Regulating their society and acting to change it to suit their needs is mine and everyone's business.
Yes...your point? Why did you suddenly point towards the sky and scream that it is blue?
I said that people shouldn't impose themselves on strangers and be "worried" about their problems without consent. You argue that they should.
I'm sorry but there really shouldn't be any reason for you to suddenly lose track of this, frankly, very simple back and forth.
On March 06 2012 17:17 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 16:40 Defacer wrote: Imagine this scenario:
You happen to have a genetically fat kid. It happens. Some kids are just naturally big (imagine InControl as an eight year old).
You and your kid go to Disney World with a bunch of friends and their families to Disney World. It's your kid's dream, and even though Disney World is as expensive as fuck you want to be an awesome parent and give him/her the best, care-free, guilt-free day of their life.
Then you run into this feel-bad attraction.
I know, I know -- it's important to educate kids (and parents) about good nutrition. But if you're a parent, or have worked in the family attraction industry, basically you know the reason why you go to Disney World is because it's a safe environment that will make your kid happy as hell.
I don't really care about political correctness, but there's a time and place for making people question their lifestyle.
TLDR; Let fat kids have their special day in magically happy-sappy make-believe land. They have the rest of the year to feel shitty about themselves. The thing that it might introduce guilt and such into a day might exactly be why this is a really really good thing to keep and preserve: It will have the impact it needs to make people remember. The problem about prohibiting this is that people make it shameful to be fat and do something about it, people need to be able to talk about it to be able to deal with it, if politicians thought about it they would know that the right answer would be to un-tabu-ize being fat and realize you have to deal with it and stop shoving it under the carpet. Really good initiative by Disney, I'm sad to see it hindered
I hear what you're saying, and I totally agree with the spirit of what Disney is trying to do.
That being said, being a parent is hard as hell. One of the few joys you get as a parent are the rare days that you get to make your kid's 'dream' happen. And for better or worse, going to Disney World is one of those dreams for American kids.
I hope Disney continues to raise awareness about nutrition -- but through books, short films, and other initiatives. I just think an exhibition at the happiest place on earth is a bad venue for it.
Edit: For the record, I'm speaking as a guy that has 7 years of experience designing and developing interactive exhibits and content for science centres. I'm hyper-conscientious of the limitations of the exhibit experience.
Thanks for the stats guys, it's good to see people actually backing their shit up. Ok so obesity is a scourge on our society. I still think there are better ways of dealing with this than just being dicks to fat people. Surely people need to be motivated and educated about health and obesity, not bullied. At the end of the day though it's their own choice what they do with their bodies and if they want to stuff themselves with donuts then we can't stop them
The real problem here is that people seem to think the government can tell Walt Disney what their exhibits can or can't be about. REALLY?
On March 06 2012 19:33 zalz wrote:Show nested quote +Regulating their society and acting to change it to suit their needs is mine and everyone's business. Yes...your point? Why did you suddenly point towards the sky and scream that it is blue? I said that people shouldn't impose themselves on strangers and be "worried" about their problems without consent. You argue that they should. I'm sorry but there really shouldn't be any reason for you to suddenly lose track of this, frankly, very simple back and forth.
I'm not the one losing track here, considering you're the one unable to grasp simple inferences.
People aren't "strangers", they're members of my society on some level. It is my business as a citizen to regulate the society (by contributing my vote or getting involved in the process directly), and by extension the governing body of a society regulates the rules by which all people within it live.
These simple relationships require people to form and have an opinion on how other people should live and worry about issues that affect others.
On March 06 2012 19:46 GoTuNk! wrote: The real problem here is that people seem to think the government can tell Walt Disney what their exhibits can or can't be about. REALLY?
Really. It's called the government for a reason. Because it's created to govern over a territory.
gov·ern/ˈgəvərn/ Verb: Conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people). Control, influence, or regulate (a person, action, or course of events).
On March 06 2012 19:46 GoTuNk! wrote: The real problem here is that people seem to think the government can tell Walt Disney what their exhibits can or can't be about. REALLY?
who thinks that? I haven't heard any talk about government involvement until you just brought it up
Poor Disney . This reads like the story of a South Park episode..
I find this very disturbing. Especially now that I think about it, I'm going to have to pay for a lot of fat people's insurance now. That's one huge reason why the rest of the world has such cheaper insurance and healthcare in general. Our system is clogged with smokers and obese people.
