We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. |
After failing tonight I gave up going to the bar and hitting on women. It's a good feeling.
21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol
On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol You'll get it someday man
On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol Thank goodness you added "lol" at the end, which alleviates all awkwardness or worry lol
On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol
Nah one day you'll meet someone and it'll open the floodgates. Before you know it dicks and/or vaginae raining from the sky!!! I promise, I was forever alone til I was about 19.
Recently had a girl I was involved with give up on me because I was "too cruel." That's a new one. My sense of humor must really be getting dark.
On January 26 2013 13:55 abei1234 wrote: I wish i could understand that last post. How come you are the only person I've ever heard to actually recommend lets just call it the friend-zone method to getting laid ? My guess would be because most guys who look around for dating advice suck at escalation/building attraction and are comparatively good when it comes to comfort/rapport. The required mindset for what I just described implies that you are secure and confident in escalating sexually, that requires experience which most "beginners" to the topic lack. I do know one coach though who teaches this method almost exclusively that's what made me experiment with those more a couple of years ago. I usually recommend this to guys who actually managed to get their shit together with girls in general but are still cling to the "FUCK I'M FRIENDZONED"-concept that's all over the place.
On January 26 2013 14:46 Kenpachi wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 12:29 r.Evo wrote:On January 26 2013 08:23 Kenpachi wrote:On January 26 2013 03:59 Shakattak wrote:On January 26 2013 02:50 Falcynn wrote: Absolutely terrible. Have been hanging out with this girl for a few months now and developed a huge crush on her. Then one night I got stoned and completely drunk with some friends and thought it would be an amazing idea to call her at 1am and spill my heart out to her.
Now everything has just been completely awkward for the last week, although I'll admit I made things awkward by being incredibly uncomfortable around her afterwards and not just trying to laugh it off. At this point I just want to try to get things back to normal. Prior to this the only relationships I've had have been with crazy chicks, and I'm not trying to sound bitter, I mean they were legitimately taking meds and seeing therapists. So I guess the "absolutely terrible" part applies to my whole life as well :/ It may have taken old green and some liquid courage but you told her your feelings act like you said what you needed to say and then be her friend . She will appreciate that you were honest . Edit : feelings are nothing to be ashamed about no reason to feel awkward ! actually something similar happened to me cept im in high school and i wasnt drunk. She ignored me for a good few months then started to hang out with me again.. Its as if nothing ever happened... I dunno. I know of the dreaded friendzone but i only liked the girl i like after i got friendzoned :/ oh i kinda need some advice. I still like the girl for some odd reason. I know that if I'm friendzoned, i need to gtfo of her life and return later with more appeal but we go to the same school, hang out with the same friends and she just started playing LoL with my group of friends (myself included). It's not worth ditching all of my friends just to date 1 girl. I'll give this one a try again, super short guide to getting sexy time from female "friends" and why it's easy (if you know how to present strong frames in general): -Any and all of the typical things that make you seem attractive (e.g. leader of men, being preselected etc.) can be conveyed super easy without making her seem like the target. You tell those stories to a buddy while she's around or you treat her like your best buddy (make sure to frame it like "You're like one of my best guy friends anyway" and tell them that way. - Crucial frames to set include that you're discret, that you're honest and that you think that girls who live out their sexual desires are awesome. As in awesome people, not awesome pieces of meat. -You will barely meet shit tests. Shit- or rather frame tests are used to find an answer to: "Is this guy really like this or is that just a small trick he learned?" ... The idea being that she can identify "weaker" males and throw them out early. Your attitude however has to make sure that you are not a potential suiter. She's just your best buddy. Suddenly, no shit tests. -Lots of physical interaction that isn't inherently sexual can be totally fine if you're "just best buddies". Cuddling, massaging, getting to touch her hair, touching her back while moving through crowded spaces and smacking her thighs after a joke is all completely acceptable because hey, you're just buddies anyway. No sexual intents. Alright, after establishing that we're one sexy badass alpha she wants to mate and having all the comfort/rapport AND kino escalation we potentially need, what's missing? Isolation and sexual escalation. This is also why it's usually not recommended to guys who don't