well the thing that makes it seem like it must be legit is that he posted before going in, then waited 2 years and posted the story.
I guess it could be a troll, but wow, what a ridiculously elaborate setup to go through. Maybe he needed that two years to twirl his mustache and study up for his big moment.
(I know you're saying there's no source, It's just a joke, you don't need to correct me.)
On July 18 2010 11:58 Batch wrote: First of all I think what you describe is horrible but these gang members wouldn't have done what they did if they wheren't affected by environment. I bet that none of them would do what they did if they where alone and in a different environment.
Since you were a in Iraq then you probably heard of or seen fellow american soldiers doing thing they never would have done at home. The environment we live in shapes us.
How should the gang members get rehabilitated? By moving them from their environment and letting them get a chance to make themselves a better life. Give them prison time as a punishment but avoid cutting their chances to come back into the society.
Ok, find a good way to rehabilitate a people who willingly eat underage rape/murder victims to join a gang of rapists and murderers and Ill go find God and shit out a rainbow while im at it.
Listen, I would agree with you if there was a surefire way to rehabilitate these people. Sure, there are means for rehabilitating certain criminals. Alcoholics and addicts and such people who, in general, have problems with self control can and should be helped. But when it comes to people who knowingly commit such high felonies as murder and rape repeatedly, do you seriously think they can be rehabilitated? Furthermore, there is never a guaranteed way to rehabilitate. Are you willing to risk letting these gang members out again after an attempted rehabilitation? If they regress back to committing felonies, you can bet the general public is going to be outraged at your shortsighted idealism, as they should be. There are so many people in our society who are honest and hardworking citizens, why should we be obligated to spend their tax dollars to the help people might not be curable?
Yes, soldiers in Iraq do things they wouldnt normally do. Should they not be accountable just because theyre in a bad environment? The answer is a resounding NO, simply because there are so many others who are in the same situation who DONT commit those atrocious acts. Furthermore, the analogy is bad because the soldiers are in a warzone while the gangsters are in our civilian environment. If the gangsters do these things in a civilian environment where countless of others around them in the same environment dont need to rape and murder to pass their time, I dont see why people would get teary eyed thinking about these people being locked away for life, or even put on death row. Think if your daughter was one of their victims, would you be saying "Please take these guys away to be rehabilitated and released into the public again"?
The biggest difference is crimes of passion and premeditated crimes. If we were talking about a crime of passion, then I would be more inclined to agree with you that rehabilitation should be the primary goal. The gangsters described here, though, seem to get their jollies from causing pain the innocent girls over and over again. Forget about rehabilitation, they need to be taken out of society. Then you can work towards fixing the environment.
Remember there are multiple reasons that we send people to prison.
1. To remove them from society.
2. To rehabilitate them.
3. To punish them for their crimes.
All I have to say tbh. Some of the arguments in this thread are ridiculous.
Is it the environment what makes a con, or the cons who make the environment? This needs to be cleared up IMO before any progress can be made on this discussion. Maybe it is a never-ending cycle.
On July 20 2010 21:22 Sarasin wrote: Remember there are multiple reasons that we send people to prison.
1. To remove them from society.
2. To rehabilitate them.
3. To punish them for their crimes.
All I have to say tbh. Some of the arguments in this thread are ridiculous.
this is bullshit. No way you can be rehabilitated by spending time in jail. Simply doesn't work. Those who won't commit more crimes and regret their actions didn't get that way from being in jail. those who are just going to do it again will not change no matter how much jail time they do.
How are you supposed to learn to be a functioning, contributing member of society from being in jail?
The OP said it himself. The career crims don't give a damn about jail, they think of it as something that goes with the job.
Jail however works wonders at deterring people like the OP, too bad it fuck them up for life.
very very very nice read ... thx for this
On July 20 2010 15:37 bleh wrote: well the thing that makes it seem like it must be legit is that he posted before going in, then waited 2 years and posted the story.
I guess it could be a troll, but wow, what a ridiculously elaborate setup to go through. Maybe he needed that two years to twirl his mustache and study up for his big moment.
