Mitt Romney is a decent candidate that cannot campaign on his achievements. He passed healthcare, but the R's oppose Obamacare. He's a businessman, but he can't really defend Bain as well as Obama can bash it. He wants to talk about tax breaks, but he can't (in the sense of political suicide) or won't release his taxes. Republicans are put into a position in which they have to defend a guy that they don't like at all. The only leg he still has to stand on is anti-Obama. I think the Republican party in its current form is going to fall apart within about 20 years because it's really not a party that makes sense.
Anyone planning on seeing this, or have already? It's going be shown near me in a few days and I think I'm gonna check it out. I'm sure it will be horribly biased, basically the right wing version of Michael Moore, but I still love these kinds of political films. Film is called 2016: Obama's America, didn't find it in search yet.
On August 09 2012 14:10 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: And going all over the world and implementing, sometimes forcefully, to control certain interests never won any friends and in the long run, allies.
In a way, it does. We do have Israel, after all . Of course, we did burn more bridges than we created. Still, there is value in enforcing our interests, even if only with an implicit threat of force by having the means to use it. Not that peace isn't better, but there's a fair number of factions in the world incapable of seeing reason that we need to be able to oppose with military.
On August 09 2012 14:17 Elegy wrote:
On August 09 2012 11:54 biology]major wrote: I see what you are saying but you have nothing to fear U.S. could stop defense spending to 0 and still be ahead of the world for many years. Outside of the completely pacifist/neutral countries, The U.S. is the safest country to be in if a war were to ever break out.
"We" have Israel? Or does Israel have us? I'd like to think that Israel has us - we give them so much money it's unbelievable.
Pakistan also gets a healthy sum from the US annually. They've received 20 billion from the US since September 11th.
As deplorable as that sounds, it's a lot cheaper than say ... having to invade Pakistan to kill Bin Laden.
IIRC, we did invade Pakistan to kill Bin Laden, without the knowledge, let alone assistance, of the government of Pakistan.
By 'invade', I mean having to make a formal declaration of war.
The covert operation to kill Obama could have been interpreted as an act of war. Instead, Pakistan sat on their hands and pretended it was hunky-dory because the US essentially bought their loyalty.
Still a lot cheaper than trying to occupy a country (like Iraq).
Obama = good. Osama = bad. A common error, I know.
Lol! Sorry, that's what I get for posting and working at the same time.
On August 10 2012 05:13 Mohdoo wrote: ^oh god. LOL.
I like how it immediately starts with "OBAMA IS DEFINITELY FROM AFRICA"
You mean they are trying to imply he was born there by talking about his father? I didn't get that impression at all but I guess that's possible. From what I understand the filmmaker went to Kenya to interview people including Obama's half brother, trying to draw a connection with anti-colonial philosophy.
David Frum recently described the alternative reality that a subset of extreme 'conservatives' live in, and how you can't fully understand Fox news unless you're part of their subculture.
For example, did you know there are a sizeable amount of 'conservatives' that seriously believe Obama is gay?
On Fox News' "The Five," moderator Greg Gutfeld offered up this comment in a jokey yuck-yuck tone:
"Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."
Speaking of opening the closet, Gutfeld's comment exposes something important that many observers miss about this campaign and the way Fox News covers it:
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.
You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
Don't believe me? Just as an indicator, try this:
Google: obama + gay + "reggie love"
That search pulls up more than 80,000 hits.
Here's a quote from the first:
"It’s quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning, party queen, gay icon. After he leaves the White House and exiles himself in Hawaii come 2013, supposedly to focus on building his presidential library in Honolulu (but, I think, in no small part to scope out the hotties in their board shorts), I bet Barack Obama will nurse his wounds and discover his inner fabulous.
"With no political career left to worry about, he can openly be himself. Draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.
"Go ahead and laugh at the idea now, if you want. I remember hearing how some women scoffed at the idea that Elton John was gay back in the day too. “But he’s married!”, “He has a wife!”, “I can’t believe he’s gay!”. Well, believe it, sisters.
