We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. |
+ Show Spoiler +On January 28 2013 19:03 vgijamven wrote:My background: (spoilered to keep the post short) + Show Spoiler +I am a male unkissed virgin, 23 years old. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been a very quiet and a bit of a anti-social person. Basically I was (and to some extend still am) the term “beta” personified. My looks are average at best, I’m fairly muscular, and I have 0 fashion sense. I spent a lot of my childhood playing games, and I basically spent all of my teenage years playing World of Warcraft with friends from my gymnasium (10 to 12th grade) class. This has led to me not having many friends at all, altho the few friends that I have I am very close to. And I especially have never had any female friends or any experience in talking to women (besides my sister whom I’m also very close to). My first encounter with love was brief during summer 2012, where I sort of fell in love with a woman at my summer job, but I quickly learned she was in fact a lesbian (that’s what I get for having a thing for women with short hair, eh?) so that love didn’t really have time to manifest, and I got over it quickly. Looking back, I think I basically fell in love with her because she was the first woman I’ve met who didn’t seem to mind talking to me, and looked at me for more than 0.1 seconds. (Full beta, or what?) My situation:So in August, I started a new education to become a .NET Software Engineer. In this class, there is this woman whom I sort of sit next to (one empty chair between us) furthest back in the classroom. I found her interesting from the beginning. During the autumn, I tried to find something to at least exchange some words with her every week, even though I had absolutely no idea how to talk to a girl. This went so-so. Anyhow, when the 3rd course started around the beginning of November, we had a group assignment in which she and I decided to form a group, together with 2 others. This is where we added each other on Skype and really started talking to each other. On Skype, she is very easy to talk to. It’s just as easy as talking to one of my closest friends. We can sometimes spend 1-3 hours talking about different stuff, asking each other questions and discussing stuff. In school it was still difficult to talk to her. Not only because I have no clue how to talk to women, but I also realized after a while that she wasn’t really giving good responses for me to work with, to start up a conversation. Her answers were usually short and concise, and during breaks she seemed more interested in doing stuff on her smartphone and/or computer than talking to me. (To this day, I don’t think she has taken any initiative in starting a face-to-face conversation in school, but she does it all the time in Skype chats.) After about a month, in the beginning of December, (on a Thursday evening) she mentions someone she refers to as her “date” she was going to meet that Friday evening. This is when I realized I was in love with her, as I felt the by now familiar feeling that is love, she had also introduced me to a new feeling – extreme jealousy. That weekend was one of my worst days of my life. Today, I haven’t seen her since 21st of December. She is hardworking and talented, but she’s doesn’t come to school very often. My problem:After Week 7 we are going on internships that last til summer. This means I won’t see her again until the end of August. The mere thought of this is tearing me apart from the inside. I think of her ALL the time. Furthermore, the penultimate/next to last day before we head off to our internships is Valentine’s Day here in Sweden. I can’t make my mind up if I’m gonna confess my feelings to her or not. With the Valentine’s Day timing, it almost feels “destined” to do so. But is there even a point to confessing your feelings to someone who already has a “special somebody”? Or is it even someone special? I have absolutely zero clue what a “date” is, or what her definition of the word is. I have no idea how serious they are in their “relationship”. I know they gave each other Christmas presents, that’s about it. Should I do it for the sake of myself, to hear her reject me so I can move on with my life? I’m 95% certain she has no feelings for me. The two scenarios:Don’t confess – I either “hope” her relationship doesn’t work and/or hope that she develops feelings for me over time. Or I dedicate this time where I won’t meet her to get over my feelings for her. Confess – Which approach do I take? The cautious one “I wanted to say that I like you and am interested in you.”, or do I take the full-hearted approach “I have been in love with you for 2 months. I think about you all the time - you are the first thought when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep.” If you read all this, thank you for your time. I tried to keep it short. Any advice would be appreciated, whatever that might be. I can’t really think straight when it comes to this woman. Don't confess, that's almost never the right move. Just ask her out for a date, if you want you can do it super romantically at valentines day or something.
On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for.
On January 27 2013 12:47 Shikyo wrote: Oh wow this thread seems more trolltacular than I'd have imagined. Oh well.
