On October 16 2004 05:39 deTwisj wrote: Anyone who is dutch and reads the newspaper "Algemeen Dagblad" will know that they also conducted a similar experiment with McD (without their knowladge) and came to the conclusion that while McD's menu's does serve "unhealthy" food; that if someone takes care in what he orders, there isn't that much to be afraid about. Like Liquid`Oaral said, u can either eat 1 fairly large menu or you can eat 3 super size McD menu's.
Edit: I just tried to look up the article but unfortunately you either have to be subscribed to read it or pay-per-view.
Anyway, if anyone keeps their newspapers or wants to look himself, here's some specifics about the article (like name and which newspaper/catagory its from)
"Foute boodschap" Trefpunt,zaterdag 14 augustus 2004 Loved the article, it pretty much proved that McDonalds isn't the 'bad guy' here, it's what the peson that walks in orders. It also proved that you can eat sort of 'health food' at McD, or at least more than the fat greasy stuff, they got salades
yeah sure, and guns don't kill people. people with guns kill people. whatever. obviously americans prove that it doesn't work that way. - oh and eating salads for a month is no prob => vegetarians.
The movie was good and pretty funny too - I liked the part where he's asking the people what a calorie is.
It amazed me how the guy could eat at MCD for one month. I have to puke from one buger!!!!!!!
On October 16 2004 06:10 Fedaykin wrote: Show nested quote +On October 16 2004 05:39 deTwisj wrote: Anyone who is dutch and reads the newspaper "Algemeen Dagblad" will know that they also conducted a similar experiment with McD (without their knowladge) and came to the conclusion that while McD's menu's does serve "unhealthy" food; that if someone takes care in what he orders, there isn't that much to be afraid about. Like Liquid`Oaral said, u can either eat 1 fairly large menu or you can eat 3 super size McD menu's.
Edit: I just tried to look up the article but unfortunately you either have to be subscribed to read it or pay-per-view.
Anyway, if anyone keeps their newspapers or wants to look himself, here's some specifics about the article (like name and which newspaper/catagory its from)
"Foute boodschap" Trefpunt,zaterdag 14 augustus 2004 Loved the article, it pretty much proved that McDonalds isn't the 'bad guy' here, it's what the peson that walks in orders. It also proved that you can eat sort of 'health food' at McD, or at least more than the fat greasy stuff, they got salades 
Yeah I read that article too. It just proves that if you make sane and conscious choices, you don't have to worry about McDonalds making you fat, because they do offer healthier food as well
I believe that guy lost like 6 kg too in that month if i remember correctly.
Problem is that it is much easier to get inexpensive food that is bad for you quickly than food that is good for you.
The world is becoming overpopulated.
So let people fill up on unhealthy food, be it Mcdondalds BK Dominos Coca Cola or candy. they will have heart problems and the world population goes down. 
But seriously. I dont like the idea of Mcdondalds or other internationlal chains. Peru as a country has an excelent culinary culture. However America has "americanized" the world through franchises and countries like Peru loose a little bit of their identity. Its modern conquest. Its not done through wars but economically dominant countries like USA export their brands all over the world.
god im sick of mcdick. i only eat it if theres no food in the house.
high fat can be habit forming.. high salt can be habit forming.. high sugars can be habit forming. they have bee exploiting this for years, knowing it is "habvity forming" and knowing it is bad for our bodies. kind of like the tobacco companies. and they probably kept their knowledge of the addictiveness to themselves as well
mc donalds also tries to upsell too so even if your ordering something healthy they might say a "like fries with that" and u might be tempted...
I love McDonalds and fast-food in general. [Note: I'm thin and athletic and very in shape. I work-out, but there's nothing better than some fries, a shake, and a big freakin' burger]
I've read "Fast Food Nation" and watched several documentaries on America's fast-food frenzy, but in conclusion I have found that America, in general, is merely concerned with passing the buck. By that I mean that Americans are not willing to accept the fact that they are fat because they ate too effing much.
Fast food industries don't make you fat -- you make yourself fat by over-eating it in large porportions. Sure, the food isn't healthy, but no one makes you eat it. It's reminiscent of that whole reminiscent argument: Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
razorblade, what do you eat at mcdonalds? are you assuming that it is normal and possible for everyone to eat regularly at mcdonalds and be thin and athletic and very in shape like you?
On October 16 2004 19:52 STIMEY d okgm fish wrote: razorblade, what do you eat at mcdonalds? are you assuming that it is normal and possible for everyone to eat regularly at mcdonalds and be thin and athletic and very in shape like you?
