On October 15 2004 18:33 LasT[a2] wrote: If you ask me, I'd say food that people eat in asia and such are the healthiest compared to western MCDONALDS (OHH GOD, STOP SAYING IT! T_T) and crap.
You're probably right, but only parts of Asia. A lot of Chinese food is just as bad for you as McD's  The countries like Japan that eat a lot of fish are probably best off.
Good movie, I also recommend reading Fast Foot Nation
MURICA15980 Posts
Yeah, I really want to see this movie as well as read Fast Food Nation. I've all sorts of cool facts quoted from that book, and I've always wanted to read it but never got around to it.
But it's pretty obvious how bad for you fast food is, but I guess it takes things like this to convince you to not eat it. :o
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wtf if people know its bad just dont eat it, cant blame mc donalds because it made you fat you could just make lunch yourself or have a salad it's that simple.
I've read Fast Food nation and it certainly made me realize not only the unhealthiness of fast food but the troubles of people who work for this industries.It's especialy bad for the people in the slaughterhouses. They get paid little and often will lose arms and legs. One especialy disturbing part pointed out some guy who drowned in a fucking lard tub. That just got to me.
So yea, that discouraged me from eating fast food for a while, although I still do it sometimes. Maybe I'm just resigned to the fact that it was always like that. Maybe I realize that probaly all the food I eat had these kind of terrible circumstances. I was always unforunately dependent on fast food since I can't cook. Although I rarely eat at Mcdonald's anymore; Their shit is overpriced and small.
McD ice-cream costs 25cents in my country and the closest outlet is 3min from where i stay. There are some days where you JUST have crazings for fast food and after that 'fix', dun touch fast food for like 2 months? And yes, McD's servings are very little...shouldn't be called 'big' mac anymore.
this is also a reason y ppl hate cooking learn to love it pls =P its more healthy (duh!)
if he had eaten kfc for the month instead of mcdonalds he would have died
Has anybody thought about the cultural aspect of MacD? I mean, i think there's something basically wrong with being able to buy the same crap all over the world like that. Think about it, the tendensy is everywere with coca cola and seven elleven to. It's called monoculture and I think it's a lot scarier than fat americans. Thats why i boycott MacD, 7/11, and CocaCola company. International bastards with no business morals. I mean come on, we got people from singapore and Finalnd discussing what the different product costs, I mean WTF... And I i think maybe the diffuculty in boycotting CocaCola company is almost a reason to do in itself. EVERTHING is CocaCola company, it's like everywhere and it's slowly but surely taking my national identity away from me. Pluss they make americans and an increasing amount of norwegians fat, lazy and passive. Also, check out the commersials from a critical point of view, they all say: "Buy crap, be happy!" or "Buy crap, get pussy!" Comments? No, I'm not a commie.
what's so stupid about that guy, his ideas, what he did, and his book, is that fast food isn't meant to be eaten everyday, it's meant to be eaten when you've got no time to make a real meal.. too bad the rest of US doesn't realize that either..damn fatties
duisguisting, eat more vegetable and fruit
it's scary and not hard to believe
Mc Donalds is ok if you dont eat often there, i mean if you feel like a hamburger go but if you go there everyday you will get fat, so DONT!
162 Posts
I liked the movie. But it's not like the guy is eating a standard mc donalds dinner. He is eating 3 large/super sized meals a day for a month straight. I mean if he would drink cola light and eat only one fairly large mc donalds meal a day he could be at < 3200 calories a day. With proper excersize you will hardly gain any weight if you eat 3200 calories a day.
The documentary has certainly affected me, but it doesnt proove anything about the mac donalds. I mean the bottom line is: taking more than 5000 calories every day will make you fat. And that doesnt suprise anyone I think.
I used to go to BK all the time (like five times a week).. I would have a chicken whopper with no mayo and two bottles of water 
I seen this documentry and it's quite good. I guess this guy proved what 'everybody' knew.. eating McD three times a day will do you a lot of damage If you haven't seen it he would go to McDs for breakfast/lunch/evening meal and if they asked him if he would like supersize he would have to say yes.
Anyone who is dutch and reads the newspaper "Algemeen Dagblad" will know that they also conducted a similar experiment with McD (without their knowladge) and came to the conclusion that while McD's menu's does serve "unhealthy" food; that if someone takes care in what he orders, there isn't that much to be afraid about. Like Liquid`Oaral said, u can either eat 1 fairly large menu or you can eat 3 super size McD menu's.
Edit: I just tried to look up the article but unfortunately you either have to be subscribed to read it or pay-per-view.
Anyway, if anyone keeps their newspapers or wants to look himself, here's some specifics about the article (like name and which newspaper/catagory its from)
"Foute boodschap" Trefpunt,zaterdag 14 augustus 2004
Try eat only salad for a month and you wont be feeling so good either... Try to eat only one thing of anything for a month and you wont feel so good.
This proves shit
I dunno why chinese like McDonalds so much.