On November 19 2011 03:31 Obsidian wrote: DrSerrod- I used the link, and attached the code to my account, but there's still no option to DL or links to anything of the sort accessible through my account management, or the key redemption pages.
I asked a colleague and he told me he got a separate email later on once you are processed for the beta which has an "Install the Game" button/link. I guess give it some time to process and see if that works.
E: It seems that these recent keys will be for the next weekend beta, which is aimed for next weekend, and so no download will be available until they release it a few days prior to the weekend beta.
Now I can say anything I want to about the game...
So, I played Sith Inquisitor to 9, Consular to 12, and Agent to 8.
What do you want to know? Seriously, I don't know where to start here.
I got into the beta for last weekend, but with the Skyrim release I only played for a couple of hours. I got a Bounty Hunter to level 4ish and a Consular to level 6ish, so I didn't get to experience much of the game.
Going in I thought I would like Bounty Hunter, but I enjoyed the playstyle of the Consular much better.
My question though, is as someone who spent a LOT of time in WoW (from release in 2004 to 2008 and on and off since then) and is largely burned out on that model, do you think this game will be fun/rewarding? I love the Star Wars universe and was/am hyped as shit for this game, but I can't help but think I've grown out of MMOs (especially since SC2 came out).
Will you play at release? What class? Do you consider it a "WoW-killer?"
Assuming I can get into the beta to try it out, I have 2 other friends that will be playing Jedi Guardian and DPS Smuggler so I may go Healing/Buff based Consular (Sage) as long as it can hang on its own when they are not on and I can join groups easily but am not forced to do so unless I become a Shadow.
Hmm , so i got a beta key through IGN prime (i also got one for last weekend but i didnt read my email until sunday i was so pissed!~) i hope the IGN one is for this weekend i really want to try it out!
On November 19 2011 04:36 Executor1 wrote: Hmm , so i got a beta key through IGN prime (i also got one for last weekend but i didnt read my email until sunday i was so pissed!~) i hope the IGN one is for this weekend i really want to try it out!
LOL I am the same way. I got in last weekend but skyrim came out so I only played for an hour (and really liked it to :D)
Now I can say anything I want to about the game...
So, I played Sith Inquisitor to 9, Consular to 12, and Agent to 8.
What do you want to know? Seriously, I don't know where to start here.
I got into the beta for last weekend, but with the Skyrim release I only played for a couple of hours. I got a Bounty Hunter to level 4ish and a Consular to level 6ish, so I didn't get to experience much of the game.
Going in I thought I would like Bounty Hunter, but I enjoyed the playstyle of the Consular much better.
My question though, is as someone who spent a LOT of time in WoW (from release in 2004 to 2008 and on and off since then) and is largely burned out on that model, do you think this game will be fun/rewarding? I love the Star Wars universe and was/am hyped as shit for this game, but I can't help but think I've grown out of MMOs (especially since SC2 came out).
Will you play at release? What class? Do you consider it a "WoW-killer?"
I spent a bit more time in WoW than you did (release to 6 months ago with the majority of 2010 off) and I can say it's not a WoW-killer. There's nowhere near enough innovation in the right areas. To kill WoW, you'll need to basically do everything WoW does, but better, so people coming looking for a new experience get one without feeling the discomfort of learning a whole new system.
That said, it's definitely going to find an audience and be successful in the market, how much that means with the declining of the big MMO market and the launch of thousands of watered-down F2P spinoffs remains to be seen.
If I play on release (99% chance I don't), I'd play a consular/inquisitor. I like the way the class works, as it's kind of the spellcaster style with the healing (or tanking) subtheme.
On November 19 2011 04:34 DrSeRRoD wrote: Assuming I can get into the beta to try it out, I have 2 other friends that will be playing Jedi Guardian and DPS Smuggler so I may go Healing/Buff based Consular (Sage) as long as it can hang on its own when they are not on and I can join groups easily but am not forced to do so unless I become a Shadow.
Sage is fine soloing (the consular gets a tanking companion during the opening story arc), Shadow is more of a tank/dps. Everyone is looking for healers for low level flashpoints (dungeons), so if you roll sage you'll get groups easily. I ran the first flashpoint multiple times on my sage.
On November 19 2011 05:08 deth2munkies wrote: Sage is fine soloing (the consular gets a tanking companion during the opening story arc), Shadow is more of a tank/dps. Everyone is looking for healers for low level flashpoints (dungeons), so if you roll sage you'll get groups easily. I ran the first flashpoint multiple times on my sage.
Great to know, thanks! I'm considering this until Diablo 3 comes out but I'd hate to jump into an MMO and then drop out of it a few months later. Dang MMOs...
Everybody go to www.swtor.com/tester !!!! The invites have been sent and you can now confirm your testing status and download the game. Downloading right now, and can't wait till I'll be able to play.
I'm up to level 38 as a Sith Warrior (love the storyline.) But, holy shit there is not a god damned drop of World PVP. I mean, you get a glimmer of it on Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes, but then it actually disappears. There is a small amount on Alderaan, but on Quesh and Taris it's non-existent. Also, this can really be played solo. I really miss the tension of potentially being attacked. I can count on my two hands how many encounters I've had, and mostly I had to go and look for them. Unfortunately, in some cases it's not even possible because the planets zones are completely segregated.
