero advocates fit with the other items - since they're all the result of a singular hard line approach. Here are some of my personal observations on the matter: - Although the overall suicide rates for Western countries have generally decreased in the past half century, youth suicide rates have generally gone up - for example, they are roughly double what they were in 1960 in the USA. I consider youth those aged 12-25, i.e. high school through college and early stages of employment. This indicates that youth are under increasing pressure without adequate support. Quick Google reference (I'm sure you can find more): http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html
- We're basically talking about young people here.
- As adults, it's easy to forget how hard life is as a youth. As a well-to-do youth, it can be difficult to understand how hard life can be for those living in less fortunate circumstances. If you look back on your own youth, you will wonder why some of those problems ever seemed like such a big deal. And since your current emotional resources, plus the benefit of distance and time, means you're seeing a much reduced version of those problems. As humans, we have a hard time truly empathising - even with our past selves.
- Teenagers are often in the uncomfortable position where they have many responsibilities but little power/few rights. I think this is a vastly underrated point. A problem when you have the power to affect the outcome feels very different to a problem that you feel powerless over.
- My personal experience: life got easier as I grew older. College was way easier than high school. Work was way easier than college. Why? Because although I had more responsibilities, I had more resources at my disposal. I had more emotional tools, I actually had money, I had more friends, I was free to choose my friends, I could choose my job - I chose to be there. Compare this to a typical student's high school experience: there's no choice (most students see the alternative as a life of poverty), the social environment is a minefield, no choice over peers or teachers, no power to negotiate the terms of assignments, the rules seem arbitrary and make no sense, the stakes seem high.
- Going from above, the trend seems to be: colleges take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in the work place. High schools take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in college and, later on, in the work place. The outcome? High school students - who are still children - are now forced to operate under the same conditions as adults, who have many more resources to draw from. The kicker? I found college to be much more flexible than high school, and I found the work places I've been in to be much more flexible than college.
- The zero advocates seem to be focused on installing an environment that replicates the "real world" (as they see it in their minds) but are overlooking that the school's function should be teaching students the skills to cope and function with these responsibilities. If the aim is to teach this skill, then if a student is slow to pick up on this skill, then is it appropriate to punish them by preventing them from studying an unrelated subject? In other words - should students who have mastered mid level maths be prevented from studying high level maths if they're good at maths but slow in learning to cope with these "real world" conditions and be forced to retake mid level maths? If so, what is the point in forcing them to retake mid level maths when they have mastered it and are ready to move onto high level maths?
- The teacher in the OP is a zero advocate who disagreed with his school's no-zero policy - and he felt he had the power to do something about it. It ended somewhat badly for him, but he felt that he had the power. And he's going for the appeal. How many students are likely to feel this level of empowerment? How many would feel they can actually appeal a decision made by an authority?
- Many students these days have part-time jobs. They know what it's like in the real world.
- I prefer an approach that focuses on outcomes, and the zero advocate approach's aim seems to be to punish. What's the point of punishing? Consider the reasons why a student might not hand up an assignment - is giving them a hard zero going to improve any of those outcomes over approaching them to find out what's wrong? The hard zero approach might make sense when evaluating performance in the real world, but a school's primary function is to educate, and evaluating a student's performance is an auxiliary function that is subservient to the primary function. The hard zero approach messes up these priorities.
- This cuts to the zero advocates' argument that high school should be preparing students for the real world. They're just completely different environments with different things at stake - and enforcing stricter rules just doesn't contribute to any student's development.
- Most of the work assigned by teachers are so divorced from a student's ability to apply the skills/knowledge in the real world. This point is important for those advocating the hard zero approach as getting students used to the real world - because how can you advocate a "real world" approach in that manner, but ignore the contradiction that schools fail to adopt the real world approach in another manner?