have the experience to make them feel secure in this situation. Isolate her and start sexually escalating but only when you're both alone. Use the type of "funny" escalation that's more common in relationships than in hookups. (e.g. slapping her ass and pretending it wasn't, starting to massage her neck just to... bite her. Stuff like that.) - Give her space. Escalate again. One step back, two steps forward. There is likely to be a point where she will verbalize the issue (if not, just keep going till you get her to that point. Being slapped in the face with a hammer is usually a good sign to stop, too.) this however (since you're trying to change the framing of your relationship) can be treated as one huge shit test. Ignoring, laughing off, giving a cool comment back; - anything that works for a regular shit test can be applied here. Have fun. Make sure to frame "what happened between you" depending on where you want it to go. From "we're young, sexy, lonely and like each other" to "wow, I'd never thought we'd click so easily" it's all open. Be honest about what you expect from your future relationship. Common issues: -WAT ESCALATING LIKE THAT WTF HOW?! - Don't attempt this. Have fun with other non-friendzoned girls until you're confident enough with that type of "irresistible" frame. -OMG WTF BUT OUR FRIENDSHIP // OMG WTF WHAT WILL OUR FRIENDS SAY?! - Find girls you have no relationship whatsoever with, get "friendzoned" as hard as possible as quickly as possible (Warning: delivering the "Wow, I really like you. I mean, just as friends. I hope you're okay with that."-line to an attractive girl might make her chase you instantly and in pretty funny ways), and play around with this. You'll find out that it's much less of a deal than most people would imagine. alright. i know im not gonna be able to do that next time i see her (rather soon lol) because that would be out of character. But I do want to build a leaderesque persona. any tips? Question the motives behind your actions.
Being a "Leader"-type of persona requires, more than anything, strong frames. e.g. in a group you might have people who "lead" the way to a destination or who step up and say like "Let's do this!" and even though the group might follow that has not much to do with actually being seen as the Leader of the group. Think of old mafia movies. You have the guys who do the killing, you have those who jump in to protect people, you have those who call the shots - and then there's the quiet old guy with the expensive suit who only says a few words but those are law.
If you haven't seen it, watch the movie "Don Juan DeMarco" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112883), besides having one of my favorite scenes when it comes to NLP vs seduction Johnny Depp also shows an incredibly strong frame.
To make it less fluff, if you notice that a true motive for an action was externally based instead of internally, you probably we're in the less dominant position. That's why buying a girl a drink can be completely fine ("I just went to the bar anyway, might as well ask her if she wants something") or completely disastrous ("I like this girl, if I buy her a drink she might talk to me for a while"). Try to do things because they seem to be the right thing to do and what you really want instead of trying to control someone else's behavior with them.
The whole "I do xy which will result in her doing xyz" in the pickup scene e.g. is usually a crutch to build certain experiences, kind of along the "fake it till you make it" line of thought. If you're past that level, throw it overboard as much as you can.
On January 26 2013 03:59 Shakattak wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 02:50 Falcynn wrote: Absolutely terrible. Have been hanging out with this girl for a few months now and developed a huge crush on her. Then one night I got stoned and completely drunk with some friends and thought it would be an amazing idea to call her at 1am and spill my heart out to her.
Now everything has just been completely awkward for the last week, although I'll admit I made things awkward by being incredibly uncomfortable around her afterwards and not just trying to laugh it off. At this point I just want to try to get things back to normal. Prior to this the only relationships I've had have been with crazy chicks, and I'm not trying to sound bitter, I mean they were legitimately taking meds and seeing therapists. So I guess the "absolutely terrible" part applies to my whole life as well :/ It may have taken old green and some liquid courage but you told her your feelings act like you said what you needed to say and then be her friend . She will appreciate that you were honest . Edit : feelings are nothing to be ashamed about no reason to feel awkward ! Thanks man, and thanks to everyone else that responded. Decided to just forgo trying to explain myself to her or trying to talk it out (which was probably what caused all the awkwardness afterwards) and just asked her if she wanted to hang out and record some music (we're both musicians and this is how we spend a lot of our time together) as if nothing happened. The whole time we were hanging out I made no mention of my feelings for her, but everything seems to have gotten back to the way it was. Not exactly an ideal situation, but I feel a lot better about everything now.