(I know you're saying there's no source, It's just a joke, you don't need to correct me.)
imo I think its 99% chance that he went to prison.
But just because he went to prison doesn't mean he didn't embellish the truth :p.
You can't find the original thread cuz its on a chan, their boards delete all inactive threads after a very short amount of time.
The thing about storing tablets in your thigh freaked me out. >.>
man this really really makes you realize why you never want to go to prison, and how much we really take for grantid =d
Great story. I live around Grand Rapids, so that whole bit adds to it. I can totally see how coming back to Michigan from Australia would drive anyone crazy.
Just sayin', America has some of the highest recidivism rates in the world and most of that is attributed to our horrible justice system and our prisons. We should seriously just copy/paste what some European countries are doing.
[only read first few pages 2 days ago and last 3 today]
I see people talk about rehabilitation and what prisons are for. Sarasin, you are mistaken. Prisons are made solely for punishment. Rehabilitate what? who? how? Some have genuinely made a mistake, some can't live by the rules of society but we treat all offenders the same way(oh yeah unless they're black dudes) even though we can tell them apart quite successfully. Same goes for keeping them away from society, we decide who can come back and who cannot by the crime committed not by their psychology.
Rehabilitation is largely refuted by science(lol having studied psychology I can't say it is truly science!) people have a criminal mind or they don't. Even children. You can spot them easily and there is nothing you can do about it currently, the law says you have to give them a chance even if you could bet money that they will offend within x years. It is wishful thinking at it's finest. In my opinion we need to change the system significantly. Sentences should be very short or not even prison sentences at all regardless of crime, or life for obvious psychos. Tailor them to the criminal, not the crime.
This must have been written by B.E.E himself. Brilliant.
And hats off to you, OP, for your resolute concealment of Glamorama and preventing what was sure to be a shitstorm of a riot.
"Rehabilitation is largely refuted by science(lol having studied psychology I can't say it is truly science!) people have a criminal mind or they don't."
Where exactly did you study psychology? On your television? An incredibly small percentage of people who commit crimes do so because their brains don't function normally, or because they have a "criminal mind" as you put it, which in ACTUAL scientific terms is most likely a prefrontal cortex which is underdeveloped or damaged in some way, inhibiting the person's ability to determine correct social behaviour, resulting in Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Most criminals are a product of their social and economic environments, and learned behaviour can absolutely be reversed with the proper treatment (which doesn't involve shoving them in a box with hundreds of murderers).
awesome read, thanks. my roommate from university is currently serving a 2 year sentence in his home country (azerbaijan). hopefully the prisons there are better than the ones they have here :[
Holy cow, that read made me sick.
Whats with all the vindictive people. No one deserves treatment like that. ( well maybe a few )
But seriously how hard would it be to setup some basic services so prisoners can get an education and a chance of bettering themselves. Besides might give them something to do instead of getting high/wasted.
I do not have the numbers but i bet a lot of those people in prison he was talking about were not born into the best conditions, maybe give them a chance and teach them to do something.
so did homeboy stop posting/answering questions ? direct link to his thread would be good
On July 22 2010 06:37 DevAzTaYtA wrote: awesome read, thanks. my roommate from university is currently serving a 2 year sentence in his home country (azerbaijan). hopefully the prisons there are better than the ones they have here :[ http://humanrightshouse.org/Articles/6203.html whats he in for?
On July 22 2010 08:45 Molkovien wrote: Holy cow, that read made me sick.
Whats with all the vindictive people. No one deserves treatment like that. ( well maybe a few )
But seriously how hard would it be to setup some basic services so prisoners can get an education and a chance of bettering themselves. Besides might give them something to do instead of getting high/wasted.
I do not have the numbers but i bet a lot of those people in prison he was talking about were not born into the best conditions, maybe give them a chance and teach them to do something. I think the problem with giving the criminals a chance to educate themselves while in prison wouldn't work very well in the US where everyone actually have to pay for their own studies. If they started to provide free education to criminals then there would be a lot of angry reactions.
In countries where you don't have to pay for your education I think this would be a good idea to steer prisoners away from further criminal activities.