"The current President of the United States is as gay, or even more gay, as Elton John. It might take ten years or so for him to finally come out and hold court on the circuit party scene, or this might be a case like with Rock Hudson and Liberace where the truth only comes out once Barack Obama has passed on far into the future…but there’s just no reason for guys like Kal Penn and Reggie Love to play the strange roles that they have played in Barack Obama’s life unless they were his boyfriends."
But Google can only very partially retrieve information that mostly moves in other ways. You can hear the impress of this "under news" in the calls to radio talk shows and in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. Listeners and commenters often share a set of references and a perception of reality only vaguely hinted at—understood by initiates, but opaque to the rest of the world.
These are the people that have hijacked the Republican party, folks. The GOP desperately need a leader that be able to pull the party out of this insanity.
On August 10 2012 06:00 Defacer wrote: David Frum recently described the alternative reality that a subset of extreme 'conservatives' live in, and how you can't fully understand Fox news unless you're part of their subculture.
For example, did you know there are a sizeable amount of 'conservatives' that seriously believe Obama is gay?
On Fox News' "The Five," moderator Greg Gutfeld offered up this comment in a jokey yuck-yuck tone:
"Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."
Speaking of opening the closet, Gutfeld's comment exposes something important that many observers miss about this campaign and the way Fox News covers it:
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.
You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
Don't believe me? Just as an indicator, try this:
Google: obama + gay + "reggie love"
That search pulls up more than 80,000 hits.
Here's a quote from the first:
"It’s quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning, party queen, gay icon. After he leaves the White House and exiles himself in Hawaii come 2013, supposedly to focus on building his presidential library in Honolulu (but, I think, in no small part to scope out the hotties in their board shorts), I bet Barack Obama will nurse his wounds and discover his inner fabulous.
"With no political career left to worry about, he can openly be himself. Draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.
"Go ahead and laugh at the idea now, if you want. I remember hearing how some women scoffed at the idea that Elton John was gay back in the day too. “But he’s married!”, “He has a wife!”, “I can’t believe he’s gay!”. Well, believe it, sisters.
"The current President of the United States is as gay, or even more gay, as Elton John. It might take ten years or so for him to finally come out and hold court on the circuit party scene, or this might be a case like with Rock Hudson and Liberace where the truth only comes out once Barack Obama has passed on far into the future…but there’s just no reason for guys like Kal Penn and Reggie Love to play the strange roles that they have played in Barack Obama’s life unless they were his boyfriends."
But Google can only very partially retrieve information that mostly moves in other ways. You can hear the impress of this "under news" in the calls to radio talk shows and in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. Listeners and commenters often share a set of references and a perception of reality only vaguely hinted at—understood by initiates, but opaque to the rest of the world.
These are the people that have hijacked the Republican party, folks. The GOP desperately need a leader that be able to pull the party out of this insanity.
Seems like they're just pandering to their audience , their equally insane audience...
On August 10 2012 06:00 Defacer wrote: David Frum recently described the alternative reality that a subset of extreme 'conservatives' live in, and how you can't fully understand Fox news unless you're part of their subculture.
For example, did you know there are a sizeable amount of 'conservatives' that seriously believe Obama is gay?
On Fox News' "The Five," moderator Greg Gutfeld offered up this comment in a jokey yuck-yuck tone:
"Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."
Speaking of opening the closet, Gutfeld's comment exposes something important that many observers miss about this campaign and the way Fox News covers it:
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.
You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
Don't believe me? Just as an indicator, try this:
Google: obama + gay + "reggie love"
That search pulls up more than 80,000 hits.
Here's a quote from the first:
"It’s quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning, party queen, gay icon. After he leaves the White House and exiles himself in Hawaii come 2013, supposedly to focus on building his presidential library in Honolulu (but, I think, in no small part to scope out the hotties in their board shorts), I bet Barack Obama will nurse his wounds and discover his inner fabulous.
"With no political career left to worry about, he can openly be himself. Draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.
"Go ahead and laugh at the idea now, if you want. I remember hearing how some women scoffed at the idea that Elton John was gay back in the day too. “But he’s married!”, “He has a wife!”, “I can’t believe he’s gay!”. Well, believe it, sisters.
