Well make sure they aren't rated 5.0, I'd suggest taking on 4.75 or 4.8 star maps. You can see the exact difficulty on the beatmap page on the right side of the statistics. Other than that, just practice. You will fail so hard for awhile, but it's all about gaining speed and recognizing patterns. Also, if you are getting to confused you can find a simplistic skin that reduces eye strain and removes the 300's. This game rewards raw talent and raw practice time, there really aren't any special tricks that I'm aware of. The last trend that I've heard of before I quit osu! after a year of playing, was that most people do in fact use 300 sprites, but smaller ones. Also a good tip I can give you to improve accuracy: single tap if you can (you automatically start doing that when you play a super high bpm map that has a lot of short streams or tripples) and maybe use a skin that features a colored rim on the hitcircleoverlay, so you have an easier time seeing when the approach circle matches it in size.
As to getting better: Get a good mechanical keyboard, use a graph tablet and use the full area. Play in windowmode, use a skin that is very lean. Disable all the fancy graphics. Delete storyboards and backgrounds. Then practise a ton. You can focus on specific things one at a time like high AR, high BPM streams, tripples, jumps. Doing that you will learn all the patterns automatically. Try to play only using hardrock for a week or two, will make you a lot better.
And lastly as somebody who has seen all of this game and spent a fair amount of time being one of the very best players in the German community I want to add this: osu! does reward raw practice, yes. It does also reward good gaming equipment. It does not reward talent in any way shape or form. I have yet to come across a player who is still bad after 20 000 playcount who uses good equipment at the same time. I know of infinity people who are really stupid and have always been very bad, that got good in the end through the power of their equipment and through sheer practice. A fool, who disagrees. Cookiezi said it himself, his admittedly sick skills all stem from his equipment and his practicetime. That guy has more than 200 000 playcount if you count his variuos multiaccs. There is no reason at all why any given person wouldn't be as good if he or she did what Cookiezi has.
One other issue I find to be very annoying is the super immature community. In an entire year of playing osu! I've only come across like 20 people who are not retarded and are fun to hang out with. There are so many kids flooding the game, public chatrooms are full of crap nowadays =( But you can find really nice guys in multiplayer lobbies! Don't be shy to talk to people if you are in an enjoyable lobby, I've made quite a few good friends like that
osu! is still a great game, super fun. Can tax you, but you can also relax if you like to. I wish you all a lot of fun!
Man that pretty intense. Never went to such means to set up my osu! lol
Honestly, you can't completely ignore talent. It's inherently a factor that makes you good at something, but It think it would be more accurate to say that it is not as significant as practice. Also, tablets aren't a necessity. If we really want to quote cookiezi to prove our points, I've read that he doesn't see using a tablet as a necessity, and that he has seen elite players use mouse/keyboard.
lol I play osu reasonably well on a terrible laptop keyboard with chiclet keys
Given a choice I'd go back to my old laptop with scissor switch keys though, I can't stand this one
Yay, I don't have many SS so I'm quite happy. The ending is a pain to FC for me so I had to retry so many times.
Honestly, you can't completely ignore talent. It's inherently a factor that makes you good at something, but It think it would be more accurate to say that it is not as significant as practice. Also, tablets aren't a necessity. If we really want to quote cookiezi to prove our points, I've read that he doesn't see using a tablet as a necessity, and that he has seen elite players use mouse/keyboard. There is a single person I know of who does not have what it takes to become really good at osu!. That person has very poor eyesight. Any person that is not in some way disabled can become a top player. osu! doesn't reward being smart or creative. There are a few top players using mouses. Players like Sprosive, Siliva, Mesita, Redo, Tana to name a few. Just compare the amount of good players with a tablet to the amount of good players without one, you will see the difference. I've asked quite a few of them myself.
I'm pretty damn convinced of what I say because I've been dealing with these topics every day for many months and I have gotten to know a ton of people who have all experienced a lot of this first hand, not to mention my own experiences.
I played osu! with my mx518 and a 14$ keyboard and that is enough for a long time, but once you want to compete with the top players that kind of stuff does not cut it anymore unless you're willing to go up to like 50k playcount before you come close.
Of course anybody has the potential to become really good at osu given enough time and practice, but to deny that the game comes easier to some people than to others is just silly.
Could I be as good as Cyclone? Probably, if I played a lot. But osu has always come pretty naturally to him; he has a ridiculously low playcount and was destroying all of the hard maps at the time like Marisa within a month or two of even joining the game.
I'm not as concerned with frequency as I am with possibility regarding mouse/keyboard. Also, smart and creative are not talent so I don't know why you brought them up. And honestly there is probably a reason why those with a high play count are good. They play a lot to get better, and if they get better quickly they play more because they enjoy it more. At a certain threshold the increase of skill diminishes greatly, but because they've become better in a certain amount of plays, they keep playing. On the other hand, if you are terrible at osu! and don't get better, you certainly won't put the time in to become the top .01% in the world, so how would we know that they could overcome their lack of talent? I haven't had more than 7k plays, but I've seen a number of people with a higher play count who are worse than me, and a number of people with a lower play count who are better than me.
In the end the numbers have a natural bias that make them statistically dubious. But this discussion is meaningless, all I was trying to do was help a guy out who was having trouble improving.
yay, first time passing this map... it's brutal for mouseonly players
edit: well i beat my score but i downgraded to C rank lol
edit: better accuracy, but i'll never beat my C
Congrats on your first ranked map qilliam~
+1 for qilliam on that map. Had to turn the video off because it made me dizzy, but its a pretty fun map.
As for progress....I am sloooowly becoming better, but its more of a psychological thing for me. I can't just play, and my mouse feels weird i my hand after a of minutes of playing. Aggravating.
Thanks guys. I don't really like that map i made anymore but oh wellz lol.
Gonna give tablet another try for awhile.
I don't like my first map anymore either lol
At the time you think it's great but then once you map more and play more maps you learn how to make your maps better and better.
Even after 2+ years of mapping on and off I have yet to make a map I'm truly pleased with and feel is flawless; I always feel like something is missing after I finish a beatmap. That's probably a good thing though because if I made what I felt is a perfect beatmap I'd probably just quit right there because nothing would top it.
sad, i had an SS on qilliam's map before it got ranked and i can't do it again. grats on breaking rank 1000 though =p
edit: yeah i'm convinced that SS was a fluke. best i could do at 4am and not having been playing the past week
I didn't think I could FC this. I'm so happy :D
I'm sticking with mouseonly for a bit longer because canada team is apparently holding some tryout thing for owc... because you know... there are a lot of good canadian players... apparently :l
So I've been practicing in the fashion Xafnia helped me out with- and I just did this: so close to FC, 100'd 3 sliders so I didn't get the Perfect =0\
Just did this, too =0p Broke my combo on a few sliders, I had one play with a 556 combo and 1 miss which ended up as an A with a higher score, but oh well =0\
I got a 91% accuracy somehow. I hope to get an A rank soon
Lets keep the thread alive guys :D
I haven't had more than 7k plays, but I've seen a number of people with a higher play count who are worse than me, and a number of people with a lower play count who are better than me.
I have 4600 plays and maybe 2000 of them is done by pressing retry in the next 5 to 8 seconds of song. :D Also, harder maps you play, more play counts you get. I prefer Xfire to see how much I've played osu.
I find it horribly amusing that I'm getting better accuracy with HR/HD than just plain HR on this song: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/73245
haven't FC'd it yet, still getting the map learned in HR mode
edit: updated score screenshot- now with 100% less NoFail!
I promise I will come back! It's just...skyrim...and y'know...skyrim...also a little school, but mostly skyrim.