On November 21 2011 17:10 Gryffindor_us wrote: I'm up to level 38 as a Sith Warrior (love the storyline.) But, holy shit there is not a god damned drop of World PVP. I mean, you get a glimmer of it on Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes, but then it actually disappears. There is a small amount on Alderaan, but on Quesh and Taris it's non-existent. Also, this can really be played solo. I really miss the tension of potentially being attacked. I can count on my two hands how many encounters I've had, and mostly I had to go and look for them. Unfortunately, in some cases it's not even possible because the planets zones are completely segregated.
Have you considered that it might simply be because of low server populations due to this being beta? I'm sure once the game's released, there will be plenty of world PvP just because there will be so many more people who want it.
A video from my guild in the beta of endgame (level 50) Directive 7 Instance. Looks pretty good, I was worried about fight dynamics but they've made Mentor fun at least. Certainly worth a watch!!
I got my Sith Assassin to 15 a few betas ago and I have to admit the game is awesome. I really wanted to dislike it because it's essentially a WoW clone, but it's just too good. Really it's better than WoW in every way and most notably in the leveling experience. The story and quest writing are way better than most single player rpgs can even manage and they basically injected that into the WoW questing formula. You also have to imagine that each class has it's own entirely unique story line which is seriously mind boggling, especially when it's of such high quality. The companion system is also really awesome.
On November 21 2011 17:10 Gryffindor_us wrote: I'm up to level 38 as a Sith Warrior (love the storyline.) But, holy shit there is not a god damned drop of World PVP. I mean, you get a glimmer of it on Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes, but then it actually disappears. There is a small amount on Alderaan, but on Quesh and Taris it's non-existent. Also, this can really be played solo. I really miss the tension of potentially being attacked. I can count on my two hands how many encounters I've had, and mostly I had to go and look for them. Unfortunately, in some cases it's not even possible because the planets zones are completely segregated.
Have you considered that it might simply be because of low server populations due to this being beta? I'm sure once the game's released, there will be plenty of world PvP just because there will be so many more people who want it.
I'm asserting that there is a problem with the system, and population won't mediate that. The first place you see the other side is level 20ish on Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine is the first place to actually fight them. So : Korriban (separate) > Dromund Kaas (separate) > Balmorra (separate) > Nar Shaddaa > Tatooine > Alderaan > Taris (separate) > Quesh (separate). Now, I'm 12 levels from max and I have had 2 opportunities to have world pvp that comprised approximately 6 to 8 levels out of 38. That's being generous, because the PVP lake on Tatooine is at the very end of the questline for the planet and it's not very many quests. There is no such encouragement on Alderaan. Nar Shaddaa seemed like a tease, we could see each other, but it was a sanctuary. From my observation max level players tend to congregate on their respective fleets, which are not vulnerable to attack by opposing factions. Add the fact that the capitals can't be attacked and it looks dicey.
So, if you played WoW imagine it like this. I'll use the northern area of the Eastern Kingdoms. So, Alderaan would be like if the Empire had Tirisfal Glades, Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands and Quel'Thelas. The Republic would hold Hillsbrad Foothills, Alterac Mountains, Silverpine Forest, and the Hinterlands. Now, imagine the opposing faction had no quests in your zones. And in a lot of cases, imagine you can't even attack each other even if you wanted to regardless of quests encouraging it.
Anyway, I really enjoy the story, the Sith Warrior story has been amazing. There are a lot of great things about this game and I'll be playing it. I'm just warning anyone that if you expect a robust world pvp environment then you need to temper your expectations. I think someone in general chat for Taris nailed it: "I see no advantage to playing on a pvp server if you want to pvp."
Finally, once I've played through Hoth, Corellia and Voss I'll come back and update it. Still, even if they aren't as bad it will still be a small portion of the game that has serviceable world pvp.
On November 21 2011 17:10 Gryffindor_us wrote: I'm up to level 38 as a Sith Warrior (love the storyline.) But, holy shit there is not a god damned drop of World PVP. I mean, you get a glimmer of it on Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes, but then it actually disappears. There is a small amount on Alderaan, but on Quesh and Taris it's non-existent. Also, this can really be played solo. I really miss the tension of potentially being attacked. I can count on my two hands how many encounters I've had, and mostly I had to go and look for them. Unfortunately, in some cases it's not even possible because the planets zones are completely segregated.
As far as I know there is an entire planet dedicated to PvP, but I did not play a whole lot when I was in one of the weekend beta tests.
On November 21 2011 16:42 PHILtheTANK wrote: Everybody go to www.swtor.com/tester !!!! The invites have been sent and you can now confirm your testing status and download the game. Downloading right now, and can't wait till I'll be able to play.
On November 21 2011 17:10 Gryffindor_us wrote: I'm up to level 38 as a Sith Warrior (love the storyline.) But, holy shit there is not a god damned drop of World PVP. I mean, you get a glimmer of it on Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes, but then it actually disappears. There is a small amount on Alderaan, but on Quesh and Taris it's non-existent. Also, this can really be played solo. I really miss the tension of potentially being attacked. I can count on my two hands how many encounters I've had, and mostly I had to go and look for them. Unfortunately, in some cases it's not even possible because the planets zones are completely segregated.
As far as I know there is an entire planet dedicated to PvP, but I did not play a whole lot when I was in one of the weekend beta tests.
That's Ilum, but that's level 50. I guess I should clarify. There isn't a whole lot of leveling world pvp. Maybe Ilum will be magically wonderful, but I haven't heard many good things about it. I'll try and update when I get there.