"The current President of the United States is as gay, or even more gay, as Elton John. It might take ten years or so for him to finally come out and hold court on the circuit party scene, or this might be a case like with Rock Hudson and Liberace where the truth only comes out once Barack Obama has passed on far into the future…but there’s just no reason for guys like Kal Penn and Reggie Love to play the strange roles that they have played in Barack Obama’s life unless they were his boyfriends."
But Google can only very partially retrieve information that mostly moves in other ways. You can hear the impress of this "under news" in the calls to radio talk shows and in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. Listeners and commenters often share a set of references and a perception of reality only vaguely hinted at—understood by initiates, but opaque to the rest of the world.
These are the people that have hijacked the Republican party, folks. The GOP desperately need a leader that be able to pull the party out of this insanity.
On August 10 2012 06:00 Defacer wrote: David Frum recently described the alternative reality that a subset of extreme 'conservatives' live in, and how you can't fully understand Fox news unless you're part of their subculture.
For example, did you know there are a sizeable amount of 'conservatives' that seriously believe Obama is gay?
On Fox News' "The Five," moderator Greg Gutfeld offered up this comment in a jokey yuck-yuck tone:
"Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."
Speaking of opening the closet, Gutfeld's comment exposes something important that many observers miss about this campaign and the way Fox News covers it:
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.
You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
Don't believe me? Just as an indicator, try this:
Google: obama + gay + "reggie love"
That search pulls up more than 80,000 hits.
Here's a quote from the first:
"It’s quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning, party queen, gay icon. After he leaves the White House and exiles himself in Hawaii come 2013, supposedly to focus on building his presidential library in Honolulu (but, I think, in no small part to scope out the hotties in their board shorts), I bet Barack Obama will nurse his wounds and discover his inner fabulous.
"With no political career left to worry about, he can openly be himself. Draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.
"Go ahead and laugh at the idea now, if you want. I remember hearing how some women scoffed at the idea that Elton John was gay back in the day too. “But he’s married!”, “He has a wife!”, “I can’t believe he’s gay!”. Well, believe it, sisters.
"The current President of the United States is as gay, or even more gay, as Elton John. It might take ten years or so for him to finally come out and hold court on the circuit party scene, or this might be a case like with Rock Hudson and Liberace where the truth only comes out once Barack Obama has passed on far into the future…but there’s just no reason for guys like Kal Penn and Reggie Love to play the strange roles that they have played in Barack Obama’s life unless they were his boyfriends."
But Google can only very partially retrieve information that mostly moves in other ways. You can hear the impress of this "under news" in the calls to radio talk shows and in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. Listeners and commenters often share a set of references and a perception of reality only vaguely hinted at—understood by initiates, but opaque to the rest of the world.
These are the people that have hijacked the Republican party, folks. The GOP desperately need a leader that be able to pull the party out of this insanity.
This is a funny troll.
And all along I thought the TL community had maturity issues ... we're like philosopher kings compared to the Fox News audience.
On August 10 2012 06:00 Defacer wrote: David Frum recently described the alternative reality that a subset of extreme 'conservatives' live in, and how you can't fully understand Fox news unless you're part of their subculture.
For example, did you know there are a sizeable amount of 'conservatives' that seriously believe Obama is gay?
On Fox News' "The Five," moderator Greg Gutfeld offered up this comment in a jokey yuck-yuck tone:
"Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."
Speaking of opening the closet, Gutfeld's comment exposes something important that many observers miss about this campaign and the way Fox News covers it:
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.
You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
Don't believe me? Just as an indicator, try this:
Google: obama + gay + "reggie love"
That search pulls up more than 80,000 hits.
Here's a quote from the first:
"It’s quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning, party queen, gay icon. After he leaves the White House and exiles himself in Hawaii come 2013, supposedly to focus on building his presidential library in Honolulu (but, I think, in no small part to scope out the hotties in their board shorts), I bet Barack Obama will nurse his wounds and discover his inner fabulous.
"With no political career left to worry about, he can openly be himself. Draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.
"Go ahead and laugh at the idea now, if you want. I remember hearing how some women scoffed at the idea that Elton John was gay back in the day too. “But he’s married!”, “He has a wife!”, “I can’t believe he’s gay!”. Well, believe it, sisters.
