On November 07 2012 10:59 TheTenthDoc wrote: 20K difference for Obama in FL with 69% in. This'll be close...still no big Miami or Broward update though.
yeah its REALLY REALLY close right now in FL
It's not close if Miami or Broward haven't reported. Obama won Broward with 67% and Miami Dade with 58% in 2008. They are also both of the highest populated areas in Florida. If Romney has the lead with both Broward and Miami at 99% then I'd worry.
On November 07 2012 11:05 Mohdoo wrote: That CNN map is the most unsettling thing I've ever seen. I could watch my dick sitting on the trip mechanism of a bear trap and feel more at ease.
Must....resist....tiny penis joke ......
But yeah, the cnn map scares me every time i hit refresh, just call FL for obama already
On November 07 2012 11:05 Mohdoo wrote: That CNN map is the most unsettling thing I've ever seen. I could watch my dick sitting on the trip mechanism of a bear trap and feel more at ease.
yeah well... it's one man, one vote. not one square kilometre one vote or one gun one vote. so it should be fine
this cute chubby analyst on fox making a good point. white vote percentage is down to 73%. with republicans not adjusting their message to target hispanics this is pretty huge.
I'm actually surprised more people aren't talking about how North Carolina hasn't been called. That is absolutely HORRIBLE for Romney. Yes he might eventually win it but it's all about the turnout. The fact that North Carolina is close is not good at all.
On November 07 2012 11:10 Hrrrrm wrote: I'm actually surprised more people aren't talking about how North Carolina hasn't been called. That is absolutely HORRIBLE for Romney. Yes he might eventually win it but it's all about the turnout. The fact that North Carolina is close is not good at all.
NC also has potential negative consequences for certain posters.
Not a surprise, but ABC just called the GOP holding the house. Looks like we're getting a status quo election and it's going to be another long 4 years.
edit: I'm still holding out hope for Romney, but I started predicting Obama in the 280s with my friends a couple of weeks ago so this doesn't really surprise me.
On November 07 2012 11:10 Hrrrrm wrote: I'm actually surprised more people aren't talking about how North Carolina hasn't been called. That is absolutely HORRIBLE for Romney. Yes he might eventually win it but it's all about the turnout. The fact that North Carolina is close is not good at all.
Yeah, I thought that NC would get more attention, but can't beat the good old Florida and Ohio in terms of exposure, I guess.
NC being a battleground state has long-term implications that's bad for the current Republican Party already. It's going to be a long night if Obama ends up winning it.