On August 24 2010 16:58 ggrrg wrote: - sueing her employer (for whatever reason) omg... good luck starting a lawsuit when you have no money. In most justice systems around the world it is of far lesser importance who is right than who has more money.
you misread, mister Bulgarian. its the other way around. that's the situation that makes her say that she hopes to go to jail
what i don't understand is how anybody could look at this poor woman's situation and NOT be for helping out her and everyone like her.
On August 24 2010 15:03 w_Ender_w wrote: Yeah, Obama is really going to save us! I mean, he already bailed out all those failed companies so their CEO's could shit on gold toilets. Then he was nice enough to pass health care reform, which has done nothing except make it so I can be thrown in jail and fined if I don't want to buy health insurance.
Health insurance is also a hell of a lot cheaper now because of the healthcare bill's passage. Humana's standard went down from $800 a month to $100 a month, for example.
I am so sick and tired of Americans who think that people are poor because they chose to be that way.
Its the exact same reasoning from the days of segregation in the South where whites actually believed that the blacks didn't go to ball games or restaurants because they chose not to do so.
And who the fuck would choose not to have health insurance. What a silly talking point.
Yeah, those 12 million Americans chose not to buy it, that's the reason they go without.
I hope a charity is started to help this woman sort out her arm. It is a tough world and we do have to work/make more intelligent decisions to not land us in a spot akin to hers... but I believe becoming aware of her situation makes us somewhat responsible for it.
Hmm, those are some pretty terrible life choices. I'm sure for minimum wage you could get a job picking up shit on the side of the freeway, and at least you wouldn't be handling toxic waste. Similarly, we've all known smoking is a terrible choice since the 70's. Sounds like 1 of millions of cases of people who don't take care of themselves and expect "the system" to pick up their slack.
nothing will ever change so whats the point of trying, the only thing helping people realize the truth will do is... oh wait. lets hope that actually happens someday... maybe the soldiers will side with us.
Heres food for thought, I would never go join the military in fear of war, but if the war was against government then fuck yeah I would definitely be in the military.. So strange now that I think about it. :o
On August 24 2010 16:16 Drowsy wrote: +1, this sob story is just retarded. Why should somebody who's voluntarily subjected themselves to that many health risks "deserve" to be insured? Did anyone put a gun to her head and force her to work handling toxic waste or coerce her into using cigarette? The fact that she was willing to shoot herself in addition to her profession and smoking habit might just reveal that she has some serious self destructive tendencies. As an insurance company, or better yet a taxpayer, I wouldn't want somebody with these kind of proclivities to have health insurance. If it's a big enough deal to her she's willing to shoot herself, it's a big enough deal for her to rethink her life a bit and maybe get a different job with health insurance.
The discussion isn't going to go anywhere as long as people continue to unironically think this women makes $8/hour handling toxic waste as if this is her dream job. People do what's necessary to make rent.
On August 24 2010 22:31 Galois wrote: Lexpar, I want to reach through my monitor and punch your stupid bitch ass in the face.
You sir are one righteous dude. So glad to know that people like you are "better" than everyone else in this country.
You're god damned right I am.
For God's sake, a woman had to fucking shoot herself in order to get medical attention.
It is a rare kind of person who could push themselves that far for help. Hell, I doubt that I could ever push myself to put myself through her pain. But the fact that a human being — an AMERICAN — arrived at the conclusion that they had to fucking shoot themselves for a chance of having at least an ounce of medical attention should bring absolute and utmost feelings of shame to every single man, woman, and child who hears her story.
and I say that anyone who does not feel this way is a sinner!
sob story is retarded. health care system in the US is convoluted and needs massive reform it's a shame that nothing will ever change in this country. the business's have all the power, and most US ppl are too goddamn lazy to affect policy by threatening their representatives with a unified front to kick them out of office. oh well.
