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Basically, riots have begun in Bulgaria following the murder of a teenage boy by a nephew of a gypsy clan leader. The murder and the accident were intentional. the same thing happened in Romania in 1993 following gypsy criminality in a small village, and the Romanians were forced y the European Court of justice to give compensations to the gypsies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hădăreni_riots Is Europe being hypocritical in the gypsy problem? Because France, Italy and other countries started deporting them, but when Romania and Bulgaria deported gypsies back in 1943 it was considered a "war crime". What do you think about the violences in Bulgaria and the gypsy problem in Europe in general?
With government's positive discrimination and lifestyle+attitude of majority of gypsies, it's inevitable. Riots going on in Czech republic also, not as big as in Bulgaria yet though.
Sorry, did you just compare the deportation of Rom from France, Europe, Bulgaria et al to the Nazi extermination of groups they deemed undesirable? ...
That aside.. I don't know much about this. Are the people being deported tax payers or legally French/German/Bulgarian citizens?
Edit: From the Pravda article: Three people were killed in the riots, several others were injured. Up to 800 people took direct participation in the pogroms; approximately 120 were arrested. Several others were injured and three were murdered. A tragedy without question but calling it a pogrom is inflammatory and sensational.
I'll read more about this once the GSL ends from a more objective news source.
I havnt heard of these riots at all. Has this beeing going on for a longer time or is it recent ?
I know there are large minorities of roma people and that theyre not appreciated there since many hundreds of years back but I didnt realise the opposition it was widespread enough to cause riots.
Can anyone give a reason exactly to why people hate them ? Is there any proof they commit more crimes than any other people of their social standing ? Isnt this likely the result of how people have treated them for 400 years ?
"The people had only one requirement. They wanted all gypsies to leave the village immediately."
That's not really normal, is it? One member of a minority community causes an accident ("...ran over a 19-year-old Bulgarian man.") and they all must leave?
The source seems rather dodgy in general, making statements such as "In Europe, gypsies live in France, Germany and many other countries of Western Europe. They live separately from the society and make their living on drugs, swindling and robbery."
On September 27 2011 21:10 Probe1 wrote: Sorry, did you just compare the deportation of Roma peoples from France, Europe, Bulgaria et al to the Nazi extermination of groups they deemed undesirable? ...
Why do you deem this comparison so far fetched? The step from deportation to extermination isn't THAT huge. It both starts with the idea that these people don't have the right to live (here).
Edit: This pravda site is a complete joke. Nice example: http://english.pravda.ru/world/africa/23-09-2011/119133-libya_terrorists-0/
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Gypsys have always been a problem in Romania, i didn't know they had been moved or had moved along to Bulgaria.
But the European Union only care about themselves and not about others you should know this by now, its the biggest farce of a system you will ever encounter EVER.
They think the way to solve debt crisis is to through Millions and Millions of EUROs into it and it will sort itself out. And that the big Economys in Europe like Germany and UK should put more money into it because they should do so.....?
Damn EU -_-
If the article is any judge of why then they are thieves, drug peddlers and tricksters.
The ill fame of Bulgarian gypsies spreads far beyond the borders of the poorest country of the European Union. In Europe, gypsies live in France, Germany and many other countries of Western Europe. They live separately from the society and make their living on drugs, swindling and robbery.
Doesn't sound prejudiced at all..
I believe negative stereotypes enforced by what all stereotypes originate from: The worst of the worst representing an entire group, has led to the distrust of gypsies or "The Rom".
The murders happened on the 24th and the protests started on the day after, and there have been protest in most of the big cities in the country happening every day in which a lot of people got arrested.
Yes, the western European powers are hypocritical, but then again no country wants scum like these.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On September 27 2011 21:21 Probe1 wrote:If the article is any judge of why then they are thieves, drug peddlers and tricksters. Show nested quote +The ill fame of Bulgarian gypsies spreads far beyond the borders of the poorest country of the European Union. In Europe, gypsies live in France, Germany and many other countries of Western Europe. They live separately from the society and make their living on drugs, swindling and robbery. Doesn't sound prejudiced at all.. I believe negative stereotypes enforced by what all stereotypes originate from: The worst of the worst representing an entire group, has led to the distrust of gypsies or "The Rom".