So I'm really interested in a friend of my younger sister, who's 18 whereas I'm like 5 years older(This shouldn't be a problem, right?). I talk to her sometimes, not that often, have her phone number, text sometimes. I have ... no idea what to do if I were to attempt to hmm advance our relationship in some way? The idea of just asking something like "want to go out?" casN ually seems sort of ridiculous to me, but then again yeah... No idea at all what to do about this hrmh~
A creepy side can be seen in this I'm afraid. It's the considerable age difference which isn't that huge by itself combined with the little sister's friend thing. If she hasn't shown any clear sings of being interested I would say don't go for it or you are almost certainly in for some serious awkwardness afterwards.
If you both were like 2 years older I feel that would make a big difference. But as it is she is still in high school. Think about it. Also consider this: you probably wouldn't have anyhting to do with her if it weren't for your sister. You wouldn't have her number. Do you have anything in common? Probably not if she is your average teen girl. But if you feel strongly about it and don't care about the aftermath then what's stopping you? Just don't expect anyhting serious with a girl that young.
United States41984 Posts
On January 27 2013 13:32 pyrogenetix wrote:Show nested quote +On January 27 2013 12:06 zJayy962 wrote: Not sure if this is the place for relationship advice, but I'll give it a go. I've been in 1 relationship (serious one) my whole life. Been with her for almost 5 years now. Sex has always been great and I can barely keep up with her (she'll want it like 2 times a day everyday when we can see each other). She seems to be really happy though.
Now for the question. Though I don't know much about it, I've been reading and watching stuff on anal play for the last few months and I've brought it up jokingly to her. She seems to not like the idea but I've asked her if its on her "never will I ever" list of things she will never do and she said no. Now a few months have passed and I'm not sure if I should bring it up again. Not really sure on my next course of action. Any advice? Forget about what you see in porno, the actresses have days to prepare and they stretch out their assholes right up until they come onto the scene, all ready and lubed up. Do not think that real life has anything to do with that. This could take more time since she is now aware that you want anal sex. If she didn't have that warning this could have taken less time. It all depends on how comfortable she is about it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Very possible NSFW content + Show Spoiler + Make your sex right now as kinky as possible. If all you do is missionary and you suddenly drop the anal bomb on her it's probably not gonna work. Taking baby steps towards anal. Not really sure what you're doing right now but you can do any combination of: blindfold, tie up her hands, tickle with feather, ice cubes, fruit, clothespins and then try different positions, maybe get drunk. Also give her massages, foot rubs, really take your time and let her feel safe and that she is much more to you than just for sex. This can take weeks.
After you have done all that and your sex is nice and lively you can start to slowly touch her anus.
Initiating anal touch would be best while you take showers together. Lather each other up, let her clean you and you clean her. Massage her whole body, taking your time, and then down to her butt cheeks and then just lightly slip a finger between her ass and brush against her asshole in a "I am cleaning you but you are sexy" kind of way. Make it short and light. Do not try to stick your finger in. If she doesn't seem to mind then do it a couple more times, and move onwards down her thigh, legs etc. The point is to not make it a big deal. If you can then makeout or bang in the shower. If she seems upset about anal touch then back off. The key is to slowly introduce anal sensations to her without her even realizing you are doing it to her.
Other times would be when you are banging or eating her out, and she starts to get near orgasm, just lightly making circles around her anus and then back off and let her cum. Usually she won't bring it up. Do this a few times when you have sex, this can take weeks. If she starts asking you after sex "hey what were you doing just now to my ass during sex?" just say something like "oh sorry girl, just caught up in the moment u know. why? you didn't like it?" Hopefully she will think about it a little and think it wasn't that bad. If she seems ok with it then go on to the next step.
When banging, best is doggy style but I'm sure other positions can be good too, when she is close to cumming, press a lubed finger (spit or pussy juice) on her anus and just slowly press it like a button, gently and firmly, maybe making small circles or other movements. Make her comfortable with this feeling and always be stimulating her vagina or clit in some way so that she will link the two sensations together. Again, try to do this while she is near cumming since most girls won't stop you at that time no matter what you are doing. If later on she is calm and asks you about it, admit to what you were doing but just shrug it off as something you didn't do deliberately. This can also take weeks.