"The current President of the United States is as gay, or even more gay, as Elton John. It might take ten years or so for him to finally come out and hold court on the circuit party scene, or this might be a case like with Rock Hudson and Liberace where the truth only comes out once Barack Obama has passed on far into the future…but there’s just no reason for guys like Kal Penn and Reggie Love to play the strange roles that they have played in Barack Obama’s life unless they were his boyfriends."
But Google can only very partially retrieve information that mostly moves in other ways. You can hear the impress of this "under news" in the calls to radio talk shows and in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. Listeners and commenters often share a set of references and a perception of reality only vaguely hinted at—understood by initiates, but opaque to the rest of the world.
These are the people that have hijacked the Republican party, folks. The GOP desperately need a leader that be able to pull the party out of this insanity.
This is a funny troll.
And all along I thought the TL community had maturity issues ... we're like philosopher kings compared to the Fox News audience.
Those 2016 trailers put me in a good mood. I mean, how do you argue with a family of black kids fighting over a Monopoly game? For me, it's now a rule that if the top hat and dog go to jail, you're allowed, nay encouraged!, to sweep everything off the table and punch your brother in the head.
On August 10 2012 10:23 Lightwip wrote: Well that cuts out 0 possible people I thought it could be. Glad we've narrowed down our search for the mystery source.
Indeed, although i believe reid, i thought it was obvious it was a republican lol
For the sake of contrast, here is the trailer for Kathryn Bigelow's upcoming movie about hunting Osama Bin Laden.
It was originally intended for an October release, but the studio bowed to pressure from Conservatives not to release it during election season, because, y'know ... there may be an off-chance it makes Obama and the military look badass.
On August 10 2012 10:38 Nymphaceae wrote: Does anyone get the feeling that Romney is just far smarter than Obama, and that Obama is hiding a lot of secrets?
Does anyone get the feeling that the only reason Romney actually has no agenda other than doing or saying whatever it takes to become president, in order to one-up his father?
Or that Romney is actually a spineless flip-flopping wuss that has no control of or respect from the GOP, and if he were elected it would a disaster?
I think it would only be a disaster in the sense that he has no policy of his own. He would bow to popular pressure from figures like Paul Ryan, or whoever else is the flavor-of-the-month Republican.
On August 10 2012 10:38 Nymphaceae wrote: Does anyone get the feeling that Romney is just far smarter than Obama, and that Obama is hiding a lot of secrets?
Does anyone get the feeling that the only reason Romney actually has no agenda other than doing or saying whatever it takes to become president, in order to one-up his father?
Or that Romney is actually a spineless flip-flopping wuss that has no control of or respect from the GOP, and if he were elected it would a disaster?
Don't you ever wonder that by Romney not telling his agenda would be better than him telling it. Like his agenda is good, but if it were known, then it would hurt the country as a whole, but if it were unknown, then it would benefit the country greatly?
I'm sorry if I offended you, but I just feel like Obama is really secretive about things like his GPA, his birth certificate, and other basic things that would be required for a resume, but when you look at Romney, they ask him for very personal things, like his taxes. Does that not seem wrong to you?
On August 10 2012 10:38 Nymphaceae wrote: Does anyone get the feeling that Romney is just far smarter than Obama, and that Obama is hiding a lot of secrets?
Does anyone get the feeling that the only reason Romney actually has no agenda other than doing or saying whatever it takes to become president, in order to one-up his father?
Or that Romney is actually a spineless flip-flopping wuss that has no control of or respect from the GOP, and if he were elected it would a disaster?
Don't you ever wonder that by Romney not telling his agenda would be better than him telling it. Like his agenda is good, but if it were known, then it would hurt the country as a whole, but if it were unknown, then it would benefit the country greatly?
I'm sorry if I offended you, but I just feel like Obama is really secretive about things like his GPA, his birth certificate, and other basic things that would be required for a resume, but when you look at Romney, they ask him for very personal things, like his taxes. Does that not seem wrong to you?
Uhm. Birth certificate isn't personal? Pretty sure that's as personal as you can get. And he produced it too.
And if tax returns being asked of a nominee has been the norm since 88.