I was trying to think up a new cool tag, my old names were random lame stuff.
I was reading a little kids picture book about ancient Egypt and I noticed the name Sobek, without even knowing what it was I thought it sounded tight as hell, then it turned out to be the ancient egyptian god of crocodiles. I know alot of ancient mythology and most people know about Osiris and Ra and whatever, but I had never heard anything about Sobek.
Sounds cool: Check Cool meaning: Check Really uncommon: Check
Perfect gamertag, added the 3 for cyber street cred
I also sometimes go by Tri0pyk8, which was something I randomly mashed in as the high score for an old mac game I used to play with my dad when I was about 7 called Spectre, he would drive and i would shoot. Somehow this combination stuck in my head permanently...
My name irl is Atrio.
I know, right?
I asked my parents why they named me Atrio. My dad said they watched a movie just before my mom gave birth and it was about a hero dog named Atrio.
Oh god. I'm named after a dog. D:
First letters in my names + Birthyear? Oh yes.
On June 06 2010 18:17 Torenhire wrote: I just....well...
A guy with shaggy brown hair huddles over his computer keyboard in a dimly lit room, focusing intently on the World of Warcraft Vanilla beta character creation screen...He loved the paladin hero in Warcraft 3, it only made perfect sense to reroll one in WoW...
"To..ren..hire", he types slowly, cautiously, as if he might fumble and ruin this moment.
Looking up at the screen to seeing the result of his work, he leans back in his chair with a creak and exclaims,
Literally, my name was randomly made up in my head. It means nothing, it stands for nothing (Except my friend told me it means "Tower Here" in Dutch? Someone able to confirm that? lol) other than me. If you ever see a "Torenhire" or "Torengire" or any variation in any game or forum, it's me.
Actually "Tower Here" would be "Toren hier", close enough though
My first race when I played Starcraft was Zerg.
I wanted an intimidating name so I decided that Zergneedsfood would scare everyone into thinking that I would eviscerate them with my claws or whatever.
And then I switched to Terran and there are STILL people who open up vZ against me because they think my name implies I'm going Zerg.
eatmyshorts is a jeer that Bart Simpson commonly says, and 5 is just a random number.
When I was younger I used to play the backyard sports games, and "Pablo Sanchez' was the best at every single sport, and I just liked the guy. :D
I was used to using FukuriDeath, but that was too copy-paste stuff. k.taeyang is from my korean name: 경태 (Kyon-Tae) the K is from the "kyon" and the Taeyang stands of "Tae" which means Sun
On April 04 2010 21:52 buickskylark wrote: my cousin vinny
Your name was my first car.
God damn that was a cool car.
![[image loading]](http://www.toolsnob.com/pictures/1981_buick_skylark.jpg)
mine was ALOT scarier looking though. Had a cracked windshield because someone had stolen it. It looked like it was from Carmageddon...
From my D2 days. I was IH-Titan, a Javazon doin' endless, endless cows.
I just smacked my IRL name in front, since I believe Titan was taken at the time.
After going through dozens of IDs for several different games/systems(I am horrible at making a name that I appreciate) I finally decided that I would just make a core name that means something to me and attach a prefix of a characteristic that I either believe I have or value.
For the core name, I wanted to do something that represented me as a gamer. When I created this "formula" if you will, I was playing a LOT of FPS and I was just getting into Starcraft again. So, I decided to do something from Starcraft that had some kind of representation from my play-style as a FPS gamer. As an FPS player, I've always loved sniping, and always will, so I chose Ghost as my original idea. But I felt that it was unoriginal and I was sure it could easily get flamed. My Italian friend(who was helping me come up with ideas) said that Fantasma was ghost in Italian. I thought it looked SOOOOOOOOO cool, so I used it.
Sage, well, I've always felt like I've been wise beyond my years, and I've always viewed PC gamers as being significantly more intelligent than console players. Therefore, I used good ol' thesaurus.reference.com and searched for wise. I found Sage and I liked it.
So, Sage + Fantasma=SageFantasma.
Extremely original and it means something to me.
Used to play competetive counter-strike back in the day when norway had something called NESL(Norwegian E-Sports League). After the first season I basically gave up on it and just played LANs and cb, and was pretty rapidly known as the 'sickening fast AWP guy'. Somewhere along the line, some fan wrote me on irc: "God man.. you remind me of lucky luke! you're so fast with the awp, faster than your own shadow lol".
So after a couple years of retirement, I wanted a new nickname so no one would reckognize me; LuckyLuke. The 43 at the end will forever be a secret within a very small community! *roaaar*
Aiyeeta is only the first name of a character I created.
It all started thousands of years ago. Earth and Beyond got bought out by the devil (EA) and they closed it down due to their poor marketing. I was just about to subscribe and start playing with my friends when "Sunset" was announced, so they turned me onto EVE-Online. I used to go by Halcyon a lot, but naturally a name so cool as that was already taken. I was enrolled in a piano camp and one of the guest composers was named Aida (i-ee-dah). So I played off that and went with Aiyeeta Beaver... And I haven't had a girlfriend since. Probably unrelated, but true story.
Shortly after signing up at Teamliquid, I changed my user handle (permanently I hope) to Nallycz. I believe the story behind that is a thunderbolt struck the tip of my manly bits and embued it with the power to write the coolest name that has every existed. For a number of years, I have toyed with re-signing up here to have the coolest account, but I fear I'd get banned out of pure jealousy. You will often see Nallycz or [HDF]Nallycz running around, being useless all over the place in Teamfortress 2, Starcraft (1 and 2), Diablo 2, and most Half-Life (1 and 2) based games.
PS: waffqles is an awesome name, someone should change their name to waffqles. It's like waffles with a Q.
A friend of mine decided that I needed a new account name... KaiZoKu- just wasn't cutting it back in the day... So we started just throwing names out. I was a Zerg playing, and my friend always made fun of me for my lack of microing capabilities, so as a joke, and to make people think I had good micro, we both decided on the name CtrLZerG (Pronounced Control Zerg) I didn't like the way ControLZerG looked, so i just shortened it to CtrLZerG. I think it's a cool name honestly =)
Well I got this ID from the whole literature perspective of rising action, climax, and falling action. Originally I was just going to be RisingAction, just because it sound like some crazy dragonball z attack lol. I went with climax because my friend also joined a band calledThe Climax . It was quite a while ago but the name stuck. Maybe one of these days, I'll switch to RisingAction.
My middle name is Jin, and back in high school whenever i walked by, people would start singing Snoop Dogg's Gin and Juice. So since my name was Jin, I made my name JinNJuice
The reasoning behind my nickname is that once I will become good enough to play in streamed tournaments, casters will have to say my nickname in hilarious contexts. (ex. "YourMom is getting engaged from behind by stalkers").
On June 11 2010 05:12 YourMom wrote: The reasoning behind my nickname is that once I will become good enough to play in streamed tournaments, casters will have to say my nickname in hilarious contexts. (ex. "YourMom is getting engaged from behind by stalkers"). hahaha. my name's eric and i've always believed i was funny.
I use to play a mmorpg called Tibia (use to.. up until I got beta access I was playing it). Anyways I created a Sorcerer and thought it would be cool to be called Illusion, of course being 11 at the time I couldn't spell. So I named myself Illison, and it has stuck through out countless games, avatar, websites.