Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks.
When you declare variables without pointers in c++, they are indeed analogous to being "chunks of space in memory, in a line". These variables are stored on the stack. However, dynamic arrays, allocated with the new keyword, are stored in the heap. The heap can be viewed as a vast chunk of available memory, whereas the stack is comparatively limited. Compilers handle the details of heap storage differently, but when you declare an array of 120 items, the metadata of that memory is stored somewhere. The new keyword returns a pointer to the start of the array, but the compiler maintains information about how many elements that array contains, such that when you delete[], everything ends up fine and dandy.
For more information, google/wiki stack vs heap memory.
Programming is no "get rich fast" scheme, it requires a lot of dedication, hard work and _experience_. Yes, you can become a web designer by copy-pasting a lot of stuff together, a child could do that. However, you will need a lot more time for everything than an experienced programmer, which means in the end you will have to provide your services either for more money than your competitors or work around minimum wage (or below) anyways.
Mark Zuckerberg would beg to differ
Don't take me literally, I'm just saying that its possible to get rich fast - especially if you have other programmers to leech off of.
So I'm wrapping up the design of my first website, and so far it's functional for what it needs to do.It will be a while before I actually launch it, as I still have much to learn, but where to from here? Primarily, for a blog site (say, like, how would I go about integrating a form submission for new articles, letting me add my new content automatically instead of more or less hardcoding new pages? Does this require database integration?
I'm curious about Comment and message board features as well. I'd rather learn how to do this myself rather than pay extra.
On April 25 2012 06:36 holdthephone wrote: So I'm wrapping up the design of my first website, and so far it's functional for what it needs to do.It will be a while before I actually launch it, as I still have much to learn, but where to from here? Primarily, for a blog site (say, like, how would I go about integrating a form submission for new articles, letting me add my new content automatically instead of more or less hardcoding new pages? Does this require database integration?
I'm curious about Comment and message board features as well. I'd rather learn how to do this myself rather than pay extra.
Yes you will need a database for storing purposes and some server-side language such as PHP to be able to actually make the site dynamic. It is all very dependent on what you actually want to do, you could probably use JavaScript for the server side part if it isn't to complicated.
On March 27 2012 10:27 teamamerica wrote: Hey guys, I'm a pretty noob cs guy (2nd year of B.S) but I was wondering what you guys thought of this list of what every cs major should know. It pretty comprehensive and something I'd like to refer to from time to time as a kind of checkoff list of things to learn.
If you know all of those things I doubt there is a company in the world that wouldn't hire you. We ask the people we are trying to hire to have about 1/4 of those requirements and still can't find them.
Pretty interesting. I read the K & R book and luckily I know and have experience with everything there except hash lookups, which I'll be writing this summer for use in projects next term. I'm also solid on the mathematics (take a ton at my college). Also taking multiple years of C++ and doing many large projects from scratch in C++. Have experience writing in Assembly as well, but not a whole lot. Would love to learn more but have to wait until 3rd year where we program an 8-bit microprocessor to run a game on a hand-held device. Going to be so fun! Hopefully I can apply what I learn on a side-project of creating a SNES game. Always been interesting in coding something for the SNES. Also have classes on operating systems and will be creating networking for game projects in C++. Many classes on graphics programming, AI, databases and data structures, there's a machine learning class though it's not on the required course sequence.
I read through that list, and I wonder, is that considered good for 3 years of study? I've always felt I don't learn anything near enough in my computer engineering degree to be properly useful for a company, but reading that list I know most of those, and the others I don't know I will have courses on soon (finishing up my 4th semester now). Though we focus heavily on Java as a language, only some tidbits of SQL, html, xml, assembly and so on. Generally, is whats on that list really that comprehensive and useful?
I was wondering if anyone can recommend some good ol textbooks to read that will sufficiently educate me in w.e programming language I wish to learn. A book that has enough knowledge and sufficient enough to make me to have skills to make me competitive in the..."software employment market?" I was looking for c++, python, and java for starters.
On April 30 2012 01:16 heroyi wrote: I was wondering if anyone can recommend some good ol textbooks to read that will sufficiently educate me in w.e programming language I wish to learn. A book that has enough knowledge and sufficient enough to make me to have skills to make me competitive in the..."software employment market?" I was looking for c++, python, and java for starters.
Any specific recommendations?
Check this site out, it has a lot of books that are highly recommended.
