Dating: How's your luck? - Page 115
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We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on. Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments. Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. | ||
United States5491 Posts
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Canada196 Posts
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Germany162 Posts
atleast I don't need luck. .. cuz I'm not dating .___. | ||
4 Posts
Though I'm only a sophomore in high school, I've never had a girlfriend. I asked out this girl a while back (maybe 5 months ago) and when I asked her out, her first response was maybe. She was a relatively shy girl so I though, being optimistic, at least it's not a straight out no... We'll she never really gave me a direct answer herself, and I asked a friend of her to ask, aaaand it was an obviously no by this time. Her reason she gave was cause she didn't know me too well, which was sort of true, cause I never really had long discussion with her, but I chatted with her here and there, making jokes and all, cause getting your crush to laugh and all is one of the best feelings in the world. I'm still kinda hung up on it, and I still have feelings for her, but if I ever feel really bad about getting rejected I just watch some of Day9's rejection story videos and laugh my ass off. Apparently like 2 months ago my friend talked to her about me asking her out and she said she had liked me once. Kind of a morale booster when it comes to dating if you ask me. Me being shy and all had trouble talking to her for a month or 2 after her answer, but now we can talk like friends and I really enjoy chatting with her. All in all, I don't think the rejection could have gone any better. | ||
United States1258 Posts
I don't work with this person closely (we're not in the same department), but we work in the same building and I see her about once a week (which I could avoid, if things went south). I've heard conflicting things about dating someone from where you work (don't dip your pen in company ink, etc.), but I've also read somewhere that most people meet their spouses either in school or from work. Anyone have any good results with this? | ||
Canada295 Posts
On April 21 2013 06:25 r.Evo wrote: If two adults enter a consensual relationship that's where your "responsibilities" end. If the other person can justify being in a relationship at the same time it is not your problem. That's debatable at best. It's a question of your own personal views on ethics at that point. Personally I don't mess with girls in relationships, as I really feel like you are bringing a potential of harm to yourself as well as the two others involved. (Talking emotionally more-so) It's easy enough to find a girl not in relationship where you don't have to insert yourself and cause emotional drama and potential damage to another individual. | ||
Canada295 Posts
On April 21 2013 09:25 HardlyNever wrote: Question for the older crowd. Anyone have experience dating someone they work with? How'd it go? I don't work with this person closely (we're not in the same department), but we work in the same building and I see her about once a week (which I could avoid, if things went south). I've heard conflicting things about dating someone from where you work (don't dip your pen in company ink, etc.), but I've also read somewhere that most people meet their spouses either in school or from work. Anyone have any good results with this? I've dated a few girls that I've been in the same program with at University. My current girlfriend and I have dated for a year now and it's been just fine. The girl prior to that had issues with remaining friends after we dated, and it made things awkward, but that's her issue. It's been a couple years now and it's fine now. If you guys have feelings for each other just go for it. It sounds like you guys don't see each other all that much anyways. | ||
England6749 Posts
On April 21 2013 08:47 docvoc wrote: Huge fight with the gf. Over college, Fuck shit. Great. I try to choose a college, fall in love with a college, but the girl I love did not. Pretty sure she just dumped me. Great. it doesnt sound like you lost anything worth worrying about. | ||
United States124 Posts
On April 21 2013 10:02 turdburgler wrote: it doesnt sound like you lost anything worth worrying about. I agree with TurdBurglar. 99% of people are better off not sticking to their HS girlfriends/boyfriends. | ||
United States15977 Posts