Yes , it's called genetics , I have it also
Yes, it is possible for me to do that. Not to mention the fact that I work out and do not over-eat, eat McDonald's (or other fast food places), or other unhealthy foods, in large quantities. In short, I watch what I eat -- a healthy lifestyle (working out) and diet largel contribute to my good health and athleticism.
That's what I'm saying. And usually, at McDonald's, I order the Big and Tasty Super-sized. The point is, I eat this type of food rarely and work out regardless of what I'm eating. As I said, healthy lifestyle and diet are the key.
okay so you said it yourself. you eat mcdonalds in large quantities. i hope in your next life you get less convenient genes so you can have someone bitch at you while giant companies are banking on influencing you, before you are even old enough to be held responsible for your actions, for not eating too much or buying the wrong foods or not working out as much as you etc.
i hope you stay addicted to that mcdonalds and die of aheart attack at 40 with your abs of steel
On October 16 2004 21:19 STIMEY d okgm fish wrote: okay so you said it yourself. you eat mcdonalds in large quantities. i hope in your next life you get less convenient genes so you can have someone bitch at you while giant companies are banking on influencing you, before you are even old enough to be held responsible for your actions, for not eating too much or buying the wrong foods or not working out as much as you etc.
i hope you stay addicted to that mcdonalds and die of aheart attack at 40 with your abs of steel
Can you read? Here is what I said:
"Not to mention the fact that I work out and do not over-eat, eat McDonald's (or other fast food places), or other unhealthy foods, in large quantities."
"And usually when I eat at McDonald's I order the Big and Tasty Super-sized."
". . I eat this type of food rarely and regardless of what I eat I work out."
Simply because I said I eat the Big and Tasty Super-sized (when I even do eat there -- see above quote, as it is a rarity; also, stop being so intolerable) doesn't mean I eat "McDonald's in large quantities." Why don't you re-read everything I just posted, which I conveniently bolded for you this time in hopes that you might grasp it.
I am pretty sure if you eat the same food everyday no matter what it is you will get in trouble. Even if it is "healthy" food. If all you ate was salads for that amount of time you would be in just as much trouble from the lack of certain vitiams/minerals.
well ok i misread ur post, but u also ignored most of what i said.. so fuck you
i dont remember your post being like that, or being underlined, but it doesnt say you edited it, and i would hate to think some admin is helping you be gay, so ill let this one slide
so you never overeat and never ate mcdonalds very frequently. god for you. mcdonalds isnt targetting you and exploiting you and maximizing u. believe it or not, mcdonalds has regular customers. and i would like to think that most of those customers did not enter into that arrangement completely by their own circumstance; they were bombarded with advertising, found mcdonalds to fit into their busy schedule, and wow, mcdonalds is so close to them and buys the land driving smaller companies out of business etc. people know the shit is "bad for them", but they dont think it's addictive. imagine if something that was marketted to you, that you used because of your circumstance, was addictive and the company knew it and kept this from the public, even tweaked it to maximize addictiveness and try to advertise to get people into it? you dont think they are liable at all? you want a world where giant companies are trying to do this to everyone at every turn? just because you have nice routines and habits doesnt mean everyone has them. many "fatties" learned bad eating habits as children or have a different chemical balance than you. so you are being an asshole, blaming people for having a different developmental environment and/or different genes in many cases. it is very mean. just because you are not fat does not mean that you could overcome what every fat person must to become like you.
On October 16 2004 02:45 Art_Of_Rizzoni wrote: Has anybody thought about the cultural aspect of MacD? I mean, i think there's something basically wrong with being able to buy the same crap all over the world like that. Think about it, the tendensy is everywere with coca cola and seven elleven to. It's called monoculture and I think it's a lot scarier than fat americans. Thats why i boycott MacD, 7/11, and CocaCola company. International bastards with no business morals. I mean come on, we got people from singapore and Finalnd discussing what the different product costs, I mean WTF... And I i think maybe the diffuculty in boycotting CocaCola company is almost a reason to do in itself. EVERTHING is CocaCola company, it's like everywhere and it's slowly but surely taking my national identity away from me. Pluss they make americans and an increasing amount of norwegians fat, lazy and passive. Also, check out the commersials from a critical point of view, they all say: "Buy crap, be happy!" or "Buy crap, get pussy!" Comments? No, I'm not a commie.
Have you wondered that we (from all over the world) are here in this forum mainly because of one of these "international bastards" and one of their "monoculture" products?
On October 16 2004 06:01 wheretogo wrote: I dunno why chinese like McDonalds so much.
u do, we dont thx