I'll also note that I am responding to the general zero advocate approaches posed in this thread, and not necessarily that teacher's specific approach. Thanks for taking the time to make such a great, reasoned post. You said was what in my head better than I couldve said it. I wish more people would realize that simply imposing "workplace" standards in the classroom does not necessarily make for better education. The adult world actually offers extraordinary freedom as far as what type of work one wants to do, what type of environment, what coworkers... Sure the standards are tough, but the point is you have choices. In school your every moment is regulated, your work is mostly rote busywork, and you are forced to take classes and do assignments you have zero interest in. You don't even get paid. Yeah theres benefits, but foresight and wisdom are traits that develop with age and experience. Sometimes all kids can see or feel is the negative that is right there in front of them. No choice, no immediate compensation, no sympathy at all from those who want to "prepare" you for the real world by imposing conditions very few adults would willingly tolerate. This no zeroes policy may be a step in the wrong direction, but trying to turn education into some sort of factory floor or totalitarian, hive like office is a giant leap backwards. I for one believe we can find a system that does more than emulate the harsher aspects of the workplace, but also its empowering and fulfilling side. While this rule probably does nothing to take us there, it should still be something we aim for.
Sorry to be rude but could you please explain the great reasoning to me? I do not follow it. It stems from the point about suicide rates, but in that section I find no proof confirming the correlation...which undermines the value of everything that follows. In general some sub-points might be valuable, but on the whole I think he fails to prove that giving zeros is, on the whole, counter productive.
Most disturbing to that is that on the whole many believe high school & college are easier than they used to be.
United States24569 Posts
On June 04 2012 10:02 Zalithian wrote: Got 100% of the material right. Gets a 100.
Did 0% of the assignment. Got 0% of the assignment correct. Got a zero.
Doesn't seem arbitrary to me. On that scale, 65% (or 60 or whatever) being passing is what's arbitrary.
I agree. If you get a zero you probably feel terrible. Why would you put someone through that? That sounds incredibly mean.
I think that the issue lies more in getting the students to hand in papers in the first place, rather than just giving out zeroes if they don't hand shit in. But as he said, when he hands out papers saying you're going to get a zero, he gets tons of assignments, so it seems to be working. I don't really see an issue with it.
And also, to be fair; he's probably getting suspended because he's failing students, not because he's causing them undue stress. The more students fail (at least in canada) in a school, the less funding they get, thus they push to pass students even when they don't deserve it. It SHOULD create a system where teachers are trying their damned hardest to make the kids smart, but it just creates a system where you can sit on your ass, never do any homework, show up for exams and get a 60% pass if you don't bomb the exam.
On June 04 2012 10:08 micronesia wrote:Show nested quote +On June 04 2012 10:02 Zalithian wrote: Got 100% of the material right. Gets a 100.
Did 0% of the assignment. Got 0% of the assignment correct. Got a zero.
Doesn't seem arbitrary to me. On that scale, 65% (or 60 or whatever) being passing is what's arbitrary.
It's not actually arbitrary, although I'm sure there could be arguments for it being a different number.
To me a teacher that have to give zeros to most of his students,. is a failure as a teacher. The way i got it though is that the school wanted him to cook the stats like many teachers are required to do in the US especially, and he refused?
United States24569 Posts
On June 04 2012 10:30 Zalithian wrote:Show nested quote +On June 04 2012 10:08 micronesia wrote:On June 04 2012 10:02 Zalithian wrote: Got 100% of the material right. Gets a 100.
Did 0% of the assignment. Got 0% of the assignment correct. Got a zero.
Doesn't seem arbitrary to me. On that scale, 65% (or 60 or whatever) being passing is what's arbitrary. It's not actually arbitrary, although I'm sure there could be arguments for it being a different number. If it's not arbitrary then please explain why/how.
On June 03 2012 01:52 Roachu wrote: I imagine Canada have clear course descriptions like we have in Sweden and here we fail the fucking course if we don't meet the requirements. In Sweden we have IG (Swedish: icke godkänd, rough translation: YOU DID NOT PASS) and if you don't pass your assignments and tests you don't pass the course. This is totally warranted and everything else is bullshit.
Edit: I'm going to university now where they are more strict overall but IMO the same attitude should show across the board. It might be a shock to some kids in high school but education is one of the most important things in they world and if they don't understand what a 0 means for them they will suffer for it in the future.
