Got my first solo kill, and it was solely due to me being less awful than the other guys. I was out scouting for a bni funfleet, and I dodged a ambush attempt from a stiletto and his friend in a bomber. I jumped through a gate, and was pretty sure they knew where I went, so I held cloak and told my fleet that I had content, and I can live long enough for them to get there. The Stilleto jumps first, instantly drops cloak, so I drop cloak and tackle him. I have the dps and tank edge, but he has a friend in a bomber so I figure he'll agress, and he does. I'm in a taranis so my dps only projects out to like 3k, so I have to keep him close, but he is scram disruptor fit so he can pull range against my scram web. Instead he orbits me at 500 and tries to duel me at my optimal, aka point blank. His buddy in a bomber jumps in and throws a second scram on me (seriously, not a web between them?) and starts throwing torps at me. At this point the stilleto is trying to burn away, but hes neither dropping aggro, or manually piloting, so I can keep on top of him despite my slight speed disadvantage and hes fucked. The guy in the bomber doesn't have t2 torps, so he hasn't hit me yet. I kill the stilleto who could have gotten away in at least 3 different ways, and choose none of them, and turn on the bomber. He launches a bomb, and I figure we're both dead, so I lock him so I can whore on the kill, pre load my guns and scram, but he air balled his bomb, and I lose tackle because I'm too busy laughing to burn at him before he burns out of scram range and jumps.
So I got a solo kill and some reinforcement that no matter how bad I am, someone will always be worse, because there was at least 5 ways that the stilleto could have lived or the duo could have killed me.
I also lost two taranisii to dishonorable falcon alts, seriously fuck that ship.
Wait what? How is it that you think a Stiletto with only a scram can get away from a scram/web Taranis once tackled? And if your MWD is off a bomber isn't going to hurt you either. You should have been much, much more confident about that fight. There's basically no way they were going to kill you unless the bomber was some gimmicky frig-killing fit like AB/scram/web/rockets.
He had scram and disruptor, so no mwd for me. I was fairly certain I could win, and I knew that I had the tank to live till back up got there, but they really should have been able to at least make it close.
OK, but you have a scram as well, so no MWD for him either (he's almost certainly not going to be able to operate in his 2km OH scram range advantage). The difference is that you have a web, making you much faster than him within scram/web range. The point is totally irrelevant here. As soon as the Stiletto is scrammed he's dead.
That fight should not be close, neither ship does any damage to yours. With smarter ammo selection that Stiletto is doing 67 DPS to you max, and the bomber is like 15.
None of this is to take anything away from getting a fun kill. A key skill in Eve is making people take fights they don't understand are heavily weighted against them. Everyone looked at that DBRB "tackle the Gilas!" video and thought it was solely him being awful, but it was a bad fight for his comp from the beginning.
Yeah that fight wasn't close at all, I only had to run my aar twice to stay at full armor for the full fight, and one of those was probably a waste. I also had a small vamp, so I'm realizing after the fact that I was way too worried about that fight. I should have been able to kill the bomber as well, but seriously who misses a bomb on a static target? That being said I'm already looking at where I should start roaming for a chance at more win able fights, because the second time I engaged a inty 1v1 in gate he uncloaked a rapier and a falcon. Its like people value kill mails more than actual achievement.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
This pod warped to a ping on the gate away from the align and debated warping down to the gate long enough for BBQ to reposition himself. To be honest it was a really difficult angle for BBQ to get into position since (1) he had to be along the align, (2) far enough from the gate for mechanics to allow smartbomb activation (3) while being close enough where the pod deaccelerates when landing, (4) he had only a couple seconds to burn over into position and (5) we were in between fights in hostile territory.
#1 Maller pilot in EVE
United States41985 Posts
https://zkillboard.com/br/13133/ Their panther and a few others got out. If I was smart I'd have locked down their panther while killing bombers but it was neuting pretty hard. I fucked it up.
40 minute earlier when the guy started stalking me in local [16:26:07] Dr Zuma > Nodire Hermetz o/ [16:26:13] Dr Zuma > just procurers in here I'm afraid [16:26:16] Dr Zuma > nothing fun for you
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Oh god that guy again ahaha
eve pvper snark is the best snark on the internet. lol he justifies that he is good by pointing to killboard rankings, and then immediately states that they pad their killboard with easy freighters.
NightmareX is going to provide us with so much hilarious forum content
2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the marmite instalock farm aminal with nano pvp magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg and the marmite was born xaxa, we wil crush marmite like skull of pig great shit talk
On November 05 2014 02:30 PassiveAce wrote:LOL Show nested quote +2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the marmite instalock farm aminal with nano pvp magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg and the marmite was born xaxa, we wil crush marmite like skull of pig best shit talk/threat iv ever seen in my life
my favourite:
marmite genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead marmite..ahahahahahBREAK-A-WISH WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget suspect baiting .jita undock we kill the vindi , marmite return to your precious undock….hahahahaha idiot marmite and pursuit of happines smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE MARMITE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. hydra+camel+dalikah+DECSHIELD=kill marmite…you will ww2/ tupac alive in jita,mizhir making pvp album of OMC
"I can't see any constructive criticisms in this topic except for what 'big miker' said on page 1. Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that."
y u jealous michael Edit: i wish i could still post on official forums
thread got cleaned rip
REMOVE MARMITE remove marmit you are worst merc. you are the hisec idiot you are the merc smell. return to motsu. to our hisec cousins you may come our renter space. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,hisec campers we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal **** but **** ******* marmite stink jita sqhipere shqipare..marmite genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead marmite..ahahahahahBREAK-A-WISH WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget suspect baiting .jita undock we kill the vindi , marmite return to your precious undock….hahahahaha idiot marmite and pursuit of happines smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE MARMITE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. hydra+camel+dalikah+DECSHIELD=kill marmite…you will ww2/ tupac alive in jita,mizhir making pvp album of OMC . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink marmite… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr one #1 in Amarr ….**** the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol MYM8's no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the marmite instalock farm aminal with nano pvp magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg and the marmite was born xaxa, we wil crush marmite like skull of pig
thank you for saving that.
Watch the o7 show tomorrow.
So eveskunk just kicked off a blink clone, and gave hero a code for free credit. Anyone who has alts in hero, its a free 50 million credit towards tickets.
Ohh yeah heres the code HQD5ef4PtNmP8Wy3FnvWZsBUq