If she finally seems comfortable with you touching her, you can try to put something in. This would also be the time to talk to her about anal play, saying how much it turns you on and how you will listen to her and stop when she asks to etc. Buy some lube, I like water based since if it goes thick and dry you can just spit on it. Oil based will get everywhere and takes ages to clean out. Start with something thin and smooth, a toy would be best since your finger is more textured and poop can get caught on your finger and that will most definitely freak her out and can set you back a lot of time. If you use your finger, put a condom over it. Going SLOWLY, don't even try to push too much, just gently massaging the area, the whole time fucking her slowly or licking her, using your hands on her belly, thigh or legs etc. Try to spread her attention as much as possible and not let her focus on her ass.
There are two sphincter muscles. The outer one you can see and she can consciously control, and the inner one she cannot control. Usually when it hurts it is the inner one that has not loosened up and it is being forced open. Ask her to push against the toy as if she is passing a bowel movement, this usually loosens the inner sphincter. If she cannot, then do not make a big fuss, just put everything aside and go back to vaginal sex and try another time. Once the toy slips past this part, the rest of it goes in rather easily, so do not rush. One small mistake and you hurting her could mean the end of your anal quest, she loses all the trust and sexual connections you have built up. Slip your toy in a little at a time, letting her get used to the feeling of something being inside her ass. There is no need to go very deep, the aim should be to gently loosen her sphincter muscle by using thicker objects. Again, butt plugs and sex toys are more suitable and safe for this reason.
Once you can get in a toy as thick as your dick, you can try getting your dick in. Too much lube is just the right amount of lube. Go slowly, a centimeter at a time, the whole time talking to her, asking if there is any pain, kissing her, caressing her, saying how good it feels, massage her clit, etc etc. If at any point she says to stop, do not pull out like an idiot, pull out very slowly as well. After you are completely inside, take a while for her to get used to it, and then start moving in short thrusts, very slowly. The anal membrane is very thin and tears easily, so go slowly. After a while she should be quite loose and you can go as fast as vaginal sex. Sometimes she can get even more loose, at which point it stops being any fun.
It is rather common for there to be a little blood, so don't freak out or anything if you two see any. If you two are squeamish about seeing poop then I would suggest a dark room with an old towel laid down, or even in the bathtub. Don't eat too much the day before. Light some scented candles to cover the smell of ass. And don't put anything that's been in her ass back into her vagina, bacteria and risk of infection.
Anyway good luck. Hope that helped.
On the contrary, it's pretty easy to dismiss porn stuff as an imaginary fantasy but most of it isn't that far from the truth. It's perfectly possible to fuck the shit (not literally) out of a girl in the ass without any real preparation beyond lube and having done it before. There are some things which obviously take a lot of practice and stretching and working up to but unless you're insanely hung a dick isn't really one of them, you just need to get properly relaxed. That is where the practice comes in because anything in your butt feels huge and if they lock up and panic because they're afraid it'll hurt then you won't get anywhere. Just make the first few experiences comfortable by not pushing anything past their comfort zone and let them adjust to the idea that they can handle it and, if they like anal play, they'll relax and get into it. Use lots of lube (ought to go without saying really) and put down a towel before you play in case of any mess. Both need to be able to communicate unreservedly, even when it's about poo, and be comfortable with your bodies and the fact that poo (some mess on your dick, she shouldn't actually take a shit) and squelching noises are distinct possibilities. Sharing a shower afterwards is an ideal way to clean off and do aftercare which is awesome because anal, especially combined with other fetish activities, can get really intense.
LOL pyrogenetix! Nice anal guide.