Yeah, I'm in a different province so things function differently but in Canada as a whole, courses have specific requirements which have to be met. If I don't complete a single task, I get an "incomplete," in my transcript.
My policy on homework is that it should be employed only to increase understanding of the topic. Therefore, I believe the amount of work to be done should be dependent on the individual, and therefore not gradable. I don't find it particularly reasonable that I should be given a lower term grade because I didn't do the homework, and yet managed to get an A on every test. Why should I do work that I don't need to?
This policy only extends towards homework, I still do all my other work. I refuse to do homework; every class I take in high school requires that homework be worth 15% of the grade, and yet I maintain at least an 80% in every class.
On June 04 2012 10:33 micronesia wrote:Show nested quote +On June 04 2012 10:30 Zalithian wrote:On June 04 2012 10:08 micronesia wrote:On June 04 2012 10:02 Zalithian wrote: Got 100% of the material right. Gets a 100.
Did 0% of the assignment. Got 0% of the assignment correct. Got a zero.
Doesn't seem arbitrary to me. On that scale, 65% (or 60 or whatever) being passing is what's arbitrary. It's not actually arbitrary, although I'm sure there could be arguments for it being a different number. If it's not arbitrary then please explain why/how.
It's arbitrary in the sense the passing grade could be 59%, 66%, or 70%. But it's not arbitrary in the sense that it's based on reason. IE getting 50% of material right is not enough to show understanding, thus the minimum passing grade should be above 50%, etc.
Just depends on how you're defining arbitrary.
On June 04 2012 10:43 Brotossly wrote: My policy on homework is that it should be employed only to increase understanding of the topic. Therefore, I believe the amount of work to be done should be dependent on the individual, and therefore not gradable. I don't find it particularly reasonable that I should be given a lower term grade because I didn't do the homework, and yet managed to get an A on every test. Why should I do work that I don't need to?
This policy only extends towards homework, I still do all my other work. I refuse to do homework; every class I take in high school requires that homework be worth 15% of the grade, and yet I maintain at least an 80% in every class.
Homework is less about increasing knowledge or teaching you more about the topic, since most people don't learn very well on their own. It's more about instilling good work ethic, which is pretty useful.
I got through high school (with great grades until the final year, where they were still enough to get into a good university) without applying myself at all and had pretty few life skills when I was done. Probably would have helped if more people gave me zeros and stopped giving me great marks for shit I'd clearly written up half an hour before or just made up on the spot.
All I learnt from highschool was how to bullshit really well and get away with everything. I was an irresponsible little shit that thought I was bloody amazing by the end of it. It was stupid attitudes like what this school has that allows that sort of experience. Bloody sad. I dropped out of university of course and it wasn't until years later when I went back and applied myself that I learnt responsibility and work ethic and actually got something out of education for the first time in my life.
On June 03 2012 01:53 Disengaged wrote: The teacher had every right to give the students zeros for not doing the work.
Sure, except that his decision violated the policies of his employer, namely, the school.
Did the kids deserve it? Probably. Does the teacher deserve to be fired? Yes.
You work for somebody you don't flip them the bird and do your job however you want to and keep it. Sad but true.
On June 04 2012 00:46 Warble wrote:My impression from reading through this thread is in line with a disturbing trend I have noticed in the larger society: that people seem to favour taking a harder line with high school students. This trend includes: - Stricter assignment guidelines, such as giving zero for late submissions, to "prepare students for the real world."
- Squeezing more topics into a curriculum already bursting at the seams because "this is an important subject."
- Adopting a rigid one-size fits all approach.
The first one is most prevalent in this thread, but I suspect that many zero advocates fit with the other items - since they're all the result of a singular hard line approach. Here are some of my personal observations on the matter: - Although the overall suicide rates for Western countries have generally decreased in the past half century, youth suicide rates have generally gone up - for example, they are roughly double what they were in 1960 in the USA. I consider youth those aged 12-25, i.e. high school through college and early stages of employment. This indicates that youth are under increasing pressure without adequate support. Quick Google reference (I'm sure you can find more): http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html
- We're basically talking about young people here.