On the note of political correctness, what about being scientifically correct? Obesity is NOT good for you.
It's probably the most horrible thing western society has to deal today with, political correctness, be it related with racism, sexism, elitism etc. Am I suppose to call a black french guy an african-american ? Am I supposed to say an arab is less probable to bomb something ?( It's not their fault, it's like blaming a dog bitting back that has been bitten ) Am I supposed to etc etc etc etc etc. What has happened today is the pussification of the world .. c word , n word , f word , Saying the "N" word, which sounds 999 times more horrible than the initial doesn't make you not a racism, most people who say this on tv are probably raging racists.
I know a lot of "African Americans" living in the United States now that like to be called black Americans instead because they have been so heavily removed from their African heritage, but in general yes political correctness has been horribly abused. In my opinion we need to do away with anything that questions your race, sex etc.
On another note also, our government gives many subsidies to foods like high fructose corn syrup, which is a sugar substitute (being cheaper and having to use less to get the same taste). Another reason the rest of the world has an advantage when it comes to things like healthcare is because their governments are conscious of things that will hurt them and raise taxes on those things heavily, instead of just thinking of everyone having super cheap food.
On March 06 2012 19:51 Talin wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 19:33 zalz wrote:Regulating their society and acting to change it to suit their needs is mine and everyone's business. Yes...your point? Why did you suddenly point towards the sky and scream that it is blue? I said that people shouldn't impose themselves on strangers and be "worried" about their problems without consent. You argue that they should. I'm sorry but there really shouldn't be any reason for you to suddenly lose track of this, frankly, very simple back and forth. I'm not the one losing track here, considering you're the one unable to grasp simple inferences. People aren't "strangers", they're members of my society on some level. It is my business as a citizen to regulate the society (by contributing my vote or getting involved in the process directly), and by extension the governing body of a society regulates the rules by which all people within it live. These simple relationships require people to form and have an opinion on how other people should live and worry about issues that affect others.
But people are most definitely strangers. Especially within the first world where individualism is the most rampant, invasions of privacy aren't simply abhored on a ideological level, they are considered a faux pas.
So especially within individualist societies one would do well to adhere to social standards and refrain from invading another persons privacy. To be concerned about a persons well being is a right you earn. To simply impose it on a person is wrong. In an individualist society you can only do that by invitation, not initiation.
As a citizen it is also none of your concern to regulate society. Regulating it is done via special bodies like the police force. It is your job to steer the society via voting.
You have no right to regulate any society, not without the express consent of society (thus the police force).
You may form opinions on how other people live, but to worry is to inject yourself too deeply into the personal life. Something that isn't appreciated. Injecting yourself into the personal life is akin to invading it.
This has nothing to do with political correctness. People go to Disney to have fun and enjoy themselves, not to educate themselves or feel bad. The obesity problem should be taught in schools/on the news. People read too much into things and assume the wrong things. Seems like OP is the one taking political correctness too far.
Imo, if the exhibit makes one kid decide to not be obese, it is worth it.
If it makes one kid depressed and he kills himself, then its not worth it...? It's a good premise for a ride, as long as it is not like "fat people are ugly" I mean really as much as some of you want to disagree with it being the parents fault, it is(minus genetics). Parents make or break the children.
"National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance" has done really good work. Half of posters from US think that you can't do anything if you're fat ( genetics).
On March 06 2012 19:23 Rabbitmaster wrote: Now, i probably wouldn't be called "fat" by most people, but i am a few kilograms overwieght (maybe 5-8). And looking at my relatives, im probably genetically inclined to gain weight fairly easily. That said, i would never, EVER, be insulted if someone told me my extra kgs were unhealthy... What the hell is wrong with people? Whats next? Alcholism can also be "caused" be genetic predisposition, should we not be allowed to tell them it is unhealthy?
It's a disease.. The only cure is a divine intervention. Speaking of which, I heard there's a miracle involving a Virgin Mary not far from here.
Seriously though, I think political correctness is good in most circumstances, as it ensures smooth sailing and less problems for you. If you for instance go around calling coloured people niggers, you're going to end up having problems eventually.
