On July 26 2011 16:08 Probulous wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 16:02 Terranist wrote:On July 26 2011 15:57 Probulous wrote: Are you trying to excuse what these women did? Do you disagree that it was a tasteless and entirely inappropriate joke? Personally I care less whether these were women or men, a man having his manhood taken is not a laughing matter. The whole gender thing is a side issue. is it alright when Leno, Letterman, and Conan talk about it? i don't see anyone giving a fuck then but now that women do it, it blows up? . This is where you and I agree. I don't find this funny. Whether it is Sharon Osbourne, or Leno, or Conan or whoever. Show nested quote +this whole topic is bullshit and if anything it is a double standard that we reprimand the women over it This is where we disagree. I don't see how getting all flustered about apparent hypocrisy is helping this situation at all. As you quite rightly point out, there are double standards going both ways. Man can joke about dicks but women can't. Can anyone joke about women's bits? I don't know, and in this situation, I don't care. I feel that these people should be held to account for what they have said, regardless of their gender. It was a completely tasteless and insensitive attempt at humour. Doesn't matter about who said it. Exactly. It's not even the joking about penises, it's the fact that they do it following a story about a man having his penis cut off. When other comedians make penis jokes they're not basing it on a story about a dude getting tortured, they're just making jokes. If they had removed the news story from their clip I wouldn't have a problem, but the fact that they're joking about a woman cutting off some dudes penis is sick. If any comedian joked about a crime that actually happened I'd be disgusted as well.
Take a chill pill. They're just joking around, and, here's a hint, they don't matter. Nothing these women do matters. May I ask why u were watching this show anyway? There are much more constructive ways to fight sexism than getting mad at a double standard on a crappy daytime talk show.
On July 26 2011 16:39 slytown wrote: Take a chill pill. They're just joking around, and, here's a hint, they don't matter. Nothing these women do matters. May I ask why u were watching this show anyway? There are much more constructive ways to fight sexism than getting mad at a double standard on a crappy daytime talk show.
Actually I would imagine that when you have a show that millions of people watch, the things you say would have profound effects.
On July 26 2011 16:00 ixi.genocide wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On July 26 2011 15:41 Ansinjunger wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 15:10 ixi.genocide wrote:On July 26 2011 14:56 oldgregg wrote:On July 26 2011 14:54 MERLIN. wrote: What a fucking disgrace, any time a women decides to speak of sexism I'll prepare to spit in there face.
What a massive double standard, it's such a fucking disgrace to humanity, not just women that we have such "humour". I am livid, this is actually really upsetting. I'm boycotting sexism. I am going to be an absolute sexist prick, laugh at womens rights forever.
SAYING that its NOT the same, Gahhahahahahahaa Im so fucking mad
fuck these hosts, at least one realized how sexist they're being, to mad to think. Going to bed... lol so ur denying that there is sexism towards women just cause 4 women were being sexist towards men on a tv show? i agree with all this outrage and indignantion (over the actual incident, and maybe sharon osbourne) but you can't just go hating all women and denying that women get treated like shit all over the world Women aren't treated like shit by me or anyone I know >.> Actually, I have not seen discrimination (between ppl I know) against women in real life in years. The other day I saw a guy being a dick to his gf on the bus.... And I was about ready to defend his gf when she did the same thing to him. I wish I could prevent ppl from being pricks all over the world, but I am not going to be condemned for someone elses actions. It's the same thing with racism, I have never been racist, I will not tolerate being limited because americans owned slaves and had jim crow laws and other crap before my family immigrated to america. As far as mistreatment of women, tens of thousands of girls and women are sold as sex slaves every year, and millions are second rate citizens in various countries. Several also receive secondary priority when it comes to education. My issue with this thread, and youtube comments is "Sharon Osbourne acted like a (insert rude anti-woman word here)" is something I'm reading far too commonly. Can't you just say she was very rude without using a spiteful (against women) word? If people think they can force other people to act nicely with foul remarks, well, that's not really the intent of their remark is it? It would make more sense to say something nice if you want nice back. Join in some ever-escalating game of hurtful language, and you get a person acting like Sharon Osbourne or Don Imus as the result, or more lamentably, the modern population of youth (on average, I know there's still some young people who keep it clean  ). No, this isn't censorship, it's advice. Show nested quote +As far as mistreatment of women, tens of thousands of girls and women are sold as sex slaves every year, and millions are second rate citizens in various countries. Several also receive secondary priority when it comes to education. I would like to stop all of what you just said, but I will not be held accountable for the actions of others. I have never sold, nor will I ever sell a female as a sex slave; I do not consider women to be second rate citizens, and the country I live in (U.S) has more females going to college than males. Show nested quote +My issue with this thread, and youtube comments is "Sharon Osbourne acted like a (insert rude anti-woman word here)" is something I'm reading far too commonly. Can't you just say she was very rude without using a spiteful (against women) word? I have not said anything about Sharon as of yet and would not say anything that I wouldn't tell to her in person. I think that her comments were distasteful and untimely. To use a point that was made earlier in the thread, if a predominately male show made a series of jokes and comments about a woman being drugged, tied up and tortured by her husband, the show would be offline before the next commercial break and the picket line would be started within 20 minutes. Keep in mind that I would not be part of the picket line, nor would I call for the show to be taken off air, I will point out the double standard that shouldn't even be a standard in the first place. It is sad, really sad that a topic such as womens rights and black rights and so forth had to be created. Sadly, while I don't want to be held accountable for the actions of people that bare a slight resemblance to me, I regret knowing that until quite recently inequality was normal. I would never advocate for censorship, and thank you for the advice.