For all of you out there: there is still hope! Had one of the weirder evenings, ended up 60 km away from home and got a kiss for it. You never know what happens if you let it happen. ^^
On January 28 2013 19:03 vgijamven wrote:+ Show Spoiler +My background: (spoilered to keep the post short) + Show Spoiler +I am a male unkissed virgin, 23 years old. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been a very quiet and a bit of a anti-social person. Basically I was (and to some extend still am) the term “beta” personified. My looks are average at best, I’m fairly muscular, and I have 0 fashion sense. I spent a lot of my childhood playing games, and I basically spent all of my teenage years playing World of Warcraft with friends from my gymnasium (10 to 12th grade) class. This has led to me not having many friends at all, altho the few friends that I have I am very close to. And I especially have never had any female friends or any experience in talking to women (besides my sister whom I’m also very close to). My first encounter with love was brief during summer 2012, where I sort of fell in love with a woman at my summer job, but I quickly learned she was in fact a lesbian (that’s what I get for having a thing for women with short hair, eh?) so that love didn’t really have time to manifest, and I got over it quickly. Looking back, I think I basically fell in love with her because she was the first woman I’ve met who didn’t seem to mind talking to me, and looked at me for more than 0.1 seconds. (Full beta, or what?) My situation:So in August, I started a new education to become a .NET Software Engineer. In this class, there is this woman whom I sort of sit next to (one empty chair between us) furthest back in the classroom. I found her interesting from the beginning. During the autumn, I tried to find something to at least exchange some words with her every week, even though I had absolutely no idea how to talk to a girl. This went so-so. Anyhow, when the 3rd course started around the beginning of November, we had a group assignment in which she and I decided to form a group, together with 2 others. This is where we added each other on Skype and really started talking to each other. On Skype, she is very easy to talk to. It’s just as easy as talking to one of my closest friends. We can sometimes spend 1-3 hours talking about different stuff, asking each other questions and discussing stuff. In school it was still difficult to talk to her. Not only because I have no clue how to talk to women, but I also realized after a while that she wasn’t really giving good responses for me to work with, to start up a conversation. Her answers were usually short and concise, and during breaks she seemed more interested in doing stuff on her smartphone and/or computer than talking to me. (To this day, I don’t think she has taken any initiative in starting a face-to-face conversation in school, but she does it all the time in Skype chats.) After about a month, in the beginning of December, (on a Thursday evening) she mentions someone she refers to as her “date” she was going to meet that Friday evening. This is when I realized I was in love with her, as I felt the by now familiar feeling that is love, she had also introduced me to a new feeling – extreme jealousy. That weekend was one of my worst days of my life. Today, I haven’t seen her since 21st of December. She is hardworking and talented, but she’s doesn’t come to school very often. My problem:After Week 7 we are going on internships that last til summer. This means I won’t see her again until the end of August. The mere thought of this is tearing me apart from the inside. I think of her ALL the time. Furthermore, the penultimate/next to last day before we head off to our internships is Valentine’s Day here in Sweden. I can’t make my mind up if I’m gonna confess my feelings to her or not. With the Valentine’s Day timing, it almost feels “destined” to do so. But is there even a point to confessing your feelings to someone who already has a “special somebody”? Or is it even someone special? I have absolutely zero clue what a “date” is, or what her definition of the word is. I have no idea how serious they are in their “relationship”. I know they gave each other Christmas presents, that’s about it. Should I do it for the sake of myself, to hear her reject me so I can move on with my life? I’m 95% certain she has no feelings for me. The two scenarios:Don’t confess – I either “hope” her relationship doesn’t work and/or hope that she develops feelings for me over time. Or I dedicate this time where I won’t meet her to get over my feelings for her. Confess – Which approach do I take? The cautious one “I wanted to say that I like you and am interested in you.”, or do I take the full-hearted approach “I have been in love with you for 2 months. I think about you all the time - you are the first thought when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep.” If you read all this, thank you for your time. I tried to keep it short. Any advice would be appreciated, whatever that might be. I can’t really think straight when it comes to this woman.
The Approach The "don't confess, wait till she's in love with you" approach won't work. Ask her out on a date, but don't be like "I have been in love with you for so long...", that'll just scare her off probably, you should try to be more chilled (though that might be hard) and say something like: "Do you have plans for tonight? Cause I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee?" A movie might be too much, also you won't talk much with each other, and you might end up just saying goodbye outside the theatre. A restaurant can be fine, though don't go to the most expensive one. A cosy one with good food you know of is probably best. Girls are aware that it can be hard asking the opposite sex out on dates, and she will appreciate it if you show that you "got some balls" and just ask her.
Her "date" can be a lot of things. If you don't ask her out and find out, you won't know, basically.
If she says she already has a boyfriend, at least you found out, and it'll be a lot easier to move on and still be friends if you keep it chilled. Imagine if a girl spilt her guts to you and you had to reject her because you didn't feel the same way, how hard it would be to keep being friends afterwards.
The Date This is a place for you to find out more about each other, so you need to ask her questions about her, just as she is going to ask you questions about you. Be confident, or at least act like you are. Don't agree with her on everything just because it's her, be honest and say your opinions as you would to a friend. And lastly, be yourself, don't act cool, girls don't like fake cool guys. (not saying you aren't cool, hehe, but you get what I'm saying)
I got many of these advices from girls myself, so that's my reference.