Have you ever encountered them? There are THOUSANDS of gypsis from romania who come over to England ILLEGALLY to pick pocket us and to enduce sex slavery. Was a huge documentary on ITV on it about 1-2 years ago.
They are known for trickery and thievery. You obviously havent encountered them or heard about them before.
On September 27 2011 21:26 aTnClouD wrote: tbh the only way of dealing with the gypsies problem is becoming a terrorist and kill as many as you can. if you drive them out of your country they will inevitably plague another place and it's a culture that is not really fit for living along with any other. I dont want to live on this planet anymore.
Lol I lived in Sheffield. Don't go there, we have Roma in America as well even if they are much more obscure among the melting pot. Yes I remember the time when a old gypsy woman tried to snatch my wallet in Paris. I also remember the time I met a really cool Roma girl who was completely normal and didn't fit the stereotype I continually read back on my side of the pond.
*She did not try to steal my wallet
On September 27 2011 21:26 aTnClouD wrote: tbh the only way of dealing with the gypsies problem is becoming a terrorist and kill as many as you can. if you drive them out of your country they will inevitably plague another place and it's a culture that is not really fit for living along with any other. I know there are HUGE problems in Italy with this and it's also made it here but really there are better ways to voice your opinion, calling a group of people a plague, really? That terrorist stuff isn't even funny.
On September 27 2011 21:18 Passion wrote: "The people had only one requirement. They wanted all gypsies to leave the village immediately."
That's not really normal, is it? One member of a minority community causes an accident ("...ran over a 19-year-old Bulgarian man.") and they all must leave?
Dude, it's not about this one "accident", that was just a detonator. The whole village has been terorized by the gypsy clan leader and his familly for LONG time, he's been acting like he's above the law, living from illegal money. By the way, after they ran over the kid, they didn't help him and just ran away.
I don't think it's worth discussing here anyway, people who don't live in countries/areas affected by gypsy problems won't understand the shit rest of us has to go through.
dude you have no idea how wicked gypsies are. they are a true plague to humanity and only the people living in countries who have them understand. ask bulgarians, romanians, french or italian people they will all tell you the same.
On September 27 2011 21:31 ondik wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 21:18 Passion wrote: "The people had only one requirement. They wanted all gypsies to leave the village immediately."
That's not really normal, is it? One member of a minority community causes an accident ("...ran over a 19-year-old Bulgarian man.") and they all must leave?
I don't think it's worth discussing here anyway, people who don't live in countries/areas affected by gypsy problems won't understand the shit rest of us has to go through. This is exactly why I feel Finland and Netherlands prevented Bulgaria And Romania from joining the Shengen area (which would allow them to move around most of Europe without any border checks) even if they use reasons like the Gypsies are not treated equal etc.
There are enough bad examples of what having gypsies causes (we've already had plenty of those robbing people at ATM's and such) that I don't think many people really want them to have 'free reign' in Europe.
EDIT: bad wording.
make them a country!, you know, like Israel because they come from nowhere (unless you count old India as a valid target for deportation)
On September 27 2011 21:32 aTnClouD wrote: dude you have no idea how wicked jews are. they are a true plague to humanity and only the people living in countries who have them understand. ask german, american, english or italian people they will all tell you the same. Sorry for Godwinning this. I feel the comparison is scarily accurate though.
While their culture might be based upon scavenging, that doesn't in any way make them less human.
We have the same problem here in Slovenia. I'm from the coast and whenever a group of gypsies come to a local camp wallets and cellphones go missing, it's even worse inland. The biggest problem with them is their neglect for their children. They don't take them to school, insted they drive around during times of communal waste disposal and rummage through trash looking for metal. It's a vicious cycle and they don't want to end it. That's what makes them unfit members of any society.
On September 27 2011 21:42 plated.rawr wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 21:32 aTnClouD wrote: dude you have no idea how wicked jews are. they are a true plague to humanity and only the people living in countries who have them understand. ask german, american, english or italian people they will all tell you the same. Sorry for Godwinning this. I feel the comparison is scarily accurate though. While their culture might be based upon scavenging, that doesn't in any way make them less human. Who said it's the scavenging people have a problem with? It's the stealing, assaulting and even sometimes killing that makes them a problem. Jews were assaulted in Nazi Germany because they were jews. I don't see the least bit of correlation here.