If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Yes, I acknowledge the "too much"-part varies from person to person. However, I am worried by the fact some of the obese people are in the mindset of "I will get fat no matter what I eat", so they don't even try to eat less or exercise more. It's sad really. A bit pathetic if I can be so frank.
what people need the most is healthy dose of actual LSD ( the 99% that walks around the street is not....that ) taken in a professional and medical environment. Dunno what would the studies about this is today but in the 60's before people pulled the plug because of paranoia the rate of people who were alcoholics was reduced by ~60% ( from the people that took it ), LSD has nothing to do with alcohol or heroin or whatever, it just puts a scope on you're past activities and reminds you that you are destroying yourself. Well that's an idealistic thought because how western society evolved recently I'm amazed that we even have studies on psilocybin ( which in fact have brought some tremendously positive results ).
What has to be reinstated in the world is RESPONSIBILITY. If you are fat it's probably YOUR FAULT ( combined with how they dumb you down in school/tv ). If you are an alcoholic it is YOUR FAULT, if you are a smoker it's YOUR FAULT. I used to be all of that until I reached the age of reason and responsibility ( pretty late I might add, but most people live their whole life without that ).
The most gross thing in the world is that political correctness tainted comedy.
Well anyways, what do you expect when you have the institution of the family formed of 2 parents who work almost all day long so kids recieve poor education, the ones that stay with their kids haven't read a single book on human psychology or at least parenting and we're left with probably less than 3% of responsible parents who BY THE WAY have to BY LAW to send their children in the toxic environment of the SCHOOL. We have a 200+years old education model that was bad back then just how it is bad right now. The dynamic in the classroom is horrible.
On March 06 2012 20:44 dani` wrote: If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Yes, I acknowledge the "too much"-part varies from person to person. However, I am worried by the fact some of the obese people are in the mindset of "I will get fat no matter what I eat", so they don't even try to eat less or exercise more. It's sad really. A bit pathetic if I can be so frank.
I'm trying to find the link to an OMS study worldwide on obesity. The percentage of people that are fat because of a disease is around two percent of overweight people.
On March 06 2012 19:07 Mataza wrote: Laughing here.
Yes, there are people genetically inclined to gain more weight than others. But in America this cannot be the explanation. In essence they are all immigrant for the last couple hundred years or so. As far as I know the early settlers weren´t obese. Not everyone was allowed to immigrate. At times people allowed to immigrate were "sorted". Obese genes don´t come from nowhere. When obesity drastically increases in short time, let´s say less than 100 years, it friggin can´t be genetics. Genes need much more time to spread. You would have to explain that obese people reproduced way more than slim people. And I never heard anything like that.
It´s a problem of society and only society. You had me until you said "only society". You can't say "only" anymore than anyone else can say it's "only" genetics or it's "only" aliens.
On March 06 2012 19:41 oldgregg wrote: Thanks for the stats guys, it's good to see people actually backing their shit up. Ok so obesity is a scourge on our society. I still think there are better ways of dealing with this than just being dicks to fat people. Surely people need to be motivated and educated about health and obesity, not bullied. At the end of the day though it's their own choice what they do with their bodies and if they want to stuff themselves with donuts then we can't stop them People aren't saying we should be dicks to them, they are saying we shouldn't act like its normal and healthy to lead a lifestyle such as this because it isn't, and by society accepting it obese people will be less motivated to do something about it. It is detrimental to the individual who will likely suffer through increased health risks and shorter life span as well as the psychological impact it has on their self esteem, and it is detrimental to society because it puts extreme pressure on an already fragile health system. Call me an asshole but I would much prefer hospital beds be taken up by people with conditions outside of their control, as opposed to a bunch of smokers and obese individuals who knew the health risks involved yet refused to do anything about it. Also please don't put any words in my mouth, I said I would prefer it, not saying they don't deserve hospital beds.
Listen it doesnt matter what anyone says about obesity whilst we allow companies to sell 'food' that you are not allowed to feed to animals to humans and allow it to be advertised.
If its made in a factory, dont buy it, dont eat it ... obesity will go away.
I want my grocer and my butcher back ... i have to buy my meat from asda ... its shit. If i travel 5 miles to find a butcher i get sausages that are like the ones i remember from when i was a kid. I can get steaks that actually smell of cow! I can get meat that hasnt been reconstituted adn packaged and been flown in from the other side of the world where they need it more than me.
Anyone with even the slightest confusion about why there is such a large scale obesity problem in the States needs to put an American restaurant portion next to a European one. The veil should be lifted. Also you should perhaps try stocking some fresh fruit and veg in your super markets.