On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for.
Still missing my point. Go back and re-read my post, I answer your quality girls question. Your sentence describes quality girls as the ones that won't give away 1-night stands. You might not say it directly, but by suggesting that quality girls are not the ones who go out and have 1-night stands you are suggesting it. I guess the judgmental part in my last post should refer to 1-night stands, instead of number of partners in general.
Having 1-night stands doesn't make a lady a slut or a low quality woman. Having 1-night stands just shows she is able of great emotion. Having 1-night stands does not mean that a lady is not looking for a long term relationship either. It is a guys mentality that 1-night stands mean a very short relationship. Why do you think on T.V. and such that men sneak out the next morning. Its because the girl is looking for something, and the guy turns it down.
On January 18 2013 05:34 TunaBarrett wrote: Asking TL for advice about this does not sound like the best idea in my head...but fuck it, i do need some.
Ive started getting feelings for this girl at work, problem is she is in a longterm relationship...and we work in a restaurant(Im a chef, shes a waitress) with only about 10 people working there i see her every day.
Question; How do you force yourself to...stop liking/stop thinking about someone
ok, may seem a bit odd, imagine them taking a dump and farting
Dating is all about skill, not luck.
On January 29 2013 02:37 sWalloW56 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 18 2013 05:34 TunaBarrett wrote: Asking TL for advice about this does not sound like the best idea in my head...but fuck it, i do need some.
Ive started getting feelings for this girl at work, problem is she is in a longterm relationship...and we work in a restaurant(Im a chef, shes a waitress) with only about 10 people working there i see her every day.
Question; How do you force yourself to...stop liking/stop thinking about someone ok, may seem a bit odd, imagine them taking a dump and farting
That usually turns me on even more.
On January 18 2013 05:34 TunaBarrett wrote: Asking TL for advice about this does not sound like the best idea in my head...but fuck it, i do need some.
Ive started getting feelings for this girl at work, problem is she is in a longterm relationship...and we work in a restaurant(Im a chef, shes a waitress) with only about 10 people working there i see her every day.
Question; How do you force yourself to...stop liking/stop thinking about someone
Put yourself in the shoes of the man she has a long term relationship with. Would you want someone that your longterm relationship girlfriend works with to have feelings for her? Remember the golden rule, One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. This in no way means your at fault for having feelings for her. It just might deter your feelings for her a bit
On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for. The "difference" between what you describe as "high or low quality girl" is that one has more potential suitors than the other. Inherently girls like sex just as much as guys, whether someone is "easy" to have sex with or not isn't related to "quality of personality".
On January 29 2013 04:17 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for. The "difference" between what you describe as "high or low quality girl" is that one has more potential suitors than the other. Inherently girls like sex just as much as guys, whether someone is "easy" to have sex with or not isn't related to "quality of personality". By whose standard? If you personally think that a woman's willingness to sleep with you on the first date is not a relevant factor in regards to getting a sense of her "quality of personality", that's fine and dandy. But you cannot legitimately tell another man that he is wrong to consider such a thing a negative quality, as that sort of determination is entirely up to the individual. I would very likely not date a woman who wants to sleep with me on the first date, because in my experience such women do not share my ideas when it comes to the performance of the "mating dance". Might this rob of me a potentially excellent partner? Possibly, but as the horrible cliched saying goes, "There are plenty of fish in the sea", and I am perfectly ok with missing out on a few good opportunities in the pursuit of that which I truly want.
On January 29 2013 04:17 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for. The "difference" between what you describe as "high or low quality girl" is that one has more potential suitors than the other. Inherently girls like sex just as much as guys, whether someone is "easy" to have sex with or not isn't related to "quality of personality". Right but the guy said he was "shopping" for personalities by having one night stands, which immediately limits him to those girls. I'm not saying that my way is any better, but I can shop for personalities before having sex, and in many cases they're so stupid I'd rather stay home and jack off.
I myself am rather picky as far as personalities go and this one girl I'm interested in, a rarity I might add, is past her "fucking random guys" phase - not that she's never had it. Maybe it's just the "metagame" of this specific bunch of people I happen to live around, but these smart 22-25 year old masters degree / PhD student girls, most of them anyway - they're not gonna let you "shop" for them for the most part. And for going out with them (and barely ever getting laid), I know that when they do end up having the occasional one night stands, they do it because they want to get laid, fully aware that the guy's probably an idiot who doesn't stand a chance for the long term.
