STIMEY d okgm fish
I wasn't "fat" bashing. I'm not fat-bashing. All these excuses people make for their obesity simply amuses and irritates me enormously. In the end, you take the decision to eat, not the companies. For Jesus Christ's sake, some people really act like this shit is Cocaine or something. I reallly love how you continue to blame "The Companies."
I also wasn't aware I have a "fan base," but if people recognize a well-thought out retort, then so be it. I also didn't make up anything -- people can look back at the thread if they so care. In my case, I really just don't care. I was done with you when you stooped to the childish "Fcuk you" and "A-hole."
[Edit, and as another note: People can find out the ingredients of a McDonald's hamburger anywhere -- you know, for all those "harmful" substances that the evil corporations like them are hiding from the public eye, lololol.]
Canada9103 Posts
By the way, I don't see who Stimey expects to convince with his posts when they are full of childish insults. Any value that his arguments might have -- assuming anyone bothers to read them at all -- is completely lost as a result of the overall immature level of his post. I don't think it's funny or impressive for someone to mock their opponent after every few sentences: I think it's a very childish and disrespectful thing to do.
Maybe if Rayzorblade's arguments were ludicrous and his attitude careless and egotistic, then I could see how being disrespectful to a horrible debater like that could be justifyable. But Rayzor's posts have been quite the opposite: I don't think his arguments are unreasonable, and he has conducted himself in a very self-controlled and mature fashion. Maybe his position is wrong, but the fact remains that he has been neither stupid nor irrational nor indecent in his posts. Therefore, I believe he deserves a good level of respect: a level of respect that is mountains higher than what Stimey gives him in his retorts. Furthermore, Stimey is therefore totally out of place to be spewing insults and other filth at Rayzor.
Of course, this is not a one-time incident but rather one of many. Stimey consistently shows anyone he disagrees with total and utter disrespect on these forums -- regardless of whether that individual warrants it by their own incompetence, or whether their behaviour is deserving of respect and consideration. He has been warned to stop; he has not stopped. If he cannot learn to show respect for others even when he is in disagreement with them -- which appears to be the case -- then I do not think that he should be allowed to continue posting here and bringing the entire forum level down. Rayzor does not deserve to be treated like this, Pat did not deserve to be treated like this, and I'm sure that if Stimey is allowed to stay, then many others will end up being treated in the same derogatory and ridiculous way.
Russian Federation4447 Posts
Man, out of the 200 new posters within the last few weeks, Rayzorblade is the only one that impresses me. Give the man VODS!!! 
I also wasn't aware I have a "fan base,"
you do now.
Anyways, I think companies and consumers are both responsible for this. I believe consumers are mostly to blame because the decision to go to McDonalds and purchase that Big Mac is ultimately their decision, not McDonalds. Im willing to bet everyone in America and Canada (51st state) with half a brain knows that McDonalds is unhealthy for them (Anyone who does think McDonalds is healthy prolly thinks 1+1= 11 so they are generally hopeless anyways).
I also blame the McDonalds for their continuous mind numbing advertising about how good their product is. Im sick and tired of these McDonalds commercials week after week trying to make their image look good and to a certain degree brainwash us. Believe it or not, they wouldn't be spending millions and millions of dollars on advertising if it didn't bring back even more money. People are being subconsciously brainwashed whether they like it or not.
For example, whats the first name that pops into your head when I say the word "A Razor Blade"?
Mine is Gillette. The last time I walked into a pharmaprix looking for a razor blade I bought a Gillette one. Thanks to advertising (Gillette Starleague), they have successfully bought a new customer (me) and I didnt even consciously know it. Gillette would have never spent a dime advertising this OGN league if they new I wouldnt be effected by their advertising.
Corporations know full well of what they are doing, greed is what corrupts people into doing whatever they can, no matter if the social/environmental effects are negative, to make more money.
But again, its ultimately your choice to go into McDonalds.
EDIT: Even tabacco companies. Look who sponsors the grand prix races all over the world? Players, Marlboro, etc. They put their name wherever they can to make sure you see it. So the next time you walk into a depanneur, you are subconsciously thinking of their product.
Russian Federation4447 Posts
Bill, did you nuke stimey!?!?!?
i just went back and checked it and he's nuked.
On October 18 2004 20:27 Tien wrote:
Mine is Gillette. The last time I walked into a pharmaprix looking for a razor blade I bought a Gillette one. Thanks to advertising (Gillette Starleague), they have successfully bought a new customer (me) and I didnt even consciously know it. Gillette would have never spent a dime advertising this OGN league if they new I wouldnt be effected by their advertising.
haha! exactly~ in korea when ShoCK saw my gilette products (mach3 turbo, shaving gel, and aftershave), he asked "because of ogn starleague?" and I said "of course~"
Russian Federation4447 Posts
hehe, they supported Broodwar, its the least we can do to support them .
Rayzorblade your posts made me feel hot, really. those were some sexy posts!
oh yeah! give the man the vods!! this is really contributing.
i heard caffine's addictive, let's make it illegal.
i wonder if stimey is OrangeTerran in disguise
On October 18 2004 23:53 XG3 wrote: i wonder if stimey is OrangeTerran in disguise
sometimes i do too
It would explain his passion surrounding fatness
i am a vegaterian. dont eat red.i only eat broiler.i have a broiler comp.
On October 19 2004 03:01 ssregitoss wrote: i am a vegaterian. dont eat red.i only eat broiler.i have a broiler comp.
... wtf does that mean
life would have no sense without red meat...
My body actually rejects McDonalds, with the only exception when I'm drunk or hungover since the body is then used to a lot of crap :p
I've been more or less disgusted by McD offerings for years now. I rarely touch fast food at all to be honest, except an occasional kebab once in a while.
i have alot of money and eat at nice places or cook good food here at home mcdonalds is like dirt, really trash food. 100% agree with the things you say rayzor well said.
yes in america there are really many fat people
its funny you guys mention subway.............i won't recommand it..........i know because i used to work there...i seen what happen behind the the scenes...