On April 30 2012 01:16 heroyi wrote: I was wondering if anyone can recommend some good ol textbooks to read that will sufficiently educate me in w.e programming language I wish to learn. A book that has enough knowledge and sufficient enough to make me to have skills to make me competitive in the..."software employment market?" I was looking for c++, python, and java for starters.
Any specific recommendations?
Check this site out, it has a lot of books that are highly recommended.
On April 30 2012 01:16 heroyi wrote: I was wondering if anyone can recommend some good ol textbooks to read that will sufficiently educate me in w.e programming language I wish to learn. A book that has enough knowledge and sufficient enough to make me to have skills to make me competitive in the..."software employment market?" I was looking for c++, python, and java for starters.
Any specific recommendations?
Check this site out, it has a lot of books that are highly recommended.
I found the video quite boring so I only watched about 4 minutes into it. That being said from what I did see he is correct and informative, he seems to have left out some tangentially related material like passing by reference and other small tidbits, but maybe I wasn't far enough in the video to get to the part that he talks about that. I would recommend experimenting with some of these things yourself to get a better idea of what they do and how they can be useful.
what are some good books that teaches you some advanced programming?
i've read a bit (not entirely) of 'introduction to algorithms', 'sicp', 'the c programming language', etc so i pretty much understand the basics of programming, but i wanna dive into making some 'larger' programs, so to speak.
ie programs that don't just spit out a few lines of data, but something like a text editor or a emulator, or w/e that can be used for real world value.
Hey folks, I'm looking to toy around with an Android web browser RPG (text based). It's not a professional project or anything, I just want to get some coding practice done. The Android app will be written in Java using the Eclipse IDE plugin for Android and I'm plenty familiar with it, but I haven't worked with web servers much.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good webhost? It doesn't need to be free, but cheap would be nice. I don't need much bandwidth, I just want no ads, and support for MySQL and whatever else I'll need to make a browser RPG (storing unique users and player characters, stats, equipment, dungeons, etc.).
Hey guys, I am doing my project and I am running into a compiler error I can't seem to fix. My error is 'ofstream' has not been declared, but when I included it in my header file it still gets the same error in the .cpp file.
On May 01 2012 03:29 powerbygood wrote: Hey guys, I am doing my project and I am running into a compiler error I can't seem to fix. My error is 'ofstream' has not been declared, but when I included it in my header file it still gets the same error in the .cpp file.
Have u included a "using namespace std;" at the top or the std:: prefix? (Making it std::ofstream)
@svi. Not to sound condescending, but advanced programming is in a perfect world the simple stuff on a larger scale. Otherwise someone has fucked up. One usually does.
The best way I've found is to simply decide that this is what I want to do and then do it. If you have a lack of imagination then copy a program and try to remake it better. Start out really simple (think bronze or silver league) and work from there. Just so that you can complete the project and not get fatigued. If you finish early then you can go ahead and rewrite it again properly, using all the lessons you've learned.
If you've got a talent for graphics, go that way. If you're a musician play with sounds. Organizational skills play with a database. Statistics or math, play with that kind a stuff. Just make sure you find it fun. If the time flies by, then you're doing it right.
Right now I just throw everything into a vector of each suit of size 13 from A to K, and then start comparing the vectors at Straight Flush and working my way down. Is there a difference between having 7 cards and 5 cards this way?
On May 01 2012 07:53 Blisse wrote: If I were to try to find the best hand in a group of 7 cards, do I need to specifically account for the 2 extra cards?
Right now I just throw everything into a vector of each suit of size 13 from A to K, and then start comparing the vectors at Straight Flush and working my way down. Is there a difference between having 7 cards and 5 cards this way?
If you're just referring to poker rules, and not programming, having 7 cards doesn't affect this. You would play the best 5 cards in your hand.
On May 01 2012 07:53 Blisse wrote: If I were to try to find the best hand in a group of 7 cards, do I need to specifically account for the 2 extra cards?
Right now I just throw everything into a vector of each suit of size 13 from A to K, and then start comparing the vectors at Straight Flush and working my way down. Is there a difference between having 7 cards and 5 cards this way?
If you're just referring to poker rules, and not programming, having 7 cards doesn't affect this. You would play the best 5 cards in your hand.
I understand Poker rules, but I am unsure of how you would account for 7 choose 5 possibilities of hand combinations without running all those possibilities through a function.