I find all the stuff about sexual escalation and such to be pretty interesting, and it seems like a much easier alternative to asking someone out (freaking nerves man). One thing I was wondering about concerns meeting new people. Does anyone have any good opening lines? Not stuff like "is this seat taken?" but stuff that does well in starting up a conversation with a person you're just meeting. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff and pretty much meet everyone I know through introductions from other friends.
On January 27 2013 04:15 Dark_Chill wrote: I find all the stuff about sexual escalation and such to be pretty interesting, and it seems like a much easier alternative to asking someone out (freaking nerves man). One thing I was wondering about concerns meeting new people. Does anyone have any good opening lines? Not stuff like "is this seat taken?" but stuff that does well in starting up a conversation with a person you're just meeting. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff and pretty much meet everyone I know through introductions from other friends. I'm a good conversationalist. The trick is to talk about random shit around you. Like I'm eating at McD's with this one guy I just met, and I just talk about news/observations around me/how my day's going etc there's plenty of stuff to talk about and the more you talk with someone the easier it is to understand them. Don't worry about opening lines/breaking ice, after talking with someone for even a little bit they quickly forget that you suddenly talked to them without reason, and probably enjoyed the small talk a little.
There's an annoying guy at my supermarket who overdoes it though, he uses whatever's on the customer's shirt as a conversation piece while he scans your items. Sure it's clever, but it's not smart. Shows how a lot of people are unaware of what's on their own shirts though...
Also I'm a person with few friends and have had 0 lovers my whole life, so I'm not sure if I'm helping you by saying this but w/e.
On January 27 2013 04:15 Dark_Chill wrote: I find all the stuff about sexual escalation and such to be pretty interesting, and it seems like a much easier alternative to asking someone out (freaking nerves man). One thing I was wondering about concerns meeting new people. Does anyone have any good opening lines? Not stuff like "is this seat taken?" but stuff that does well in starting up a conversation with a person you're just meeting. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff and pretty much meet everyone I know through introductions from other friends. Yeah, requesting help for this also. My problem is not that I'm to shy to talk to people, I pretty much have the guts to do anything. But I'm really bad at making conversation. I can't start one nor keep one going if someone talks to me. I just don't know what to say.
On January 26 2013 17:13 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol You'll get it someday man
I went on my 1st date when I was 24. My second date was 3 months after that with a different girl. Did 2 more with her. Been 18 months since then.
Oh... Also, 0 Relationships.
It can get better. Hope so at least :D
On January 27 2013 05:02 Arachne wrote:It can get better. Hope so at least :D I hope so too! I'm not really gonna kill myself, I was exaggerating cause I feel like a loser TT
Anyway I hope my post on conversations helps some people. You never need a reason to initiate, just go for it!
On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol It was the same for me. Nothing serious, not even one night stands till about 21. Been kissing with some girls, but thats all.
And now I am with the most wonderful girl ever for over a year now.
Be patient and definitely don't turn into a jerk just to get the girl. It will deprive you from actually trusting girls.
On January 26 2013 16:40 pyrogenetix wrote: First gf was singaporean, super catholic. Started out long distance for 5 months then we got together for 5 months. At the time I was virgin never kissed never hugged girls before and studying in Sweden (lol blonde girls everywhere fuck me right) and she came as exchange. 5 months of terrible sex, she hated it and would only do it for me. She moved back to singapore and I came to Shanghai. We broke up after 2 months of long distance.
Came to Shanghai, started talking to girl A from samoa. We clicked and I ask her out 3 times and she says no so I think fuck that shit move the fuck on. Start talking to girl B who is korean. Super shy super quiet, language barrier. We get together but relationship lasts 1 month, awkward as fuck, nothing happened. She moves to another city (TianJin). Meet girl C also korean through a friend who tells me girl C thinks I'm hot. The same night I start banging girl C but we say strictly sex nothing else. We have the same classes but pretend like we don't know each other, meetup and bang after class. Start banging so fucking much I never would have dreamed I would be. We banged everyday, several times a day. Bang for 2 months, she wants to get into a relationship, I say no.
