On August 12 2012 03:10 KwarK wrote:
Higher isn't the same as good.
Show nested quote +
On August 12 2012 03:05 felisconcolori wrote:
For my lazy "turn on the tank and stop worrying so I can keep typing in chat" mission running style, it was a little more ISK/hour than my dual LARII dominix. Then again, I never did try to factor in ammunition cost.
On August 12 2012 02:57 KwarK wrote:
Nighthawk is just really bad at pretty much everything. It's a horrible isk making ship.
On August 12 2012 02:36 felisconcolori wrote:
Pretty much. I know that I don't know a lot about the "correct" way to play that a lot of far more successful people do. But it does seem like things can go smoother if someone is telling you "WTF are you training hybrids when you can only fly minmatar ships?" As for the nighthawk... eh. It works its way faster through the missions that I actually run through, without getting too concerned about how my tank is holding up. (Assuming I don't go full retard and trigger an entire room's aggro on me.) I really can't say I've done a great deal of note during my time in Eve - a few good tackles, not being the most ignorant guy in the fleet, actually figuring out that resistances are important as well as what type of damage you're doing, that kind of thing. I've had some good moments, but they're still damn noobish compared to the people that have a really firm grasp on the finer points of the game. So, I can theoretically fly a large number of different ships, but I wouldn't say that I fly them well. As for making ISK, I've never done exceptionally well there, although it's not all that difficult if you put in the time and effort to find the most efficient way of doing it.
TL;dr - Yes, after 6+ years of playing Eve off and on, I suck. But at least there are some people that suck worse than I do.
On August 11 2012 22:41 KwarK wrote:
Pretty much the only thing you said that wasn't laughably inaccurate or just sad (nighthawk lol!) was that you don't really know what you're doing. I could correct pretty much every part of it but everyone but you knows all the parts where you're wrong.
On August 11 2012 19:07 felisconcolori wrote:
Wow. They conned Torte de Lini into playing Eve. (Okay, I think it can be a wonderful game, but mostly because of the social aspects and the fact that the metagame is the game, along with the freedom the sandbox gives people.)
Also, don't sweat losing ships or pods in the beginning. Especially around the FW area low secs, and around minmatar space, there are people out to kill new players. (Ahem. I may have once been one of them.) As long as you keep your clone up to date so you don't lose skills, and try to keep those skills training in a plan that takes you towards a goal, you should be good. (I... did not learn to play Eve with any benefit of older, wiser heads. As a result, my first couple of years of progress can be referred to as either "glacial" or "newbtastic". It has not gotten much better, but then I have not been playing a lot for the past year or so.)
Prime example - one of my early on "best fits" had railguns on a rifter. I repeat - RAILGUNS on a RIFTER. God I was such a noob. (Still am, but not AS much of a noob.)
When it comes to missions, most people use them to grind out Loyalty Points and faction standing; I know some serious carebear types that can make decent ISK on missions, but they also multibox and blitz L4 missions unless it makes more sense to "farm" them over a few days and hope for a faction spawn. The serious ISK makers generally are into market manipulation, character selling, or large scale industrial efforts. (Or scamming.) Note - it took me 3 years to actually concentrate on getting my faction standing up to L4 missions with Republic Fleet, and that's about where I stayed for missioning. I based on Vir Honn (good quality L4 agent) in Emolgranlan, and still have a chunk of stuff in that station for when I want to just undock the Nighthawk. I've heard that level 5 missions can be decent money, but I'm not willing to try to multibox a pair of carriers in lowsec, and my past corporation and alliance associations haven't really lent themselves to group endeavors of that sort.
random unrelated bit - anyone else actually trying out the Dust beta? And does it have its own thread?
Wow. They conned Torte de Lini into playing Eve. (Okay, I think it can be a wonderful game, but mostly because of the social aspects and the fact that the metagame is the game, along with the freedom the sandbox gives people.)
Also, don't sweat losing ships or pods in the beginning. Especially around the FW area low secs, and around minmatar space, there are people out to kill new players. (Ahem. I may have once been one of them.) As long as you keep your clone up to date so you don't lose skills, and try to keep those skills training in a plan that takes you towards a goal, you should be good. (I... did not learn to play Eve with any benefit of older, wiser heads. As a result, my first couple of years of progress can be referred to as either "glacial" or "newbtastic". It has not gotten much better, but then I have not been playing a lot for the past year or so.)
Prime example - one of my early on "best fits" had railguns on a rifter. I repeat - RAILGUNS on a RIFTER. God I was such a noob. (Still am, but not AS much of a noob.)
When it comes to missions, most people use them to grind out Loyalty Points and faction standing; I know some serious carebear types that can make decent ISK on missions, but they also multibox and blitz L4 missions unless it makes more sense to "farm" them over a few days and hope for a faction spawn. The serious ISK makers generally are into market manipulation, character selling, or large scale industrial efforts. (Or scamming.) Note - it took me 3 years to actually concentrate on getting my faction standing up to L4 missions with Republic Fleet, and that's about where I stayed for missioning. I based on Vir Honn (good quality L4 agent) in Emolgranlan, and still have a chunk of stuff in that station for when I want to just undock the Nighthawk. I've heard that level 5 missions can be decent money, but I'm not willing to try to multibox a pair of carriers in lowsec, and my past corporation and alliance associations haven't really lent themselves to group endeavors of that sort.
random unrelated bit - anyone else actually trying out the Dust beta? And does it have its own thread?
Pretty much the only thing you said that wasn't laughably inaccurate or just sad (nighthawk lol!) was that you don't really know what you're doing. I could correct pretty much every part of it but everyone but you knows all the parts where you're wrong.
Pretty much. I know that I don't know a lot about the "correct" way to play that a lot of far more successful people do. But it does seem like things can go smoother if someone is telling you "WTF are you training hybrids when you can only fly minmatar ships?" As for the nighthawk... eh. It works its way faster through the missions that I actually run through, without getting too concerned about how my tank is holding up. (Assuming I don't go full retard and trigger an entire room's aggro on me.) I really can't say I've done a great deal of note during my time in Eve - a few good tackles, not being the most ignorant guy in the fleet, actually figuring out that resistances are important as well as what type of damage you're doing, that kind of thing. I've had some good moments, but they're still damn noobish compared to the people that have a really firm grasp on the finer points of the game. So, I can theoretically fly a large number of different ships, but I wouldn't say that I fly them well. As for making ISK, I've never done exceptionally well there, although it's not all that difficult if you put in the time and effort to find the most efficient way of doing it.
TL;dr - Yes, after 6+ years of playing Eve off and on, I suck. But at least there are some people that suck worse than I do.
Nighthawk is just really bad at pretty much everything. It's a horrible isk making ship.
For my lazy "turn on the tank and stop worrying so I can keep typing in chat" mission running style, it was a little more ISK/hour than my dual LARII dominix. Then again, I never did try to factor in ammunition cost.
Higher isn't the same as good.
Quite, quite true. I had the same experience when I gave manufacturing a try. Building certain ships had a higher return, but without market research or demand worrying me it turns out that I had more fun giving a bunch of rifters and destroyers to people in FW and leading them on a suicide run into Amarr space. (Fun. Not exceptionally good. We exploded real nice.)