Really excellent post, 100% in agreement.
Cutting the clitoris of a woman counts as a sadistic crime performed by some savage tribes and is looked down upon by the entire world. Cutting off the penis makes some women laugh. gender equality my ass
On July 26 2011 16:57 fuzzy_panda wrote: Cutting the clitoris of a woman counts as a sadistic crime performed by some savage tribes and is looked down upon by the entire world. Cutting off the penis makes some women laugh. gender equality my ass
I'm all for equality... but this makes me cringe =/ What ever its not like she isn't being charged / getting jail time.
I don't get what the big deal is. I would imagine women making jokes about being so angry at their husbands that they would cut their dicks off.
When something like this actually happens, I could see women laughing, thinking of all the times they've said they wanted to do so.
Sure it's sexist, but I can imagine why it'd be funny to them. It doesn't bother me, since I'm actually quite a fan of stereotypical/sexist jokes.
On July 26 2011 16:14 ixi.genocide wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 16:09 Terranist wrote:On July 26 2011 16:04 ixi.genocide wrote:On July 26 2011 15:48 Terranist wrote:On July 26 2011 15:44 Probulous wrote: [*]Apparent double standards If this were a group of men, they would be hauled over the coals for any behaviour remotely similar to this and it seems these women have gotten off, scott free. I would argue that whilst this may be true, it is hardly worth getting upset over.
so if men joke about the exact same situation where a seemingly unfaithful man's penis is cut off then they're still hauled over coals? society.. no wait, men have deemed penis humor acceptable and now we're up in arms when women try to join in? I never deemed penis humor to be acceptable... It's too bad that enough guys did that you would believe this. Women can join in all they want, I would have the same problem if a guy made the same jokes in the same circumstance, It is just bloated because there will probably be no repercussions because the hosts were female. see the post directly above yours. men get away with it and nobody bats an eye but god forbid a woman tries to. it's understandable that some people despise making humor of the circumstances but in today's world they are the vocal minority or more likely looking to pick a fight. I have not seen the 3 male talk shows hosts that was referred to, if you have a link to their vids or a specific point about what they said then I would look at ALL of the shows with disdain and would want an apology. My specific point is that there are many people that are ignored because the idiots are louder. There are millions like me, who treat all people equally, and don't condone the crude remarks made by Sharon specifically.
forgive me but i don't know how to embed it.
@9:00 http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/video/Thursday-July-14-2011/1341018
Leno was a lot more crude and i think it's unfair for him to get away with it while we crucify sharon osbourne.
TIL: The world is unfair, bad and full of terrible people that don't get what they deserve. Oh wait, I already knew that!
As much as I dislike the behaviour, I don't get why you let it look like it's something "new" or something that never happened before when it is happening everyday. Does it really have to be on TV to get into common interest?
Right now there are kids getting raped, women, and men getting molested and tortured and people getting killed, dying of deseases and hunger. But it's not on TV so you don't care for it, right?
... Do you see what I did there? There are double standards and biases everywhere everytime. The world is full of these, personal preferences and other unfair shit. The world is just neither equal nor fair, not at all. It's just how people work and denying it is senseless since you can't stop doing it even if you tried. Just trying to do it includes some kind of bias and if you go even further you will set a new "double standard".