Meet girl D from vietnam who is girl A's neighbour. Thought we had something, turns out she's super strict and no action before marriage, so I got the fuck out.
Meet girl E half chinese half swedish at a bar. Start banging her after meeting up a few times, find out she is batshit insane, self inflicted scars everywhere, her room is a total mess (she finds stuff by just crawling around on her floor which is covered in all of her belongings) but I didn't care I was banging her tar out, and she deep throats. Find out she has a bf and got the fuck out after about a month.
All this time I regularly go talk to girl A about all kinds of shit except the other girls. Suddenly, out of nowhere, girl A says she liked me ever since girl B (lol jealousy works) and tried to play hard to get but then all these other girls started happening (she doesn't know about girl C and E) and she started getting mad cuz she was always hearing about how I use the common kitchen to cook a lot of food for the other girls.
Girl A wants us to be exclusive but no sex. I say sure no problem. After a month of massaging and cuddling, she says fuck it and we bang, and she says I'm the best shes ever had (she always thought I was a real clueless geek playing computer games all day) and we are happily together now for almost 5 months.
I used to be that fat awkward socially retarded kid back in school. For most of uni I was clueless with girls and would start sweating and freaking out at parties. I decided to start lifting heavy - best life decision ever. Body started changing slowly but confidence changed immediately.
The most "difficult" is that first girl, that first time you go "holy shit she is really liking me is this for real am I really having sex right now what the fuck" after that you start to see that girls are so insecure that you wonder why you were even nervous at all.
Best post in the thread. Especially the last part. I think one of the biggest misconceptions going on is that girls/women are some sort of other species or something that don't think/feel anything like you do. Wrong. They have insecurities and hang-ups (probably even more) just like you do. They are attracted (in general) to similar things that you are.
Way better advice than this fake PUA crap that seems to be filtering into this thread (wasn't there a separate thread for that?)
On January 27 2013 06:08 HardlyNever wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 16:40 pyrogenetix wrote: First gf was singaporean, super catholic. Started out long distance for 5 months then we got together for 5 months. At the time I was virgin never kissed never hugged girls before and studying in Sweden (lol blonde girls everywhere fuck me right) and she came as exchange. 5 months of terrible sex, she hated it and would only do it for me. She moved back to singapore and I came to Shanghai. We broke up after 2 months of long distance.
Came to Shanghai, started talking to girl A from samoa. We clicked and I ask her out 3 times and she says no so I think fuck that shit move the fuck on. Start talking to girl B who is korean. Super shy super quiet, language barrier. We get together but relationship lasts 1 month, awkward as fuck, nothing happened. She moves to another city (TianJin). Meet girl C also korean through a friend who tells me girl C thinks I'm hot. The same night I start banging girl C but we say strictly sex nothing else. We have the same classes but pretend like we don't know each other, meetup and bang after class. Start banging so fucking much I never would have dreamed I would be. We banged everyday, several times a day. Bang for 2 months, she wants to get into a relationship, I say no.
Meet girl D from vietnam who is girl A's neighbour. Thought we had something, turns out she's super strict and no action before marriage, so I got the fuck out.
Meet girl E half chinese half swedish at a bar. Start banging her after meeting up a few times, find out she is batshit insane, self inflicted scars everywhere, her room is a total mess (she finds stuff by just crawling around on her floor which is covered in all of her belongings) but I didn't care I was banging her tar out, and she deep throats. Find out she has a bf and got the fuck out after about a month.
All this time I regularly go talk to girl A about all kinds of shit except the other girls. Suddenly, out of nowhere, girl A says she liked me ever since girl B (lol jealousy works) and tried to play hard to get but then all these other girls started happening (she doesn't know about girl C and E) and she started getting mad cuz she was always hearing about how I use the common kitchen to cook a lot of food for the other girls.