- As adults, it's easy to forget how hard life is as a youth. As a well-to-do youth, it can be difficult to understand how hard life can be for those living in less fortunate circumstances. If you look back on your own youth, you will wonder why some of those problems ever seemed like such a big deal. And since your current emotional resources, plus the benefit of distance and time, means you're seeing a much reduced version of those problems. As humans, we have a hard time truly empathising - even with our past selves.
- Teenagers are often in the uncomfortable position where they have many responsibilities but little power/few rights. I think this is a vastly underrated point. A problem when you have the power to affect the outcome feels very different to a problem that you feel powerless over.
- My personal experience: life got easier as I grew older. College was way easier than high school. Work was way easier than college. Why? Because although I had more responsibilities, I had more resources at my disposal. I had more emotional tools, I actually had money, I had more friends, I was free to choose my friends, I could choose my job - I chose to be there. Compare this to a typical student's high school experience: there's no choice (most students see the alternative as a life of poverty), the social environment is a minefield, no choice over peers or teachers, no power to negotiate the terms of assignments, the rules seem arbitrary and make no sense, the stakes seem high.
- Going from above, the trend seems to be: colleges take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in the work place. High schools take a hard zero approach because that's the conditions in college and, later on, in the work place. The outcome? High school students - who are still children - are now forced to operate under the same conditions as adults, who have many more resources to draw from. The kicker? I found college to be much more flexible than high school, and I found the work places I've been in to be much more flexible than college.
- The zero advocates seem to be focused on installing an environment that replicates the "real world" (as they see it in their minds) but are overlooking that the school's function should be teaching students the skills to cope and function with these responsibilities. If the aim is to teach this skill, then if a student is slow to pick up on this skill, then is it appropriate to punish them by preventing them from studying an unrelated subject? In other words - should students who have mastered mid level maths be prevented from studying high level maths if they're good at maths but slow in learning to cope with these "real world" conditions and be forced to retake mid level maths? If so, what is the point in forcing them to retake mid level maths when they have mastered it and are ready to move onto high level maths?
- The teacher in the OP is a zero advocate who disagreed with his school's no-zero policy - and he felt he had the power to do something about it. It ended somewhat badly for him, but he felt that he had the power. And he's going for the appeal. How many students are likely to feel this level of empowerment? How many would feel they can actually appeal a decision made by an authority?
- Many students these days have part-time jobs. They know what it's like in the real world.
- I prefer an approach that focuses on outcomes, and the zero advocate approach's aim seems to be to punish. What's the point of punishing? Consider the reasons why a student might not hand up an assignment - is giving them a hard zero going to improve any of those outcomes over approaching them to find out what's wrong? The hard zero approach might make sense when evaluating performance in the real world, but a school's primary function is to educate, and evaluating a student's performance is an auxiliary function that is subservient to the primary function. The hard zero approach messes up these priorities.
- This cuts to the zero advocates' argument that high school should be preparing students for the real world. They're just completely different environments with different things at stake - and enforcing stricter rules just doesn't contribute to any student's development.
- Most of the work assigned by teachers are so divorced from a student's ability to apply the skills/knowledge in the real world. This point is important for those advocating the hard zero approach as getting students used to the real world - because how can you advocate a "real world" approach in that manner, but ignore the contradiction that schools fail to adopt the real world approach in another manner?
I'll also note that I am responding to the general zero advocate approaches posed in this thread, and not necessarily that teacher's specific approach.
Its sad to see so much effort put into a worthless post because you failed to read the OP.
He gives multiple opportunities for the student to finish an assignment, the only students that get a 0 are the ones that really want it. Those students could have put in a half-finished assignment and got a mark, but no, they haven't done a single thing despite being given extensions. To give you an idea of how easy his subject is, almost nobody fails his subject and only one student actually got a 0.
If giving extra-chances in an almost impossible to fail subject is still a hard-line approach, I'd love to see what your version of a soft line approach is.