Yes sure what the woman did was against the law, but thats why we HAVE laws and she gets punished. These women in the tv show are dbags to some people here and they don't like them. Period. End of story.
I just watched the video and it is sick. How can you laugh about a matter like that? Do they not care about how the man feels about himself right now? The double standards with regards to a man doing similar acts to a woman is disgraceful. Bitches be crazy.
I hope this demented woman rots in jail for the rest of her life.
This talkshow is obviously for jokes, but still a crime like this is nothing to joke about. Normally I am not one of those ppl that scream "sexism against men, we poor men are repressed everywhere", but these jokes went way too far.
The mans live is destroyed and they joke about it.Thats like joking about female circumcision.
Sure a part of talkshows like this, that a bunch of strong women show fellow women that they can be strong and that they can punish men that treat them bad out of the fact that they are physically stronger. But a file for divorce is normal and endorsing criminal acts can never be ok. This should have consequences, at least that they apologize officially.
But Leah Remini is right, there is one case where I never would hate on a woman that cuts of a mans penis.
On July 26 2011 12:57 BlackJack wrote:Pretty sure every morning radio show talked about this news story in a jokingly away, at least the one I listened to did. Not really a controversy but props to Darlene for keeping it real  While I wasn't offended, what they were doing is the equivalent of joking about somebody being raped, and then excusing it as OK because hes a man. Infact I even think what she did was a worse crime than rape in my books. Some things just shouldn't be taken lightheartedly.
aggravated mayhem is a pretty serious crime, it's a life sentence for a reason. Any crime that serious is no joke. i mean what other crime can u think of with a life sentence? even some murder charges aren't life sentence. i'm sure the women on the talk had no idea the gravity of the crime they are joking about. the woman equivalent isn't even rape. its more like... if the man caught her cheating and decided to rape the girl with a knife, causing permanent damage or some other gruesome shi* like that
I guess I kinda see your problem here but I don't really mind.
The thing is that I easily see Colbert or another late night personality make an elaborate joke out of the guy who got his penis cut off. But if he would make a joke about a woman that got mutilated then he'd be in all kinds of trouble. That's why The Daily Show brings on their "woman correspondent" for certain topics.
To me this is a topic similar to racism. I don't mind mildly racist jokes as long as no party involved takes offense (like among friends who are of a different race) but as soon as even one person involved is even a bit serious about what gets said, it get's problematic fast. But making it a complete taboo just creates a bigger divide in my opinion.
edit: also wtf is with everybody saying that not even a man should make a joke about this? I understand that you demand some political correctness from TV personalities but comedians have been saying a lot less PC stuff. Plus who here doesn't see telling this story to some friends and one of them making a joke about it? You wouldn't be all offended by him, would you?
edit2: lol, that's weird that they make fun of a guy getting mutilated but they can't get themselves to say the word "rape" what's up with that? I guess they have editorial guidance to not talk about rape. But most of them do realize even during the joking that they probably shouldn't make fun of the poor fella.
i would kill her ... twice if i can.. or no no i will torture her like in movie martyrs
On July 26 2011 15:19 EternaL_9 wrote: Sexism at it's finest
but no one gives a shit because we're guys
i hate females.
I like how someone else put it, if a man did something similar to a woman NO ONE would laugh.. I'm thinking some group of guys should see this, make a show and report some assault happening to a women and then sit around and laugh like a bunch of jerk offs, THEN point to this exact clip and say "Now you know how we feel yo"
EDIT: I also wanted to say how I sympathize for this man, and I'm not even the type to be sympathetic at all. Losing your only friend you can trust (not the woman, I mean the penis) is a sad thing indeed.
On July 26 2011 19:16 untilMay wrote: EDIT: I also wanted to say how I sympathize for this man, and I'm not even the type to be sympathetic at all. Losing your only friend you can trust (not the woman, I mean the penis) is a sad thing indeed. I don't trust my penis one bit. He's got me into some awkward situations plus he's always a dick
why do the women in the video laugh?there is NOTHING funny about it, should men laugh when girls get raped? wtf...........im pretty pissed now, this thread/video officially ruined my day,.
On July 26 2011 12:58 MethodSC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2011 12:56 ziggurat wrote: Why would anyone be upset by this? It's obviously just joking around. How many people would see it as joking if a bunch of men were sitting around a table and joking about a man that had cut off his wife's boobs and clit because she wanted a divorce? Doubles standards exist in this world, because we let them. Pointing out hypocrisy is a must.
That's it.