Girl A wants us to be exclusive but no sex. I say sure no problem. After a month of massaging and cuddling, she says fuck it and we bang, and she says I'm the best shes ever had (she always thought I was a real clueless geek playing computer games all day) and we are happily together now for almost 5 months.
I used to be that fat awkward socially retarded kid back in school. For most of uni I was clueless with girls and would start sweating and freaking out at parties. I decided to start lifting heavy - best life decision ever. Body started changing slowly but confidence changed immediately.
The most "difficult" is that first girl, that first time you go "holy shit she is really liking me is this for real am I really having sex right now what the fuck" after that you start to see that girls are so insecure that you wonder why you were even nervous at all. Best post in the thread. Especially the last part. I think one of the biggest misconceptions going on is that girls/women are some sort of other species or something that don't think/feel anything like you do. Wrong. They have insecurities and hang-ups (probably even more) just like you do. They are attracted (in general) to similar things that you are. Way better advice than this fake PUA crap that seems to be filtering into this thread (wasn't there a separate thread for that?) I agree about the ending, not sure how about the rest. Everything is perfect from animal-human perspective and having to meet your needs but if we talk about a real relationship, i didn't see a single sentence about that here.
On January 27 2013 07:16 Nerchio wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2013 06:08 HardlyNever wrote:On January 26 2013 16:40 pyrogenetix wrote: First gf was singaporean, super catholic. Started out long distance for 5 months then we got together for 5 months. At the time I was virgin never kissed never hugged girls before and studying in Sweden (lol blonde girls everywhere fuck me right) and she came as exchange. 5 months of terrible sex, she hated it and would only do it for me. She moved back to singapore and I came to Shanghai. We broke up after 2 months of long distance.
Came to Shanghai, started talking to girl A from samoa. We clicked and I ask her out 3 times and she says no so I think fuck that shit move the fuck on. Start talking to girl B who is korean. Super shy super quiet, language barrier. We get together but relationship lasts 1 month, awkward as fuck, nothing happened. She moves to another city (TianJin). Meet girl C also korean through a friend who tells me girl C thinks I'm hot. The same night I start banging girl C but we say strictly sex nothing else. We have the same classes but pretend like we don't know each other, meetup and bang after class. Start banging so fucking much I never would have dreamed I would be. We banged everyday, several times a day. Bang for 2 months, she wants to get into a relationship, I say no.
Meet girl D from vietnam who is girl A's neighbour. Thought we had something, turns out she's super strict and no action before marriage, so I got the fuck out.
Meet girl E half chinese half swedish at a bar. Start banging her after meeting up a few times, find out she is batshit insane, self inflicted scars everywhere, her room is a total mess (she finds stuff by just crawling around on her floor which is covered in all of her belongings) but I didn't care I was banging her tar out, and she deep throats. Find out she has a bf and got the fuck out after about a month.
All this time I regularly go talk to girl A about all kinds of shit except the other girls. Suddenly, out of nowhere, girl A says she liked me ever since girl B (lol jealousy works) and tried to play hard to get but then all these other girls started happening (she doesn't know about girl C and E) and she started getting mad cuz she was always hearing about how I use the common kitchen to cook a lot of food for the other girls.
Girl A wants us to be exclusive but no sex. I say sure no problem. After a month of massaging and cuddling, she says fuck it and we bang, and she says I'm the best shes ever had (she always thought I was a real clueless geek playing computer games all day) and we are happily together now for almost 5 months.
I used to be that fat awkward socially retarded kid back in school. For most of uni I was clueless with girls and would start sweating and freaking out at parties. I decided to start lifting heavy - best life decision ever. Body started changing slowly but confidence changed immediately.
The most "difficult" is that first girl, that first time you go "holy shit she is really liking me is this for real am I really having sex right now what the fuck" after that you start to see that girls are so insecure that you wonder why you were even nervous at all. Best post in the thread. Especially the last part. I think one of the biggest misconceptions going on is that girls/women are some sort of other species or something that don't think/feel anything like you do. Wrong. They have insecurities and hang-ups (probably even more) just like you do. They are attracted (in general) to similar things that you are. Way better advice than this fake PUA crap that seems to be filtering into this thread (wasn't there a separate thread for that?) I agree about the ending, not sure how about the rest. Everything is perfect from animal-human perspective and having to meet your needs but if we talk about a real relationship, i didn't see a single sentence about that here.
