Noob life is what just happened to me. It's what happens when you're horrible at EVE and make a 40+ jump roam solo across the universe :D
Let the battle report begin (and no I haven't forgotten about my other battle reports, this one just seems more pertinent to helping others learn how not to be as bad as me)
I'm warping around looking for targets when I spy a 10 month old cyclone ratting. I think to myself, this guy is ten months old, and his char is minimatar. What are the odds he went down an optimal path for his ship. I'm in a jag fit with SSB and I'm like, well he's not going to alpha me, and he's not going to outrun me, might as well give it a go. So I land on the asteroid belt and he is already aligned warping out, bummer. I chase him around for like 10 mins before local spikes +3 and I get out into neighboring Todifrauan (from Arnstur). The 3 locals pass through chasing me so i just dock up and watch some random shit. One of the three stays behind when the other two leave so i warp back into Arnstur and the cyclone is still there. The other person warps in right behind me in an ishkur, so I reveal myself, and warp back to Todi. I warp to belt 1-1 and wait for him to find me. Local hasn't increased as he lands so I go for it. I equip EMP and slam orbit 500m.
Let's talk about this decision: The ishkur has 3 mids, and 3 lows. It is a drone boat and is not likely to rely on its low slots for too much damage, and it's armor resists are rather impressive. Before the fight I only did a cursory glance at the fitting tab and saw 3, 3. Went with EMP b/c of the exp rider damage. Turns out, 1 mid is for prop, 1 for scram/disruptor, 1 for whatever. Odds aren't too high that last slot gets devoted to a shield booster OR a shield extender. Possible, but not as likely as a web since the ishkur is a slower AF. The lower 3 slots are not meant to hold anything vital in terms of positioning/control, so an extremely logical choice for an ishkur is to armor tank (passive or active, but active is a very viable choice since their guns don't use CAP)
Ok, so the battle goes poorly. Shields melt, but his armor repper is making it so he's only losing about 10% armor every 5-10 seconds. Meanwhile I'm down into armor and my shield booster is making serious attempts to save me. Another thing, Ishkurs are fit with guns that have extremely low optimal and falloff, but do very high damage. My decision to orbit at 500 was a poor one. I make a decision to try and disengage. Thankfully, he's AB fit. Not so thankfully, he's fit with a disruptor. I made it out in 20% armor, though, b/c he ran out of cap from running the disruptor/armor rep all fight.
I wait out my GCC and repair at one of the local stations. Then I undock and start dscanning, he's on one of the planets. He warps off as I land (apparently he had been searching for me since I undocked) and I chase him to belt 1-1. I had been consulting with Aeth during the fight and fit barrage ammo (in spite of the high kinetic resists on the ishkur, the explosive damage is still higher than EMP, and unlike fusion, I get the range bonus to stay as far away as possible which is about 8k to maintain web/scram/nos safely). I land 1k from him so we both web/nos/whatever and I slam keep at 8k. I'm melting him and he's fit with close range ammo. So for about 10s of the fight he's swapping ammo so I have the huge ups on him. Unfortunately for me, critical noobness strikes. He angles his ship straight at me and my autopilot responds, at which point he slams directly away from me and warps off to "something". I'm like, oh hell no, gotta get this guy! Click random celestial thing he warped to, and warp to 0. Halfway through warp I look in the top left and see bold red lettering. Oh... oh god no... what am I warping to?!?!? "Warping to - Arnstur (Stargate)" GOD DAMNIT FUCK ME NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I land and try to warp to something, ANYTHING. The ishkur sees me land on him and disrupts/webs me, gate guns clean up. Sigh...
The killmail... Losing 1/10 of my isk in a bout of noobiness is mega depressing.
Edit: It's late, any grammatical errors are not important enough to edit.