On December 25 2010 12:44 Guilford wrote: from the name, it seems to be for transportation of good but gankers would go to no end, multiple stroms or pests could be welcoming this scorpion if it is ever undocked.
suicide gankers kill with alpha.. so so can run what? one cycle of those shield boosters? yu need buffer, concord will defend you...
with that much amount of money you can settle with a freighter which has a ton of ehp
Yea its not about how much you can rep, its about how much EHP you have...
and its easy to gank a freighter, you only need 25 gank BSes or so. Done it plenty of times and its always fun!
On December 25 2010 11:18 4iner wrote: "Secure Transport":
[Scorpion Navy Issue, New Setup 1] Co-Processor II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II
Vizan's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster, Navy Cap Booster 800 Vizan's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster, Navy Cap Booster 800 Vepas' Modified X-Large Shield Booster Vepas' Modified X-Large Shield Booster Vepas' Modified Shield Boost Amplifier Vepas' Modified Invulnerability Field Vepas' Modified Invulnerability Field Vepas' Modified Invulnerability Field
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Caldari Navy Wrath Cruise Missile Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Large Core Defence Capacitor Safeguard II Large Core Defence Capacitor Safeguard II Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Vespa EC-600 x5
Tanks 7183 dps, cap stable
Nice fit, bro. Are you looking for a corp, by the way?
So I decided that tonight would be quiet enough on EVE I might as well try to take advantage.
I've got 400 or so odd mission loot/mods sitting in a station in lowsec from way back in my missioning days, I figured now is a safer time than ever to go get them out.
Aaaaaaand I hit a 7 or so man gatecamp with a loki and drakes and canes all sorts of fun.
I know, I know, I was flying an indy through lowsec and blah blah blah, I get it. I deserved it.
Half the isk lost was in the cargo rigs on the damn thing anyway.
Oh well,
I'm an idiot. Merry Christmas.
I'm considering trying EVE out again, now that learning skills are gone and I have some money for a subscription, but TL seems so good at gaming that frankly, the hatchery intimidates the hell out of me. How serious will I have to be about the game if I want to PvP and such?
United States42009 Posts
You can do whatever you like in your own time and I won't give a fuck. If you wanna PvP you can go PvP. The only time at which I have standards is when you're taking part in one of my fleets (although the other FCs also have similar standards). In that situation your skill at PvP will limit the ships I allow you to fly but as ships get more and more cost effective as you go down the ship classes you'll usually be able to fly something, even if you're terrible. A complete incompetent can still justify the cost of a budget fit unrigged rifter because they're worth around 50k after insurance (whereas the battleship we killed last night was 200m). You'd have to be really, really terrible to make a fleet worse by your presence in a budget frigate.
That make sense?
Yeah. Unless I do something stupid like give away our position or something I can hardly be a liability, and with the amount a frigate costs it doesn't matter too much if I don't succeed in much. Of course, I'll work on learning the game and such so that doesn't happen. And a ship that costs 10x as much as mine might only be 2x as powerful, not 10x, so I can still be useful to you guys.
Does your corp give support for pirating? I need at least a few people to help me out since Ijust got back into the game after about a year or so. Starting from scratch.
Or, if anyone wants to just keep me company, that's fine. I don't want to explore space alone
United States42009 Posts
On December 25 2010 21:12 ThE_ShiZ wrote:Does your corp give support for pirating? I need at least a few people to help me out since Ijust got back into the game after about a year or so. Starting from scratch. Or, if anyone wants to just keep me company, that's fine. I don't want to explore space alone  New guys salvaging in our corp can make between 10-20m/hr. A cheap frigate for solo piracy costs between 100k-1m. How much support do you really want? And yeah, we do a lot of corp fleet work so you'll be with them getting shown the ropes. Also if you sub from a 21 day trial you'll get between 150-250m cash which is a massive amount for a new player, thousands of frigates.
New guys salvaging in our corp can make between 10-20m/hr. A cheap frigate for solo piracy costs between 100k-1m. How much support do you really want? And yeah, we do a lot of corp fleet work so you'll be with them getting shown the ropes. Also if you sub from a 21 day trial you'll get between 150-250m cash which is a massive amount for a new player, thousands of frigates.