Nerchio, not only having sick reads in sc2, but also on human relationships :D.
On January 27 2013 07:16 Nerchio wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2013 06:08 HardlyNever wrote:On January 26 2013 16:40 pyrogenetix wrote: First gf was singaporean, super catholic. Started out long distance for 5 months then we got together for 5 months. At the time I was virgin never kissed never hugged girls before and studying in Sweden (lol blonde girls everywhere fuck me right) and she came as exchange. 5 months of terrible sex, she hated it and would only do it for me. She moved back to singapore and I came to Shanghai. We broke up after 2 months of long distance.
Came to Shanghai, started talking to girl A from samoa. We clicked and I ask her out 3 times and she says no so I think fuck that shit move the fuck on. Start talking to girl B who is korean. Super shy super quiet, language barrier. We get together but relationship lasts 1 month, awkward as fuck, nothing happened. She moves to another city (TianJin). Meet girl C also korean through a friend who tells me girl C thinks I'm hot. The same night I start banging girl C but we say strictly sex nothing else. We have the same classes but pretend like we don't know each other, meetup and bang after class. Start banging so fucking much I never would have dreamed I would be. We banged everyday, several times a day. Bang for 2 months, she wants to get into a relationship, I say no.
Meet girl D from vietnam who is girl A's neighbour. Thought we had something, turns out she's super strict and no action before marriage, so I got the fuck out.
Meet girl E half chinese half swedish at a bar. Start banging her after meeting up a few times, find out she is batshit insane, self inflicted scars everywhere, her room is a total mess (she finds stuff by just crawling around on her floor which is covered in all of her belongings) but I didn't care I was banging her tar out, and she deep throats. Find out she has a bf and got the fuck out after about a month.
All this time I regularly go talk to girl A about all kinds of shit except the other girls. Suddenly, out of nowhere, girl A says she liked me ever since girl B (lol jealousy works) and tried to play hard to get but then all these other girls started happening (she doesn't know about girl C and E) and she started getting mad cuz she was always hearing about how I use the common kitchen to cook a lot of food for the other girls.
Girl A wants us to be exclusive but no sex. I say sure no problem. After a month of massaging and cuddling, she says fuck it and we bang, and she says I'm the best shes ever had (she always thought I was a real clueless geek playing computer games all day) and we are happily together now for almost 5 months.
I used to be that fat awkward socially retarded kid back in school. For most of uni I was clueless with girls and would start sweating and freaking out at parties. I decided to start lifting heavy - best life decision ever. Body started changing slowly but confidence changed immediately.
The most "difficult" is that first girl, that first time you go "holy shit she is really liking me is this for real am I really having sex right now what the fuck" after that you start to see that girls are so insecure that you wonder why you were even nervous at all. Best post in the thread. Especially the last part. I think one of the biggest misconceptions going on is that girls/women are some sort of other species or something that don't think/feel anything like you do. Wrong. They have insecurities and hang-ups (probably even more) just like you do. They are attracted (in general) to similar things that you are. Way better advice than this fake PUA crap that seems to be filtering into this thread (wasn't there a separate thread for that?) I agree about the ending, not sure how about the rest. Everything is perfect from animal-human perspective and having to meet your needs but if we talk about a real relationship, i didn't see a single sentence about that here.
Not really sure what that means. Almost anything is a "relationship" in the broadest sense. His relationship with "girl A" is pretty fleshed out, imo.
But I guess you can do "real relationship" like "no true Scotsman."
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On January 27 2013 09:23 HardlyNever wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2013 07:16 Nerchio wrote:On January 27 2013 06:08 HardlyNever wrote:On January 26 2013 16:40 pyrogenetix wrote: First gf was singaporean, super catholic. Started out long distance for 5 months then we got together for 5 months. At the time I was virgin never kissed never hugged girls before and studying in Sweden (lol blonde girls everywhere fuck me right) and she came as exchange. 5 months of terrible sex, she hated it and would only do it for me. She moved back to singapore and I came to Shanghai. We broke up after 2 months of long distance.