*And I'm not saying you can't find a quality girl, although my initial analogy did suggest that. I just think it's less likely. There's a bunch of collateral sex which is a perk but I'm not really into it.
On January 29 2013 04:27 farvacola wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2013 04:17 r.Evo wrote:On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for. The "difference" between what you describe as "high or low quality girl" is that one has more potential suitors than the other. Inherently girls like sex just as much as guys, whether someone is "easy" to have sex with or not isn't related to "quality of personality". By whose standard? If you personally think that a woman's willingness to sleep with you on the first date is not a relevant factor in regards to getting a sense of her "quality of personality", that's fine and dandy. But you cannot legitimately tell another man that he is wrong to consider such a thing a negative quality, as that sort of determination is entirely up to the individual. I would very likely not date a woman who wants to sleep with me on the first date, because in my experience such women do not share my ideas when it comes to the performance of the "mating dance". Might this rob of me a potentially excellent partner? Possibly, but as the horrible cliched saying goes, "There's plenty of fish in the sea", and I am perfectly ok with missing out on a few good opportunities in the pursuit of that which I truly want. This is true and I want to add a few things. I myself am by no means a player because I don't really respect players just like I don't respect their female equivalent very much. But there's also the type of personality that tends to come with it all. If I pick up a girl at a club, she'll most likely be a silly girl who can't handle serious conversations. Maybe she can, but I wouldn't count on it. So that's not how I'd go at it....
at least once a week ive been given a reason to hate women :§
now, go on with your discussion
On January 28 2013 19:03 vgijamven wrote:My background: (spoilered to keep the post short) + Show Spoiler +I am a male unkissed virgin, 23 years old. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been a very quiet and a bit of a anti-social person. Basically I was (and to some extend still am) the term “beta” personified. My looks are average at best, I’m fairly muscular, and I have 0 fashion sense. I spent a lot of my childhood playing games, and I basically spent all of my teenage years playing World of Warcraft with friends from my gymnasium (10 to 12th grade) class. This has led to me not having many friends at all, altho the few friends that I have I am very close to. And I especially have never had any female friends or any experience in talking to women (besides my sister whom I’m also very close to). My first encounter with love was brief during summer 2012, where I sort of fell in love with a woman at my summer job, but I quickly learned she was in fact a lesbian (that’s what I get for having a thing for women with short hair, eh?) so that love didn’t really have time to manifest, and I got over it quickly. Looking back, I think I basically fell in love with her because she was the first woman I’ve met who didn’t seem to mind talking to me, and looked at me for more than 0.1 seconds. (Full beta, or what?) My situation:So in August, I started a new education to become a .NET Software Engineer. In this class, there is this woman whom I sort of sit next to (one empty chair between us) furthest back in the classroom. I found her interesting from the beginning. During the autumn, I tried to find something to at least exchange some words with her every week, even though I had absolutely no idea how to talk to a girl. This went so-so. Anyhow, when the 3rd course started around the beginning of November, we had a group assignment in which she and I decided to form a group, together with 2 others. This is where we added each other on Skype and really started talking to each other. On Skype, she is very easy to talk to. It’s just as easy as talking to one of my closest friends. We can sometimes spend 1-3 hours talking about different stuff, asking each other questions and discussing stuff. In school it was still difficult to talk to her. Not only because I have no clue how to talk to women, but I also realized after a while that she wasn’t really giving good responses for me to work with, to start up a conversation. Her answers were usually short and concise, and during breaks she seemed more interested in doing stuff on her smartphone and/or computer than talking to me. (To this day, I don’t think she has taken any initiative in starting a face-to-face conversation in school, but she does it all the time in Skype chats.) After about a month, in the beginning of December, (on a Thursday evening) she mentions someone she refers to as her “date” she was going to meet that Friday evening. This is when I realized I was in love with her, as I felt the by now familiar feeling that is love, she had also introduced me to a new feeling – extreme jealousy. That weekend was one of my worst days of my life. Today, I haven’t seen her since 21st of December. She is hardworking and talented, but she’s doesn’t come to school very often. My problem:After Week 7 we are going on internships that last til summer. This means I won’t see her again until the end of August. The mere thought of this is tearing me apart from the inside. I think of her ALL the time. Furthermore, the penultimate/next to last day before we head off to our internships is Valentine’s Day here in Sweden. I can’t make my mind up if I’m gonna confess my feelings to her or not. With the Valentine’s Day timing, it almost feels “destined” to do so. But is there even a point to confessing your feelings to someone who already has a “special somebody”? Or is it even someone special? I have absolutely zero clue what a “date” is, or what her definition of the word is. I have no idea how serious they are in their “relationship”. I know they gave each other Christmas presents, that’s about it. Should I do it for the sake of myself, to hear her reject me so I can move on with my life? I’m 95% certain she has no feelings for me. The two scenarios:Don’t confess – I either “hope” her relationship doesn’t work and/or hope that she develops feelings for me over time. Or I dedicate this time where I won’t meet her to get over my feelings for her. Confess – Which approach do I take? The cautious one “I wanted to say that I like you and am interested in you.”, or do I take the full-hearted approach “I have been in love with you for 2 months. I think about you all the time - you are the first thought when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep.” If you read all this, thank you for your time. I tried to keep it short. Any advice would be appreciated, whatever that might be. I can’t really think straight when it comes to this woman.
+ Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +
On January 29 2013 03:04 SuperYo1000 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 18 2013 05:34 TunaBarrett wrote: Asking TL for advice about this does not sound like the best idea in my head...but fuck it, i do need some.
Ive started getting feelings for this girl at work, problem is she is in a longterm relationship...and we work in a restaurant(Im a chef, shes a waitress) with only about 10 people working there i see her every day.
Question; How do you force yourself to...stop liking/stop thinking about someone Put yourself in the shoes of the man she has a long term relationship with. Would you want someone that your longterm relationship girlfriend works with to have feelings for her? Remember the golden rule, One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. This in no way means your at fault for having feelings for her. It just might deter your feelings for her a bit
go ham and get with her
On January 29 2013 04:27 farvacola wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2013 04:17 r.Evo wrote:On January 28 2013 21:48 Djzapz wrote:On January 28 2013 14:54 Jisall wrote: The judgement that people who have one night stands are "ghetto" seeps threw. Everybody has sex, once you accept that you can look past how many sexual partners a woman has You completely missed the point, seriously, read me again in good faith. It's not about the number of partners in any way - it's about their horizons at the moment when you meet them. Everything else you said just kind of misrepresents what I tried to describe. In my experience, quality girls are harder to get and you can't necessarily "shop" for them by having a 1 nighter since they won't give it away. And they may have had a bunch in the past, that doesn't matter - what they do now is what describes what they're looking for. The "difference" between what you describe as "high or low quality girl" is that one has more potential suitors than the other. Inherently girls like sex just as much as guys, whether someone is "easy" to have sex with or not isn't related to "quality of personality". By whose standard? If you personally think that a woman's willingness to sleep with you on the first date is not a relevant factor in regards to getting a sense of her "quality of personality", that's fine and dandy. But you cannot legitimately tell another man that he is wrong to consider such a thing a negative quality, as that sort of determination is entirely up to the individual. I would very likely not date a woman who wants to sleep with me on the first date, because in my experience such women do not share my ideas when it comes to the performance of the "mating dance". Might this rob of me a potentially excellent partner? Possibly, but as the horrible cliched saying goes, "There are plenty of fish in the sea", and I am perfectly ok with missing out on a few good opportunities in the pursuit of that which I truly want. I can legitimately tell another man that whether a woman wants to sleep with him on the first date or not is more in his hands than anything else. I would very likely date a woman who wants to sleep with me on the first date (or before that) because in my experience it became more and more common the more I improved how I behaved around women. There's a much bigger correlation with my social (or in this case seductive) skills than her personality.
If a man thinks a woman having sex because she enjoys having it is a "negative quality for a relationship" then, quite frankly, he has other issues including a very, very small minded world view.
On January 29 2013 04:30 Djzapz wrote: This is true and I want to add a few things. I myself am by no means a player because I don't really respect players just like I don't respect their female equivalent very much. But there's also the type of personality that tends to come with it all. If I pick up a girl at a club, she'll most likely be a silly girl who can't handle serious conversations. Maybe she can, but I wouldn't count on it. So that's not how I'd go at it.... Again you're saying that "a type of personality comes with it all" and that a "girl you pick up at a club is most likely a silly girl who can't handle serious conversations". Like what the hell. If you can't manage to pick up smart girls at clubs it's your fault, not theirs. Don't make a generalizing statement like that when it's based on your personal incompetence.
