In tenth grade English class we would be given a list of words each day (or week -- can't remember) to learn and be quizzed on later. I would usually not pay much attention to the words but the word insipid stood out. I thought it was pretty cool.
The definition is essentially dull, meaningless, bland, or lacking in color. So I figured I'd make my name iNSiPiD1.
I don't think that word really describes me, lol, but I just thought it was interesting that this unique word had such a blah meaning. So I stole it as my username for pretty much everything! Thanks English class!
Dharma, because I'm Buddhist.
Turtle, because I like turtles. (And apparently I look like one. This round head of mine...)
I picked it when I was in 6th grade. I think it's weathered through time pretty well. Better than what was trending at the time anyway, like "fuKdAPoLiCe" or "1337shadowD34th"
![[image loading]](http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15500000/Bruce-Willis-as-Butch-Coolidge-in-Pulp-Fiction-bruce-willis-15554478-1152-656.jpg)
coz he's badass ^_^
first nick was darkduck tho (Quake2 I think) from Darkwing Duck :D, switched to butch when I started playing CS
I searched the depths of my brain and soul to find the greatest game ever created.
My first nickname was Renaxe (like in this TL account), cuz my name is Renato and i think the end AXE its pretty nice. But, many people did misspelling and saying like "Renaje" (is how Renaxe sound in portugues), so i would chance to Renakse to sound like the english way, but after removing the Re and swithing the K and S, got pretty nice. So now is NasKe.
On July 12 2011 03:10 StarCraft64 wrote: I searched the depths of my brain and soul to find the greatest game ever created.
I lol'd at that.
My name is just the first four letters of my name with an x on the end. I used to play WoW hardcore, getting Glad and raiding far too much and name changes were pretty commonplace. One of the R1 players on our realm changed his name to the exact same thing it used to be with an x on the end. We all hated him, so our entire guild changed our names to add 'x' on to the end. We thought it was pretty funny.
edit: At first I thought OP was going to be a reference to Davos from R.R.Martin's works... Spending way too much time in those books.
Bisutopia19156 Posts
Bisu means dagger. Therefore it rlly means daggerdager in english or BisuBisu in korean.
So Reasons.... 1. BisuBisu, 2 bisus are better then one 2. BisuDagger is the greatest weapon a protoss can yield in battle. 3. Seriously its Bisu and who doesn't love him. 4. The first live Starcraft matches I ever watched was when Bisu dethroned Savior with the "Bisu Build" 5. Just thought it was cool.
On a Free FPS called Urban Terror, my first alias that I made was DeathReaperX (Inspired by the Reaper) Later on, I just cut the Death out because my clan tag took too much space. And here I am, ReaperX! :D
when i 1st started playing fps's my name was Sgt.Reaper. thinking it was pretty cool.
seeing as reaper is pretty common and i wanted to be unique, i changed it to ReapeZ. however the majority of time now i use ZepaeR, for those not smart enough its just backwards.
I actually had my Xbox 360 pick mine, it chose LiteralZero and I thought it was pretty cool, for Starcraft I just use Zero.
I didn't know ZerO was a player though
It's kind of my play on living with no regrets, to never be sorry
Me and my friends have this running gag where when someone does something stupid we say "Loooooooooooooser" I was really horrible when our group got into Starcraft 2, and I always did horrible builds and whatnot. So I switched to Zerg and still did slightly retarded things. After being called Looooooser for so long and after about 2 days of figuring how I would spell it I settled on LooZerg
Friendship is Magic + Swarm is Supreme
In retrospect, there was some pretty simplistic reasoning behind this one >.>
My initial nickname was Cwantom (prenounced Quantom) and I figured it out myself and I think it originates from GTA. In one of the games you start at a place called Cuantom and I think I subconsciously got it from there.
Now I'm using JoeAwesome.
The Joe part is cause I'm called Joe and the Awesome part just sounds nice so in Sc2 I'm known as JoeAwesome, mainly cause it sounds nice
I have this ID because ... Well my original ID for everything was HeadPhones but i got a JTV account and HeadPhones was already taken so i used HeadPhonesX. Then one of my friends saw it and always thought it said HeadPhone !@#. Then all of my other friends heard it and started calling m that so i just went wiht it. So i just changed it around that. What you gonna do? :/
Pretty much my Korean name ^^
After seeing the movie old school friends at college started to call me philthetank because of my dumb drinking habits, and when I got into competitive bf2 I needed a new tag and my friend suggested philthetank and its stuck since.
For the longest time I was the only one with the tag in any games, but back when I was playing WoW I used to post all over the forums for twinking and apparantely some other dbag named phil liked the name and now were in a steady competition snatching up the bane in every game, so sometimes im PHILtheTANK9
I had a friend in high school who was a big band geek nerd, and we both loved ska and had pretty fun conversations and jokes and whatnot. One of our things was calling people brodiaq instead of bro. when it came time to pick an id i decided on brodiaq after saying it long after we stopped seeing each other on a regular basis.
I came up with this some 12 years ago at about 14, so bear with me 
Predze is a contraction of PredatorZeus. Predator because it was cool(!) and Zeus because he was the king of the gods in greek mythology.
At first I used PredZeuS which I thought was cool, but it quite quickly became Predze. At first with a capital Z, because everybody used those, but now I only write z :D
Sometimes though I just use pdz, as some games only allow three letters. And those three letter IDs are nice aren't they?
Friends of mine call me Vieze Furr, due to a dutch rapsong, and just bastered it to Vijeze.