Well, I'm looking for partners to go tackling with, and also guys to socialize with and teach me all the nuances of the game. I'm on my 14 day trial but I'm definitely going to extend my subscription as soon as it is up. I feel bad about milking you guys for money, though.
Since Dexxus just (like two weeks ago) wrote me a PM about the FCing guide I promised like months ago.. I totally had to drop in here for a few lines.
Does someone mind doing a little "What's going on?" and/or a "Who is who?" for me about what happened in the last few months?
Also some kind of "What's going on in eve polidicks overall?" would be awesome. In case someone already did that stuff some pages ago, feel free to slap & link or something similar. =P
I'm still totally consumed with work and similar crap (aka instead of staying as a Pickup Pro I totally ended up in a relationship. She likes Starcraft btw - I win?), so I won't show up ingame anytime soon. If any of the people in the "old guard" want to add me on FB or want my private email or whatever, just drop me a PM and I'll be around for questions here and there. I still want to do that FC guide, I'm just not finding any time at all and also lack motivation a little bit. Some more specific questions about FCing, scouting etc. to kick me back ingame and some info on how TL is doing might totally help there. =P
Specific question: Did the "Fleet Metagame" evolve or is it still Random Drakeblobs vs Armorhacs? Any new small entities with kickass concepts no one kicked ass in before? (Like Nanohacs or Darkside Style)
Shoutouts to the usual crew and I totally hope you guys are kicking ass nevertheless. Also the obligatory "Merry Christmas & best of luck for the new year" to those guys I know.
TL fighting~!!
Edit: Also send some shoutouts to guys like Mukk, Faffy, Mya, MadMax, NASC and all those guys please. At least I hope some of us are still involved with some of them. =P
United States42009 Posts
On December 25 2010 23:10 ThE_ShiZ wrote:Show nested quote + New guys salvaging in our corp can make between 10-20m/hr. A cheap frigate for solo piracy costs between 100k-1m. How much support do you really want? And yeah, we do a lot of corp fleet work so you'll be with them getting shown the ropes. Also if you sub from a 21 day trial you'll get between 150-250m cash which is a massive amount for a new player, thousands of frigates.
Well, I'm looking for partners to go tackling with, and also guys to socialize with and teach me all the nuances of the game. I'm on my 14 day trial but I'm definitely going to extend my subscription as soon as it is up. I feel bad about milking you guys for money, though. That's insane. You're gonna subscribe a 14 day trial because you'd feel bad about taking money off one of us? Subscribe one of our 21s and we get gametime worth 350m, you'd be doing us a fairly big favour by taking a 21 day trial and some money off one of us. By doing it yourself not only do you miss out, we miss out too.
That's insane. You're gonna subscribe a 14 day trial because you'd feel bad about taking money off one of us? Subscribe one of our 21s and we get gametime worth 350m, you'd be doing us a fairly big favour by taking a 21 day trial and some money off one of us. By doing it yourself not only do you miss out, we miss out too.
Dumb question, but, if I take the 21 day trial is that under a different ID or does it get applied to my account?
You just HAD to pick the one BR in which I lost a hellcat, huh?
They're awesome ships by the way. That's the first and only hellcat loss I have despite flying them in tons of big engagements. They have insane resists, EHP and DPS. Mega pulses + scorch is so OP. It's pretty hilarious to get primaried and lit up by a hundred drakes without slipping below 80% armor.
The obvious weakness is that they're insanely cap unstable so you need a cap truck when you're doing anything but ganking in them. They're also pretty pricey with the trimark, t2 cap usage rigs and a faction hardener. Thankfully Shamis decided to start reimbursing them. Then again it's not like most of PL is really hurting for isk since we have like 1 tech moon per 5 members.
i love the fact that you can overheat the kin hardener on them for 6 minutes when youre fighting drakes, at least when you get the faction kin hardener (which people totally should). 150k ehp vs drakes WITHOUT gang bonuses
That's a really good point. I usually just grab whatever faction hardener I have around (for CPU fit), but it's definitely worth having a kinetic on there when facing the unholy drake blob. In the BR you linked I couldn't even burn my mods, though, thanks to lag.