On January 29 2013 04:39 stickyhands wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 19:03 vgijamven wrote:My background: (spoilered to keep the post short) + Show Spoiler +I am a male unkissed virgin, 23 years old. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been a very quiet and a bit of a anti-social person. Basically I was (and to some extend still am) the term “beta” personified. My looks are average at best, I’m fairly muscular, and I have 0 fashion sense. I spent a lot of my childhood playing games, and I basically spent all of my teenage years playing World of Warcraft with friends from my gymnasium (10 to 12th grade) class. This has led to me not having many friends at all, altho the few friends that I have I am very close to. And I especially have never had any female friends or any experience in talking to women (besides my sister whom I’m also very close to). My first encounter with love was brief during summer 2012, where I sort of fell in love with a woman at my summer job, but I quickly learned she was in fact a lesbian (that’s what I get for having a thing for women with short hair, eh?) so that love didn’t really have time to manifest, and I got over it quickly. Looking back, I think I basically fell in love with her because she was the first woman I’ve met who didn’t seem to mind talking to me, and looked at me for more than 0.1 seconds. (Full beta, or what?) My situation:So in August, I started a new education to become a .NET Software Engineer. In this class, there is this woman whom I sort of sit next to (one empty chair between us) furthest back in the classroom. I found her interesting from the beginning. During the autumn, I tried to find something to at least exchange some words with her every week, even though I had absolutely no idea how to talk to a girl. This went so-so. Anyhow, when the 3rd course started around the beginning of November, we had a group assignment in which she and I decided to form a group, together with 2 others. This is where we added each other on Skype and really started talking to each other. On Skype, she is very easy to talk to. It’s just as easy as talking to one of my closest friends. We can sometimes spend 1-3 hours talking about different stuff, asking each other questions and discussing stuff. In school it was still difficult to talk to her. Not only because I have no clue how to talk to women, but I also realized after a while that she wasn’t really giving good responses for me to work with, to start up a conversation. Her answers were usually short and concise, and during breaks she seemed more interested in doing stuff on her smartphone and/or computer than talking to me. (To this day, I don’t think she has taken any initiative in starting a face-to-face conversation in school, but she does it all the time in Skype chats.) After about a month, in the beginning of December, (on a Thursday evening) she mentions someone she refers to as her “date” she was going to meet that Friday evening. This is when I realized I was in love with her, as I felt the by now familiar feeling that is love, she had also introduced me to a new feeling – extreme jealousy. That weekend was one of my worst days of my life. Today, I haven’t seen her since 21st of December. She is hardworking and talented, but she’s doesn’t come to school very often. My problem:After Week 7 we are going on internships that last til summer. This means I won’t see her again until the end of August. The mere thought of this is tearing me apart from the inside. I think of her ALL the time. Furthermore, the penultimate/next to last day before we head off to our internships is Valentine’s Day here in Sweden. I can’t make my mind up if I’m gonna confess my feelings to her or not. With the Valentine’s Day timing, it almost feels “destined” to do so. But is there even a point to confessing your feelings to someone who already has a “special somebody”? Or is it even someone special? I have absolutely zero clue what a “date” is, or what her definition of the word is. I have no idea how serious they are in their “relationship”. I know they gave each other Christmas presents, that’s about it. Should I do it for the sake of myself, to hear her reject me so I can move on with my life? I’m 95% certain she has no feelings for me. The two scenarios:Don’t confess – I either “hope” her relationship doesn’t work and/or hope that she develops feelings for me over time. Or I dedicate this time where I won’t meet her to get over my feelings for her. Confess – Which approach do I take? The cautious one “I wanted to say that I like you and am interested in you.”, or do I take the full-hearted approach “I have been in love with you for 2 months. I think about you all the time - you are the first thought when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep.” If you read all this, thank you for your time. I tried to keep it short. Any advice would be appreciated, whatever that might be. I can’t really think straight when it comes to this woman. ASK HER OUT + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +
When you wanna talk to a girl, fap first then do it, you'll see, things are different
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