On April 21 2013 08:15 Wojciech Zywny wrote: Ouch that sucks. How old was she? What was the prognosis? she was a month and a day from being 21. the median survival for GBM (gliablastoma multiforme) is around 8 months. she was diagnosed about a year an a half ago, so she kept going for more than twice as long as most which was a small miracle. On April 21 2013 10:02 turdburgler wrote: it doesnt sound like you lost anything worth worrying about. from my experience (or rather my friends' experience), long distance relationships do not work at the college age. my roommate last year dated a girl for two years: they broke up 3 months into college. my roommate this year began dating a girl he had a thing with knew over the summer-- they skyped and talked like everyday for a semester, then communication petered off and they broke up about a month ago. things happen in college. you meet new people, and that close proximity is something that a thousand text messages and even daily skype chats can't match. or, sometimes someone just has a drunken hookup. its hard. try to break it off nicely. be the bigger person, it will let both of you break it off more easily and less painfully, and even remain good friends. | ||
Northern Ireland23792 Posts
On April 21 2013 09:38 Satire wrote: That's debatable at best. It's a question of your own personal views on ethics at that point. Personally I don't mess with girls in relationships, as I really feel like you are bringing a potential of harm to yourself as well as the two others involved. (Talking emotionally more-so) It's easy enough to find a girl not in relationship where you don't have to insert yourself and cause emotional drama and potential damage to another individual. Disregarding the whole ethical side of things, I think you're opening yourself up to a fall doing that. From my experiences (not me personally, but friends and acquaintances) the whole 'he treats me bad' or 'I'm just waiting to leave him' is a load of BS for the most part. | ||
Canada451 Posts
On April 21 2013 05:34 sc4k wrote: Why don't you be a man, not scum, and tell the guy? *facepalm* | ||
Northern Ireland23792 Posts
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Sweden1684 Posts
On April 21 2013 09:25 HardlyNever wrote: Question for the older crowd. Anyone have experience dating someone they work with? How'd it go? I don't work with this person closely (we're not in the same department), but we work in the same building and I see her about once a week (which I could avoid, if things went south). I've heard conflicting things about dating someone from where you work (don't dip your pen in company ink, etc.), but I've also read somewhere that most people meet their spouses either in school or from work. Anyone have any good results with this? Hooked up with an unbearably annoying woman when I was working at a restaurant years ago. Got drunk, things happened, old story. What followed were months of awkwardness as I basically tried to avoid her whenever I could. Not recommended. Edit: What the fuck Wombat, you're irish? I feel betrayed. | ||
Finland659 Posts
On April 21 2013 10:12 Rucho wrote: I agree with TurdBurglar. 99% of people are better off not sticking to their HS girlfriends/boyfriends. Would be a big mistake to let HS connections to dictate what is probably the biggest decision of your life for many years to come. | ||
Northern Ireland23792 Posts
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Sweden1684 Posts
On April 21 2013 20:04 Wombat_NI wrote: I'll repatriate McBengt, give me another chance! You'll always be the cuddly marsupial of my heart, despite the inherent flaws of your ancestry. | ||
United States5710 Posts
I am no longer going to pay for anything for a girl ever until it's the 3rd+ date. I like being chivalrous and all but I'm tired of a girl not having the guts to tell me the truth and just wasting my time and money. I ain't making bank or anything ffs. | ||
Canada1950 Posts
On April 22 2013 09:43 Zooper31 wrote: Well fuck chicks. After 3rd date she tells me she's not interested in a relationship and she said she was sorry for any confusion. Politely told her to fuck off. She contacts me through a dating website, spends time with me alone several times and compliments me. I can deal with you telling me it just didn't work out and I'm not your type, that's fine, I can handle rejection. Don't fucking play it off like it was never your intention to get into a relationship, that's just gonna piss me off. Ty for wasting my time and not having the balls to admit it. Welcome to irl /ignore. You misunderstood. She's interested in a relationship, just not with you. That's her nice way of saying it. The not nice way is the way I just said. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On April 22 2013 09:44 WarSame wrote: You misunderstood. She's interested in a relationship, just not with you. That's her nice way of saying it. The not nice way is the way I just said. Oh I figured that. She didn't have the balls to tell me shes not interested and lied and made it worse. Her nice way of saying it was actually 10x worse. What kind of girl logic makes what she said better than telling me the truth? | ||
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