On August 24 2010 22:46 Floophead_III wrote: People shouldn't have to make $8/hour handling toxic waste if they didn't sit around smoking dope for 35 years.
This is America, there is no excuse why anybody ever should have that kind of job at her age.
People like this are not the norm, not average joes, and not upstanding citizens trying to make a living.
And why the hell does she have 6 kids on $8 an hour? Hello, people! Welfare queen!
And the fact that the press covers this makes me even angrier.
and you are one of many self righteous pricks that helps situations that need change stay the same.
oh, they could get better jobs, blah blah blah blah blah, their own damn fault.
not always the case.
have you ever tried starting your own business, self employed insurance rates are some of the craziest prices. family of two with decent insurance, no smoking history, healthy is above 2000+ a month with decent coverage.
there ARE jobs that provide jack shit for health insurance, the corporations skimping out.
just because YOU are well off doesn't mean that everyone has the same opportunity.
i find it idiotic that this country can shit money through earmarking, senseless wars and bailouts of financial corporations that deserve to fail but don't have the common sense to join the rest of the first nation worlds in helping out their ordinary citizens with providing decent health coverage.
japan, germany, canada, england, etc etc etc all provide health care but the US runs like a second world nation, if you have the money you can get top notch healthcare, otherwise you better learn how to milk the system
On August 24 2010 22:46 Floophead_III wrote: People shouldn't have to make $8/hour handling toxic waste if they didn't sit around smoking dope for 35 years.
This is America, there is no excuse why anybody ever should have that kind of job at her age.
People like this are not the norm, not average joes, and not upstanding citizens trying to make a living.
And why the hell does she have 6 kids on $8 an hour? Hello, people! Welfare queen!
And the fact that the press covers this makes me even angrier.
How do you know her mother wasnt a crackhead, and her father a an abusive husband who didnt abuse both of them before killing himself, and her mother at the age of 10.. I mean c'mon bro people have fucked up shit to deal with not everyone has picture perfect homes with wealthy lifestyles and role models that teach them all this shit, half the people i know today are in their adult stages trying to find out what the fuck is what, I mean we all can talk, but doing and speaking about it are always and will never change from being two totally different things. Maybe thats why she didn't finish school, or maybe she did, but had children, just because abortions exist, don't mean people believe in it. Some people are very old fashioned, once your pregnant you don't kill the child. You go and find whatever work you can to help this child survive, and her home seemed nice, a big house and a basement so she can't be doing that bad aside from US just being selfish on helping its citizens.
How come she did have money for guns but not for her own fucking health? She chose an unhealthy habit and occupation, she should bear the consequences. I find it hilarious that she expects other people to pay thousand dollars a month for her own idiocy. Manage your life and money better, bitch, don't expect other people to fix your shit, cause they WON'T. By the way, I heard shooting yourself in the head cures cancer better than in the shoulders.
> Just one more story that makes it totally unbelievable and even disgusting to me that there still are Americans who deeply refuse a health care reform. I'm pretty sure this sorry excuse of a sob story has the completely opposite effect. Is this from The Onion?
On August 24 2010 22:46 Floophead_III wrote: People shouldn't have to make $8/hour handling toxic waste if they didn't sit around smoking dope for 35 years.
This is America, there is no excuse why anybody ever should have that kind of job at her age.
People like this are not the norm, not average joes, and not upstanding citizens trying to make a living.
And why the hell does she have 6 kids on $8 an hour? Hello, people! Welfare queen!
And the fact that the press covers this makes me even angrier.
So, reading this post, it's pretty clear that you're in college or younger, right? How many people do you know well who have even been alive for 35 years? I'm guessing it ain't a lot. If I'm wrong, feel free to let me know, but I won't hold my breath.
Why would you publish this post? You literally know nothing about this woman, and you literally have no idea why and how she wound up with her job or her injuries. Those are some pretty fucked up things to say that you just wrote.
By the way, "youngest of six childs [sic]" doesn't mean "has 6 kids."