Came to Shanghai, started talking to girl A from samoa. We clicked and I ask her out 3 times and she says no so I think fuck that shit move the fuck on. Start talking to girl B who is korean. Super shy super quiet, language barrier. We get together but relationship lasts 1 month, awkward as fuck, nothing happened. She moves to another city (TianJin). Meet girl C also korean through a friend who tells me girl C thinks I'm hot. The same night I start banging girl C but we say strictly sex nothing else. We have the same classes but pretend like we don't know each other, meetup and bang after class. Start banging so fucking much I never would have dreamed I would be. We banged everyday, several times a day. Bang for 2 months, she wants to get into a relationship, I say no.
Meet girl D from vietnam who is girl A's neighbour. Thought we had something, turns out she's super strict and no action before marriage, so I got the fuck out.
Meet girl E half chinese half swedish at a bar. Start banging her after meeting up a few times, find out she is batshit insane, self inflicted scars everywhere, her room is a total mess (she finds stuff by just crawling around on her floor which is covered in all of her belongings) but I didn't care I was banging her tar out, and she deep throats. Find out she has a bf and got the fuck out after about a month.
All this time I regularly go talk to girl A about all kinds of shit except the other girls. Suddenly, out of nowhere, girl A says she liked me ever since girl B (lol jealousy works) and tried to play hard to get but then all these other girls started happening (she doesn't know about girl C and E) and she started getting mad cuz she was always hearing about how I use the common kitchen to cook a lot of food for the other girls.
Girl A wants us to be exclusive but no sex. I say sure no problem. After a month of massaging and cuddling, she says fuck it and we bang, and she says I'm the best shes ever had (she always thought I was a real clueless geek playing computer games all day) and we are happily together now for almost 5 months.
I used to be that fat awkward socially retarded kid back in school. For most of uni I was clueless with girls and would start sweating and freaking out at parties. I decided to start lifting heavy - best life decision ever. Body started changing slowly but confidence changed immediately.
The most "difficult" is that first girl, that first time you go "holy shit she is really liking me is this for real am I really having sex right now what the fuck" after that you start to see that girls are so insecure that you wonder why you were even nervous at all. Best post in the thread. Especially the last part. I think one of the biggest misconceptions going on is that girls/women are some sort of other species or something that don't think/feel anything like you do. Wrong. They have insecurities and hang-ups (probably even more) just like you do. They are attracted (in general) to similar things that you are. Way better advice than this fake PUA crap that seems to be filtering into this thread (wasn't there a separate thread for that?) I agree about the ending, not sure how about the rest. Everything is perfect from animal-human perspective and having to meet your needs but if we talk about a real relationship, i didn't see a single sentence about that here. Not really sure what that means. Almost anything is a "relationship" in the broadest sense. His relationship with "girl A" is pretty fleshed out, imo. But I guess you can do "real relationship" like "no true Scotsman." Yes exactly. A relationship can be anything really, even strictly platonic. I am in no way ready for a serious relationship and I think it would be a real waste of time for both me and the poor girl I would be leading on. When I arrive at the stage in my life where I feel I am mature enough to face the responsibility and consequences I will put a ring on someone. Until then I am happy to have casual relationships and I make that very clear to all the girls.
Anyway I wasn't going to go into the details of what I felt for each and every girl since this isn't a blog. I do realize I make it out to be a lot of mindless sex but I jumped over a lot of details just to get the basic storyline down.
I'm not writing this as a PUA lesson at all. It was just a post outlining what has happened and perhaps as a bit of encouragement to others who feel they are in a sort of a rut and cannot get out. I might write a more detailed blog about it later if anyone gives a shit.
On January 26 2013 17:12 aeroblaster wrote: 21 years old
0 relationships
Ready to kill myself lol I'm almost 23 and have never had a girlfriend, have never been so much as kissed. You got a couple years before you reach my time ;p.